Elements: Rise of The Destruc...

By Mklng13

530 30 12

High school. Pretty normal. Homework, classes, some class smarty pants, class clowns and even a skateboarding... More

Author's Note
Same Old, Same Old (Chapter 1)
Plot Twist (Chapter 2)
...Sensei? (Chapter 3)
Targets Identified (Chapter 4)
Magic 101 (Chapter 5)
Coach that burns! (Chapter 6)
Scars Don't Heal (Chapter 7)
Bandages can't stop the pain (Chapter 8)
Behind that smile (Chapter 9)
Love and Care the Orphanage (Chapter 10)
Separated at 4 (Chapter 11)
Orphan and adopted (Chapter 12)
Twins of Fire and Water (Chapter 13)
Super Strength (Chapter 14)
Just a replacement to you?(Chapter 15)
A Hole In My Life (Chapter 16)
Forced Passions (Chapter 17)
Family Scars (Chapter 18)
Teddy Bear (Chapter 19)
Mom? Dad? (Chapter 20)
Ice and Lightning (Chapter 22)
Not The Orphanage (Chapter 23)
First Battle (Chapter 24)
Staff of Misery (Chapter 25)
Orb of Portals (Chapter 26)
Relic of Reverse (Chapter 27)
As If I Haven't Already Raised Enough Kids (Chapter 28)
Something's Missing, but what? (Chapter 29)
Remember The Good 'Ol Days? (Chapter 30)
What's The Plan? (Chapter 31)
Meeting of Elements and Masters (Chapter 32)
Plans of Both Sides (Chapter 33)
Amy VS Captains and Generals (Chapter 34)
We Trust, You Lie (Chapter 35)
Sibling VS Sibling (Chapter 36)

Skates and Boards (Chapter 21)

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By Mklng13

"Ben and Brenton please head to the starting area," the announcer's voice rings over the area.

"Good luck you two!" Belle smiles and pushes the both of them forwards. Both boys stumble, almost falling.

"Jeez! I don't want to get hurt right now!" Brenton grumbles.

"You're a really big hothead ya know," Ben laughs.

"Sure, but it makes me win," Brenton replies.

"Oh? Let's see who'll get the win today."

"Sure, you know you gonna lose."

"Really? Last time I checked, I've won more competitions than you."

"Like that says anything."

"It says a lot dude."

"You got nothing on me."

"Ben and Brenton, please keep your competitive talk after the match," the announcer says, causing the audience to laugh. Chucking nervously, they both make their way to the start.

"That was embarrassing," Brenton scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. He gets into his position to take off.

"I want to compete against you when you're at your fullest, don't be a wimp, stuff like that happens," Ben waves his hand dismissively.

"Let's see you say that after I beat you," Brenton rolls his eyes and smiles, starting to focus on the ramps and turns in front of him.

"Haha, you've gotten funnier," Ben grins, also starting to focus around him, eyeing the area ahead of him.

"Go!" The announcer says after explaining rules and point process.

Ben and Brenton take off, quickly reaching the first obstacle, a pole. Ben takes it on first, sliding across it with ease with Brenton right behind him.

The next obstacle was a gap between the ramps. Ben jumps up, the skateboard spinning underneath him as he flips in the air. A series of 'oooo's' go around. Brenton jumps into the air, spinning himself in the air while his skateboard spins. They both land, Ben making a clean landing while Brenton stumbles a bit. That just cost me some points...Brenton thinks.

He hears cheering, followed by a cheerleader move by Ava and Alex. Amy shouting some pointers at him while Ku smiles and takes pictures, and both Owen and Urana holding up posters. Brenton feels himself getting pumped and a bit flustered.

He takes another push off of his foot to gain speed. Ben looks and accepts the challenge. He pushes himself forward, he reaches the ramps and starts to do flips and jumps. Brenton follows, twisting and turning and spinning.

After going through all the ramps, the two boys reach the final stage. The big jump that leads to a curved ramp which then leads to the top of the ramps, the finish line.

Ben and Brenton skate head to head. Ben jumps, doing a backflip then waving at the crowd. He lands gracefully, flying ahead. Brenton jumps, twisting and spinning with a pose that involved him looking like a superhero flying. He lands, using his hand to balance himself before catching up to Ben.

In the final stretch, Ben pushes off his foot one more time, gaining enough speed to pull ahead as he goes up the ramp and with a flip, lands gracefully on the top with his skateboard being held underneath his arm. Brenton follows, twisting backwards before catching his skateboard and landing with a spin.

"Amazing job you two! Just a moment until the results are in," the announcer says, the voice booming over the crowd. Yet no one could hear the announcer due to all the yelling and cheering. Ben and Brenton high-five each other.

"You got pretty close in the end," Ben notices.

"Yeah, I just lost in stamina," Brenton agrees.

"The results are in!" As soon as the announcer said that, the entire crowd went silent.

"Ben Fern wins by two point! Congratulation Ben! Good run Brenton!" The announcer congratulates.

"You were saying?" Ben grins, raising his eyebrow.

"Good game you competitive weirdo," Brenton rolls his eyes with a smile. The red-head finds himself being hugged and looks behind him to see all his friends giving him a hug. He lets out a smile before saying, "Thanks for the support you guys."

"That smile must be protected," Urana blurts.

"You should smile like that more often," Ava adds.

"It suits your face," Alex says.

"I agree with all of them," Owen agrees.

"And I have a picture!" Ku grins brightly.

"Anytime though dude," Owen pats his back.

"You pulled off stunts that looked really awesome!" Ava jumps.

"And you looked so cool while doing it!" Alex adds.

"It was an awesome performance," Urana punches Brenton's arm playfully.

"Those were some good moves, we've gotta skate together sometime," Amy smiles. "I've got some pointers if you're willing to listen."

"Brenton that was amazing! I was stunned by your amazing performance! It was truly spectacular!" Ku gushes, looking as proud as a parent would be.

"He said: that's my grandson! every time you even moved. He's insane," Amy shakes her head with a grin.

"What? I am very proud of Brenton!" Ku replies, giving Brenton a tight hug.

"I'm glad you guys liked it," Brenton says, shifting his skateboard to the ground and stepping on it. "I've gotta go put these things away, then I'll introduce you to Ben and Belle," Brenton adds, then takes off.


After placing his things in his bag, Brenton walks outside, running a hand through his hair. Which he just retouched with gel to keep the spikes.

He spots his group of friends and runs over. "Stay here, I'm gonna bring Ben and Belle over," Brenton announces then takes off again.

He finds the two sophomores, and runs up to them. "Time for you guys to meet my friends," Brenton says.

"You sure took your sweet time," Belle comments. "And what's up with the bandage on your cheek?"

"Honestly. Can't we not talk about this?" Brenton rolls his eyes.

"She's just teasing you. You do take a while to make sure you have spikes," Ben brings up.

"Whatever, just c'mon," Brenton turns on his heel and walks towards the bigger group. Once they all reach them, Brenton clears his throat to get their attention.

"This is Ben the competitive weirdo, and this Belle, the coordinated perfectionist," Brenton points to them. "This is Sensei-or what I like to call him is Gramps-and this is Coach-or the crazy sports monster," Brenton points to the two of them.

"I'm not crazy," Amy sighs.

"I am not that old either," Ku chuckles.

"That's Alex and Ava, Clown and Jokester. Owen and Urana, the never ending fighters and brainiacs," Brenton points to them.

"Well, I appreciate that comment so much," Belle rolls her eyes with a smile.

"He's not wrong when coming up with nicknames," Ben shrugs with a grin.

"Nice to meet you," they both say at the same time. They nod in Amy and Ku's direction as they nod back, exchanging words through a simple move.

"Are you two a couple?" Ava asks, pointing to Ben and Belle. Looks of shock came across both of their faces as a light pink lands on both of their cheeks.

"Wh-where did you get an idea like that?" Ben stammers.

"Rumors, the internet, ya know the usual," Ava waves her hand dismissively.

"We were gonna ask if Owen and Urana were dating to be completely honest," Belle changes the subject.

"Those two?" Brenton, Ava and Alex raise an eyebrow, with Owen and Urana chucking, looking amazed that someone would even say that.

"I'm a sorta religious Muslim guys, dating isn't exactly a thing in Islam," Owen points out.

"They could never," Ava states.

"It's just not a thing that's possible," Alex adds.

"One thing about this friend group is that we all have no love life so you can't even make jokes about it," Brenton points out. That makes Amy and Ku laugh.

"Wow how boring," Belle pretends to yawn. "Just kidding, I'm sure you guys have something else that makes up for the lack of romance in your lives," she adds.

"Says the person who constantly makes Brenton try and get a date," Ben rolls his eyes playfully.

"I'm just trying to help the poor dude!" Belle protests.

"I'm not a poor dude! I don't need to go on dates," Brenton sighs at Belle.

"Wow...once you've seen Owen and Urana fight, you've seen everything," Alex says with the most straight face ever.

Ava bursts out laughing. "That is so true!" She agrees.

"How rude," Urana rolls her eyes.

"Whatever, I couldn't care less," Owen shrugs.

"You're so closed off, lighten up," Brenton nudges him playfully.

"Owen and Urana argue like a couple while Ben and Belle are all caring like a couple. So mistaking them for a couple isn't that off," Brenton shrugs, receiving annoyed looks from he four of them.

"Ah! I've gotta go, it was nice metting you guys! Take care of Brenton," Belle waves then runs off.

"Where's she going?" Brenton asks.

"She's got to go to ice skating," Ben answers, making sure he has all his stuff.

"Speaking of which, I've gotta go, catch ya around later. Watch over Brenton for me!" He waves then runs off.

"Don't worry! He's in good hands!" Urana waves back slightly.

"Isn't that nice? You've got some good friends Brenton," Owen comments.


Brenton plays around with the silver medal in his hand, he turns it around continually, with no point. He smiles as he remembers the crazy posters and cheers his friends did. Then laughs as he remembers Ben and Belle thinking Owen and Urana were a couple and Ava thinking Ben and Belle were a couple. Man all my friends got no love life, Brenton laughs.

The fight comes back to his mind, but he shakes his head. It always happens, why be so caught up over it?

"Sorry we couldn't come Brenton," Carol apologizes, as she looks up from the bowl of mashed potatoes as Tyler continues to feed to younger kids.

"But you still did incredible so congrats, you've literally come so close to beating Ben," Tyler congratulates him.

"It's fine, don't worry about it, and thanks!" Brenton lifts the spoon next to Zack's mouth but he wouldn't open up.

"C'mon Zack you've got to eat this," Brenton starts to make airplane noises. He brings the spoon closer to his mouth but the two year old looks at Brenton with a that-won't-work-on-me look.

"Oh c'mon!" Brenton groans as his care takers laugh at him. Zack claps his hands together, a bright smile on his face.

"Please...just eat it," Brenton whines, putting the spoon in front of him. Zack grabs the spoon, then lifts it towards his mouth and eats it. The baby smiles and reaches over to pat Brenton's head. Brenton let's out a laugh and smiles, kissing Zack's hand. "Zack you are such baby," Brenton laughs.

"You gotta love him," Carol laughs along.

"Baby Zack wants to be independent already huh?" Tyler makes baby faces at the red-head. In turn the baby laughs back.

"Zack is wonderful," Sara grins, eating some more of the mashed potatoes.

"Ack wonderful!" Tim and Tina say, not able to say a Z yet. That sends Brenton and Tyler laughing their heads off while Carol rolls her eyes with a smile.

"I don't know who's more immature, you two or the kids," Carol chuckles.


"Sensei, what do we feel of we're around other mages?" Brenton asks as they do their stretches.

Ku looks up from his coffee and takes a sip of it. "Well, you can feel just how powerful that mage is or if they have the 'compression spell' casted on them then you would not really feel anything. Once it starts to wear down though, you can start to feel some sort of magic although it is not enough to know anything about the mages' magic," Ku answers, taking another sip of coffee.

"What other kinds of magic are there?" Urana asks.

"What's the difference between ours and theirs' magic?" Owen adds.

Ku takes another sip of coffee as he pulls out a white board marker. A white board appears behind him and he turns around then starts to write.

"Ugh, I hate being lectured," Brenton groans.

"It will not be long. Do not worry," Ku looks over at him.

"There are three types of magic that are passed down through generations. One, your magic, Elemental Magic. Two, Masters Magic. The third is Z-Magic. You all know that your magic is based off the elements, and that you all do not have to use spells in order to use your magic. That makes you more powerful in just magic. Of course, you can be easily overpowered if you do not know how to use your magic.

Masters Magic is just a step down from your magic. This magic includes 'elements'-" Ku air-quotes 'elements'-"like ice and lighting. These mages still have to say spells in order to use their magic.

The third, Z-Magic is actually a mutated gene in the body of that mage. That mutated gene is what gives them that magic or power. This includes things like technokanises, turning into an animal and having their abilities or laser eyes. These mages use spells to alter their ability into something they can use. But their raw power is very strong," Ku draws the three types on the board.

"Laser eyes? I want some," Alex looks awed.

"Being able to control technology sounds cool," Ava adds.

"I think having lighting magic would be awesome," Brenton adds in his own opinion.

"So in terms of magic, we're stronger?" Urana asks to clarify.

"Yes that is correct," Ku replies.

"So why do we use spells now?" Owen questions.

"Spells are a handicap for you right now. Since you all have not grown up with magic you do not know how to use it without having to cast a spell. But later on this will be a problem but I will try to get you all out of the habit of using spells later," Ku explains.

"Now then, there are still other kinds of magic. Those three are the ones passed down," Amy shows up, leaning on the door with her arms crossed.

"Ah Amy, how did it go?" Ku asks.

"It went fine," Amy shakes her head and walks over to them.

"Explain you magic," Urana says.

"And maybe those cat-ears too?" Owen adds.

"So, there's something called 'natural magic' which is basically the magic that you use when you're younger. Everyone has a different one. You guys have elements because that's your magic. I had sports, and for mages who have a more not 'typical'-" Amy adds in air quotes with 'typical'-"magic, have a bit of a harder time figuring out what magic is their 'natural magic' is. Most mages go with that magic while others decide to do something else.

Now here comes the part with being different races. I'm a fairy, and I happened to have sports as magic. I choose to practice that and got better with that magic and sports in general. All fairies have a wand which transforms them into their 'full/true form'. I haven't felt the need to use it yet.

All different races have a different kind of strength and weakness. My weakness would be the wand or...never mind, for fairies it's their wand. Also, I don't think Sensei mentioned this but Z-Magic mages are a race known as Mutants. I'm known as a Fairy. Sensei is known as a Human Mage," Amy answers.

"Wow, so much education, I could've just gone back to school," Brenton grumbles.

"And do what? Stare blankly at the teacher?" Urana raises an eyebrow.

"It'll be more than what half the school does," Alex jokes making everyone else laugh as well.

Ku coughs, using it as a attention grabbing technique. Which works, making them all turn towards him and shutting their mouths. "Now, can we get to training? I would like for all of you to be able to use your magic effectively," Ku turns on his heel as the board disappears and he walks out.


"Alex, incoming behind you!" Urana warns over the microphone. She watches as Alex turns his head around and punches the creature behind him, making it disappear into pixels.

Ku decided that a trust exercise would be a good idea in order to improve their reaction skills and attention skills, along with some trust skills. He blindfolded the ones on the field and gave the ones at the control panel the entire field to look at. Alex was blindfolded while Urana gave him directions to the final destination. Owen was blindfolded while Ava gave him directions.

Since they were an odd number, Brenton teamed up with Amy. With him being blindfolded and Amy giving him directions.

Currently, Alex and Owen are doing well in trusting their partners. Although Ava didn't have to tell Owen much since his ability to connect with the Earth lets him know if there's someone near by. There are a lot of holes to this ability, given that his element is Earth and not a Master of Sound nor is his element Light which would've let him sense heat, but these creatures didn't give off any sort of heat.

Brenton, however, didn't bother to listen to Amy's instructions and ends up with lighting a lot of things on fire.

"Brenton will you just listen?" Amy sighs, amazed at how he has been able to survive this long with his tactic being 'put everything on fire'.

"I'm doing just fine," Brenton protests.

"Everything is on fire," Amy points out.

"But I'm immune to fire, if I set everything on fire then I can just walk through it without worrying," Brenton counters. Amy shakes her head. He walks through one of the flames as Amy squints, trying to see what was in the fire as Brenton smacks right into it.

"OW! Coach! You were supposed to tell me if I'm walking towards something!" Brenton rubs his nose in pain.

"How am I supposed to tell you if everything is on fire!" Amy argues, throwing her hands into the air.

"Argh that hurts!" Brenton cries out.

"Honestly, just listen-oh there's one behind you!" Amy warns as Brenton sets another tree on fire.

"Unbelievable," Amy shakes his head with a sigh then laughs.

"I love watching this," Ku says. All of them turn around, seeing him in a comfy arm chair with popcorn and coffee.

"Only Sensei," Ava laughs. Urana laughs in agreement, as does Amy.


"Sasha! That is incredibly dangerous!" Urana scolds as she sees the video of Sasha pulling off a jump trick.

"What? It was SO much fun though!" Sasha grins, looking proud of herself.

"But extremely dangerous," Owen reminds her.

"It's cool but like, you could've broke a bone!" Brenton shakes his head as his big brother side kicks in.

"But it was cool," Alex points out.

"Good job though!" Ava adds cheerfully.

"Thanks! See, Alex and Ava aren't wasting their time with telling me to stop," Sasha crosses her arms with a smug look on her face.

"Wipe that smug look off your face right now young lady! You didn't listen to us when we told you to be careful," Brenton jokingly wads a finger at Sasha.

"And he calls Sensei a Grandpa," Alex and Ava say simultaneously with laughter.

"Right? He's a grandpa himself," Urana agrees.

"A very very very grandpa like person," Owen nods his head in agreement.

"I can't believe you guys," Brenton sighs and rolls his eyes.

"But we can," his friends all say in laughter.

Brenton rolls his eyes again and goes on his phone, smiling at the group chat between him, Ben and Belle. He texts back, laughing a bit and shaking his head at some others.

"Oh we've been replaced," Alex announces.

"By none other than the two B's with talent," Ava adds, matching the same tone as Alex.

"Tch, I love you guys but sometimes you all are annoying," Brenton sighs, then pats Alex and Ava's shoulder.

"Wow, you're cruel Brenton," Sasha shakes her head.

"Not as much as you," Brenton rolls his eyes.

"If you're done insulting each other," Urana starts.

"Woah there sis, you and Owen insult each other a lot more than I do to you all," Brenton interrupts.

"We debate Brenton, not argue, there's a huge difference," Owen points out.

"If your definition of debate is the same as yelling and screaming at each other then yeah, maybe," Sasha shrugs.

"It's impossible to have a no insult conversation," Alex sighs.

"You guys get along but now I second guess that," Ava shakes her head.

"Pfft, facts. I wonder half the time too," Sasha crosses her arms and rolls her eyes.

"You guys doubt my brotherly love for you all?" Brenton pouts.

"No, it's just the way you go about it is wrong," Urana shrugs with a grin.


Sasha waves as she leaves the group and heads her own way. The other five get on their usual route to go to Sensei's.

"Let's get ice cream!" Alex suggests.

"We've got to train Alex, it's not the best idea to eat something so high in sugar before that," Owen points out, taking his hood off.

"But Sensei said he won't be there till later so we have enough time to digest it before we go there!" Ava counters.

"Still, it'll be bad for your overall diet. You could just end up having a sugar rush and crashing when we get to training. You two know how much sugar you eat," Urana brings up.

"Oh stop being so uptight, just once isn't going to hurt anyone," Brenton waves his hand dismissively.

Owen and Urana look at each other, it was as if they were talking but in eye language.

"Oh just push them," Brenton sighs and pushes his sister as Alex and Ava push Owen.

Through pushing and walking, the teens finally made it to the local ice cream stand. 'Lyra's Ice Cream' is the hot spot for anyone during the summer days. Given the history of the town, the oldest ice cream stand should also be named after a constellation.

After getting their ice creams, the teens sit on the tables set up behind the stand. It was crowded, but that was the usual for this place.

"Ava do you have a job? 'Cause well your mom is all, ya know," Brenton avoids saying 'alcoholic', not wanting to offend Ava.

"Do you have a job?" Ava questions, licking her strawberry ice cream.

"No," Brenton replies, taking a small bite of the pecans out of his butter pecan ice cream.

"Sure my mom is addicted to alcohol but I don't work. She has a job, sure it isn't the best job around but she's sober when she goes for work. My mom is just really depressed. And, I don't know who this person is, but my mom gets money in her bank account every month that's more than enough for us to get by. Mom says it's dad sending money from work but who knows?" Ava shrugs, taking another lick of the ice cream.

"Brenton that's a sensitive topic," Urana shoots him a glare.

"I was just wondering...sorry if I offended you," Brenton apologizes.

"It's fine, don't worry about it," Ava gives him a soft smile.

"Anything else you all wanna blurt out?" Owen asks, taking a small bite out of his mango flavored ice cream.

"Hmm...I've got nothing," Alex looks around at his friends, taking a lick from the cotton candy flavored ice cream. Ava nods, agreeing with Alex.

"Nothing here," Brenton shrugs, taking a bite out of his ice cream.

"Same but why ask?" Urana looks over at Owen. He keeps his ice cream to his mouth as he signals with his head towards the corner of a building. They all look over for a quick second then turn back.

"Is that..?" Alex looks at Owen, looking worried. Owen nods silently, his face showing no emotion.

"We're in a crowded area, they can't do anything," Urana points out.

"We should leave though," Brenton says.

"Give it a few minutes, we just looked in their direction," Ava reminds him.

Owen pays attention to his ice cream. He didn't want to believe that his dad was over at that corner when he should be in jail. Even more than that, he didn't want to believe that Alex's dad is there either. He didn't like the fact that both their parents managed to escape.

As they all make their way away from the ice cream stand, Owen finds himself going towards the middle of the group. Much to his relief, Alex seems to be doing the same.

"I think we lost them," Urana whispers.

"I don't sense anything...whatever I'm supposed to sense," Brenton looks around.

"I'll text Sensei and Coach," Ava offers.

"And I'll call them," Alex adds.

The moment they pulled out their phones, Urana sees a black wave coming right towards them. She puts her hands up and closes her eyes.

The sound of magic scrapping at a shield makes her open her eyes. She sees that two people were standing in front of her and her friends.

Everyone looks surprised. An ice and lighting shield blocks the black waves from reaching the teens. The most surprised face is Brenton's.

"Belle? Ben?" Brenton questions.

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