Pulling My Strings 〆『Law x R...

By mijeog

178K 4.4K 3.9K

As a child, F/N was forced to eat a devil fruit. Her father had done it before giving her away. Surprisingly... More



30.4K 430 1.3K
By mijeog

this is all unedited and from 2018 so I apologise for any mistakes!! ill most likely rewrite these chapters !


Warm sand sank between my toes with every step, bare feet burning from the sensation. The townspeople had their eyes on me in curiosity, most likely aware of my identity. I passed a bar that secured that thought, my wanted poster pasted on the quest board.

The sand felt nostalgic to me, like the times on Dadan's island that I would spend running away from Garp. I was garbed in something simple to accommodate for the heat. A pair of shorts and half-shirt.

An advertisement for a book store peaked my interest. I started my journey to the marketplace, settled on the other side of the island. My arrival was met with the greeting of fire, pirates raiding the stores. How the town up the road didn't hear it, I would never know.

There was debris that flew by me every few steps. People were smacking into my shoulders as they ran away from the harboured market. 

My lip twitched back in a scowl as I beheld the crew themselves. They had a woman by her hair, sword pointed at her chin.

"Pricks." I ground my canines together, running towards them with unknown motive. This wouldn't end pretty.

A man with broad shoulders turned his weapon toward me. "Hey, pretty lady." I sucked my lips in, watching him throw the woman away in new found disinterest. She fled.

"You lookin' for a strong man?" He said in an alluring voice.

I huffed in disbelief. "Let's just get this over with." With my devil fruit power, I flexed the knuckled in my fingers and felt as my talons unsheathed themselves. I had a zoan fruit.

"T-That's Sinner!! I heard she can turn into a ghidorah!" Not quite, I thought. The man who announced me had already admitted defeat with the dropping of his weapons.

"Glad you know who I am." I said. My body jerked forward as black, feathered wings grew from my back. Starting from my shoulder blades and expanding into the air.

"Shit!" They all yelled. I huffed and brought my hand down on them, my long nails tearing into the backs of the men. I cancelled out their screams with the civilians and reminded myself what I was doing was for the better.

Once I was done with them I went around the island and killed the rest. There were only about a dozen, though still enough to start a problem in my book.

I stood in the center of all the chaos. People were still screaming and trying to escape the fire, but my number one priority was in front of me, marine ships.

I quickly let my nails turn back to normal, my wings disappearing with them.

My eyes scanned slowly over the admiral that had come. Smoker. As they docked and started filing off of the boat, I took out two daggers from my thigh belts.

Smoker spotted me almost immediately, stalking over to me with over a dozen marines behind him. I noticed a smirk on his features as the whites of his eyes came into view, two cigars set at the curve of his lips.

"F/N, or should I call you Sinner now?" he said. Smoker knew to keep his distance, so I was relieved when he stopped a few meters away.

"Neither. You don't deserve to call my by my name." I spit back. "Now now, I only came here to help these poor people. But it seems you already have. Though, I truly am sorry, I have to arrest you now." he said as he pulled out his sea-stone sword.

I rolled my eyes, "Sure." Prick, I said in my head. He launched for me first, but I reacted quickly and dodge his blow.

I can't use my devil fruit power because no one is allowed to know what it is, and so I flipped my knives in my hands and got into a stance.

Smoker was breathing heavily, his shoulders hunched over. I chuckled, "Your age getting to you already?" I asked.

"Shut up." he came at me again, but I threw one of my knives. It landed square in his right shoulder, he yelled out in pain and gripped his new wound.

"You wench." he hissed. I had forgotten about his minions, I realized. I looked around frantically and saw about half of them missing. "Shit." I cursed under my breath.

He smirked and I saw he was looking behind me. I turned quickly, but before I could react I got shot in the leg, making me drop to a knee.

I pushed myself to stand again and reached for my knife, which I had dropped a few feet away. I grabbed it and was about to throw it at Smoker, but got shot yet again.

This time in the abdomen. Not straight on, I could say. I looked down to my shirt and saw a line of blood forming near my stomach.

I looked to my left where the shot had come from and threw my knife at the man, killing him. "You bastard," I cursed to Smoker.

"I'll leave you be this time. But next time, I wont let you off so easy, Sinner." he hissed as he ripped my knife out of his shoulder and kneeled next to me.

"Here's a little something to remember me by." he said as he stabbed the knife info my right palm.

I gasped and fell onto my back and heaved air into my lungs. I blacked out slowly from blood loss as I watched Smoker stride away from me.


Law's P.O.V.

"Captain!!" Sachi called to me, I groaned in annoyance and closed my notebook. We were currently collecting left over supplies from a destroyed town, pirates definitely ransacked it.

I set my notebook down onto the food cart and made my way to Sachi.

"What is so important that you had to disturb me?" I hissed coldy at him. "W-Well, captain. We found a girl," Penguin said to me.

They moved to the side and a young woman came into view. I furrowed my brows as I stared at it, her frail body was curled in on its side and was sitting in a small pool of blood.

I sighed, "Pick her up and bring her to the sub." I waved a hand. Penguin and Sachi lit up. "Thank you, captain!!" they yelled, surprised by Law's decision.

"Yeah, yeah." I said as I started walking back to the food cart. I wheeled it back to the submarine in silence.


I stood next to the iron table, a quiet body laying on top breathing just enough to keep its heart beating.

I slapped on my plastic gloves and got to work.


F/N's P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open from the bright light that shone on them. I made a slight noise of confusion and leaned forward, looking around.

"Where am I?" I said to no one in particular, looking down to myself to see my abdomen in bandages.

My leg thumped in a steady beat of pain, I reached my hand down and started rubbing the sore spots. I heard a squeaking noise and looked up to see someone walking in, they shut the door behind them.

"How are you feeling?" the mysterious man asked me. I looked up to take in his features and almost instantly I realized it was the pirate warlord, Death Surgeon.

He was handsome, extremely handsome. He had a small goatee and black hair that was a tangled mess, probably due to lack of shower or sleep.

"I'm perfectly fine. Give me my shirt." I said, holding out my hand. He stared at my hand a second before looking back up to my eyes.

"I can't do that. Your shirt was stained with blood and ripped so we disposed of it." he told me. I groaned and rubbed my temple. The only thing covering my chest were the bandages wrapped there.

"Scratch that. Where am I?" I asked. I hadn't thought of that yet. All I know is that these people don't want to hurt me, seeing as they bandaged me up.

I still had my skirt on, thank the gods. I flipped my covers off of me and slid one leg after the other off of the bed, standingup and wobbled slightly from lightheadedness.

"You shouldn't be walking right now." the surgeon pushed me back down onto the bed. I stood again, but pushed past him this time.

"Trust me. Your medicine wont be wasted because of me walking around." I said as I looked around the room. "Do you at least have a shirt?" I asked.

He nodded and I watched him head out of the room.

I took this chance to inspect my injuries. My hand slid along my abdomen bandages as I started slipping them off. I also noticed that my hand was wrapped tightly, cold ointment pushing against my skin on the inside.

As I expected it was fully healed already, so much for these stupid stitches. I picked out the stringed stitches that still sat in my skin.

I instinctively crossed my arms over my bare chest. One, for my privacy. And two, it's cold in here.

I heard a click behind me and looked over my shoulder to the surgeon. He was holding a shirt with, what I assumed, was his jolly roger on it.

His brows were raised slightly as he stared at my bare back. "What-." I cut him off before he could ask. "Give me those clothes, it's freezing in here." I said as I took the shirt out of his arms.

I turned away from him and slipped the shirt on. It went to my knees which made me feel short, but the Death Surgeon is super tall so it's not my fault.

"What happened to your back?" he asked. I glared at him, even though my hands started shaking. I turned to him fully and straightened out the shirt he gave me.

"Well, we are utter strangers. I do not feel comfortable like telling a complete stranger my personal information." I hummed to him with a bored face.

"My name is Trafalgar D. Water Law. I am the captain of the Heart Pirates and a Warlord. I am also in an alliance with the Straw Hat pirates at the moment." Law said, introducing himself.

"F/N L/N. I am a supernova. At the age of 13 I was given away to slave trades," I explained to him in a hushed voice, my eyes darkening.

"What-." Law got cut off as someone burst into the room. "IS SHE AWAKE YET TRAFFY?!?" a familiar voice boomed as the person barged in.

My eyes focused on the man and I almost cried out in surprise. There stood in the doorway, Monkey D. Luffy.

Luffy had his signature grin on as he looked to me. I locked eyes with him, and for the first time in a long time, I felt a tinge of happiness. The last time I heard anything about him was from the fight at Alabasta.

I looked to his eyes and saw our past. Tears brimmed my eyes, "Luffy..." I called out to him.

His smile faltered as he furrowed his brows, and I could see the exact moment he realized who I was. His face contorted to sadness, happiness, surprise and more expressions I couldn't even begin to explain.

Tears started flowing heavily from his eyes as he sniffed, "F-F/N? Is that really you?" he asked.

I nodded as my eyes glazed over. "It's me, Lu." I confirmed, he cried out and launched for me.

He wrapped his arms and legs around me and I embraced him as he cried into my shoulder loudly.

"I thought you were gone!!!" Luffy squeezed tighter and I pulled back and he took a step away. "Man. You've grown so much, Luffy. I can't believe you're a notorious pirate that is known by so many." I held him by his shoulder.

He wiped his tears. "H-How are you here right now? I don't understand." he asked in confusion. My expression softened, "You don't need to worry about that." I explained.

"Ahem?" Law coughed into the conversation. I glared at him in the corner of my eye, but didn't stop talking. Luffy ignored us and grinned, pulling his straw hat onto his head.

"Let's go catch up and meet my crew!" Luffy said happily. I nodded, "Let's go."


I walked out of the ship, which I learned is apparently a submarine. Although Law decided to stay back in his sub.

My bare feet padded along the wood deck, looking up to the sky, I squinted at the bright sunlight. Luffy was a few steps in front of me, and I looked past him to see a very large ship that had a lion on it's hull.

Luffy jumped from Law's submarine to his own ship. I followed after him, my feet springing lightly.

My eyes lit up with curiosity as I took in my brother's ship. It had soft grass as a deck instead of splintery wood.

My mouth hung open in amazement. I scanned around and saw multiple people lounging around on the decks.

A man with short green hair seemed to be sleeping near the railing, a stack of three swords next to him. Another guy with blonde hair was fawning over two other women. One of which had long red hair, she wore a bikini top with shorts as bottoms.

The other girl had long black hair and was wearing a long clothed skirt and a cropped jacket, sunglasses pulling her hair back.

I gasped when I saw a skeleton playing a guitar.

There was a big cyborg with blue hair, he was playing with a small animal. A guy with a long nose laughing along with them.

As I stepped more onto the deck, Luffy flew his arms up. "Guys! Come meet our new friend!" Luffy yelled excitedly.

I stood uncomfortably next to him as his crew stumbled over to us. I looked all of them in the eyes and noticed their growing smiles.

I tried smiling back, but I quickly stopped because it felt awkward. "Hello, it's nice to meet you." I said, giving a small bow.

They seemed to have an annoyed look on their faces. "Luffy? Why do you keep bringing random people onto our ship?!" a girl with orange hair yelled to Luffy.

"She's not random! Traffy saved her from an island!!" Luffy stated happily. I gave him a sideways glance.

The man with green hair crossed his arms. "The name's Zoro. This idiot cook is Sanji." Zoro said, pointing his thumb to the blonde next to him.

"I am not an idiot cook you moss head!" Sanji yelled angrily. He suddenly dropped to one knee in front of me, taking my hand. "Oh, what a lovely sight for sore eyes. I am Sanji, the crews cook~" he kissed my hand, making me glare at him.

He stood back up and I listened as the rest introduced themselves. The small reindeer was the ship's doctor, Chopper. The cyborg, Franky, was the shipwright.

The young woman who I now know as Nami, is the crew's navigator. Zoro was the swordsmen. Usopp, which is the man with the long nose, is their sniper.

I was surprised to know that the skeleton was their musician, his name is Brook. The other woman with the silky black hair is known as Robin, she is the crew's archeologist.

I took note to remember all of the names. "This is F/N!! My sister!" Luffy said happily. I put a hand on Luffy's shoulder encouragingly.

The crew seemed taken back, their mouths hung open. It was Sanji who said, "How the hell can you have a sister?! Is she Dragon's kid, too?" he exclaimed.

I snorted, "No way in hell. That would be a blessing." I said, "Me and Luffy grew up together at Dadan's place. I also think of Ace and Sabo as my brothers." I explained. Luffy's face fell slightly when I said it, though I don't know why.

"Well then, who is your father F/N?" Chopper asked innocently. My bones unwillingly locked up. My mouth opened in closed at a loss for words.

Luffy looked to me sympathetically, "Her father passed away a long time ago." he lied. I gave him a look of thankfulness, he returned it with a smile.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't realize!" Chopper apologized quickly. I waved my hand in dismissal, "It's quite alright."

We talked with the crew for a long time, and once it started getting dark we ended up sitting in a semi-circle on the center of the deck. Brook and Chopper sitting on the mast's seat. We talked long enough to give the sun time to set, and now we sat with the only light being a torch lit above the kitchen door.

"So F/N, do you have a devil fruit power?" Usopp asked me, everyone inched forward where they sat in curiosity.

I crossed my arms and leaned back against the wall. "I actually ate the devil fruit almost twenty years ago." I told them. More like forced.

"The devil fruit?" Zoro asked while cocking his head to the side. "Yes. It's the most intricate among the fruits." I started.

My hands gestured a star shape, "It looked like this." I said. "It tasted like ash though." I stuck my tongue out, remembering the taste.

Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper all jumped up with excitement. Their eyes turned to stars, "CAN YOU SHOW US!?!" they yelled.

I clicked my tongue, "I don't really think it's the best idea. No one who is still living on this dirt that has seen my devil fruit power." I bit on my thumb nail.

"THAT'S SO COOL!!! SHOW US!! SHOW US!!!" Luffy and the two others started chanting. "That's so creepy! Makes my heart beat out of my chest! Oh wait, I don't have a heart! Yohoho!!" Brook laughed.

"You never showed me it when we were younger!" Luffy complained with a pout.

"Creepy is right," Zoro agreed quietly. "I think it's wonderful, F/N!!" Sanji said, hearts booming in his eyes. I chuckled lightheartedly.

"If you guys say so. It's pretty terrifying though." I frowned. "Don't worry, F/N. I bet it's SUPER!!" Franky yelled encouragingly. I looked to him. "Thanks, Franky."

The person I want to show it to is Luffy, but I guess I have no choice.

"There's not enough space here." I said. "Let's go to the lions head. There's more open space." I stated before standing up.

"Okay!" Luffy smiled, anticipation written on his face. I stalked up the ships stairs and hopped onto the lion's head, which was at the hull of the ship.

My hands shook nervously and I crossed my arms to make it less noticable. "Are you sure?" I asked them. "Yeah!!" everyone yelled besides the girls and Zoro. I closed my eyes slowly.

The pitch black of the inside of my eyelid was just as dark as the star lit night beyond them. My eyelids slowly slid open as the only light that now emitted into the dark was the red of my iris.

I heard a noise of surprise from the crew. I felt my canine teeth extend and hit my tongue, my ears growing to a point. My fingers started growing long talons. I groaned slightly as my black feathered wings started growing from my shoulder blades. Their full length longer than my body. Giving the appearance of so called "raven wings".

A long and thin tail grew out from the center of my tailbone. It was black and had an arrow at the end with black and red scales scattered along it. Long horns grew thickly from behind my ears, curving around my skull.

I took in a deep breath, trying to sooth my racing heart. The crew in front of me was staring with raised brows, except Luffy, who was jumping up in down with stars in his eyes.

"THATS SO COOL!!" Luffy yelled excitedly. I frowned. Nothing about this is cool to me, it's horrible.

"You look like darkness itself." Zoro scoffed. I sent him a glare, he quickly shut his mouth. I clenched my fists and everything started to turn back to its regular state.

My wings went away last. They are a terrible weakness. Since the bones are hollow, they can be broken easily.

They are also extremely sensitive to the touch, the small caress of someone's breath can make a chill go down my spine.

"Can we eat something? I haven't eaten for a couple of days." I told them. Luffy threw his arms up, "DAYS!! How do you survive for that long without food!!" Luffy shouted.

Sanji laughed, "You can't survive five minutes without meat." he scoffed at Luffy. So he's still the same?, I thought.

"Yes, my love! We shall have a party to celebrate your wonderful arrival!!" Sanji said as he did his little dance of excitement, I would have laughed if it wasn't so weird.

We all sat around in a circle on the deck, people chatting as they shoved food in their mouth. I only had a simple cucumber sandwich, though Sanji insisted I had more.

Luffy kept trying to get me to eat meat. But I don't like meat or anything like that, so I denied him every time. "Why wont you eat meat, F/N!!!" Luffy whined.

I ruffled his hair, "Just eat it all yourself, Lu. I'm not a fan of meat." I chuckled at his childish behavior.

"If you say so!" he said and started downing his meat again. I looked to everyone, and noticed how many friends Luffy has made.

Everyone looked so happy and comfortable, and I unconsciously smiled. Luffy looked at me and pointed, "SHE'S SMILING!" he yelled happily.

I put my hand up to cover my mouth. "Oops." I said.

"Why 'Oops'? Smiling isn't a bad thing." Nami said. I looked to her and blinked.

"Well," I started. "Today, when I saw Luffy, had to have been the first time I felt genuinely happy in a long time." I said.

"Is that so?" a voice said from behind me. I turned to see Law walking over to us. He was wearing a coat that barely covered his exposed chest. Which, if I mention, had wonderful defined muscles.

He had jeans with black spots littering them. On top of his bed hair he had a white spotted hat. "Hey, Trafalgar." I waved to him.

He looked me in the eye in greeting and sat next to me. He took his hat off and set it in his lap, I can't blame him. It's hot as hell outside.

"Hey, Traffy!!" Luffy waved excitedly. "Want anything to eat?" Sanji asked him, blowing out a puff of smoke from his cigarette.

"No, thank you." Law answered. I couldn't help but stare at his face. It had handsome sharp features and I couldn't help but study them.

I dragged my gaze along his jawline. When I looked back to his eyes he was staring at me. I closed my mouth in a straight line, his golden eyes burned into my glowing green ones.

"Do you need something?" he smirked as I ran my tongue over my teeth, looking away and focusing on the stars in the sky, "Nope."

"Oh, F/N?" Zoro asked as he looked to me. I turned my head down and connected eyes with him, "What is it?" I cocked my head to the side.

"How is your hair two toned. Don't get me wrong, I've seen a lot of crazy hair styles. But I just don't get it." he said, scratching the back of his neck.

I pursed my lips and ran a pale hand through my hair. "It's part of my devil fruit power. The ends of my hair are white, like strips of life. And the rest is black." I said.

"Since my hair is long it means I will have a long life. But it sort of works like a vivre card." I explained. "So if I were ever to be injured in a life threatening state, my hair would start burning away to ash. And once it reaches my neck, my life is done." I finished.

"Oh! So does that mean you'll be bald when you die?!" Usopp asked carelessly. I licked my dry lips, "Definitely not." I chuckled, "It will stop here." I said, bringing my hand up to my shoulder.

"Sort of like how my hair used to be." Nami said. I looked to her and she grabbed her hair and pulled it out of her face so her hair looked short. "Like this." she said with a smile, I nodded.

"That's convenient." Franky commented. I fluffed my curls, "I guess. . ." I said back.

"I think it's occult." Law said, I slid my gaze to him without moving my head. Looking back over to Luffy I said, "What do you think, Lu? You have been awfully quiet." I put my hand on his shoulder.

He jumped, "Huh? What?" he said as he turned to me. I frowned, tightening my grip on his shoulder. "I wasn't listening, sorry." he giggled awkwardly.

His crew quieted down, "Are you okay, Luffy? You're usually the loudest." Chopper said. I looked to the reindeer and offered a small smile, telling him that I'd handle this, he gave a slight nod in return.

Luffy stood up. "Can I talk to you, F/N?" he asked with a frown. I looked up to him with glowing eyes.

"Sure." I said while standing up, the crew starting to talk and whispering worriedly. I gave Law a glance before I stalked after Luffy.

Luffy walked into the kitchen, safely away from the others' ear shot. He sat on the counter, I followed after and sat on the table across from him.

"What's up?" I asked him. He was looking at his lap, twiddling with his thumbs. "I'm just, still confused as to how you're here. I want to know what happened. Where's your mom?" he asked while looking up to my eyes.

I let out a noise as my body stiffened. "Uhm." I stuttered, looking for the right words.

I know Luffy is too clueless to know the difference between asking a hard question and an easy question.

"She's....gone." I said. I brought my hand up to my chest, resting my palm right above my heart. Luffy widened his eyes at me.

"W-What do you mean she's gone? What happened?" he asked quickly. I swallowed a lump in my throat, "Luffy, now is not the best time to tell you." I said.

He furrowed his brows, "Please," he cried out, I saw tears brimming his eyes. "I thought you were dead. I just want to know how everything happened. How you ended up here." he said.

I sighed, "Marines got to her... I don't know who it was, but when I had returned from collecting herbs one day she was gone. The villagers said it was marines." I explained.

"W-What about when Smoker took you? Did he have you stay with the other guy?" Luffy asked. My nails protruded from the tips of my fingers at the mention of Smoker.

Luffy wasn't startled. "Smoker, and the man that took me, are associated in some way." I started. "For five years, that man kept me locked up in his estate, making me do child labor. He thought I was a demon, a sin to this world." I said.

Luffy jumped up, "Why didn't you run away?!" Luffy yelled. I flinched, he calmed down and sat back onto the counter.

"I couldn't." I said in a hushed voice. "Why couldn't you?" Luffy asked in a more soft tone. I frowned and jumped off of the counter

I turned away from him and pulled up the back of my shirt. Large, jagged scars sat on my pale skin in crossed lines. I heard Luffy suck in a breath.

"He whipped you..." he said quietly. And indeed, the scars were from being whipped. Though not just one or two scars, but dozens.

They littered all over my back. Every night I still had nightmares of the time my masters carved them into my skin, screaming that I was a bastard's child.

I put my shirt down and turned back to him. "Can we go back out if you're done with questions?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I'm sorry..." he said as he jumped off the counter, but his jolly self soon returned. "I'll make you forget everything! And so will my friends! Happiness always beats sadness!" Luffy grinned.

When I opened the door, everyone was outside except for Law. They had their ears close to the door, I looked down at them and they all jumped back.

"It's not appropriate to eavesdrop." I said as I walked past them and over to Law, who was sitting on the ship's steps.

I hopped up a few steps and sat next to him. "What's up?" I asked as I looked up to his golden eyes.

I swallowed as I looked into his eyes. They were so enchanting, something about them made me feel safe. It's like they held the most agonizing history, but were still capable of being beautiful.

"Nothing. I was just enjoying myself watching them listen to you and Strawhat~ya's conversation." he said.

I rested my elbows on my knees as I leaned forward. "Is that so?" I said. He hummed in response, the deep sound sent shivers down my spine.

"F/N~ya, doesn't your leg hurt?" he asked, making me look down to my thigh, it was bandaged still. "Oh, no. I have trained myself to sustain the feeling of pain." I said, making him furrow his brows.

"How is that possible. You have nerves, therefore you should be able to feel it." He said. I shook my head. "That's not how my body works."

Before I started explaining, I unwrapped my hand and my thigh, tossing the bandages aside. I pointed to my hand first. "See, there is no more wound. It's just a scar now." I said.

"It shouldn't have healed that fast. I personally stitched it." he said. "I know. But my body started healing it seconds after it happened. So there really was no need." I explained.

"Interesting." Law said as he stared intently at my palm. "Thanks." I leaned back and set my elbows on the stairs behind me. Law was looking me over, I noticed.

I looked to him and crossed my arms. "Jeez, don't stare so much. You might burn a hole through me." I rolled my eyes.

He brought his gaze up to my eyes instead. For what seemed like forever we stared into each others eyes, glowing green orbs drilling holes into Law's gold ones.

"F/N~ya, would you like to join my crew?"


Total Word Count: 5220

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