flipped :: lh [UNDER REVISION]

By trashlouis

253K 6.5K 2.1K

❝ he watched her from the balcony, eyes lit up with the promise of the night, she didn't see him however, but... More

PROLOGUE. (revised)
o4.little darling
o6.like the 80s
o9.lucky charms
13.a is for aries
14.star burst
17.furthest (away)
18.you complete me(ss)
19.particles of the universe
21.let's start a band
22. young hearts
23. Tigers Jaw
A Note (to those who will see)

o8.all but new

9.3K 271 113
By trashlouis

Luke’s only ever been to one football game in his entire life, and as he’s standing there with Cheryl on one side, and Aries on the other, he’s really beginning to regret his decision, because he’s honest to goodness not pictured it like this: crowd of anxious teens roaring in unison, some dance music is blasting through the speakers that surround the place, and really he just didn't expect this.

It’s loud and he feels like he’s on the verge of becoming deaf, and he’s never seen so many of the student body in one place at one time. There’s a few guys with their chests painted in the school colours, and each has an individual letter on his chest (Luke’s sure they've misspelled the word but he’s not about to correct them). Before he knows it Aries is dragging him through the mass of people as he’s trying to listen to what she says, but all he hears are bits and pieces of her fragmented sentences.

He decides he’ll ask what she said once they’re seated.

They find a row nearest (as they can get) to the field, and Luke thinks it’s really convenient that they happen across three open seats. Cheryl is yelling something to Aries and she’s nodding vigorously while yelling equally as loud back. Luke still can’t hear either girl so he spends his time marveling at just how many students there really are. He’s both astounded and taken aback at the sudden realization that okay, maybe he needs to expand his social circle.

There’s a guy who’s waving in Luke’s general direction and he almost mistakes it that, that guy is waving at him, but he saves himself the embarrassment when a girl – who happens to be seated next to him – stands and waves back. Luke takes a seat instead as the two girls continue in whatever conversation is so important to them. Aries is giggling and Cheryl is laughing with her hand over her chest, and Luke is sitting in his seat trying to catch whatever it is that happens to be so funny – he still doesn't hear them.

Luke almost doesn't realize Cheryl is trying to get his attention (he just so happens to look up) and then she’s shouting at him. It’s disorienting and he’s nervous because, what did she say? Luke shrugs in response to her question – or statement he’s not sure – and then she’s stepping past Aries and to Luke.

“I said do you want anything to drink?” She says, and oh. Oh, of course that’s what it was.

He’s wondering what kind of drinks they even serve at a football game. “Sure.” Luke starts but continues with, “but nothing alcoholic.” Because he doesn't want his mum acting suspicious and banning him from ever leaving the house till he’s forty.

“Of course.” Cheryl is answering him with a playful smirk. “But it’d be so much more fun with a few drinks ya know?”

Luke might know if he was one to do stuff like this, but he isn't, so instead of being the odd one out he bites his lip with a hesitant, “okay maybe one drink.” And Cheryl seems all but a little too pleased with that answer, but really what can Luke say?

She’s taking off. Her shirt ridding up and Luke has to look back down at his seat, because he doesn't want to be caught staring or anything. Obviously it’s too late for that as Aries is raising an eyebrow suggestively and he’s finding himself in the middle of blushing again.

“Don’t worry. It’s between us.” Aries winks up at him before she takes her seat.

Luke takes that as his cue to sit as well, and the seats are warm considering the sun is just setting so that the sky is turning a vivid orange, and pinks are settling in with the yellow and it’s all so pretty out. But then there is the glare that reflects off his phone when he brings it up to check. To his surprise his mum has only sent one text in the past three hours he’s been out. ’Be safe’ is all it reads.

Luke can’t help but listen to the teens that sit behind him, the music that is playing around the field is upbeat, and then there’s Aries who is watching the football players warming up for the game. Luke almost wants to joke around with her but he’s stopped when the girl who’s sitting next to him leans over and begins talking to him. Granted, he still can’t hear as well as he wishes he could.

He almost wonders if the girl isn’t in fact talking to him, and maybe trying to communicate with Aries – she’s still in subspace watching the football players – and then there is the quick moment where the girl taps Luke on the shoulder, and he turns to her with an awkward smile in place.

“You’re Luke Hemmings right?” She asks, and Luke is surprised to say the least.

He’s in total shock, because he’s never really had this happen before, and she doesn't look like she’s messing with him. It’s kind of sad, he thinks, that this is such a shocker, but he can’t think of any other reason for someone to talk to him other than to mock him, or comment sympathetically about how bad he’s treated. “Yeah I am.” He finally answers, and she’s smiling warmly and Luke is trying to think if he recognizes her but he can’t place it.

“I’m Miah by the way.” She says as she’s bringing out a hand to shake Luke’s. Luke thinks this is way too formal for a greeting but whatever. His thoughts are interrupted when she says, “I've heard so much about you.” She’s super enthusiastic at that and Luke has to admit he’s thoroughly confused.

How does she even know who he is, let alone hear so much about him. He’s most definitely not the most important person in the world, people hardly recognize him unless they relate him back to Carver. So, this is completely new. He’s mildly confused, and he’s most definitely sure this is a prank now. Miah must take his silence negatively because she’s flushing out of embarrassment and repeating ‘oh, oh no’ and Luke adjusts his position so he’s facing her more.

“No, no, that’s not how I meant it to sound. Michael, uh you two used to be friends? He told me so much about you, and I really didn't mean to come off as a stalker or whatever.” She explains, and now it’s Luke’s turn to question her.

“Michael? As in Clifford?” And when she nods he feels nauseous and nostalgic all in one, and it’s a wonder he doesn't take off right then and there.

No one has brought Michael up since the two decided their friendship wasn't worth it. Luke can’t say it’s entirely his fault, yet at the same time he knows he’s the one to blame. And here is some girl who is talking to him about someone who is practically all but a stranger now. And Luke doesn't know what to say to that.

She suddenly looks sympathetic, and that’s exactly what Luke has been expecting, but it’s different, goes deeper and Luke doesn't have to imagine why she looks at him in that manner. “Hey, I’m sorry for just springing that on you. It’s just that-“ But she doesn't finish and Luke almost asks her ‘why’ but he refrains.

He reclines back in the uncomfortable seat, and the sun is sinking below the horizon at a faster pace, and he almost wishes he could count the minutes until it finally sets. Aries turns to look at him expectantly and he doesn't feel like talking anymore, not that he had in the first place. Everything is unfolding right at the wrong moment when he wants to forget, to escape the part of his brain that tells him that no, he wasn't forgotten, therefore he shouldn't forget.

Cheryl is pressing her way in front of Luke and he’s so glad she’s making Luke move over because he really doesn't want to think about any of that at the moment. “One for baby Hemmo.” She states proudly as she hands him the drink, it’s ice-cold and nothing has ever felt this great before. He’s mouthing a thank you, and she rolls her eyes dramatically but he knows she’s happy, and he can’t deny he is too.

Aries is reaching across him (because yeah, of course he still ends up in the middle) and she’s taking whatever she ordered from Cheryl, and then she’s pointing out the field and both girls can’t help but nod knowingly. Luke assumes it’s the football guys they’re talking about, and that he really needs to just let go for the moment. He’s hanging out with the first people in months, a year even, and he doesn't want to push them away so he cracks a joke (it’s not that funny) but it causes them to at least crack a smile.

The music continues beating in the background, and as the sun is finally beneath his vision the stadium is lit up with make-shift stars, and Aries is illuminated beneath the artificial white-glow that casts web-like shadows that mimic her eyelashes onto her cheeks. She holds Luke’s gaze for a moment before she turns, her eyes lighting up as she points to the field where the football players are taking place. Luke can’t quite find Calum in the crowd, hell he doesn't even know what number his jersey is.

“Which one is he?” Luke asks Cheryl.

“Number twelve.” She replies.

He’s looking back at the field, and he can barely make out a number twelve stamped in black ink letters across his back. He’s huddled up with his teammates and Luke can pick out Carver even from a mile away, but he doesn't care at the moment. He’s there to cheer on Calum, and that’s what he does the moment the lights dim for effect, music dulling to a lull drill that reverberates in his chest as he watches them take their positions on the field.

Those here for the home team immediately stand up, erupting into loud cheers and hollers and Luke can’t help but laugh a little at that. He feels so in the moment, feels the adrenaline that rushes through his veins and how he suddenly can’t stop smiling. Aries is reaching into her bag as each position is introduced as well as the player, and Luke can feel his pulse jumping with each passing second.

Aries stands up straighter with a camera in her hands, and a grin plastering her lips. She’s moving down toward the field and Luke can’t help his curiosity. “What are you doing?” He raises his voice to fit the setting, and Aries is looking down at her camera.

“It’s for the school’s newspaper.” She answers, “I’m the photographer.” And then she’s waving a quick goodbye as she makes her way down the steps and closer to the edge of the gating. Luke can’t help but watch her as she goes, her hair still tied up loosely for the warm atmosphere, and even in the dim light she looks just as nice.

Luke learns something new about Aries, and he decides to make a quick mental sketch of her, along with the crowd and the feeling that ignites in his chest as the cheers grow louder – the rush of happiness that accompanies it rushing through his veins.

✦  ✧  ✦  ✧

It’s the second, and final half of the game and it’s tied up pretty closely. Luke and Cheryl are standing side by side cheering when needed, Cheryl occasionally booing the opposing team whenever they do something she dislikes. She’s all but more than tipsy by now – Luke has had his fair share of drinks – and she’s even successfully flipped off one of the girls cheering for the other team.

Needless to say Luke found that pretty damned funny. Luke hadn't seen Aries since she left an hour or so before, and he’s not really thinking about her until he thinks he sees her in a crowd. He shouts hysterically in her direction, only to find out it wasn't Aries, but a different girl altogether. Even in his half-drunken state, he still finds it hard to pretend he’s not fully embarrassed.

He quickly forgets about it when Cheryl asks to take a selfie with Luke. He’s never really taken one before, so he agrees without argument. Really it’s not a selfie because she has some guy – that Luke overheard her flirting with – take the picture with her phone, and she’s super stoked when she sees the picture. Luke asks to see it but she won’t hand it over, he’s quite a bit taller so eventually he reaches over to take a look and he’s laughing because he looks really ridiculous but he doesn't mind.

The crowd of people suddenly jump up and that’s when Luke sees that Calum has scored and he’s ecstatic because Calum is really good. He’s scored at least two goals earlier in the first half, and now he’s scored again putting them at an advantage and Luke’s really excited about that. Cheryl is beaming so hard that Luke thinks her smile may just permanently etch onto her face, he pretends he doesn't notice.

There’s a few more close call shots, and Carver is flagged for something Luke doesn't understand, nor care to understand. But he watches in amusement as Carver is taken out and sat on the bench for a few minutes. Cheryl tries to catch Luke’s attention but he’s solely focused on the ten minutes left in the game. He’s hungry too, and he hopes that they’ll all want to grab something to eat before heading home – he’s sure Calum will.

Carver is let back onto the field but only with a time of four minutes, and everyone is holding their breath in anticipation (even if they know they've got it) and the adrenaline is racing again, one minute left, then everyone begins to count down. There are cheers, and someone wolf whistles in Luke’s ear but he’s too focused on the game to be annoyed, so he ignores it all together.

“Five four, three, two, one!”

And then simultaneously people clap, the music is back on, and Luke feels lightheaded really. Cheryl is hugging the guy who took their photo, and Luke is just focusing on everyone around him. He watches the team yell back and forth to their victory, and he’s sure Calum is down there excitedly patting his teammates on the back, probably congratulating them as well.

Cheryl grabs Luke by the hand and escorts him up the stairs and down a set of new stairs (well newer from what he knew) and he feels the energy everyone is radiating, and it’s all so strange to him. He doesn't question any of it though, he knows it’s great to be surrounded by so many people even if he only knows a handful. He finds himself accidentally bumping against a few people as he mutters rushed apologies.

Suddenly they’re stopping and Cheryl is pointing to Calum who is running up to the little yellow painted railings that keep people from stumbling onto the field. Calum is sweating, his cheeks are tinted pale pink, and Luke wants to congratulate him but he’s caught up by Aries. She’s running toward them, camera at hand, bag slung over her shoulder, and hair down messily against her shoulders. He doesn't mean to stare, but he does, and then she’s stood beside him excitedly hugging him.

He’s startled by the suddenness of her action, but nonetheless he hugs her back. She’s significantly smaller than him (curse his height) but she fits perfectly slotted between his arms, and then almost as quickly as she hugs him, he’s releasing her. She looks up at him but then moves to check on Cheryl who is literally bombarding Calum with questions, Calum on the other hand reminds her he has to change before they can do anything else.

She’s a bit disappointed but she doesn't argue.

The group waits for Calum’s return as they look through the various shots Aries had taken. There were a few of fans, and even a few of the opposing team, and Luke really shouldn't feel inferior to the guys who obviously enjoyed having their picture taken, but really he can’t help it. Aries takes this time to talk to Cheryl, and Luke decides he’ll chill against the railing while he cools off. It’s not long before someone is clearing their throat and Luke almost hopes it’s anyone but Miah, because he doesn't want to deal with any of that right now.

He turns to politely tell her no, but there’s Natalia. Natalia is standing there with her red lipstick stained lips pursed in admiration. She’s wearing a low-cut dress and Luke is standing there, his mouth suddenly dry, and all confidence he’d previously had slipping away within two seconds. He’s not sure exactly what she’s doing here but he doesn't ask her really. He doesn't want to seem rude.

“Hi Luke.” She interrupts.

“Hi.” Luke dumbly replies.

She pushes her hair back from where it had flown in her face, and the stadium lights have all but dimmed, and Luke can’t help but be grateful because he knows he’s red as ever. Natalia takes the silence in stride as she motions for him to walk with her a bit of a ways back up the stairs. Luke doesn't argue, she looks stunning, and he just can’t believe she’s actually talking to him for a second time.

When they finally reach a step that is suitable for talking, or really Luke doesn't know but he doesn't mind. And she’s leaning up against Luke and lacing one of her hands loosely with his, and okay Luke thinks, this is definitely new. He doesn't argue though just let’s his hand hang limply for her to hold, and she takes that as a good sign as she bites her lip lightly.

“I was wondering if you’d want to go with us to get a few drinks.” She starts, “You know, since I’d love to get to know you more.” And with that she places her opposite hand onto Luke’s chest and he wants to disappear into the air.

He doesn't know how to answer and he knows he’d love to, but then there is the matter of the group. He’s sure they’re going to go out to eat, or maybe have a small get together, and Luke doesn't want to miss that. Natalia is still waiting for his response, and he doesn't want to say no, so he says, “How about another time? I kinda already planned something.”

Natalia’s smile falters, but it doesn't leave her face. She continues to smile and answers with a, “sure just call me whenever you’re ready.” And Luke wants to ask how he can do that without her number, but he doesn't get a chance as she pulls out a pen and writes it out onto his arm, finally signing her name in cursive. “Call me.” Is what she says, and she leaves him with a kiss to the cheek, and Luke can’t imagine falling any further for a girl than he is now.

She takes the steps in two as she waves to him, and Luke waves back. And then there’s Carver waiting at the top for her, and Luke’s in shock still so he doesn't really think twice of it.

“Wow.” He breathes out.

Calum is already standing with the others by the time he walks the few short steps back to them, and Aries is sort of distancing herself from him. Cheryl on the other hand is looping her arm through his and Calum’s, and Calum can’t help but tease Cheryl about her attitude. She laughs naturally, and Aries sticks close on the opposite side of Calum, her camera hanging loosely against her chest.

“So what’s the plan?” Calum asks.

Everyone is sort of silent for a bit before Aries answers, “Let’s just order take out and watch movies at Cher’s.” Her usual happier expression is back, and Luke briefly wonders if he’d only imagined the whole thing.

Calum looks at the group, and Cher agrees. They all look to Luke who can’t help but manage to grin, his face hurting from all the dumb smiling, and his eyebrows furrowing as if in question. “I’m in.” He replies.

They all simultaneously cheer, and Luke couldn't be happier.

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