Wolves Stick Together: RWBY X...

By TheSpectre21

360K 5.4K 10.4K

You were nine years old when you met your best and only friend, who was also a wolf faunus like you. Her name... More

A Wolf Meets A Raven
Play Date
First Day and Already Trouble
Torn From The Pack
A Cold & Cruel World
Welcome To Beacon
The Alpha Wolf
To Become Stronger Than Before
A Heartbreaking Confrontation & The Kindness Of Others
The Perfect Monster Vs. The Elite Warrior Part 1
The Perfect Monster Vs. The Elite Warrior Part 2
Forgivness & Confessions
Christmas Special Part 1
Christmas Special Part 2
Christmas Special Part 3
Mommy's Not Coming Home Part 1
Mommy's Not Coming Home Part 2
In Memory Of The Fallen Super Saiyan & A Loving Mother
One Big Happy Family
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This Wasn't How It Was Suppose To Go

2.3K 51 32
By TheSpectre21

With You

You were with Raven in the recovery bay, sitting next to your bed with Yang and Pan on your lap.


Pan: Yeah! You were "RAAAHH" and and "HYAAA" and it was soo cool!!

Raven: *giggles* Thank you girls, but I lost today.

Yang: We don't care. As long as you gave it your best, that's all.

Pan: Yeah, we'll always love you mommy. *smiles*

Raven: Ohh, come here my little wolf pups.

She pulled them up to her and they snuggled with each each other. You smiled at the sight, and got up from your chair.

Y/N: Alright, I'm gonna go change, then I'm gonna go hang out with Yashiro or whoever.

Raven: Alright, I'll catch up later.

Y/N: *chuckles* You need to rest. I love you. *kisses Raven's cheek*

You left the medical bay, and flew back to your dorm. You changed into something more comfortable for you, which was a pair of blue training pants, along with a blue muscle shirt. You also put on white combat shoes and gloves, and flew back to the arena. As you walked the halls of the arena, you saw Yashiro walking with Victoria. You jogged up to them, and called them out.

Y/N: Yashiro! Victoria! Hey!

Victoria&Yashiro: Huh?

They turned, and saw you running up to them with a smile.

Yashiro: Ohh, hey Y/N.

Y/N: Hey, what are you guys up to? Mind if I join? Raven's resting with her team, Cole's with Christina, trying to take care of her, so I got nothing to do.

Victoria: Nahh, we were just going to the fair grounds right now. Wanna come?

Y/N: Sure, sounds cool.

You walked to the air docks of the arena, and caught a bullhead leaving just in time. You found your spots on the ship, and had a nice friendly conversation. As you were talking though, Yashiro notice a figure in the back of the ship, hiding in the darkness. He turned to get a better view, and when he saw who it was, he went wide-eyed.

Yashiro: Hey, I'll be right back.

Victoria: You alright?

Yashiro: Yeah, just gotta go to the restroom.

He left, and saw the person walked out to the balcony of the ship. He went towards the restroom, and looked back to make sure you were still talking with Victoria, which you were, and then made a B-line for the balcony. Once he was outside, he saw there was no one else but the figure, who was leaning against the rail, admiring the view. The person had light blonde hair, light skin, wore a grey overcoat with a black scarf. He had light silver eyes, with black piercings on his ears.

???: It's been awhile, hasn't it? Yashiro?

Yashiro: What do you want, Ryan?

???: Please Yashiro, I prefer to be called by "Vortex."

Yashiro: Whatever, what do you want? *glares*

Vortex: Ohh, it's not what I want. It's what one of my clients wants.

He turned to Yashiro who had a smirk on his face.

Vortex: Your friend there is quite powerful isn't he?

Yashiro: Yeah, what about it?

Vortex: Well, I'd be careful if I were you. Someone's shown interest in his power, and she is very interested in getting him to join.

Yashiro: I'm sure that he would never turn his back on anyone. He fight for the people of Remnant, and will eradicate all evil.

Vortex: *chuckle* Yashiro, you have no clue what he has pulled himself into. It is only a matter of time until things go wrong. So as an old friend, I suggest you leave while you can.

Yashiro: I'd never abandon my friends, especially the one's I've since the beginning of this tournament.

Vortex: *sigh* Don't say I didn't warn you.

Yashiro: If you so much as come near any of these people, I swear I'll-

He was cut off by Vortex suddenly being surrounded by smoke. It impaired his vision of Vortex, and by the time it cleared, he was gone.

Yashiro: Damn it...he got away.

He watched as the smoke left the ship, and slowly went back inside. When he came up to you, you had a confused expression.

Y/N: Hey, I thought you went to the restroom?

Yashiro: I did, and then I thought I could use some fresh air.

Victoria: You alright? *feels his forehead* You're kinda warm.

Yashiro: I'm fine, don't worry.

Y/N: Well, we better get ready, we're almost there.

The bullhead was landing, and everyone aboard was waiting for the doors to open. When they did, everyone calmly disembarked from the ship. As you were walking around the fair grounds, you looked at everything that was there. The games people were playing, the food stands that looked amazing, even the shows that were going on. It was amazing. You noticed a balloon game, and saw one of the prizes were a pair of beowulf plushies. You walked towards it as Yashiro and Victoria followed.

Y/N: Excuse me.

Vendor: Ahhhh, the wolf of Vale himself! Would you like a go? Just pop three balloons with these darts, and you win!

You paid him for one turn, and he handed you the three darts. You took aim, and threw dart after dart. Once you were finished, you saw three popped balloons in a row.

Vendor: We have a winner! What would you like?

Y/N: Those beowulf plushies please?

He got them down from the rack, and handed them over. You left with your friends, and went in search for something to eat.

Yashiro: Didn't know you were into those things Y/N. *chuckles*

Y/N: Ohh shut up, they're for my kids.

Victoria: Ohh, you're children are so cute. I'm jealous.

Y/N: *chuckles* Well, I'm sure your future family will be amazing.

Victoria: Yeah *glances at Yashiro who has a smile looking forward* hopefully. *blushes*

Yashiro: Hey, how about some noodles?

Y/N: Sure!

You all walked over to the noodle stand that was nearby, and took your seats. You placed the plushies on the seat next to you, and made your order.

Y/N: I'll have a bowl of the "Regular" please?

Yashiro: Hmmm, sounds good, I'll take the same.

Victoria: Could I get something with a low salt count?

The person who was taking the orders nodded, and handed the cook who was behind the stand the order slip. After waiting a few minutes, your orders had finally shown up, and the server handed you the bowl of noodles. You all began to feast on your food. Meanwhile, behind the stand, the backdoor opened, and revealed the cook tied up and gagged, and knocked out on the floor. Exiting the stand as he was taking off his chef disguise, Vortex took one last glance behind him to see you had eaten everything.

Vortex: Well, it's time to enjoy the fireworks. *smirks*

He walked over to a stand across from the one you were at, and saw you paid for the meal. After grabbing the plushies, you stood up.

Y/N: Man, that was good.

Yashiro: I haven't had food in a while.

Victoria: It was rather delici-

She cut herself off and went wide-eyed when she saw Vortex, who a smile on his face.

Victoria: Yashiro...

Yashiro: Yeah, what is-..*sees Vortex* Ryan...

Y/N: Huh? *looks to Vortex* Who is that guy-*gasps and drops plushies on the floor*

Your eyes widened as you began to feel an extreme pain in your head. You began to grunt and walk forward, clutching your head in pain.

Y/N: GAAAAAH!!!! *grunts* GRR!!!

Victoria: Huh? Y/N! What's wrong!?

Yashiro: Huh?

You screaming and grunting got everyone's attention in the fair grounds. Yashiro was wondering what was happening until...

Yashiro: *gasps*..


Vortex: Well, I'd be careful if I were you. Someone's shown interest in his power, and she is very interested in getting him to join.

Flashback Ends

Your vein on the side of your forehead was showing as you screamed in pure agony.

Victoria: Y/N! What's going on!?

Y/N: AGH! SOMETHING'S ATTACKING ME! *thrashes around and steps on plushies*

Victoria: Where!? We can't see anything!

Y/N: GRRR!!! INSIIIIDE! AGH!! *grunts*

Yashiro: Fight it! Resist!

Y/N: AGHHH!!! I CAN'T!!!! *shakes head crazily*

Yashiro: You must!

You began to remember all the bad things you had done. You blasted away innocent people back in Atlas. Killed thousands in the process. You murdered someone who was holding a girl hostage. You eradicated hundreds of huntsman while in the white fang. You screamed louder as you tried to fight back against the pain.


Yashiro: That's it! Resist!

In your process, you transformed into a super saiyan, as the pain just grew stronger and stronger. Then, in your head you heard...

???: *in head*Obey me Y/N. Listen to my every command. Release the evil inside of you. Let it take control.

Y/N's Thoughts: NO!!!!

You walked forward, trying to contain yourself, but it was proving futile.

Yashiro: Don't let them win Y/N! Don't let them do it! That's it! Fight! Fight it!

Victoria: Yashiro, what's happening to him!?

Vortex: I can help with that.

Yashiro: What did you do!?

Vortex: If I were him, I'd try my best not to let her take control.

Yashiro: Her!?

Victoria: Y/N! No! Don't let her!

???: Y/N!

Everyone turned to see Ozpin rushing towards the scene.

Ozpin: Y/N! Don't let her! You've changed! You're not that way anymore! Salem has no claim over you!

Y/N: GYAAAA!!!! *looks to sky while fist are clenched*

Glynda Showed up next to Ozpin with a worried look.

Glynda: What's Salem doing?! Trying to kill him!?

Ozpin: Worst than that. She's trying to take over his mind, and enslave him so that he'll do whatever Salem wishes him to do.

Victoria: Isn't there any way that we can help him!?

Vortex: I'm afraid not. He struggles because his heart is impure. He has to choose himself.

Ozpin walked to you, as you fell to your knees.

Ozpin: Don't let her take you Y/N. Let go, the past is the past. Don't think of it, be innocent and clear.

Y/N: GRRRR! How can you say that!? I'M NOT INNOCENT!! GYAAA!! *clutches head in more pain*

You screamed as you were sprawled out on the floor. Red electricity formed and surged around you. Forcing everyone to back away. You were now on your feet, your arms and legs spread apart, as your power was increasing dramatically. The red electricity was surging even more as your power grew.

Yashiro: Whoa...no way...

You began to float in the air, feeling your power explode out slightly. The pain was killing your from inside. You began to growl, as your ears and tail were going crazy. Your canine teeth were showing, and your veins were popping out. The light you were emitting grew brighter and brighter.

Ozpin: Don't let them do it, Y/N! Don't let them use you! You're stronger than this!!!

Y/N: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *red electricity fires and hits Yashiro*

Yashiro: GAAAAAHHH!!!!! *flies back into Victoria*

Victoria: Yashiro! Are you okay!?

Yashiro: *grunts* Yeah, I'm fine.

Your power ws growing beyond belief, and it began to shake all of Vale. The buildings shook, and people were knocked on the ground.

Vortex: My work here is done. *disappears into smoke*

Yashiro: Y/N! No!

Victoria: Fight it Y/N!

Y/N: GRRR!!! RRAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! *grunts in pain* HYAAAAA!! AAAHHHH!!!

Salem: *in head* Yes, that's it. Lose yourself. Let the evil take over. Remember what this world did to you as a child. Remember the pain. Let it go....Let it go....*sadistic giggle*


You screams and power blew everyone to the ground, as the stands and trees lifted into the air and broke apart. The red electricity surged everywhere, making people cover themselves.

Ozpin: *grunts* What a monstrous power, it's terrible! I can't even approach it!

After a few more seconds, suddenly, your power went down, and the shaking stopped, and your aura around you disappeared. You fell down to the ground, and landed on your knees and forearms. Your grunted as the pain was withering away, but inside...you felt a new sensation. Your muscles were bulging, and your veins looked like they were ready to pop. You slowly stood up, but...

Y/N: Grr...*grunts*....*low chuckle* Hehe....

You were standing straight up, and had an evil grin on your face.


They stared at you in fear, and Ozpin noticed an "S" stamped onto your forehead.

Yashiro: Y/N.

Victoria: Look at his head. It has an "S" on it.

Ozpin: The "S" is Salem's insignia. Y/N is the new recruit to her army.

Yashiro: Are you saying that Y/N's against us now!? *watches as you power up*

Ozipin: That's exactly what I'm saying...

You looked towards them as you grew a smirk on your face. You had a desire inside of you......a desire to destroy....Suddenly, you and the rest of them were surrounded in a purple dark bubble.

Victoria: Great, what now?

Ozpin: It looks like Salem's decided to transport us.

They covered themselves, as they felt a weird feeling all over their bodies, and when they opened them again, they were shocked to see that they were in the middle of the fighting arena, and everyone was watching.

Yashiro: Hey, we're back. She sent us to the arena stadium.

Cole: Y/N? What's going on?

Christina: How did they just appear there like that?

Cole: Who knows?

As everyone stared in confusion as to how you all got there, Oobleck came onto the mic.

Oobleck: E-Excuse me contestants. The double's round have already been concluded.

You turned to them, and looked them dead in the eye.

Y/N: We're just here for a little exhibition match.

You unleashed a huge wave of energy, that sent winds strong enough to the invisible barriers and they shattered due to the blast you gave them from your previous fight. Just as you did that, Salem began to speak again.

Salem: *in head* Y/N, this is your new master Salem. Its' time for you to have a little fun, you can start by killing your friends.

Y/N: I won't. My goal is to fight Cole, he is the only one who can match up to my power, the others mean nothing to me.

Cole jumped down into the stage once he heard you say his name. He walked forward, trying to grasp the situation.

Cole: Y/N? What's wrong?


Once you heard the sound of his voice you turned to him, and pointed your finger to him.

Y/N: It's time, Cole.

You smirked as you aimed your palm towards him. Cole realized this, and was shocked.

Cole: Y/N! NO!

Y/N: *evil chuckle*

You fired a beam of energy straight at him, and Cole could only power up a little due to having no time to fully copy your transformation. He was being pushed back, as he tried to stop your beam. He tried his best, but it was futile.

Y/N: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *increases power*

Your beam began to fully push him with ease, and he was sent flying. As he flew, someone caught him, and your beam was heading straight for the crowd who was in it's path.

Victoria: NOOOO!!!!

Ozpin: LOOK OUT!!

People scrambled all over the place, trying to get away, but so many were too late, and the blasted connected creating a massive explosion. The side of the arena was obliterated. People were shocked, and scared. Running for their lives. As Cole was being lifted down, he looked to the person who had a hold of him, and was shocked. Once on the ground, he took a step back, and all your friends were completely baffled.

Qrow: Wait....is...is that?....

Christina: N-No way....it-...it can't be....

Yang: Mommy, who is that?

Raven: Is that.....really you?.....

You turned your attention back towards Cole, and saw someone you did not expect to see ever again.

Y/N: Well Well Well, if it isn't you.....I thought you were dead....











Y/N: Tanya. *smirks*











You looked at Tanya who was staring at you with a stern expression.

Tanya: Shame on you, the Y/N I know would never have done this.

The wind blew passed you, as everyone around you and Tanya dispersed to safety. The air was heavy, as you and Tanya stared each other down.

Y/N: I never would have thought you would come back, apparently there are forces in this world even I can't comprehend. Well, you're definitely a better challenge than what Cole could have offered, so how bout it? Shall we commence? *smirks*

Tanya's Thoughts: This wasn't how it was suppose to go.....this isn't my Y/N...he's trapped away inside that body....I'm coming for you Y/N...I'll save you..

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