A Promise Never Kept

By Notepadhalffullx

277K 6.8K 5.5K

When they were twelve her best friend Percy Jackson promised that he'd always be there for her. The next day... More

Four Years Later
First Day and Surprises
Arguments and Running Away
Awkward Conversations
You Totally Like Him!
Look Who's Jealous!
Plans and Parties
A Party in Ruins
Of Pain and Torture
Found Finally or Not
Of Guilt and Grief
Aftermath of Survival
One Last Love Confession

Revelations of The Past

16.6K 422 430
By Notepadhalffullx

Hey Guys,

Look at that I am already updating and it's my longest chapter yet. You guys better like it. So without stalling anymore, here you are enjoy...

Percy PoV

I didn't know why but I suddenly found myself awake at two in the morning. I had been having a pleasant dream about a picnic on a beach or something like that and had abruptly woken up for seemingly no reason at all. What could have woken me up? I thought.

My unspoken question was answered in mere seconds by a somewhat muffled crash from downstairs. I got out of bed, grabbed a baseball bat that had been present from dad for my last birthday and carefully opened the door. The landing was empty and an eerie silence had spread across the house.

I tiptoed my way to the stairs on the other end of the hallway, only stopping to peek into my mom and Paul's bedroom to find it empty. What was going on? I wondered as I crept down the dark stairs as carefully as possible in order to avoid slipping. But I wasn't careful enough. At the second last step my foot hit something and I fell headfirst to the ground. A pain shot through my left wrist, not enough for it to be broken, so it was probably just sprained. I looked up to see what I had fallen over and froze in place.

There sprawled on the last step was my stepfather's now lifeless body. Blood was oozing out of a deep looking hole on his forehead. His eyes were wide open staring into nothingness, the warmth and kindness that they had once shone with now gone.

I sat there frozen in terror my eyes wide and mouth open for what seemed like ages. I was brought back from my shocked stupor by another crash from the kitchen. I grabbed the baseball bat and ran to the kitchen what I saw inside was worse than what I had seen moments ago.

A tall, dark haired man in all black stood with his back to the doorway a gun raised in one hand. In front of him, my mom stood, backed up in a corner. Her chocolate brown hair was a mess, her face contorted with worry and her soft blue eyes shone with fear. She looked at me and her expression changed.

In the instant that our eyes met I knew she wanted me to leave, to run away and hide to leave her to die. But I couldn't make myself. So, I stood there for the second time that night, frozen in fear.

The gun must have had a silencer because it wasn't until she fell to the floor clutching her stomach that I realized my mother had been shot. I felt fury boil inside me and I ran forward smacking the gunman in the head with the baseball bat. The man fell to the floor just as I heard mom groan from the corner. The anger and fury was replaced by dread and I abandoned the bat and ran to my mother.

"Mom!" I said kneeling down next to her and taking her hand. My vision blurred as I felt tears roll down my cheeks but I didn't care.

"Percy" Mom said in a shaky whisper. "Sweetie you have to stay strong Okay. You are going to get through this alright. Don't lose hope and always remember that I love you and even if it doesn't seem like it I am always with you. I love you sweetie."

"I love you too." I whispered back as the light in her eyes died down and I knew she was dead.

"How pathetically sweet, it makes me want to puke." Said a cold voice from behind me that sent shivers down my spine. "Perseus Jackson right." He said as I turned.

I didn't speak instead I ran as fast as I could towards the back door. Before I could make it though I felt strong hands grab me by my shoulders. I struggled and screamed for help but he covered my mouth with his hand. Trying to get free I bit his hand.

Big mistake. He screamed a profanity and dug a knife into my abdomen, just under my rib cage. Not too deep but enough to make me yell in pain and drop to my knees.

"That's what you get for not listening, you little punk." He took a handkerchief out of his pocket and dampened it then covered my face with it. I took an involuntary breath and started to get woozy. As I lost consciousness the last thing I saw was my mother's dead body and then the darkness took over.

I blinked my eyes open fighting the urge to just lay there and sleep forever. My head throbbed and there was a dull pain on my abdomen just below my rib cage but I ignored it for now. At first I was confused as to where I was and what was going on but then the events of last night came back to me-waking up in the middle of the night, falling over Paul's lifeless body, watching from the sidelines as the dark-haired man shot my mom, kneeling beside her as she breathed her last breath, unable to do anything, being stabbed while I struggled to break free of the murderer's strong grip on my shoulder.

Tears started streaming down my face again but I quickly wiped them away. My mom had died trying to protect me, in her very last moments she'd told me stay strong and to not give up. She had died protecting me and I couldn't let her death be in vain. So, I didn't cry, that could come later instead I focused on making a plan to get out of here preferably alive.

As I took stock of my surroundings I saw that I was in a dark cell of some sort. Three of the walls were bare and windowless while the last one was made solely out of metal bars. It looked exactly like the jail cells one saw in movies only this wasn't a movie and there was little to no chance that I would get out of here alive.

I also noticed that there were messy bandages covering the stab wound. So the dark haired man must have patched me up when I was unconscious.

Suddenly the silence was broken by a door opening somewhere outside my cell and heavy footsteps could be heard coming towards my cell. A moment later the dark haired man appeared at the door of the cell. He had a heavy looking metal cup in his hand. Taking out a key from his pocket he quickly opened the door and came in.

The first thing I noticed was that he left the key in the lock and the second thing I noticed was a small swizz knife poking out of his pants pocket.

"Ah good you are awake." He said in his cold voice and then handed me the cup which was as heavy as it had looked. "Drink up you'll only get it twice a day."

I took the cup and gulped down the water only now realizing how thirsty I was. Once I was done he started speaking again.

" We will be having a little chat with your dear father soon. Let me make somethings clear-you will only speak when spoken to and do exactly as I say or else..." To emphasize the threat he punched me, hard. "Are we clear?" I nodded. "Good. Now stand still while I put this blindfold on you."

Once I was securely blindfolded he led me out of the cell through a metal door and up a staircase. Finally we entered a new room and he had me down a chair and then taped my hands to the armrests.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked sounding a lot like some victim in a crime movie.

"It's nothing personal really. I wanted something from your dad, he wouldn't give it up. So I decided to play a little game with him. I take something of his and in return I get what I want."

"This is all a game to you then. Killing my parents, kidnapping me all just a little game."

"I would have let them live but they wouldn't get out of my way and I always get what I wan't so they had to be eliminated. Now shut up." He said again emphasizing his point with a punch to my already sore jaw.

I heard a faint noise in front of me and then my kidnapper started talking to someone. It took me a second to realize that he was talking to my dad.

"Just let me talk to him first. Please Atlas." I heard my dad say a little while later.

"Of course." the man-Atlas-said.

I felt him take my blind fold off and I blinked rapidly for a second. Then I looked up to see Atlas turning a laptop that sat on a small table in front of me so that it faced me.

As he saw me, my dad sighed in relief.

"Percy, I am so sorry this happened to you I will get you out of there I promise."

"Believe me now?" Atlas said from beside me. "I am gonna give you one week to get me what I want Poseidon or else..."

I knew what was coming a second before it did and I braced myself as best as I possibly could before the flurry of punches rained down on me. Even though I had braced myself it still hurt like hell and I was only partially aware of dad shouting in the background yelling for Atlas to stop. And he did, but not before he had punched my face, chest and gut enough times that it would probably hurt for the next six months or so.

Once he was done, he grinned like a maniac and told dad that he would disconnect the call in exactly fifteen seconds and that he should say his goodbyes while he could.

"Percy I will do everything in my power to get you out of there I promise you. Okay, just hang on. I WILL get you out. I love you..." If he had anything else to say I couldn't find out because at that moment Atlas disconnected the call

It had been four or five days since I had been trapped in this hellhole and I was still sore from the bruises I had gotten on my first day here. It didn't help that Atlas would add at least five or six new once to the collection on a daily basis.

Last night when he had come to give me my food-moldy stale bread-he had taken out his swizz army knife and carved the letter 'A' on my forehead just above my left eyebrow and it hurt worse than when he'd stabbed me. Why though I had no idea.

But anyway, last night I put my plan into motion. I had noticed that Atlas always left the keys on the lock whenever he came in and I had decided to use it to my advantage. I had hidden the metal cup with me and now everything was up to my luck.

If you think about it my plan was a really bad one but it was all I had and I was gonna die either way so it didn't matter.

Atlas came in right on time with the moldy bread.

"Hey!" I said as he entered. "I think my wrist is broken."


"Can't you at least look at it and tell me if it's broken or not."

"Fine give me your hand." He grunted.

As he knelt down in front of me I handed him my left hand and sneaked my right one behind my back. In one swift move I brought out the metal cup and banged it on his temple as hard as I could.

The distraction was just enough as he let go of my hand, I ran as fast as I could and locked the cell door yanking the key out of the lock and clutching it tightly as I ran. Behind me Atlas yelled for me to stop and come back, threatening to kill me otherwise but I didn't stop I ran and kept running. Out the metal door, up the stairs and out of the house. I stopped for a second when I realized that the house was somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

There was a narrow dirt driveway that led to the main road which was surrounded by woods on both sides. I took a deep breath and ran away form the house, away from that hellhole, away from that murderer. Hoping beyond hope that I never have to see his face ever again. As I ran I threw the keys I had been holding all this time into the woods.

I must have ran a whole hour or so before I finally stopped to take a break. The sun was setting in the horizon and it was starting to get dark. My stomach was rumbling and my whole body was aching. I hadn't had anything to eat since last night and the fatigue was starting to get to me.

But I couldn't let it take over not now. I could feel a little blood seep out of my bandages. This was not good, so not good. I had to get up, keep moving. But I couldn't make myself, I was too tired and all I wanted to do was lie down and sleep.

Just as I was about to lose consciousness though, two beams of light shone upon me. I looked up to see a car stop in front of me. It was a black limo with the windows all rolled up.

Suddenly there was a fiery haired girl with pretty green eyes beside me. She shook me lightly breaking me out of my reverie.

"OH MY GOD!" She said. "Are you okay? Oh what am I saying you're obviously not OKAY. Stephen! Help me get him into the car." she said turning to the car. A man that I assumed was her chauffeur came out and the next thing I know I was sitting in the car with the girl.

"Hey!" She said shaking me again. "You need to stay awake. Talk to me. What's your name? How old are you?"

"Percy Jackson." I said slowly. "I am twelve. You?"

"I am Rachel Elizabeth Dare. I am on my way to my parents holiday home in San Francisco, at least I was until I ran into you. Oh and I am twelve too."

"I was kidnapped from my home about five or six days ago. The kidnapper-Atlas-had me locked up in an old house a couple miles from here I somehow escaped and had been running for ages until you found me."

"Wow. That must have been really scary." What was I thinking telling her all that? Oh right I wasn't thinking I was trying to stay awake. Now I had scared her off and she would probably just leave me on the side of the road and run away. Instead she said..

"We'll get you to the nearest hospital. ASAP, cool?" Then she dug a cell phone out of her pocket and handed it to me. "Call your parents and tell them you're safe."

I nodded and dialed the no. I was surprised when he picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?" came a tired voice on the other hand.

"Dad, I-it's me Percy."

"P-Percy! Oh my God! Are you okay? What's going on? Who's phone are you using?"

"Rachel Elizabeth Dare's" I said yawning. I was slipping into the darkness and I knew I wouldn't be able to stay awake much longer.

"Rachel? Who is Ra..." That was the last thing I heard before the phone slipped from my hand and the darkness took over.

I could hear a continuous beeping noise and faint voices of people talking, somewhere close by. But I couldn't understand what they were saying. I tried to focus but the few words that I did catch made no sense at all.

"-too much blood loss-"

"-slipped into a coma-"

"-ever wake up?-"

"-is ready to-"

After a while things started to get clearer, I could understand what the people around me were saying I even recognized some of the voices. One of them being my dad's and the other being that Rachel girl's.

My dad was almost always there and he kept telling me that I was going to be okay asking me to wake up soon or squeeze his hand if I could hear him and I tried, I really did, to wake up or at least squeeze his hand. To give him some signal that I could hear him and that I really was okay but my body didn't respond it never did. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't feel a thing.

When the feeling returned, so did the pain. But it wasn't too much and I was just glad that I could feel again. This time when my dad asked me to open my eyes I did.

I opened them slightly and then squeezed them shut again because of the harsh light.

"Percy!" I heard dad say and I blinked my eyes a few times to adjust to the light.

"Dad?" I croaked out before he tackled me into a hug.

And that was when I started to cry.

-End Flashback-

I looked at Annabeth who had tears in her eyes. I didn't want to tell her but I knew she would keep looking ad that would put her in danger.

"B-but why did you disappear and why didn't you just tell me what happened? Why were you hiding what happened?"

"Because Annabeth Atlas want's me dead and Atlas always gets what he wants."

"I don't understand. He's in jail now right?"

"Do you know why Bianca's dead Annabeth?"

She shook her head 'No'.

"It's because he was never caught and he always get's what he wants and he wants me dead."

And done. Ohh that was long.

So, I have been writing like a maniac all night long to give you this chapter, the least you guys can do is comment and let me know how you liked it!

Anyway I am off to make coffee, loads of coffee cause I have a lot of work to do. Buh Bye.


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