
Oleh libra_babe101

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She was lonely She wanted someone to calm the storm inside. She had waited for him for over 300 years. And... Lebih Banyak

40- Epilogue
Covers 2
New Book and Social Media


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Oleh libra_babe101

I have been awake from 3 in the morning. I couldn't sleep anymore. I could feel Alexei's anguish through our bond.

I leaned against the window, staring out at the full moon. Yakima was still fast asleep, mumbling once in a while.

I used this time to meditate, needing to centre myself and be calm for what was going to happen tomorrow.

I didn't know how long I was out, the door bursting open bringing me back. Kima jumped up, looking confused as the two wolves from before barged in, throwing some clothes and boots on the bed and telling us to get ready.

I got up from my place at the window. The moon was still high in the sky. Walking to the bed, I inspected the clothes. One was black, one white, and made from a stretchy, leather-like material. Picking it up, I realized it was the special material that wolves wore into battle to protect themselves from easily been penetrated by silver knives or bullets.

"They are leaving for the council this early. Why?" Kima hopped off the bed, stretching.

"I don't know. They must have something planned. We need to get ready" I grabbed the white suit and boots, heading to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, and got dressed. Exiting, Yakima rushed in, exiting a few minutes later, dressed.

"Fix my hair"

I rolled my eyes. This woman was clueless when it came onto hair.

I teased her about it, trying to keep our minds off what was about to happen.

I brushed out her long hair, pulling it into a high ponytail, doing the same to mine.

Yakima frowned, going serious.

"What should we do when they inject us with that poison?"

"Pretend like we are affected. Andriano needs to think he controls us. We need to get his complete plan before we strike. I think he has something big planned"

"Your right. I had this weird dream last night. I think it was a dream at least"

"What did you see?"

"Hordes of wolves getting injected with something. I don't know what it is,but it made them more powerful. They thought as one. Moved as one. Spoke as one. It was freaky" she shivered, worried.

I was lost in thought. The Velmanious was a plant I knew that could do that to wolves, but only a powerful witch could make it.  I shared this info with Kima.

"I know a witch whose powerful enough to do this. The sick bastard" Yakima hissed, her coloured eyes flaring.

"Who is this man?"

"Richard Liasiin. He's powerful and an expert in dark magic. He tried to have me killed a few centuries back, I tried to kill him, but that incubi rescued him"

"It seems Andriano has an entire council ready to rule under him if he kills everyone"

"So we have to figure out who the rest on his servants are" Kima, frowned, thinking hard.

"We already know that Romario is for the incubi. Richard for the witch. Darius for the wolves. That leaves all the others. How are we going to know who they are?"

Kima jumped up, snapping her fingers.

"The gargoyles. I know their leader. Yesterday when we were being taken back to this room, just before the door closed, I heard that stinking incubi ask the ugly wolf if the " annoying gargoyle" has everything in place on his end "

I sat, frozen, disbelief running through me.

It couldn't be him. He wouldn't!

Yakima touched my shoulder asking if I was OK.

"That 'annoying gargoyle' is a member on the council. Drake. I always knew that something wasn't right with him"

"He's going to sabotage the council isn't he?"

"It seems that way" I got up, walking over to the window, looking out.

I called Kima over, showing her outside. The sun was beginning to rise, the sky having pink and red hues.

Down in the field stood thousand of men in a battle stance. They all had different coloured army clothes. An individual stood before each coloured battalion. I looked out, staring at everyone at the head of the army. Amarillo stood in the in the middle in a golden looking suit like ours. Darius stood to his left and Romario to his right. A woman with long red hair stood beside the incubi. I could sense that she was a vamp.

"That's the witch" Yakima pointed to man with dirty blonde hair.

At the end stood Drake, the dirty gargoyle, smirking.

"Today we make history" Amarillo voice boomed. "Today we get rid of the impurities and stupid leaders of this world and form a new era"

The warriors cheered. Yakima and I shared a look.

"The councils and its elders have done their time. To the new world" he roared.

The others roared along with him.

He turned and pointed to the woods some distance away.

"Go destroy our enemies"

The warriors roared, taking off. The wolves shifted in unison. It was freaky to watch. The vamps took off at their lightening speed and the gargoyles shifted, flapping their big ugly wings and taking off with the witches on their backs.

The door to our room burst open, Andriano,  Darius and Romario stepping in.

The incubi grinned at me, licking his thin lips.

"Your mated to my brother. How fascinating. It's going to be even more fun killing him" he smirked, blowing me a kiss.

My fists clenched at my side, but I restrained myself. There was ample time to kill him later.

"You look wonderful ladies. The bond is complete I am assuming" Amarillo ran a hand down Yakima's arm. She flinched, pulling away. I could feel her disgust like it was mine.

"We need to get going" Darius looked as cold and hard as the first day I met him.

Two wolves cane into the room, but they weren't warriors. They were doctors.

Darius grabbed Yakima while the slime ball grabbed me. We struggled, trying to get them off.

The doctors came to us with syringes of the purple stuff. Tilting our necks, they injected us.

I sagged against Romario, hissing and shivering. Yakima was in the same state.

"Now ladies. It pains me to do this, but it has to be done. Just do as I ask, and you won't have to go through this again" Adriano had on a fake regret look.

Turning to Romario, he told him to take us to the war. Romario smirked, teleporting us to were the supposed war was.

I gasped,and staggered back. Yakima held me up, her face contorted in pain.

A part of the council building was on fire.

Gargoyles were in the sky clashing, killing each other. The witches were divided, some fighting while some worked their magic, putting up a force field around the entire area.

The three physcos laughed, looking gleeful.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Adriano twirled, grinning.

Darius and Romario dragged us towards were the witches made a base.

Bodies were scattered around, broken and ripped or burned.

Yakima and I collapsed on the hard ground. Darius and Romario left to join the fight.

The redhead vamp entered, covered in blood with red eyes.

"Is everything going as planned?"

"Yes My King. They were prepared when we got here, but we are going win. Their defences are weakened. But the ward around the council house is still strong. The witches are working at it"

I tuned them out, and linked Yakima.

When are we going to do something. You heard her. They are weakening" Yakima sounded panicked.

"When he takes us into the war. We'll act then. We need to make sure they don't break the ward into the house. "

I cut her off because I became distracted by another sensation.

I could feel Alexei. He was angry. And he was near.

I took a deep calming breathe, ignoring the connection between us. I needed to focus.

"It's time to get going ladies"Adriano and the redhead grabbed us, dragging us outside.

I was getting tired of being dragged around. Dragging away from Adriano, I staggered back, flicking my wrist.

The based we just came out of froze over, and when I dropped my hand, staggering against Yakima, it collapsed into tiny pieces of ice.

"Oppss" I muttered, hiding a smirk, "that thing you injected me with is making me unstable"

"It's best we act fast then shouldn't we"

The two pushed is infront of them, leading us into the fighting. Heads were being ripped off and discarded. We stepped over the discarded parts. Adriano and the red head ran ahead of us, Amarillo shifting into a huge black wolf but not before warning us, saying that Romario would appear and inject us again if he went off track.

Yakima and I interlaced our fingers, making our way past fighting species. It was sad and sickening, seeing all these people die because one man was greedy.

A vamp in bloodlust ran up to us, teeth and talons extended, ready to rip us apart. Before he could even touch us, he dropped to the ground, whimpering, wilts and frostbitten skin, appearing on him. We stepped over his convulsing form, continuing on our walk. Looking around, I realized that everyone in a circle around us had also collapsed, dying.

"We shouldn't do that again. I don't want to kill our real allies" I whispered to Yakima.

She nodded. "We need to split up and find your friends. I'll go left and you right" she took of in her direction.

I took off, dodging bodies and fighters. I didn't want to fight anyone. This was all pointless and pathetic.

I soon spotted Kass, covered in blood and slitting throats. Distracted by the wolf that she was wrestling, she didn't see the gargoyle swooping in from above.

I flashed over to her, using the wolf as a force to push myself into the sky. Grabbing hold of the monsters head, I ripped it off, landing on the ground beside a stunned Kass. She screeched, dropping the now dead wolf body and jumped at me, hugging me.

"You're OK. And you're here. Gods, I thought they had you locked up somewhere!"

Pausing, she took me in fully.

"Wow. You're hotter"

I rolled by eyes. Trust Kass to get distracted by something as trivial as that in a time like this.

She pulled away, flinging a knife behind me. I glanced back and saw a man drop to the ground, gurgling on his blood.

"Come on" she yelled, flashing off.

I trailed her, until we came upon a section of the field were the enemy wolves were mutilating each other. In the midst stood my mate, looking angry.

Damn he's just too sexy. I missed him. A lot.

He was manipulated them on a huge scale. The last of the wolves finished themselves off, causing him to fall to his knees panting. I ran over to him, dodging dead bodies. I kneeled infront of him, running my hand softly through his hair. The fighting was still going on around us. He was radiating a very dark energy, keeping everyone at bay. Kass was killing those thinking they were brave enough.

"Alexei" I whispered his name. I could feel his turmoil. His anger. His desperation. For me.

"Kitty" he slowly looked up, his grey eyes replaced by black ones.

"It's me Alexei. Calm down. I'm fine. Your fine" I breathed in his scent, sighing.

Your fine.

He rested his hands on mine were they touched his face. His eyes slowly returned to normal the more he took in my face.

"Kitty......." My name was a soft whisper against my lips.

"Hey" I answered, smiling. My mate was back.

I felt light all of a sudden. I was back were I belonged with my mate. I grinned at him, happiness bursting through me.

Smiling, his lips softly brushed against mine. Once. Twice. Trice. It was like he was reassuring himself that I was here.

"Ahhhhh. Isn't this just sweet" Romario appeared, snarling at us.

Kass hopped infront of us, hurling a knife at his heart. He ducked, dodging it. Staring at Kass, she collapsed to the ground, groaning in pain.

Yelling, he ran at his brother, shoving him to the ground.

They then teleported out of sight. Kass, now steady and OK, exchanged a look with me.

"Where did they go"

I focused on our bond, trying to figure out the status of mate. If that asshole hurt him, I'll string him by the balls and......

They reappeared, breaking my focus and thought. Not that I was really focused. I was getting pissed.

Romario collapsed to the ground, screaming. I smirked, feeling pure satisfaction. He was covered in blood, a knife in his troat. Alexei knelt beside him, bruised and covered in his brothers blood.

"I h-hate y-you Alexandro. You and that bitch sister of yours. I hope Adriano kills you and your slut mate" he stuttered, smirking one last time before he died.

Kass and I looked at Alexei's unmoving kneeling form. He jumped up, shaking his head. He pulled our the knife, wiping it off.

"Let's go" his voice was extremely hard.

"Alexandro..." Kass began..

"Let's go!" He said loudly, marching off towards the council house in the distance.

The fighting was still going on, more intense now than ever. I looked at Alexei. He was not OK. I could feel his lost through our bond. Romario, though an ass, was still his brother.

The red head jumped in our way, suddenly, glaring at us. She kept glancing at were Romario body was. She looked ready to cry.


"I see you've killed my comrade. Now it's my time to kill you" she yelled, jumping at us.

Lover is more like it.

Kass meet her mid-strike, pushing her back. They began fighting ferociously, hissing and circling each other, throwing punches and kicks. 

I wanted to help her, but a sinking sensation ran through my body. Yakima was in trouble.

"I have to go" I yelled at Alexei. "Go help the others"

"Kitty. What's wrong?"

"Yakima's in trouble. I have to go yo her"

I flashed off, searching for Yakima. The feeling was getting worse and worse.

I finally found her in the woods beside the council house. She was backed up against a tree, the witch she told me before holding her against it with his magic. She was struggling, trying to fight his hold,but his magic was too strong. He was laughing, taunting her.

I advanced slowly, not wanting to make him aware of my presence.

"Your obviously the weaker sister Yakima Sang" he taunted, laughing. "Your weak. Pathetic. A lonely stupid little girl. I'm going to kill you. Then I'm going to kill the council. Then that ugly man wanting to be king! I'm going to be King!"

Yakima struggled, hissing at him.

"Your the one whose pathetic Richard. Gloating before killing someone was always going to be your downfall" she groaned out, eyes flashing.

I was behind him, snapping his neck before he could turn around. Yakima, now free, was panting. She spat on the witch's body, setting it on fire.

"Thanks" she gave me a small hug.

I nodded, looking at the frizzling corpses.

"He was going to double cross Amarillo. I don't think he's the only one planning to do that"

"We need to get to the house. I already killed two of his other comrades.Adriano himself is going to the council house to kill the elders there, along with Darius"

"I don't think you two are going anywhere" said that too familiar, totally annoying voice.

Rolling my eyes, I turned and glared the the big ugly monster.

"Oh. I think we are Gargoyle"

Uhm............ Hoped you like. It's all coming to an end. So sad😢. Remember guys:

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