Family Secrets

By mariosonicfan16

2K 47 21

My first ever MC:SM fan fiction. I originally posted this story on my DeviantART page, so I decided to share... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

182 5 2
By mariosonicfan16

"What?! You two are twin siblings?!" Magnus shouted at Male Jesse and Female Jesse.

"This is crazy..." Soren whispered to himself.

"I... I simply don't believe it! You've both got the same name, and you're twins!?" said Ivor.

"How can we be sure that they're siblings?" said Petra. She looked at Male Jesse and said, "When's your birthday? What year were your born? And what do you know about your parents?"

While he was able to answer the first two questions (which had the answers to be the exact same as Female Jesse's birthday and birth year), Male Jesse couldn't answer the third question easily.

"I honestly don't know much about my parents, but these past couple days have been crazy before I met you all..." he said.

"What can you tell us about your past? And what happened these past couple days?" asked Olivia.

Male Jesse wasn't sure if he could give them the answers they wanted, but since he and Female Jesse were twins and there was no denying this, he might as well provide the group with as much information as he could.

"Okay. I'll be as honest as possible, but... I honestly thought I didn't know much about myself until a couple days ago. I was raised in an orphanage that was for all boys. I hated it. The other kids bullied me, and the caretaker did take care of me, but he gave me the cold shoulder often," he began his story.

Female Jesse realized that he had been left behind in a situation similar like hers. Though, for her, Female Jesse wasn't treated badly by the caretaker of the orphanage she lived at, and although she struggled to make friends with the other girls, none of them bullied her.

"I lived there for a while, but about a year ago, I left the orphanage. The caretaker told me run away, and there was a look of fear on his face. I didn't know why, but he told me to run away and never come back. I don't know why he told me to leave, but I left the town where I was stuck in and found myself a place to build a tree house and call home. Things were pretty calm, until a couple days ago..." said Male Jesse.

"What happened a couple days ago?" asked Axel.

"A couple days ago, that same group of people who kidnapped your friend. They... they came after me. I don't know why they were after me, but before they could take me away, I was rescued by someone. He knocked them out and left them somewhere far from my home," said Male Jesse.

"Who was he?" asked Ivor.

"He had darker skin, brown eyes and brown hair. And for some reason, he said that he's my father. I didn't believe it because he doesn't look like he's related to me, but when he mentioned my half of the amulet, I figured maybe he was someone I could trust. I started to look for whoever had the other half of the amulet, but I didn't think I'd find out that I have a twin sister," said Male Jesse.

"And I never thought I'd have a twin brother. I was raised at an orphanage to, and the lady who raised me never let anyone adopt me. She told me to keep that amulet with me at all times, and I never expected that it would help me find my twin brother," said Female Jesse.

"So this guy, who's your father. Did he say his name? Did he tell you anything else?" asked Ellegaard.

"He didn't tell me his name. He just said that he's my father and to find whoever has the other half of the amulet. And when I find them, I need to meet up with him. He said that the amulet would lead me to the meeting location," said Male Jesse.

"I bet it's the symbol on here. It looks like some sort of mountain," said Olivia.

"I've seen that mountain before. It's about twenty miles away from where I set up my lab in the far lands," said Ivor.

"You have a lab in the far lands?" asked Male Jesse.

"I certainly do," said Ivor.

"I think we need to go to that mountain then. If that's where our father wants us to meet with him, then we need to go there," said Female Jesse.

"But Jesse..." said Lukas. Both Female Jesse and Male Jesse turned to face him. "Sorry. Uh... Female Jesse. Uh... how can you be sure that this guy is who he says he is? I don't like this..."

"Lukas, we can't know until we try. I need to know the truth. I just found out that I have a twin brother, and I've never known anything about my parents. I must know if my parents are out there," said Female Jesse.

Lukas only frowned. This was all so much right now. First he found out that the girl he has a crush on has a twin brother who has the exact same name as hers, and now Female Jesse wants to find her parents. It's all too much to take in at once.

Male Jesse only looked at Lukas as he frowned. He could sense that the blonde has a crush on Female Jesse.

'He likes my sister, doesn't he? I can tell that my sister likes him to, based on how much she talked about him when we were coming here. I just hope he wouldn't hurt my sister...' he thought.

"Guess we know what we're doing next. We're taking you guys to that mountain," said Olivia.

"Whoa! Who said that we're all going? How do we know their parents are fine with some extra guests?" said Axel.

"Because those bandits are out there. They're hunting down Jesse, well Female Jesse, and if they knew about Male Jesse being her brother, then they might hunt him down to. We're going with them to help them," said Olivia.

"We can go on our own. We're not little kids..." Female Jesse muttered with an annoyed look.

"No. I think Olivia's right. We shouldn't go on our own with those guys after you. I think we should go in a group. Strength in numbers," said Male Jesse.

"Yeah. Olivia is right about that..." said Female Jesse.

"How many of those bandits were there?" asked Soren.

"Five of them," said Ivor.

"Well, we'll certainly have the upper hand if we travel in a group. Nothing could go wrong if we travel in a group," said Petra.

Denton and his men couldn't find Female Jesse or Male Jesse after they got ambushed the night before. With no clue where they were, they had no choice but to return to their master empty handed. They had to tell their master how they were defeated and who ambushed them. They expected their master to be angry when they told him that a man with only a wooden sword beat them, but to their surprise, their master was rather pleased to hear about someone.

"Describe him. What did he look like?" the master asked, still remaining in the shadows.

"Uh... brown hair. Green eyes. He was pretty tough, if it took a wooden sword to take us out..." said Denton.

Their master formed an evil grin. "There's no denying it. He's related to them..." he whispered.

"Master, what are you saying?" asked another one of the bandits.

"I'm saying, that I now have two targets to kill. Jesse has a twin brother. Very well then. We shall pay them a visit, and then their precious mommy and daddy..."

"But master, if you go out, they'll know your identity. You can't hide your identity from them anymore!" said Denton.

"No matter. I will kill them all. Jesse, her brother, and all their friends. The twins will be the first to experience what powers I possess..." the master whispered in a dark tone.

The group started to head off to the mountains. Even after it became dark, they continued anyway. Facing off mobs in the night was nothing compared to getting ambushed by the bandits. The group had to tame some horses for the trip to the location, since it was located near the far lands.

The group was quiet as they rode on their horses. No one really wanted to talk, because they wanted to stay alert for mobs and the bandits. After riding for a few hours into the night, the group decided to take a break and give the horses time to rest up.

Male Jesse and Olivia sat next to each other while everyone was taking a break from riding on the horses.

"So Olivia, my sister told me that you're pretty skilled with redstone," said Male Jesse.

Olivia blushed and said, "I guess I'm pretty good. Your sister and Axel welcomed me to the group because they were impressed with how much I know with redstone."

Male Jesse smiled at her and said, "I bet you've made some cool stuff. I'd like to see the things you've made."

Olivia blushed again. She was speechless. She was flattered by his complement.

Suddenly, the group heard a twig snap. Lukas got up and pulled out a sword, ready in case something was coming out. They could hear something rustling from one of the bushes, and a few moments later, a rabbit came out.

"Lucky that instead of a mob..." said Petra.

"Maybe we should keep going. It's dark out, and I don't think we want to deal with any monsters..." said Ellegaard.

"She's right. We should keep moving," said Magnus.

The group started to walk over to the horses, but an arrow flew by somewhere. It hit one of the horses, but didn't kill it. It startled the horse, and all of them ran off in panic.

"Ah! No come back!" shouted Female Jesse.

She tried to run after the horses, but that's when a fireball zipped right past her, almost hitting her.

"WAHH!" she cried, jumping back.

"Jesse!" cried Lukas. He ran over to her and helped her stand up.

"Hands up, or you'll be burned to death!" shouted a voice.

It was Denton and his gang.

"What is your deal? Leave us alone!" Ivor shouted angrily.

"Well, lucky for you, we'll leave you alone if you give us Jesse and her twin brother..." said Denton with an evil grin.

The group was stunned to find out that Denton knew that Male Jesse and Female Jesse were siblings.

"No way! You think I'd ever let you take Jesse away from me!? She's far more precious and important to me than anyone else!" Lukas shouted. He didn't care if anyone would make fun of him right now. His only focus was to protect his crush.

"Lukas..." Female Jesse whispered, blushing a little bit.

That's when an evil laugh came from somewhere.

"You're in love with Female Jesse? You're such a fool. Love makes you weak..." said a scary voice.

A figure came from behind Denton and his group. The figure was a man, and he had dark skin, wore a blue shirt with grey pants, and had dark brown hair. The most startling feature of his face was his eyes, because they were glowing white and had no pupils in them.

'He looks almost like the guy who said he's my father, though he's taller, and looks like he wants to rip me to shreds!' thought Male Jesse.

The group was confused, and a bit startled by this man who was apparently the leader of Denton and his crew, but Soren had a feeling he knew who it was.

"Whatever you do, don't make him angry..." Soren whispered to the group.

"Soren, do you know who he is?" Ivor whispered to his friend.

"I've heard about him from some dark stories. That man... he's not a man. He's a demon, and his name is Herobrine..." whispered Soren.

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