Her Sempiternal (Sequel to Ol...

By amillionthings

372K 7.3K 954

Brodie and Oli have been separated for six months. Brodie's been trying to get on with her life back in Ameri... More

I'm On My Own
I Sing Alone
You're Not Alone Tonight
She's My Destiny; To Bad Destiny Failed Me (Oli's POV)
One Night
The First Punch
Tell My Friends to Sharpen Their Teeth
Oh, Sweet Insanity!
It's All Inside My Mind (Oli's POV)
Miles Away
Hey Lady
Day of Rain
For Heaven's Sake (Oli's POV)
This Is the End
A Little Treat (Author's Note)
One More Thing...
The Tides Will Bring Me Back to You
Promise Me?
Our December (Oli's POV)
Let Live
Come November
While the Candle Still Burns
The Silence Never Satisfies.
You're Unbelievable (Oliver's POV)
Something Was Bound to Happen...
Oli All Over
There's A Class for That.
LongView (Oli's POV)
See You Again.
Breakin A Sweat
Hold Your Head Up
Stay With Me (Oli's POV)
Oh Well, Oh Well
When I Get Home, You're So Dead
Make Damn Sure
Two Hundred Seconds and I'm Ready to Go (Oli's POV)
Keep Holding On
Somewhere In Neverland (Oliver's POV)
The Final Episode
Better Than Better Could Be
Say Yes. (Oli's POV)
Cellar Door
End of Me
Let Her Go
I'd Do Anything (Oli's POV)
Nobody's Business
My Final Breath
Epilogue: Is This Really the End?

Stay With Me (Oli's POV)

3K 122 10
By amillionthings

I paced around the waiting rooom anxiously. Ben was leaned aginst the door frame, picking at his fingers. Doctors bustled busily around us, but none of them seemed to notice us. I wanted so badly to jump up and grab one of them and shake them, demand for them to tell me what was wrong with Brodie. 

"What's taking them so long?" Ben muttered. I sighed heavily. 

"Wish I could tell you," I muttered. A thin, blonde nurse walked in suddenly.

"Sykes?" she asked. Ben and I jumped up quickly and bolted over to her. 

"Is she okay?" I demanded. The nurse didn't flintch at all at my outburst. 

"Mr. Sykes, I'm presuming. Brodie is going to be fine, and so is the baby. They are both tired and they need their rest," she said. I felt my body sink with rellief. 

"Can I see them?" I asked silently. The nurse smiled slightly. 

"Yes, but one at a time. I told you, they are both very tired. Brodie lost a lot of blood, but she's going to be okay. And so will the baby," she said. Ben nodded solemly and sat back down, picking up a magazine. 

I followed the nurse down the longest hallway of my life. I could head people chatting quietly behind closed doors, some frantic cries of pain, other rooms were completely silent. I tried to keep my head down as the nurse lead me around another corner. 

"Her room is this one. Try not to over whelm her. If she gets to worked up, I'm kicking you out. Understand?" the nurse said. I nodded, holding my breath. The nurse smiled again and opened the door. 

The room was quiet and dark. The only light was coming from the small glows of the TV and the heart moniter. Brodie was laying on the hospital bed, sound asleep. The moniter beeped quietly at a slow, stedy pace. I felt tears well into my eyes as I stepped closer. She was so pale and fragile looking. Her matted hair hung in lose strands around her face. Her lips were cracked and bleeding, but despite this all, she looked peaceful. She even had a smile on her pale lips. 

I slowly walked across the room and sat down next to the bed. Her hand was laying on her chest with an ivey protruding from it. I carefully reached out and grabbed it, carassing it gently. She twitched slightly, a soft moan emmiting from her lips. 

"Oli?" she whispered quietly. My heart picked up as she gave my hand a tiny squeeze. "I knew you couldn'y leave me alone," she smiled. I felt tears roll down my face as I chuuckled. 

"Not in a million years, baby," I whispered. She smiled up at me. 

"Where is my baby?" she asked. 

"I haven't seen it yet. I don't even know what it is yet," I said. Brodie sighed and sat up a little. 

"Well, mister, if you want to stay on my happy list, you better march down that hallway and go get somebody to bring it to me right now," she snapped. I couldn't help but to laugh. Even laying in the hospital bed, hooked up to a heart moniter, she was still the boss of me. and she knew it, I leaned forward and kissed her head softly. 

"I'll be right back," I said softly. She turned to the TV then. I stared at her for a few beats longer. I was so happy she was okay...

I walked back out into the hallway down to the nurses' station, An older nurse sat there, typing away at the computer. I cleared my throat to get her attention. She smiled up at me pleasently. 

"Hi, I'm Brodie Bryant's fiance, and I'm also the father of her child. She's awake, and she gave me strict orders to come get someone so we can see our baby. I'm not allowed to come back until I have the baby," I said. The nurse smiled and got on the pager to call the NICU nurse.

"I have an impatient family here who would like to see their child. I'm sending the father down now right now," she said. I smiled thankfully at her and headed in the direction she pointed. 

The loud sounds of crying babies filled the brightly lit corridor. I looked into the big window and saw a dozen or so babies of all shapes and sizes, most of them all crying. But there was one small one in the corner, a CPAC respirator hooked up to it's little nose. A pink hat attatched to it's little head told me it was a girl. She was tiny and quiet, gazing at the room around her. My heart began to beat faster as the little thing turned and looked at me. She had big blueish green eyes, just like Brodie does.

"That's my baby," I whispered. The nurse inside waved over at me to come to the door. I walked over quickly. My whole body shook with fear. I turned the nob and stepped inside. The room was quieter now. It smelled of diapers and baby milk. 

"Ready to meet your daughter?" she whispered. I nodded anxiously. The nurse smiled and scooped her up and craddled her against her chest. 

"She's sleeping now, but she probably needs fed, and I'm sure  mommah wants to meet her," she said. She stuck her arms out and handed the little bundle to me. I carefully reached out and took her. She gazed back up at me and blinked up at me in wonder. 

"Hey there, little thing," I whispered. She let out a tiny cough. I felt tears well back up into my eyes. "You're mine. And I'm your's. Is that okay, little thing?" I whispered. She just gazed back up at me with those big eyes. 

"Can I take her to see Brodie?" I asked. The nurse nodded and pushed her machine to me. 

"Just take this with you," she said. I nodded and headed back out the room. 

Brodie was laying on the bed still, watching TV intently. I quietly pushed my way into the room.

"Knockm, knock," I called softly. Brodie jerked around, instantly lighting up.

"Where is she?" she asked. I raised an eye brow.

"How'd you know she was a girl?" I asked, walking over. I carefully placed the tiny bundle in her outstretched arms. 

"I just knew," she whispered. Brodie and the baby gazed at each other for a long time, not moving, barley breathing. All I could do was watch as they stared at each other. There was something between those two that I would never be able to touch.

"Hello, little one," she finally whispered. The baby let out another small cough. A single tear rolled down Brodie's face and splashed onto the baby's hand. She reached up and touched Brodie's face. 

"I love you already," Brodie whispered. 

"I lover her, too," I whispered. I leaned closer to her and kissed her forhead. She leaned back into me and smiled. 

"She's perfect," she whispered. I nodded. 

"Just like you," I said. 

"Welcome to the world, Cheslea Brook," Brodie said. 

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