Two Halves Make a Whole (Stra...

By JaxXwolf

63.2K 899 651


Before the story and all that because I'm bad at explaining stuff to people
1.2 - Waking Up
1.3 - New Friends
1.4 - Skye
1.5 - No Kiss, No Tell
1.6 - Split
1.7 - Words With More Than Friends
2.1 - Romance Hangover
2.2 - Daddy Issues
2.3 - Big Shocks and Little Talks
2.4 - True Colors
3.1 - Our Bubble
3.2 - A Stupid Emotional Rollercoaster
3.3 - Moving Day
The End (Thank y'all so fucking much <3)
THMAW - Ask the Cast!

1.1 - Arriving in America

8.5K 95 181
By JaxXwolf

Echo and I got off of the plane. He was holding my hand; I wouldn't let him out of my sight for one second.

We were finally in the airport after 21 hours of sitting on a plane. Looking out the large glass windows, I could already see the difference between Sydney and New York. The streets were busier, there were quite a bit more people walking, it was noticeably colder outside even though the airport was heated and cozy. We hadn't packed any heat-insulating clothing so I gave Echo my thin hoodie.

"Thanks, Jackie!" He smiled at me, showing his adorable canines and vibrant eyes. He looked so cute in my hoodie. It reached over his arms, as I was maybe a half a meter taller than him. He was genuinely happy, which made me happy.

All I was left in was a T-shirt and some comfy sweats to go against the sub-zero Celsius temperatures. But I was fine as long as Echo was fine. He was the only thing I was concerned about currently.

Once we got outside, I could definitely feel the freezing temperature. It was a very different environment than what we were used to. Echo was amazed at everything he was looking at, being a creative and imaginative ten-year-old wolf.

There were some expensive-looking shops and snowy pathways and very tall buildings. I decided to go to a shop and buy a large jacket for him and me so we could make it to our apartment alive.

The lady working the register—maybe early twenties—seemed surprised when I set the coats (and two scarfs) on the counter and said "Hello."

She smiled giddily. "Ha! You must be from Australia, right?"

"Yep!" Echo responded before I had the chance to speak. The lady, whose name tag read Samantha, a lynx, rang up our purchase, while repeatedly glancing up at me. I looked back and she blushed while looking down at her feet.

Echo excitedly grabbed our coats and skipped through the exit. I thanked her and she winked at me as grabbed the scarves and left. If only she knew how old I actually was. I guess I've been told that I looked like an adult before. I was tall and skinny, broad-shouldered, and had a naturally deep and manly. Having an Australian accent also helped my case.

Echo grabbed his scarf from my hands with his coat already on his small frame. He gave me mine and I put it on. The jacket was puffy and teal, as was my scarf. His was a vibrant orange with a blue scarf.

We decided to grab a meal that consisted of a hot dog, which was overpriced by about five Euros—dollars, maybe? They're about the same—and two drinks. I hailed a taxi and we got in, heading to the building with the apartment I had rented online a day earlier. I sorta knew how things worked here; I did my research and made sure that I wanted to come here specifically, instead of maybe Ontario or Seattle.

The taxi driver asked where we'd like to go with a very thick accent—probably from Boston, if I'm not mistaken.

I tipped him an extra few dollars when the ride ended and got out, latching onto Echo tightly. The building was very tall, at least 200 meters, and dwarfed us in comparison. The rent at the lower twenty stories was cheapest so I ended up with floor 18.

The lobby itself was very fancy. I didn't expect everything here to be so pricey. I asked the large lion working the counter for our key and he gave it to me. We still had our suitcases with us as we headed up in the elevator. We both had one, each weighing about 15 kilos. Mine was filled with large textbooks, books, my pc and stuff for it, a few snacks, personal hygiene things to keep my hair sleek and my fur fluffy and soft, an extra pair of glasses, an Ed Sheeran album, and two backpacks for Echo and I. I had maybe three more sets of clothes before I would have to get more at the shop I saw earlier.

When the elevator opened, Echo ran to our room—1837. He was jumping around waiting for me to get there and open the door. When I did, I was kind of taken aback. It did cost $2000 a month for rent after all.

There was a decently sized living room with basic furniture and a table and a hallway across from it with a bathroom and two bedrooms. The kitchen was a part of the living room, with just a short counter separating them. It was nothing extravagant, but it seemed comfortable. Echo ran to his room and squealed with joy. I knew it would be good. It was already about 5:00 p.m. so I asked Echo if he wanted to come shopping with me for clothes and other things. The bedrooms already had made beds and one nightstand apiece, so I wouldn't have to get those. It was Sunday, and school started tomorrow, so I had to be fast quick about what to get set up.

Echo said that he wanted to look around the apartment, so I waved him goodbye and left with a credit card and nothing else after setting a few strict rules in place. I taxied my way back to the shops from earlier and located the one with the same employee in it. I grabbed a handful of things like deodorant and pairs of mittens and such. I ordered a simple desk for my computer and for homework. I also got a relatively large television and a PS4 and a Wii for Echo. I asked for it to be sent to my door so nobody would try to steal it from the lobby or on my way home. I bought some games and controllers to go along with the console and a DSi for Echo with a few different Mario games. I also got a standard 88-key weighted keyboard, which could replace my old 61-key non-weighted one.

I didn't want to be too long and leave Echo alone, so I left. The employee—not Samantha from earlier—said that the things would be at the door in about two hours.

I ended up walking back the half a kilometer to the apartment to get a better feel for the city. I found a few pizza places, a really nice puzzle shop (puzzles = 3D puzzles like Rubik's Cubes and such) and an electronics shop. I also passed the high school and elementary school for Echo and I to attend tomorrow. The schools seemed nice and the colors for the high school were black and gold, which I thought really complimented each other.

The office, I assumed it was, still had a light on so I decided to go in. After all, I'd need a schedule tomorrow, and it'd be nice to see what the school was like. The inside was typical and school-like; not much different than the one in Sydney. The person who I learned was the principal, Mrs. Wong, a short silver fox, kindly greeted me and asked what I was doing at the high school on a Sunday evening.

"I just moved here and I'm starting tomorrow," I said.

She typed a few things into her laptop and showed it to me, the schedule. "Here is a schedule template," she reached to grab a paper, "and here are your available classes. Choose whatever you'd like, as long as you've taken the classes required."

I looked at the paper. I had taken Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus which were the only available math classes (even though Calculus wasn't available at the school). I hadn't taken advanced Physics or advanced Chemistry, so I choose those two. I also noticed Orchestra and Marching Band, so I'd obviously try those. I could start an online college course for Applied Mathematics, so that would be five classes. I could do P.E. as I was easily capable. I had a free period for a class so that makes it seven. I decided learning a language might be nice so I went for Japanese—one of the hardest languages to learn.

I looked over to where Mrs. Wong was and started to speak. "I have my classes chosen," I said with a smile, making sure my first impression would be a good one if I were to see her for the next few months.

"Thank you so much! And, if you're interested, there are some activities on the wall over there to sign up for."

I checked it out and noticed that one of the options on the board was a solo state math competition, and another was a group trivia tournament. I signed up for those because, well, why not? It would give me something to do after school and it would look good on my college application.

Mrs. Wong gave me my schedule, printed, with my locker number, combination, student ID, and classes, just as I'd selected them. I thanked her and walked out of the building. My iPhone, which I hadn't checked all day, read 8:15 p.m.—way later than I thought it was.


"Jackie! You're back!" Echo yelled from his room and ran and hugged me.

I hugged him back and said, "Sorry I was late. I was out getting some stuff for us that I'm pretty sure you'll like!"

"Ooooh! Tell me, tell me!"

"It should be here in just a little bit. So be patient."

"Okie! I'm gonna get my pajamas on." And he ran back into his room. He was always a fluffy blue ball of energy, and I was so thankful that I didn't have to go through this alone. He was what kept me going, what made me not want to give into all of the harassment and bullying I suffered from my parents.

Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like without him. Would I be here right now? Would I even still be alive? Would I have any amount of positive emotion? Would it still be worth living?

No, don't think those thoughts, I told myself, you have to be strong for Echo.

There was a knock at the door. It was probably the delivery guy. I opened it and there he was with the large packages on one of those wheelers that the delivery guys would have for bigger packages. He asked me to sign the papers for the package; one of the parts read that you had to be eighteen or older to sign it off, but a little lie wouldn't hurt. I was emancipated in Australia anyway, so the rules should be basically the same here.

He wheeled my purchases inside, which were larger than I had imagined. I tipped him an extra ten dollars or so and he was on his way out the door and down the hall. There was the desk, the television, which was a sixty five-inch, the Wii, PS4, games and such and the DSi. The keyboard was much fancier than I had expected, with notches and sliders for synthesis and volume, and it even had a sustaining pedal and a stand.

I unboxed the stuff while Echo was still changing. I brought the desk into my room. It was in the shape of an L, which would fit perfectly into the corner. A monitor could go on each side and the keyboard and headphones that I brought could go with the 4K screen. On the shorter side could go my smaller 1080p monitor along with my homework and other tasks. All I had to do to set it up was unfold the flat part into the desired shape and pull the legs out. It was surprisingly sturdy for how easy it was to set up. I would get my monitors and such out tomorrow.

Echo came running into my room and immediately said, "Jackie! What'd you get me?" His white teeth were showing again and his large eyes made it impossible not to tell.

I told him to follow me and showed him what I'd gotten at the shops. He immediately went to the DSi and was so excited to have one. "No way! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He hugged my waist really tightly and started jumping up and down with joy. It was great seeing him like this. I always worked hard to make sure he wasn't ever sad. I wanted nothing but a good life for him and this is how I could help right now. I would make sure to grab another DSi so we could play together.

He looked at the PS4 and his jaw dropped. "Is THAT for US?!"

"Yep. And with four controllers so you can invite some of your soon-to-be-friends over and play with them." He sprinted over to it and quickly opened it. He looked at me and started to tear up. He was kind of a cryer. Scratch that, he was definitely a cryer.

"You are the best brother ever!" He hugged me again and I hugged back.

"After you, you big dork." I didn't cry but I may have felt like releasing a tear or two knowing that he was more than satisfied. I checked my phone when he released me. I was already 9:30.

"I hate to break it to you, but it's about time to go to bed. You don't want to be tired for your first day at American school, do you?"

He pondered a second, his small fingers on his chin. "I guess not. Can you tuck me in? Pleeeease?"

"Of course I can," I said to his begging eyes.

After he was tucked into bed I looked around his room. It was pretty bare. All he had was the DSi on the nightstand next to his twin sized bed and the suitcase in the other corner of the room. He was already sound asleep as I shut his door, snoring lightly. He looked like a little puppy—definitely adorable like one.

I walked out of the room and quietly began setting up everything. I managed to get the tv, the PS4, and the Wii set up, the television resting on the little stand across from the couch.

The set up was nice and simple. There was a small cabinet where the controllers would go and a space underneath the tv where the consoles sat. On the other side was another cabinet for all the games I got and will get later. It was already 11:00 when I finished, so I quickly set up the keyboard in my room across from the bed and next to the desk. I wasn't that tired, so I decided to play a little bit.

I played a few of my own compositions of Alan Walker songs and then a little bit of Moonlight Sonata - 3rd Movement, Opus 27 (look it up).

The last song I played was Perfect by Ed Sheeran. This was my absolute favorite song right now, as it was definitely heartfelt and seemed to show who he really was—it seemed genuine. I played the version where he did a duet with Beyoncé, and I'll admit, it sounded pretty good.

I taught myself everything I knew about music. I only started when I was twelve. So I had room for improvement, but I still liked it so I wouldn't give up anytime soon.

When I was finished, it was already 2 in the morning. Had I really been playing that long?

I got some stuff I might need for school tomorrow, like a college-level chemistry and physics book. I also grabbed maybe 300 or so pages of sheet music I brought with me to New York. I put it all into the backpack I bought earlier. I was surprised that it could all fit, considering the thickness of everything in the bag.

I packed some things Echo might need into the other bag. I didn't really know what to pack, so I grabbed a few things for him that might work. I put them all into the bag and set it on my desk.

It was almost three, so I decided to go to bed. I set my alarm for 6:00 a.m. and put my phone on the charger. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.

Okie, I know it's not that good, and some things might not be very consistent, but it seems alright to me. Anyway, if you have any, please give me tips to improve my writing and stuff like that. I don't know if all of the chapters will consist of 2,000-3,000 words, some might have like 1,500... it really just depends on the storyline.

~ JaxX

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