Limitations (Creepypasta x re...

By Awesomelemonaids

83.8K 2.6K 1.1K

Everyone has their limits and when we're pushed to the edge we break. (Y/n) has been through a lot and is onl... More

1. Welcome home (Y/n)!
2. What is she?
3. Onward to school
4. Meet my nerds
My OCs
5. School days
6. She has friends!
7. Memories
8. Glitching out
9. Visiting Rake
10. The beginning of the prank war
11. Elf boy VS Cannibal girl
12. Homework and literal shit
13. That new wolf boy
14. The wolf run
15. Time to train
16. Visiting the doctor
17. Happy birthday!
18. Caught
19. Found him
20. To the mall
21. Arcade time!
22. The rules
23. Sacrifices
24. I am weak
26. Confrontation
27. What are you hiding Slender?
28. Im sorry (Final chapter)

25. Vistors

1.9K 69 22
By Awesomelemonaids

Ben sat in his bedroom, his eyes glued to the ground. Even though he had never been close with the cannibalistic girl he still felt sympathetic towards her. The look on her face, sadness, distress, it pained him knowing that she was suffering. His bedroom door is suddenly opened and Jeff walks in. "Why are you sulking so much? You haven't come out of your room all day yesterday and the night before". Ben looks past his eternally smiling friend and watches the girl walk past, her hands stuffed into her pockets, her hood pulled up. She doesn't bother to look into the room, why would she? By looking up she would reveal her new black eye, Ben was the only one who currently knew of the injury. He took a deep breath and lay back on his messy bed. "Don't worry about it", he mumbles. Jeff scoffs and takes a seat beside him. "You're not doing anything anymore. Don't you wanna play video games or something?". Ben shrugs his shoulders. "I don't really feel like it". Jeff sighs. "Its about her, isn't it?", he says. Ben raised an eyebrow at the black haired boy. "Who?". "(Y/n), who else would I be talking about?". Ben rolled over so he was on his stomach. "She's so different now that Slender doesn't let her do anything, she's so cold hearted and doesn't bother with any of us. I bumped into her a few days ago and saw that she had a black eye, probably from school or something?". "(Y/n) isn't the type of person to get beat up at school", Jeff counters. "It doesn't matter, she's not the same and I'm not sure if she ever will be!", Ben growled, starting to get irritated. Jeff stands and looks down at his friend. "You really like her, don't you?". Ben's face turned bright red. "W-what n-no I don't", he stutters. Jeff sighs, making his way out of the bedroom. He stops in the door and looks back at Ben. "If you really care about her then you should do something". He then walks out, leaving Ben alone with his thoughts.

Your POV

I sit on my bed, what else is there to do. I've been training all morning and if I went out there again I'm sure to pass out. I let out a long sigh and hold up my broken phone. The screen is cracked beyond repair and insides seemed to have exploded. Even if I were some kind of mechanical genius I wouldn't be able to fix it. A shard of glass detaches itself from the phone, falling onto my stomach. I pick it up and hold it between my index finger and thumb. It cuts into the pads of fingers, causing them to bleed, I found it satisfying. What if I were to end it all here? What if I were to finally free myself? Would I truly be happy or would I just be trapped again. Trapped in a reality where I can see everyone but no one can see me, like a ghost. I flick the glass away and sit up. I walk over to my window and look out at the surrounding forest. What else is there to do? In the front yard I watch as the ground cracks, releasing several flames which singe the grass. From out of the crack comes a tall muscular man by the name of Greg, he's Sam's father. After him come another man, this one was less human like. His skin was a dark shade of red and like Greg, was quite muscular. His name is Lucifer, also known as Satan, the father of Lily and Lucius. Greg pulls Lucifer up and then runs his fingers through his thick ginger beard. He wore an apron covered in blood and around his waist was a belt which held many different types of knives. Greg was the owner of a butcher shop and he too was a cannibal. I bit my lip as I watched the two men approach the front door of the mansion. Why were they here?

Slender's POV

I sat in my office doing paper work when I hear a knock on my office door. "Come in!", I call. Masky pushes the door open. "There are two people here to see you". I teleport to the front door to see two men, one had pale skin and ginger hair, the other had red skin and black hair, both we tall and muscular. "What do you want? ", I ask. " I am Lucifer and this is my friend Greg, we would like to talk to you about (Y/n)", the red man says. I hear someone coming down the stairs and look back to see (Y/n). The two men gasp. (Y/n)  quickly turns around and runs back up the stairs. "What is it about (Y/n)?", I ask. The man named Greg clears his throat. " I met (Y/n) 2 years ago, she was empty and emotionless. She had no friends and despised everyone she came in contact with please let her come back". That man seems to know a lot about her, yet I still won't let them take her. "Why should I? ", I ask.  " So that she's happy". I scoff and send the two and glare. "I don't care who you are or how you know her, leave here and never return. I don't need others telling me how to raise her". I slam the door in their faces and teleport back to my office.

Your POV
I walked down stairs and saw Lucifer and Greg, I missed them both.  Slender would never let me see them though. I sit next to bedroom window and stare out of it. The sun streams into the room, lighting up the dark, gloomy place. I can see my thin, unhealthy face in the reflection of the glass. My black eye is still very visible. I look down and watch as the front door is slammed in Greg and Lucifer's faces. They stand there for a second, unmoving. I gently tap the glass, getting them to look up at me. Their eyes widen. I push the window open and lean against its frame. "Why aren't you answering Lily? ", Lucifer calls.  I reach into my pocket and pull out my wreck of a phone. Suddenly I hear footsteps. My eyes grow wide, I close the window and dive onto my bed. The door is slowly opened, I close my eyes pretending to be asleep. The person walks in and sits at the end of my bed.  I open one of my eyes and let out a  sigh of relief, it's not Slender. I sit up and stare at them in disbelief. "Ben? ", I call, my voice is raspy, I barley speak anymore. " What are you doing here? ". He sighs and look up at me with a determined expression. " I want to help you ".

Sorry if it's shit. I'm writing this on my phone right now. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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