Sisters Forever

By happymixer4life

7.5K 303 12


Sisters Forever
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

530 26 0
By happymixer4life

Leigh-Anne's POV

I walk up to the large school and push through the front door. My head is bowed in hopes that i won't have to have human interaction. The only reason I came today is that maybe if I focus on studying for a little it will be a small escape. Contrary to popular, I actually enjoyed school, learning, reading, you know the sorts, but most people just see me as the girl who likes to make trouble. I don't know why I do it, maybe for the attention that i never got from my mum, maybe because I'm fustrated that my real parents gave me up, all I know is that whenever I do it, It feels like I want someone to care. Sometime I just feel like I'm alone in the world and that nobody understands. My sisters are great but they are too caught up in thier own lives to care about me that much, that is except for Perrie. I know they all love me but two years aho when Perrie started talking and  interacting to us I learned that she is a great listener. Sometimes if i have a problem i'll got to perrie and just talk. We sit somewhere quiet and sometime I'll start crying but Perrie always just hugs me and tells me everything will be alright. I don't like to do this often because i know that Perrie has lots of problems of her own, and she is a couple of years younger than me, but if I really need to I know she is there. One Day I hope Perrie can start opening up to me as well so I can return the favor. 


The bell goes off signaling the beginning of first period and i rush off to class so that i won't get a tardy. I slip into my spanish class and take a seat in one of the desks towards the side but in the middle row. The teacher comes in and starts writing something on the big blackboard at the front of the room.

Dia de los Muertos - Day of the dead.

Of course. I shouldn't have come to school today, this was a bad idea. Why did I even want to come in the first place? I mean, no one in thier right mind comes to school the day after thier mum dies.

"Today we will have a day to celebrate our dead loved ones instead of doing textbox work." The teacher starts.

Before she finishes I get up and exit the room. I ignore all calls of my name and get out of the school. Once I get to the sidewalk I break into a run. I run straight through the front door of my house and stop in the living room when I see my sisters. It's then that I relize how bad i must look. I feel the tears on my face and my hair's a mess. Jesy looks at me and without a sound comes and gives me a hug while i sob into her shoulder.

"I couldn't do it jes, I was too weak." I managed to get out inbetween sobs. 

She holds my shoulders back and stares at me right in the eye. 

"You are not weak. you are the strongest person i know and we will get through this. You just need some time to get out of the shock you are feeling. You mum died not even 24 hours ago and you are crying. That doesn't make you weak Leigh, It makes you human." she says as some of her own tears fall down her face. 

I hug Jesy again, but now I have a feeling everything will turn out fine. Then a little voice inside my head starts whispering to me 'Everything must get worse before it can get better.' I just hug Jesy tighter. 

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