Authors Note

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I only have a day left of school before I'm out for the summer!! So, I'm not sure I'll be able to update as much as I'd like to over the summer because my parents want me to get a job because I'll be 18 in August.

I put in in applications for a Day Camp which is basically a day care for little kids who's parents have to work during with week. It's for four weeks and it's basically like their going to school.

BUT, I'm gonna have a Q & A in a day or two. You guys can ask questions that you want to know about me, or you can ask questions about Aspen. I'll try to answer as many of them as I can to the best of my ability.

ALSO, if you have anything you want to happen with Aspen and the Davenports then feel free to comment or private message me them and I'll try to add it into as many chapters as I can.


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