Teachers Pet

By multifanwritings

9.4K 261 116

Spencers grades have been suffering lately. Especially in English. So Mr. Fitz has offered to tutor Spencer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

437 16 5
By multifanwritings

Hey guys! So im looking for an editor for this story. If you are interested please message me. That would be great. Enjoy the chapter loves

Previously on "Teachers Pet":

Tobys POV

I watch the nurse try to wake Spencer up, which seemed like hours was probably only a few minutes. As if right on cue the sound of her breathing quickens. Slowly her eyes flutter open and I am met with her beautiful brown orbs staring up at me.

Spencers POV

I slowly open my eyes from what seems to be a long nap. My head is pounding from the noise that surrounds me. I try to sit up when I feel a pair of hands gently push me back down. That's when I notice who was sitting beside me. I look up into those beautiful blue eyes i once fell in love with.

"Toby?" I manage to squeak out. 

"Yeah Spencer, I'm right here okay. I'm not leaving you."

All I can do is stare up at him trying to figure out how I could have lied to those eyes for such a long time.

"Spencer, we need to get you to my office and call your parents." The nurse says.

"Can you sit up?" Toby asks.

"Yeah I think I can."

I slowly stand up realizing how many people were standing around me staring. I feel all their eyes on me as I wobbly walk through the halls. I keep my eyes down, looking at the ground. When I feel a familiar hand gently grab onto mine.


He looks at me and gives me a soft smile which I return. I guess I didnt realize how much I really needed him in my life. Its been killing me, shutting him out like this. I need to tell him. It can't stay like this any longer. He needs to know.

"Spencer, can you tell me exactly what happend?" The nurse kindly asks.

Toby gives my hand a slight squeeze giving me a bit of comfort.

"Um, I-I think I just had a panic attack" I stutter.

"Do you want to tell me what it was about?" She questions.

"No, not really."

"Okay then, well I will call your mother and have her come pick you up" She says

Great just what I need, my mom to have to come up here and question why this happend. I think Toby sensed me tensing because he spoke up.

"You dont have to call her. I can take her home."

"Dont you have a class young man?" She asks.

"Yes, but her mother is at work and wouldnt want to be disturbed. Im sure you can excuse me for the rest of the day." He replies back.

What did I do to deserve him?

"Oh, fine. But just for today. And make sure you tell her mother what happend."

"Of course. Thank you. Come on Spencer lets go." He says as he grabs my hands and leads me out to his truck.

We sit in comfortable silence the entire way home. The soft hum of the engine is the only sound to be heard.

"Well, um thanks for the ride." I say softly and get out.

"Spencer wait. You cant just ignore this anymore. We need to talk. Please?" He pleads

"Okay. Come on we can talk inside."


"Spencer, what has been going on lately? You have been so distant. And I'm tired of just giving you space. There is something going that you're not telling me. Every time I see you, you have a new bruise. And dont tell me that you fell because I know thats not true. Im tired of feeling like I cant help you. But there is nothing I can do when you wont tell me what's been going on. I want to help you. You just have to let me in."

If only he knew. I want to tell him so badly. I want to tell him about Mr. Fitz and the abuse. And I will. He needs to know.

"Can I talk now?" I ask.

"Please do."

"It started because I was failing english. "A" Had really been getting to us lately and I couldnt keep up with homework. So Mr. Fitz talked to me about tutoring with him and I obviously agreed. I thought it was a bit odd that the tutoring was at his place but I ignored it. It was all just normal tutoring until-" I'm cut off by the sound of my phone going of.

No, not again.

Unknown: If you tell him one more thing it wont be pretty for either of you. Its amazing what one pull of a trigger could do to someone.

I freeze. I was so close to telling him. And it felt so good. But once again he took my chance. I will never be able to escape his torture. He's always there. Watching, manipulating. (Quote from queen mona)

"Spence? What happend? Who was that text from?"

I dont think I realized I was shaking until Toby pulled me into a tight hug. Thats all it took for me to completely break down into uncontrollable sobs. I couldn't take it anymore. I was broken beyond repair. Toby just sat there holding me telling me that things were gonna be okay. But they weren't. Nothing was gonna be okay. He's taken so much from me. How can it be okay again?

After a long time I finally calmed down and Toby spoke up once again.

"Spencer. You're scaring me. What's going on? Who was that text from?"

I just silently handed over my phone and put my head in my hands. I didnt care what happend anymore. I couldnt cry anymore tears. I just wanted this to be over.

He takes a minute to read over the text. It seemed more like hours than minutes for me. The anxiety of how he was going to react overwhelmed me.

"Who is this?" Toby asks in a quiet yet intimidating voice. I can tell he's angry.

"I, um-" I cant get it out.


"Mr. Fitz." I manage to squeak out.

I was wrong about not having any tears left cause here they came again, pouring out like a fountain.

"Mr. Fitz as in the English teacher? Is he the one who has been hurting you!?" He says a little calmer.

I just nod my head.

"Baby, why couldn't you tell me this was happening?" he says a bit calmer.  "Why didnt you tell me he was hurting you? I could have done something."

"H-he threatend to hurt you and everyone else. I-I couldn't just let everyone get hurt because I couldnt handle a few beatings. None of you deserve that."

"Neither do you. You dont deserve to be beaten like that. No one does. And Spence we need to turn him in. He needs to rot in jail for what he did to you!" He yells.

I step back from him. When he yells all I can see and hear is Mr. Fitz getting ready to beat me again.

"I'm sorry. I should have never told you. He's gonna hurt you. Y-you need to stay away from me."

And with that I run out as far away from everyone as I can get.

Hope you enjoyed. Let me know how the chapter was and what you want to happen. Have a great day my lovelies 💜 -Meghan

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