bitten ➼ calum hood au

By aby-wanders

174K 5.1K 2.6K

|book two| im-prin-ted se-ries ❝in which a newborn wolf find it's way back to it's alpha's arms.❞ More

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4.3K 110 62
By aby-wanders


Addicted by Morgan Page
Oblivion by Bastille

[27] tally

"Dean, you know this is impossible. I can't do this, it's too dangerous." I began, after knowing about the idea Dean had in mind for a while afterall. Only trained Alphas are allowed to perform this kind of ritual and I'm not even a trained one. It's not going to work, I'm going to lose my friend still.

"You know it's the only way to save your friend, you don't have any other option." Dean replies, saying the truth once again. He's right, there is no other choice left for us to save Ashton. It's hard to decide because even if I do the ritual and fail, Ashton will die and so does Conrad but I cannot lose another friend- especially my best friend.

"If I were you, I'd rather do it. Atleast the fact that you never tried at all won't haunt you forever." Michael buts in, even if it irritates me how he suddenly sounded so genious at that time- he was right. He made a point somehow.

"Remember Calum, if you don't do this you will lose not just Ashton but everyone in the pack. You just don't save a friend, you will save everyone- even this whole town- even the whole Australia. If Conrad will successfully take over Ashton's body, both humanity and every other pack is at sake." Dean explains to me and this time, I was already convinced by his use of wise words through explanation. Dean and Michael was right, I have to do the ritual.

"Okay, I will. I just have to know how the ritual goes and I'll go try to work it out." I say, sighing quietly to myself. Dean nods, amused by the fact that I finally agreed to his idea.

"You have to take someone with you, an anchor. His anchor. And as far as I know, it has to be Renee. You have to take her inside Ashton's mind." He began and I look over Renee who looks at me with the hint of approval in her brown eyes. "And a symbol, your pack symbol that represents your pack. It can help Ashton to fight. You have to carve it by your claws to his wrists. What's your symbol, anyways?" Dean asks me and I quite zoned out by the memory that flashes back.

"What are you doing, Ash?" Renee asks as soon as we came to find Ashton, who seemed really focused on what he was doing on a dusty table that I haven't used for a while. We were back in my basement to search for a world map, which I don't really know for what purpose is it but it had something to do with our history project.

"Look at this," Ashton motioned me to come over to where they were. I hovered over the table and found four straight lines that stood horizontally. I furrow my eyebrows together as I studied the drawing, then it just hit me by that moment. That it can be what the pack represents, these four lines. As much as how I realize this, I knew something was still missing between those lines and I leaned as I connected the lines together. As soon as I did, I felt satisfied.

I knew it was already the symbol of the pack since.

"Cal," Michael called and I was brought back to reality, surprised even after hearing Michael calling me by my nickname. It felt like centuries ago since he called me that, when we were used to be best friends back then.

"Are you okay?" Jourdan asks me and I wasn't even able to feel her presence until she spoke to me, I barely nod an answer and walk upo the chalkboard that hung by the wall. I carved through my claws againts the board and introduced them the symbol my pack represents.

"A tally? What does that even stands for?" Michael asks from behind, as he scoffs and prevented from laughing out loud. I look over my shoulder and looked at him in the eyes.

"It stands for everything. It stands for both humanity and werewolves, it stands for protectinv our loved ones, it stands for everything we fight for. Michael, I can simply go on for days if you really want to know what this symbols stands for and I know that you know it'll be just a waste of space." I say and his mouth hanged open, speechless from what I have told him.

I look back to the board and traced the four lines, "One for each of us. Renee, Acer, Ashton and I. This is the real pack I had before and I'm very glad that they're still around, fighting for what's right." I manage to explain and a hand appeared right next to mine, tracing the other line that connected the four.

"And what does this stands for?" Jourdan questions me with interested eyes and I smiled toothily.

"You," I say and she steps back, surprised from what I stated. "You simply connected us in many ways, you built the pack together. You are the anchor of this pack, Jourdan. At first, I didn't understand why I connected them but it all make sense to me now. It's you." I smile and she chuckles softly, blushing right afterwards which I found way cuter.

"This is how the plan goes," Dean catches our attention as he placed a huge map on the table.

"Wait, why are you taking out a map?" Jourdan asks him and he stares back at her for quite while.

"We don't know where Ashton's hiding," Jourdan added, informing her father but he seems like he already know.

"We're not going to find Ashton, we're going to find Conrad." Dean answers which we all gave him confused looks.

"C'mere." Dean motions me to walk towards the table and he rests his hand on my shoulder. "I think you know where Conrad's corpse is, kid." He tells me and I nod. I remember the place, crystal clear. My dad brought me there before the day he died, he told me that I have to take care of it- the dark oak tree. Honestly, at first I didn't understand why he asked me to take care of Conrad's graveyard when he's already dead but now it's already clear for me. He wanted me to take precautions because it was dangerous. Dangerous not just for me but for everyone else.

"It's in the middle of the town's preserved area, somewhere here I guess." I pointed down the map and he nods for about two times, patting my shoulder.

He took out a ruler from the side and connected the area to the north side, reaching the abandoned old Gymnasium. "You see here? This is where they captured you right?" I nod and he moves the ruler to the other side, this time, on the west side.

"Paxton's building?" I raised my eyebrows, confused.

"That's- that's where Grayson and Ashton talked, when I followed him." Luke spoke as I look up to him, he seemed very very uncomfortable from the way my eyes met his and he immediately remove his gaze from mine.

"This here is Safeira's house, right? On the east side." Jourdan joins the conversation pointing over the area where Andersons' house were found.

"They're all in different directions but with the same measure?" Renee hovered over the table, asking Dean. He nods and passes the ruler to the south part.


"Does this mean he's at your school right now?" Michael says, his eyes gazing towards us.

"Dark souls can't travel so far from their graveyard and as of now, the school is his last option to ran into. This soul can consume every inch of Ashton's body and if we don't take action right at this very moment, he can go by the farthest and it would be more harder for us to track him down." Dean explains and I finally understood where he was coming from.

"We have to get moving right away then," Michael says, standing straight up with his arms folded together.

"Wait," Dean says, looking up at him and motioned everyone of us to come closer and we oblige right away.

"Lucas and Michael," Dean called for them and I stiffled a laugh from Luke's reaction to the wrong call to his name.

"I'm Luke, not Lucas." He corrected him and Dean rolled his eyes dramatically, "Whatever blondie, c'mere." He says and Luke sighed loudly, making me chuckle to myself.

"The two of you would have to help Calum and Renee, you will hold Ashton down while the rest of us will go fight for this clones Conrad could probably make,"

"How much clones can Conrad make?" Jourdan asks.

"About hundreds if he wants to, thousands even." Dean looks up to her and she almost let out a loud gasp from the information.

"But as soon as Calum stuck his claws into Ashton's nape, Conrad would freeze, right away. He won't be able to create clones. So the four of you have to move very fast." Dean explains and I nod, taking Jourdan's hand into mine and squeezed it for reassurement.

"I'll go get some things first, I'll be back." Dean informs before leaving the room. I immediately took the chance to talk to Jourdan.

"You don't have to go," I say as I cupped her face, her brown eyes looking up at me.

"Calum, I have to. I can't just sit around while my friends are out there sacrificing themselves without me. I will feel terrible." She sighed, holding my hands in both sides.

"I don't like the idea of you sacrificing yourself, you know you're the only person left for me. You can't be harmed," I say as low as possible, noticing that there was still some people around us.

"And I can't let you go away, Calum. I have to protect you too, from them. You know I'd be nothing without you, we both know that." Her voice cracks afterwards, as I kissed her temple assuring her.

"But I'm scared- no, I'm terrified. That I might lose you from this fight, I cannot lose you again." I say, wiping the tears that soon flowed out of her hazel eyes. She kissed my hand once and took a step back.

"I have to fight for my friends too, Calum. I'm sorry," She says, wiping her tears through her sleeve before disappearing out of my sight.

I sighed, running my hands through my face as both disappointment and fear crept into me. I look over towards Luke and Renee who sat together, and Michael nowhere to be seen. They seemed to be in a conversation that I don't have to know so I made my way through the door and out.


"Full moon's tomorrow night," Michael mumbles beside me as we stared up the half moon that was shining up the sky.

"Do you think you can handle Jourdan?" He asks me and I shrug, probably.

"You know, you don't have to worry about Jourdan anymore." Michael says back to me and I look back to him, furrowing my eyebrows together because I know he's talking bullshit.

"Don't look at me like that, asshole. Jourdan's not like the old Jourdan anymore, she's a wolf now. She's stronger than you even know." He says and I just stare at him, trying to contemplate what he just told me.

"You don't understand, do you?" He looks back to me, his lips holding a small smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Calum, after everything that happened between you two, do you think Jourdan would just give up and not fight for what she have been fighting for? She loves you to death and I know she will do anything to save both of you." He paused.

"She grew much stronger from the things that happened to her life. I can see it in her eyes, the determination to protect you and her friends. She maybe frightened about this but having you is the reason why she's still here and I think you already know that." Michael sighed, looking up the sky once again.

"I know you're afraid, I am too. Jourdan was like a sister to me and you know how protective I am towards Renee. But you have to trust me," He turns his head towards me this time. "You have to trust Jourdan."

i have been dead for about two weeks i guess lol jk i wasnt able to update since sch just started so yea bitten's next chapters will be on slow updates sorreh love you still tho :*

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