1D age play

By starwarsfan20

58.2K 393 23

My 1st ever age play as I been reeding other wattpad aorthers 1D age plays books More

Stress out Baby Liam
Potty training toddler Harry perants lilo
Baby Niall petants Lirry
One direcshon daddy's and baby y/n
Sick baby Louis daddy Harry
Day out and nap time in the car on the way home toddler Zayn perants niam
Kid Louis happy Christmas and happy birthday daddy's 1D boys
Todler y/n perants lilo uncles the three orther boys
Baby y/n perants ziam
Baby harry and baby y/n perants 1D boys
Happy birthday baby zayn
Baby y/n and todler liam perants the 1D boys
Kid Liam newborn baby y/n parents narry
Baby Niall baby y/n perants larry and Ziam
An update
Baby y/n perants lilo
Upset zayn he goes into headspace and y/n is in headspace perants 1D boys
Easter egg hunt with all the one direction boys mummy y/n
Baby Louis and baby y/n perants larry
An update
Omg what the heck
A personal Sunny day at the beach toddler Natalie parents larry uncles niam
Personal one for young child Natalie daddy's 1D boys
A/n what the heck
What the hell
Happy birthday niall
What the hell happend to my 1D ageplay
Larry happy birthday to you my little baby harry
What the hell
What the hell
Omg what the hell
Omg what the hell happend
Holliday young natalie big brother liam whit perants
Personal one shot age play for natalie
What the hell happend
Hell hell hell omg omg omg what hapeend
Omg what the hell
What the hell 15k reads
What the hell happend
Todller natalie kid loius perents larry
Hell my book 18k
Hell 20k reads
21k reads

Happy birthday baby harry daddy louis

474 6 0
By starwarsfan20

Harry 24-year-old headspace of a baby
Louis daddy
Y/n Louis girlfriend harry mummy
Harry pov:
Today was my birthday I was waiting for my daddy to come and change me as today he and I were gonna have a daddy and mummy and son day so then my dad came in to my bedroom and my daddy said happy birthday baby are you excited for today I he say I said yes daddy he then said let's change your nappy and mummy will be coming over to celebrate your birthday whit us daddy Explained to me.
Louis pov:
Today was my baby birthday I went into his bedroom and I said good morning baby did you sleep well and he said yes and I explained at his mummy would be over so I got him out of his cot and then I changed his nappy and got him dressed and ready for today.
Y/n's Pov:
I did not believe it today was my boyfriends son birthday I was excited about it and I got his present and heeded over to my boyfriend and his son house to celebrate his birthday and my boyfriend asks if I want to stay the night with them I said I would so I got everything into my car and then I drove to my boyfriend house when I got there harry opened the door and say, mummy, I miss you so much and I then pick him up and I then told him that I miss him too and then I got hay what about me and I laughed and said to my boyfriend and you too Hun and I told him to get my suitcase out and my present out for my baby he was happy to have all the presents when it was lunch he had to go down for a nap so I said to my boyfriend I will take him for his nap, later on, he was awake and we had tea and my boyfriend had given him a bath and then he came into his and my bedroom at my boyfriend house and I then brestfeed him his milk whist his dad my boyfriend went to have his bath when he came back I then went to get my bath and then when I got back to the bedroom I saw the most adorable little thing ever both my baby and my boyfriend had fallen asleep so I took a quick picture of my family and I then got to bed and I then soon fell asleep.
A/N hay so today is harry birthday so happy birthday and y/n was going to be one of the one direction girlfriends who would be whit one of the boys so e.g. Liam and y/n and baby Niall as an example so it swapped so y/n as a baby and the boys would be a baby or toddler or kid and the other boys would be there daddy so yeah so happy birthday again to harry.
Word count 516 words.

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