Off Limits

By Thesweetvillainess

532K 14.2K 736

"Get away from me."I took her soft hands from my chest and pinned them on the wall.I closed the gap between u... More

1.The consequences of drinking
A word from the author
2.A moonlight stroll
3.The date
4.The park
5.Coming clean
6.Trey Williams?
7.Damon Stark
8.You will be mine
9.His new office
10.Watching her
12.Resisting him
14.Dinner and a movie
15.Unwanted attention
16.The bodyguard
17.Dreaming about him
18.A flight and a stormy night
20.The beach
22.Back in town
23.Jonathan Stark
25.The yatch
26.I love you
27.Private Number
28.Secret admirer from hell
29.No longer a secret
30.Let's talk about this like businessmen
31.The Stalker's Identity
32.Crazy person
33.Candles,rose petals and a ring
Bonus Chapter 1
Jayden's Book is Out

24.Save me beautiful

10.9K 342 3
By Thesweetvillainess


The following day was spent showing my unappreciative father around the office .He judged every decision I had made since I had taken over. There is just no pleasing that old man.

He failed to notice that profits made in the country had gone up for each company in the group of companies since I had taken over a year and a half before.

"You are not a complete disappointment son." Dad said as we were finishing up in the office .That was his version of a complement I could only dream of the day he would say 'good job son' or something encouraging .But I was not going to waste the rest of my life trying to earn my father's approval.

I believe that deep deep deep inside his ice cold heart he feels something for me.

The torture was almost over .All I had to do was take my parents for dinner at their favourite restaurant. Well,one of the only restaurants dad had never complained about.

The waiter brought a tall bottle of twenty six year old Cabernet Sauvignon and poured the red wine into by glass.

"Leave the bottle... you know what get a second one. "There was no way I was going to survive the dinner sober.

"Damon, how is that friend of yours...ummh Marcus? "Mom asked. At least she tried to be a good parent. Even though she barely acted like a mother when I was younger she would attempt to show that she cares about me.

"Mark is fine mom. "

"Have you heard from your brother recently?He has been ignoring my calls and texts."She asked.I wonder why he would do such a thing. I thought sarcastically.

"No not really. He must be busy with work. "

"Your brother knows what is expected of him still he chooses not to do it. "Father joined the conversation taking a large gulp of his Scotch.

I felt sorry for Jay,my parents had been pushing him to settle down and have children when he had always insisted that he had not found the woman for him.

"It is time for him to do what is right and marry .He is nearly thirty one. "I was surprised father knew how old Jay was. He never paid attention to us. I was actually taught how to shave facial hair by one of the butlers in our home at the age of fifteen.

"Speaking of marriage when will you stop this distasteful behaviour of yours and go out with a wonderful girl? "Father asked referring to the habit I had of jumping from girl to girl .Extreme disapproval flashed in his cold eyes.Little did they know, I had already found the one for me.

I remained quiet and father continued, "just know that a time will come when you will be in your brother's position. "

Things were silent till I got a call .It was Andrea .I picked up.

"Hello."My bad mood had already changed to a good one.

"Hi. I hope I am not calling at a bad time. "Her sweet voice gave me life that this dinner had drained away at the beginning of the night.

"No you are not. Just give me a second. "I gave an excuse of having some business to attend to then went outside the hotel.

"Save me beautiful."I pleaded over the phone.

"What is this that you need saving from? "

"My parents."She chuckled at my predicament."I am dinner with them and I swear I'll commit suicide with steak knife."

"Funny. I hope you are not serious."

"Of course not. I know you can't live without me."

"Don't be so sure Stark...although I am completely against lying,I suppose you could make up an excuse my brothers have done it many times to get out of family dinners with my parents. "Who knew Andrea could be so sly?

"Why hadn't I thought of that?You're sly one I see .Why were you calling anyway? "

"I am bored .I wanted you to come keep me company."

"Is my sweet innocent angel making a booty call?"

"I don't know what a 'booty call' is or why you accuse me of making one. "So innocent.

We talked for a while more before I restaurant where my impatient parents were waiting.

"I have to go there has been a personal emergency."Had I said it was a work related issue father would have insisted on coming.

"We will leave you to your late night hook up."Father said .I brushed of his comment,paid the cheque and left for my lady's apartment.

We watched TV there and talked till the wee hours of the night .Finally a woman who didn't just have air in her head .I had trouble catching up with her on some topics like the famous book 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

Most women I had met in my twenties never liked to read .An intelligent woman is hard to find these days.


My eyes fluttered open as I tried to get out of Damon's iron grip around my waist .He was peacefully sleeping on the couch with me on top of him.

I reached for my phone on the coffee table and checked the time. 9:43.

If I didn't wake Damon he was going to be late for work .I gently shook him."Damon,honey wake up."He smirked."I know you are awake .Let get of me."His grip only tightened.

Stubborn man.

He shook his head and puckered his lips. I planted my lips on his and was soon consumed by a passionate kiss.

We pulled apart after a while remembering that time was not on our side .If it were up to me we would stay there forever.

I took a shower first while Damon waited for his driver to bring him some clothes from his apartment .By the time I had dressed and showered his stuff had been brought.

I was doing my hair when he appeared from the bedroom dressed as handsomely as usual .I tied my dark brown hair up in a tight pony tail with a cute black hairband

He made a quick breakfast and it was more tasty than I had expected.

"Ready to go?" I asked as he was on his phone .Probably something to do with work .I was standing at the door putting on my shoes.

"Just one more thing." He walked over to me and pulled out my hairband letting my hair flow down my shoulders."now we can go."

I did not have time to argue with him.


Hi .First update in almost a month.


Will update soon,probably tomorrow .Till next time.


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