Letters To Jasmine

By OhMandyXD

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Troy and Jasmine met by chance. No, not at the library or at school. No, they met on the Interent. Cyberspac... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Thirteen

275 8 9
By OhMandyXD

I wanna dedicate this to Nicole, a close friend of mine. She was one of the first people that I knew personally to read LTJ. She's a great friend and really supportive towards my writing.

Thanks for being such a great friend <3

Enjoy :D


Framing Hanley- Alone in this bed

Simple Plan- Take My Hand

Chapter Thirteen:

“Come on, it’s been two days!” Cynthia whined, trying to pull the blanket from my grasp. I rolled over and pulled the blanket over my head, my back facing her. The sun was shining through my half open curtain. It was Sunday afternoon and I didn’t feel like getting out of bed. In fact I didn’t feel like doing anything. Depressive, I know.

“What happened?” She asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. I didn’t open my eyes, afraid that if I did I would be blinded by the sun.

What happened? I’ll tell you what happened. Great, now I’m talking to myself. I hate being in love!

“Troy sent me a text saying stuff that he wouldn’t,” I started, “Maybe, well, he would say that stuff but no in the way it was typed.

“Huh?” Was her response.

A frustrated sight left my mouth, I sat up and turned towards her.

“Troy is in England, a place where girls are popped out looking like super models. Why would he want m-," I didn’t get to finish my sentence, Cynthia slapped me.

I held my right cheek in my hand, too shocked to feel the stinging in my cheek.

“Must I slap some more sense into you?” Cynthia threatened, raising her hand again.

Gosh, she is so violent.

“No!” I squealed moving up my bed, trying to get away from Cynthia and her damned hand. I hurriedly looked around my room, searching for a weapon to use against her.

“Good. Now,” She wrapped her hand around my wrist, pulling me up, “Come.”

She led me to the bathroom and made me face the mirror. The bathroom was a pale pink colour, the toilet a sparkling white colour, a medium size shower in the corner and a counter against the wall with two sinks and a mirror perched on the wall.

“You see that girl?” She pointed at my reflection. I nodded my head.

“Well she is a beautiful chick,” She started.

“Are you calling me a baby chicken?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at her in the mirror. She glared at me and raised her hand again.

I put my hands up and zipped my mouth shut.

“As I was saying,” She glanced at me, “She is a smart and kind girl,” Dragging out the word girl, I smirked at her.

“I’m not that pretty,” I muttered.

She slapped me, again.

There was a knock on the bathroom door and a second later it revealed a nervous looking Trey, with the house phone in his hand. It looked as if he was going to break out in a sweat at any given second, I glanced worriedly at him.

“It’s,” He swallowed deeply, his Adams apple bouncing in his throat. He cleared his throat and spoke again, “It’s Troy.”

My face fell, “Tell him I’m out.” He looked at me for a moment before he put the phone back to his ear. Cynthia rubbed my shoulder comfortingly, she smiled encouragingly at me. I had been ignoring all form of communication with Troy. I knew that I was being childish, I blamed all the strong emotions on my period.

Shouting came from the phone and I could faintly make out what was being said. Trey pulled the phone away from his hair and I nearly let out a giggle at his annoyed face. Nearly.

“I don’t care! I want to talk to her Trey, “The emotion in his voice made me catch my breath, “Go find her Trey, you know how much she means to me!”

The tears came, I slid down to the floor pulling Cynthia with me since I had latched onto her hand for support. Once I was on the floor I pulled my knees up to my chest, trying to dissolve the dull ache in my heart.

Trey looked at me with worried eyes, his face pained. A huge sob ripped through my chest, making it harder to swallow the lump in my throat. Tears made their way down my cheeks and then onto my quivering lips, I licked my lips shakily trying to get my breathing back to normal.

“Is she with you right now?” I heard Troy scream, “Let me talk to her!” The desperation in his voice made my chest contract. He was so loud.

It felt as if everything was closing in on me, like the bathroom walls were moving closer, boxing me in. The air was becoming thicker, my hands started tingling and so did my lips.

I couldn’t breathe.


“No Troy!” I heard a voice whisper, a beeping noise echoed of the rooms’ walls.

“You have to stop dropping everything to come and visit her. You have duties!”

What was Trey on about?

My eyes opened and then closed again, the light in the room blinding me momentarily.  The beeping noise started going off frantically, almost in time with my own heart. Oh, it was hooked up to me.

“I have to go, she’s awake.” There was a protest from the mobile Trey had in his hand but it was cut off as soon as Trey his the red button. I tried opening my eyes again and this time I was successful. The light wasn’t as bright as it was the first time, I could feel a sharp prickly thing in my right hand and looked down to see an I.V stuck into it, some sort of medical tape held it in place.

I was on a hard bed, railings on each side. The walks were painted a ghostly white colour and I could smell the hand sanitizer throughout the room.

Trey sat down on one of the chairs that were on my left.

“Hey kid,” Trey managed a faint smile.

“What happened?” My voice cracked at the end. Clearing my throat I sat up straighter.

“You had an asthma attack and then you fainted,” Trey said, patting my knee.

“But I haven’t had an attack in years,” I said. Pulling myself up completely into a sitting position.

Trey leaned back into his chair, “I think it was all the stress about what has happened over the past few months. Nothing serious.” He smiled at me.

“The Doctor said you could get released as soon as you wake up." I nodded and looked around the hospital room again.

“Am I at the same hospital as my Mom?”

Trey nodded his head, “Would you like to go and see her?”

New found energy made me nod my head like crazy. Trey smiled widely at me and helped me into the wheel chair, claiming that I wasn’t strong enough to walk. Other than a dull ache in my throat and chest, I felt fine.

Trey pushed the wheel chair all the way to my Moms room, making it as if the wheel chair was a car. I giggled like a little girl all the way, apologising to one nurse who we nearly crashed into and made all of her files fall to the ground.

“Call me when you want me to come and get you,” Trey whispered once we stopped in front of my Moms room.

Glancing up at him, I asked, “What do you have to do?”

“I have to make some phone calls.”

“Troy?” I guessed, half hoping I was wrong. Trey nodded his head once more before opening the door and pushing me inside.

I nearly started crying again. My Moms once beautiful thick hair was losing its shine and volume, it was becoming thin and brittle. She was pale and her cheeks were hallowed. She looked so sick.

Pushing the wheel chair to my Moms bed side, I grabbed a hold of her hand.

“Hey Mommy,” I whispered. She didn’t make a move so I assumed she was still asleep.

“I like this guy,” I told her, wanting a response but not getting one.

“You would’ve loved him.” I choked up.

“I already do love him.” I whispered, burying my face into my arms that rested on her bed.

“I don’t know what to do Mom,” I sobbed, “I need someone to talk to.”

I just needed someone to hold me.


Hey guys, I have one more exam left and then I'm done. Woohoo :D

But I only have a three week holiday -___-

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