Momma Always Told Me : Theo R...

By VaehC3703

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"Mama always told me, papa always warned me, don't hang around with boys like you. Teacher always told me nev... More

Not A Good Guy
The Bridge
Missing Out
On Fire
Super Moon
You Hurt Me
Should Have Listened To Her
The Beast Of Beacon Hills
MATM #2 Cast
Lost Memory
Phantom Limb Syndrome
Like A Brother
Hide With The Dead
Destination #1
Destination #2
Oh Rats
Happily Ever After

Might Not Be The Good Guy

206 3 0
By VaehC3703

Green's POV
Stiles and I walk behind out dad into his office. He closes the door behind us while I sit in his chair even though he'll make me get up in a second cause its "his special chair".
"Listen guys, I'm doing everything in my power to get her out of there, or at least get details; but her mom is her legal guardian. Legally, she's the only person who can get her out of Eichen House," he tells us. He walks over and gestures for me stand.
"But it's so comfortable," I say.
"I know right!" Stiles says in agreement.
"Its like sitting on a cloud."
"I could fall asleep for months in that cha"
"No doubt you two are twins. Now get up," he says. I stand and go to where Stiles is standing.
"Can't we get a court order?" He asks our father.
"Trepanation is still a medical procedure. The judge would have to declare Natalie as an unfit parent and that's not very likely." Thunder erupts from outside. I've felt weird all day, like something is different with my body, but I can't figure out what.
"So there is nothing we can do? Nothing?" I ask.
"I'm saying that there's nothing we can do...legally."
I jump onto Liam's back, his hands automatically grabbing my legs to keep me from falling. He keeps walking to the kitchen where everyone is and sets me down next to Scott.
'Thanks for the ride."
"No problem," he says, bowing. Stiles sets down the blueprints on the table.
"There are four steps to this. We have to get into Eichen House first, get into the closed unit, then we get Lydia, and we get the hell out of that place," he says.
"This is all while getting passed orderlies, guards, electric door locks, and a mountain ash barrier," Scott adds.
"Please say you have a plan for all of this," Malia says with a "this is going to end badly" expression.
Stiles holds my the key card. "I stole this off an orderly here last night." He sets it down. "But its useless cause they reset the codes every night."
"Why'd you take it then?" Kira asks.
''Getting to that."
"We have to make that key card work again," I say.
"How are you going to do that?" Liam asks.
"We're getting to that too. You people are so impatient today," Stiles says. "I got all the history off the key. During a reboot, all the key cards reboot to their default code. So we have to trigger a reboot-"
"It goes back. It works again," I say.
"How are you going to cause a brownout?" Kira asks.
"That's your part," Scott says. Her eyes widen with nervousness. "We need you to draw enough power the main light, but not enough to cause blackout. There's a electrical room behind the reception counter. Green, you distract the worker."
"There's a problem. I have no idea how to do that," she says.
"That's okay. You can practice."
"Of those goes right, how does this get is into the closed unit?". Malia asks.
"It takes five minutes to reboot and all the alarms will go off and the card should work."
"Liam," Scott starts, "we're gonna get Stiles into the unit. We can't get pass the barrier so he'll be alone. Then we'll be gone and they'll just think it was a reboot caused by a brownout."
"Any questions?" Stiles asks us.
"How're we getting in there in the first place?" I ask.
"What's the worse thing that could happen?" Malia asks.
"What if I can't do it?" Kira asks.
"Where's the food?" Liam pipes in.
"A lot could go wrong," Stiles answers.
"But if we don't do his, we loose Lydia...and she'll die tonight. And she'll take a lot of innocent people with her." we all go quiet.
"Okay, now where the food?"
"That sounds like a terrible idea," Parish says, pushing the keys to the van back to me.
"Its a great idea, especially if you drive the van!" Stiles says. He pushes them back.
"Is Shariff on board with all of this?" He asks us.
"How do you think we got the keys?" I ask.
"I thought you had stole them."
"That's a great assumption, but no, we didn't steal them," Stiles says.
"We need you Parrish. The Eichen Guards know all the deputies. We need a real one," I say, placing my hand on his in a friendly way.
"Its not safe to bring me," he says.
"So is a giant murdering werewolf who's killed over 30 people, but didn't kill you,x my brother tells him. Parrish looks down at the keys and grabs them.
"Our Dada still on the dense about this," I tell Scott as Stiles and I walk down the library stairs with him.
"Well its the only shot we got. We're gonna take it," he says. The boys come to a dead stop and look down one the isles of books. "What are you doing here?" He asks Theo. He looks up from the book he's reading.
"I still need to graduate," he says, his eyes lingering on me.
"No, what you need if to be beaten severely with a lead pipe...wrapped in barbed wire," Stiles says.
"Mistakes were made."
"Murders. Murders were made," he corrects. I lean against a shelf.
"You know how the Soviets helped win world war Ⅱ?" He asks. "They knew how to make it through a Russian winter."
"Why thank you; that was very informative," Stiles says.
"If your planning to get Lydia out of Eichen house, you still need to get passed the mountain ash. We can make it through, and you can't," he says. I can't help but let my eyes roam over his body.
"What do you really want?" Scott asks harshly. Not to fucking die.
"I know you seen the Fresco. Two pissed of creatures, a Hellhound and the Beast. I don't want to be one of the deaf bodies they fight over; it's that simple. I can get you to Lydia," he says. "Or we can see who gets to her first."
We all become more silent than before. "He's not wrong," I end up saying. "He can get through the mou-"
"We can't trust him," Stiles interrupts. Theo sets the book down on the shelf, giving me a hidden smile and walks away.
"He can't know what Valic's doing. Why's he so interested in her?"
"He probably thinks what we all do. That she's got something bigger to do with this," Scott says. "Maybe she's the only one who can actually save us."
"Knew you'd be back," Theo says as I walk into the library.
"Well you kind of pissed my friends off so I have to do something," I say. His brows draw together in confusion before I punch him in the face. "What the hell does who gets to get first mean?" I ask.
"You know what it means," he says, clenching his jaw. "And nice swing."
"Thank you, I've been working hard on it." He smirks, grabbing my hand and tugging me closer.
"Your so beautiful," he says.
"Stop being cliche." He places one hand on my waist, the other tilting my head up to look him in the eyes. He leans down and slowly kisses me. I melt into him, creasing his neck. He pulls back a little.
"I seen you undressing me with your eyes," he says.
"Well its hard when you look so good without clothes on," I whisper, my hand going under his tight black shirt. His eyes glow for a second. "I have to go. I'll see you later."
We all walk through the Eichen house gates, listening to whatever information the direction is saying. He bring us up to the front desk and Malia and Kira make their way to hide. I sign my name on the paper and smile at the receptionist.
"Hi," I say. He stay quiet. "I guess someone doesn't like talking."
"I'm not into talking with visitors," he says with my expression in his voice.
"I guess that's unfortunate for me, cause I thought you were very...very cute," I tell him. He sits up straight and finally really looks at me. "I'm Greenland."
"Hunter," he says. I reach over and shake his hand. "You don't look like your of consenting age."
"I'm however old you want want me to be," I say, hating myself right now. I don't even know what I'm saying.
"You wanna go out some-" just as he's about to finish his sentence a boy walks out of a room completely naked. "Not again Nelson," he says through clenched teeth. The boy stops in his tracks and makes a run for it. Hunter, or whatever his name is, runs after him.
I look behind the wall to see Malia and Kira now making their way to the electrical room. "It's natural," I hear the boy say.
"So is 50,000 volts!" Hunter says then the sound of electricity crackling and Nelson screaming comes. I look around at the people in the lobby, realizing that they didn't hear it.
Theo's POV
Tracy pushes the guard towards the fence. He takes out something that produces electricity. Josh grabs it, making the currents go backwards. The guard falls to the ground. I step over him and lead Tracy and Josh inside Eichen House.
The man at the front desk doesn't even glance up as he speaks. "No visitors."
"Were not here to visit," Tracy says though clenched teeth. I smirk evilly.
"We're here for Lydia Martin." The sound of someone breathing heavily and a very fast heartbeat catches my attention and the scent is too familiar. Green. I grab the man by his father and throw him to the ground. We pass him and make our way to the closed unit.
"You don't want to do this Theo," Dr. Valic says, standing in front of the door that leads to Lydia. "She's safer here. Those Dread Doctors don't understand how important she is."
I look behind me at Tracy and she immediately charges at him, teeth extending and slamming him into the wall. I walk in with Cory and Josh at my sides.
"She doesn't look good," Josh points out. Cory reaches down and moves a strand of her hair, revealing a hole. "And has a hole in her head."
I walk to her and turn her head to get a better look. "I can't believe this is an actual medical establishment." I look at them. "Pick her up. We're getting her out of here."
"And what would a pack of chimeras want with a banshee?" Dr.Valic says as I walk out.
"I'm looking for a hellhound, not a banshee." Just as I say that a loud roar erupts around the building. We both look at the direction the sound came from. Parrish stands at the gate, fire surrounded him.
"You wanted a hellhound, there you go." I walk into the room and grab Lydia, yanking her with me. I place bee I don't of me and wrap my hand around her neck. Her eyes widen with fear as she looks at Parrish.
"Back off," I say. My claws sink her neck. "I said back off." He continues walking. "Take him," I tell the pack.
"The guys on fire," Cory says.
"You'll heal. Do it," I order. Tracy is the first to charge at him, sinking her claws into his stomach, expecting him to become paralyzed. Instead he hits her, causing her body to fall to the ground. Josh breaks one of the pipes, causing sparks to gain electricity and grabs Parrish. Again nothing affects him.
"THEO THIS ISN'T WORKING!" He yells to me. Parrish grabs him and throws him against the wall. Intense pain from something sinking into the back of my knee makes me drop Lydia and fall to the ground, yelling in pain. The one thing now going through my mind is that Green can feel it too and uta probably worse, for she is human.
"I'm not done with her yet," Valic says.
Green's POV
I shouldn't be able to heat everything I am. The worst pain I've ever felt in my life erupts from the back of my knee, making me fall. Only I know it isn't my own pain, it's Theo's worse. I scream out in pain, tears running down my face.
Theo's POV
The sound of her scream coming from the lobby makes the emotional pain worse than the physical. Valic grabs Lydia and turns to walk out, but Stiles blocks the way.
Cory grabs Parrish's hand...nothing. He yells in pain catches on fire as well. Parrish throws him across the hall and crashes into Stiles, making him fall. I stand up and grab the broken pipe and throw it at Parrish. It goes through his chest. He lands on his knees, looking at me. His eyes turn back into their normal color, showing he's out of his Hellhound form.
Stiles bangs on the door Valic went through, yelling for Lydia. "Let me try," I say, kicking the door. It swings open and he runs in without hesitation. "You're not going to find her without me." I think about just leaving for dead, letting him do this alone, but remember what Green said. "You hurt Scott, you hurt my dad. You hurt Lydia. You hurt me." Groaning, I follow Stiles.
"Stiles," I say when he comes to a stop at another door. "I can help. I've got her scent."
"What do you want?" He demands, obviously angry buy good at keeping it in.
"That doesnt matter. I can find her and you can't," I tell him. It's only now that I'm really able to see the resemplence between Green and him that make them twins. Steam comes from one of the windows. I open the door to find the shower room, guys with towels wrapped around their bodies.
I ho over to one of them and move them out of the way to find a vent. Stiles and I kneel down. 'It leads to the tunnels right?" I ask.
"Miles of them. They could be anywhere now."
I press my ear to the wall, trying to hear for Lydia ajs Valic. "You have her scent," Stiles says. "Use it."
"I lost it."
"Well find it again."
"What do you smell down here?" I ask.
"Chemicals and fecal matter. But I'm sure the fecal matter is just you," he says. I roll my eyes and listen again.
"I can smell it too, that why I'm trying something else. So can you please shut the hell up?" I snap.
"I'm going to find her," he says she walks away. I walk with him.
"Youre going to have to trust me. You won't be able to find her on your own."
"Trust you? The boy who killed his own sister when he nine?" He asks in disbelief.
"Yeah I was nine years old," I say. "I also know that a guy in a red suit came down the chimeny to bring presents. So when three people in leather masks come and told me that my sister wanted me to have her heart, I believed them too."
"So together you gutted and killed her. It's a beautiful story."
"I seen her freeze to death within minutes. Do you think I had any idea what was going on?"
"I think you pushed her...and you liked it. I know that if someone where to tell me Green wanted me to have her heart, no matter who told me, I wouldn't do that cause she's my sister," he says. Lydias's scream echo's. "What direction did that come from?" He asks.
Stiles comes running up from looking down another tunnel. "Nothing," I tell him.
"You're just as useless as I am."
"I'm trying to save her life, not take it."
"Would you fucking drop the altruistic crap?" He says. "You just want Lydia cause she gets you to Parrish, and Parrish gets you to the Beast." I start walking again.
"I want it dead too."
"So you can take it's power. We know why you have the talons and Deucalion."
"I found him. I'm going to help him stop the Beast, I'm going to take its power and then I'm going to break its neck. I might not be the good guy in your eyes, but I might be the guy that ends up saving all your asses." He looks at the pipes.
"Break it. Sound travels through the pipes. You'll heat better dumbass. Now break it." I throw my hand down and break it. Bending down, I press my eat to the break and listen to the sound of Valic talking to Lydia about how the dread doctors ruined him abs he wants Lydia to be his eyes.
We run down the tunnels, him following me as I listen to the sound. We get to the door and I try breaking it open. "What the hell are you doing? Get it open!"
"I'm trying!' I yell. We bend down and cover our ears as she screams from inside. Stiles pushes through the doors and runs in, grabbing Lydia. I follow them out, my eyes lingering on the Dead Doctors mask.
"I can't hold it!" She tells as she drops to the floor. "Run!" She yells at us, covering her ears. Parrish comes into view in his Hellhound form and pushes us back against two people. We straighten up to see Scott and Liam. Just as she screams, he covers her body with his own, a large flame being the result. We watch as he walks out of the smoke with her in his arms.
"Where to?" He asks.
"This way," Scott says.
We all get outside and wait for Malia and Kira to pull up with the Jeep. My eyes widen. "Didn't Green come?" I ask. Scott and Stiles look at each other run back inside to the Lobby. I outrun them, feeling pain on the area where my mark is.
I push the doors open and see her on the floor passed out. I drop to my knees and pull her closer, not giving a shit that Stiles and Scott are in here are are probably confused. The screams and pain were probably too much for her to handle.
"Wake up," I say. Nothing. Scott and Stiles get closer. "Please!" I yell, begging. I would pray, but I know he won't answer my prayers with all the shit I've done. Maybe loosing her will be my punishment. My hand slips under her shirt and presses against her mark.
"What are you-" Stiles starts. Green coughing makes him stop talking. Her eyes lock with my tear filled ones.
"Th-theo," she says.
"I'm here," I say, kissing her forehead.
"Your okay," she says, looking at me. I nod, kissing her deeply. I stand up, holding her in my arms. She wraps her arms around my neck for more security.
Stile's POV

What the hell.

AN: Screw this chapter and how long it too to write... Over three hours. I really hope you like it. I apologize for any typos. This was inspired by 5Bx06. Please comment and share! Stay alive |-/ -Vaeh

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