
By libra_babe101

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She was lonely She wanted someone to calm the storm inside. She had waited for him for over 300 years. And... More

40- Epilogue
Covers 2
New Book and Social Media


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By libra_babe101

Drake, the traitor gargoyle, stood before Yakima and I in the woods, flanked by around ten of his mates.

As if that's gonna stop us.

"I'm tired on your smartass comments and high-handedness" he snarled, batting his wings rapidly.

I yawned, bored. Yakima looked tense, staring at the big uglies.

"I've proven countless times how easy it is for me to kill you Gargoyle. Why so you think you stand a chance now?" I rolled my eyes.

He flew at me in fit if range, throwing a punch at me. I dodged it, slapping him hard across the face. He staggered back, falling on his men. They caught him, but he pushed them off.

"Your going to pay for that" he hissed, pointing at me.

I smirked, shrugging. Yakima was looking at me like I was crazy.

Tired of me, him and his men attacked us.

This was going to be fun.

One of the gargoyle flew at me, swiping his long talons at me. I ducked, going around him, hopping on his huge hard back.

The best way to kill these monsters was to rip their damn ugly heads off. And that's exactly what I did to the big ugly monster.

His body fell to the ground as I gripped head in my hand. The others stop mid-stride, looking at me with disbelief on their faces.

Yakima looked shell-shocked, looking at the discarded head, a thousand emotions flashing across her face.

Drake roared, fluttering his wings. The roared echoed from around the entire field by the sound of it. I looked above, noticing that the sky went dark. Gargoyles were appearing in numbers and they were pissed.

"You are going to pay for that" Drake's voice was gutteral, his eyes glowing a slight yellow.

I dropped the head. I must have killed one important guy. Oppss?!

The others attack us, howling their rage. Yakima took off, five of the gargoyles following her. The other four attacked me all at once.

I  ducked past a talon aiming for my face, kicking my assaulter, sending him right into a tree. The other two flew at me, grabbing both hands and flying me into the sky filled with gargoyles. They had formed a large circle, hissing and growling at me. Drake was before me, a grin on his face.

"This bitch had killed my brother, your second-in-command, your friend, your lover. She has repeatedly hurt your Commander, me. She takes us for granted" he said, flying around his pack. They were all bearing long, sharp teeth at me.

I rolled my eyes, unphased,  struggling against the two monsters, but their hold was very strong.

"She will die for her crimes" The others roared, wanting my blood.

I went still as Drake flew towards me, talons extended. I was not about to be ripped to shreds by some asshole. I'd rather fall and break my damn neck.

Concentrating, I focused on the two holding me. I took a deep breathe, closed my eyes and relaxed, letting my powers flow through me. I could feel the air get colder, tenser. The two looked around confused. Ice slowly started spreading from my body to theirs.

"What are you doing you crazy bitch?" one screamed, loosening his hold.

I opened my eyes, staring straight into Drake's yellow ones. My sparkling
blue eyes with purple, brown  and amber freckles reflected in his iris.

I looked sadistic.
I felt sadistic.
I was sadistic.

I invaded his mind, ripping through it, digging around, resurfacing hurtful, painful memories.

His mother died of a rare gargoyle sickness. How sad! I brought them all up.

He screamed, clutching his head, fluttering around. The two holding me grips, now ice, were easy to get out off. Stilling staring at Drake, I twisted my wrist, gripping the wrist of my captors.

"Bye boys" I grinned, pulling their arms off cleanly, falling towards the ground.

I couldn't see said ground, only clouds. The breeze stung against my face as I began descending rapidly. Growls sounded behind me, altering me that they were coming. I broke through a cloud, and saw the ground.

It was times like this that I wished that I could fly. I might not die, but my body will definitely be broken.

A flash of golden light drew my attention. Squinting, I looked off in the distance through my now free whipping hair. A herald sounded and the angels descended, flying towards the gargoyles, swords in hand.

I was surprised to see them. They weren't necessarily violent and only fought when they absolutely had to.

A shot of pain tore my attention away. Twisting my head, I saw my leg bleeding. Drake was behind me, growling.

"Your going to die. I'm going to kill you" he fluttered his wings rapidly, increasing his speed.

The ground was rapidly approaching, and Drake was getting closer. I needed to think something up. And fast.

I didn't get around to that, because just then, a big golden wing angel appeared and swooped me up in his arms, disappearing.

Oh wow.

I looked at my savior, smiling grateful. He was golden all over, making it kind of hard to look at him. He was flying towards the ground, near the council house were the wards were close to collapsing.

"Thank you"

"Not a problem Katrina Dblanc. I had to save you for you to save everyone. The Rogue King isn't near done yet. You should go" he set me down gently on the ground. The witch and everyone in the vicinity was gapping at him. With one last nod, he flew off back into the sky.

I looked around, trying to figure out where to go. Looking at my leg, I could see that it was slowly healing. That bastard sunk his talons deep.  Adriano's fighters were dwindling. And gargoyles were falling from the sky rapidly.  They were losing. I went to witch nearby.

"Where is Alberto?"

"They are all in the council house, protecting the elders and children. We didn't have time to evacuate. And these wards can't hold any longer"

Thanking her, I checked on my mate. He was pissed at me for disappearing. I could feel it. He must have picked up on me, because not a second later, he appeared with Kass, Yakima, Dynasti and Jace.

Everyone except him crowed me, asking if I was OK. He was staring at me, the muscle in his jaw ticking.

"You were in the air. I could feel it. Is your leg OK" Yakima was circling me, looking at my leg.

"Why did you run away?" I glared at her. "If you had stayed, it would have been easier to kill them together. I wouldn't have had to almost fall to my death to get away"

"I was scared. And you were taunting them. I was thinking. I just ran" she hung her head, guilty.

"Who did you kill to make them so angry?" Dynasti asked. She looked good, Even though she was bloody.

"Their second-in-command" I looked at Alexei. He was still staring at me, more livid than before. I didn't get why he was so upset.

"We have to go" Kass interrupted, grabbing Dynasti's hand.


"Where?" Jace was covered in blood, and kept sneaking glances at Yakima. She was straight out staring at him, looking confused and disbelieving. I could feel her hope and....

Uhm... Yack.

A resounding crack sounded  around us. Kass gasped, going ramrod straight. Her eyes began to glow an eerie brown. Jace was by her in a second. Everyone was looking around, alert.

"They are coming"

Her was was raspy and hissy.

Dyny grabbed her, looking scared and worried. 

"Who are coming?"


She collapsed into Dyny's arms.

I looked out across the field. The cracking sounded again and the ground began to shake. Bodies started to appear. Lots and lots of bodies. Snarling beasts, with jagged teeth and wings appeared, flying around. Thousand of them appeared in minutes. Leasing them was a huge black man with huge jagged black wings. A man that I've seen before stood beside him. Andriano stood beside them, a victorious smile on his ugly face.

"Amarillo, the sneaky bastard demon. He betrayed us" Dyny hissed.

So he was the demon who was watching me.

"He didn't betray you" Kass whispered, coming around.

"Then what the hell did he do?" I looked over at my mate, his voice deep and angry. He looked ready to kill.

"The other demon is controlling him and the others. He's like their alpha or something"

We couldn't, wouldn't survive that. I looked at Yakima. She nodded, knowing what we had to do.

I turned to everyone, giving orders. The demons were approaching, their footfalls causing the ground to shake. The fighters on our sides were retreating towards the wards. 

"You guys need to get back to the council house. Protect everyone there, keep them same. We are going to stop this"

"They aren't going anywhere" Alberto's voice startled me.

Jac and the other members stood behind him.

"We are going to fight. And we are going to win" he said, and the others sounded their ascent.

He walked up to me, wrapping his arms around me. I hugged him back, tearing up. This was the first time in a long time since I've hugged my father.

"You look so beautiful and strong Katrina. I'm so proud of you" he kissed my forehead, pulling away.

I nodded, blinking away the tears.

He turned towards the other members.

"Fan out. Try to keep the wards going. Protect the witches. We are going to fight with our warriors. Let's go"

They all dispatched, going to defend themselves and each other.

The demons crashed against the wards, causing them to quaver. Alexei stared at me with dark, stormy grey eyes. I could see a thousand emotions in them, but one stood out.

You better not die.

I smiled, looking away. I wasn't going to die. I have wanted my forever with him.

"How are we going to do this?" Yakima asked, looking out at the demons pounding against the wards and fighting our warriors.

"They said that we can control any supernatural. Let's try that out"

She smirked, nodding.

Joining our hands, we began walking out towards were the biggest fight of all was happening.

"How does it work?" Yakima looked scared for a second.

"I don't know. But we have to trust each other. We are one after all"

Walking through the wards, we walked straight into the fighting. The demons were hollowing, ripping people apart and devouring their fresh. The angels were battling those in the sky, along with the gargoyles.

I started to get angry. This  was all unnecessary. They want to take everything. My mate. My family. Me. I was not going yo let that happen.

The air around us got static. Yakima and I started to breathe as one. We were totally in sync. The air crackled with dark, tense electricity. The fighters were starting to take notice, most cowering. The stupid ones tried to fight it.

"Stop fighting"

Our voice was loud, booming across the field. We were surrounded by the the mixture of our powers. The purple ice flame danced across our skin.

The demons slowly stopped fighting, collapsing yo their knees, bowing. Some were still fighting, ripping the others apart, even their own.


Our powers flowed, engulfing those who did not obey, burning them and freezing the at the same time.

I was so beautiful.

All the demons stopped fighting once they realized what happened to those that disobeyed. Like a ripple effect,  they all dropped to the ground, heads hanging low. The gargoyles ad Angels came from the sky, joining the demons.

"Those who don't obey us will die"

"I'm going to have to die then"

Andriano broke through the front, flanked by Darius and Drake.

Alberto, Jac, Kass, Dyny, Alexei, Jace and the other council members formed a semicircle behind us.

We tilted our heads, looking at the three traitors.  Darius and Drake were cowering, but Andriano stood tall and resilient.

"You are not fit to rule the entire world. You aren't even fit to lead your own men"our voice echoed across the now eerily quiet field.

"I'm fit to rule. I do what needs to be done. I will make the word better" Andriano screamed, advancing towards us.

We flicked our wrists, stilling him.

"We do what needs to be done"

Darius and Terrence's body went up in our special flames. They screamed, disintegrating on the spot. Jac gasped behind us, stifling a scream. We felt no remorse, just satisfaction and pleasure.

The gargoyles howled, but the stayed out, not wanting to defy us. Darius's wolves growled, but stayed put also.


"Demons" we addressed them," those who follow Amarillo go to my left. Those who follow your so called alpha, go to my right"

The demons obeyed, separating quickly. The man from before stood at the front, glowering at me.

"You don't control us. I am Philloudous. The Great Demon of Hell"

We laughed, throwing our heads back. Everyone cowered when they heard it.

"We are hell" we said quietly, instantly destroying half of the demons that stood with the Great Demon.

The demons howled, falling back.

"Those who still follow that dead demon will die. Those who don't will follow Amarillo, the new leader of the demons"

Amarillo stepped forward, bowing lowly.

"Thank you my Queens. My demons and I didn't want to attack your home. But Philloudous made us. We demons will never attack you again. We promise to uphold and follow the rules of the council" he placed his fist over his heart.

We nodded, and he went back to his fellow demons. They took off, returning back to the crack they caused in the ground. I knew they would seal it.

"Gargoyles that followed Drake step forward"

A few ambled forward, hanging their heads.

"Do you still wish to follow your dead leader. Or will you follow a new one  obeys the rules of the council?"

A few stepped forward, willing to change. The rest that stayed died.

We did the same to the wolves and vamps and other supernatural. We gave them a chance to be on the right side, and those who didn't die.

We wanted to be fair, but ruthless. And Andriano watched it all, not been able to do anything. His eyes were now a permanent yellow, glowing she he realized how much people weren't for his cause. His wolf was in control and wanted to come out, but we held him there, unmoving; unable to do anything.

The thousands that came to fight were soon hundreds. The remaining supernatural joined forces with the council member's pack, or a pack of their own choosing, as long as they upheld the rules of the council. They stood back, still cowering. We hadn't told them to leave because we weren't done yet.

We finally turned to Andriano, ready to deal with him.

Save the best for last is what they say right.

"You are a traitor. A murderous wolf with an impossible dream to destroy the world and rule. You will die for your actions"

His body started to shake. We could fee our hold in him weakening. We tried to hold him place, but he broke through. A giant growl ripped through the air. Andriano ran, shifted midair, and jumped straight over our heads.

A piercing scream and a hiss sound behind me. Turning around, we saw my father lying on the ground, Andriano standing on top of him, paw in his chest and teeth deep in his throat.


Andriano pulled back, ripping out his throat, tearing it to shreds.

It was like I was frozen. Numb. I felt the little bond that I had with my father get ripped apart. I looked at my father's dead body on the ground and the only things I saw was black.
When I came back to, I was lying on the ground, holding my fathers cold, dead hand. I choked out a sob, clutching his hand in mine.

I can't believe that he's gone. I was just starting to get him back after so much years. And now he's just gone.

"I love you Dad" I whispered in his ear, still crying.

Looking through my tears, I saw that the it was only my family and I. I didn't know  were the others had gone and I don't care.

Kass was crying into Dyny's chest, and Jace was literally holding Jac up. Yakima and Alexei were behind me, offering their support.

I laid my head on his gapping chest, crying silently. I wasn't going to see him again. It made all those years that I spent not talking to him so stupid. And I couldn't visit him in the underworld. Hades and Mom wouldn't allow it.

I needed to see him, to tell him I loved him.

"Katrina..." Yakima's quiet voice pulled at me.

She was worried for me. I could feel it. She rested a hand on my shoulder, pulling me away from my father.

No. I don't want to.

I struggled against her, pulling away.

"Kitty.." Alexei rested his hand on my hips, pulling me away.

I let him, clutching his chest, and breathing in his scent, letting him calm me.

Two vamps came from the council house and took his body away.

I watched them take him, the sobs of my family echoing in my head.

One more chapter to go till it's all over😔


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