(Spin The Harry) / (Stylinson...

By soapcraicalaka

4.2K 86 10

Tell me where was it my fault, In loving you with my whole heart? Oh tell me now where was my fault? In lovin... More

(f a n f i c p r e m i er e)
(prologue) / (put the glass down)
(x x i) / (and a swelling rage)
(x x i i) / (all around the world)
(x x i i i) \ (we're all in this together)
(x x v) \ (kiss me you fool)
6( x x v i) \ (these secrets are like hell)
(x x v i i) \ (vanilla and snowflakes)
(x x v i i i) \ (46664)
(x x i x) / (#larryisreal)
(x x x) \ (anything could happen)
(x x x i y) \ (telephones)
(x x x i z) \ (teenage niam)
(mid-season finale fanfic)
(x x x i i i) / (bun)
(x x x i v) / (coming home)
(x x x v) \ (back for you)
(x x x v i) \ (drunk in love)
(x x x v i i) \ (kids in hawaii)
(x x x v i i i) / (a game that dared the truth)
(x l i) \ (the other side of love)
(x l i i) \ (glass half full & empty)
double finale

(x x i v) / (#SPAMISRUDE)

109 4 0
By soapcraicalaka


Ghosts n' stuff


The instagram links in this chapter are actual links and wouldn't it be fun to CHECK them out and see who they belong to??? Hahaha or not -_- ANYWAY, kinda sad chapter with Larry [oops, spoiler] hehehhe ANYWAY don't forget to vote, comment beloooooooooooow and shaaaaaaaare with your unicorns!



Previously on Spin the Harry:

“I don’t know what to do without him.”

“Obviously because now you’re a broke whore,” Niall says.

“Niall!” Perrie hisses.

This time Liam speaks. “No Perrie, didn’t you say that we need to make amends? Well here is me making amends with Eleanor: to be honest what we did together was amazing, you’re an amazing girl but I regret what we did. It was irrational and I don’t know what I was thinking at that time when I had a beautiful girl with me the entire time. Every day I used to beat myself up for not plucking up the courage and just telling Louis the truth, there were times when I was so close to telling him but something always stopped me before I did. Danielle was too nice to tell Louis what her best friend did because I told her not to say anything; it was my secret after all.”

“It was our secret,” Eleanor butts in.

“I had to face her every day after that, knowing I cheated on her, lied to her but most importantly, I lost her trust and what’s a relationship without trust, right?” he shakes his head. “But the worst part was even after Danielle was out of the picture, you were still there. You and Louis were still happy. You kept lying to him, day in, day out and you didn’t have the slightest guilt, did you?”

With a choky breath, Eleanor disagrees. “That’s not true. I felt bad the entire time I was with Louis.”

Niall says, “If you did you would have told him!”

 “I love him and I can’t lose him,” Eleanor says, more of begging to the One Direction boys. “I can’t lose him, I really can’t.”

“Can’t lose him?” Niall questions. “Or lose his money?”

“Niall!” Perrie hisses as Nick gives Niall a high-five.

“No Perrie, there’re some stuff that we’ve seen with Eleanor that, I can’t believe it’s hitting me now, that Harry was telling us about,” Liam says.

“What did Harry say?”

“You used Louis for his fame, money, connections, everything!”

“Not true, I loved him! I loved him for who he is not what he is!”


And now:


Zayn asks as Niall clicks on the universal remote. “Since when do we watch news?”

“Since always.”

News just in: fresh evidence has been found by the police in accordance to Ellie Goulding’s death, early this year. The police have concluded that Ellie was indeed killed by a hit man who was hired by a top British celebrity that the police are trying to identify. However, the police have, with certain, that Ellie’s death was no accident and it was indeed a pre mediated murder.


“Why would anyone kill her though?” Zayn wonders.

“From a hit man’s point of view, if I was hired to kill them,” Niall says. Zayn nods, not understanding where he is going with this. “Maybe because Ellie cheated on Ed, or maybe she killed Ed’s parents…”

“Ed’s parents are alive. Both of them.”

“Right,” Niall nods, thinking hard. “Well people hire hit men because they don’t want to do the dirty work.”

“No sh!t Sherlock!”

“I didn’t finish… They don’t want to do the dirty work because they’re too rich.”

“Did you not hear the news?” Zayn questions. Niall just stares at him, waving his arms like “What?”, snarling his mouth. “You’re just repeating what the news has said that the hit man was hired by a top celeb and pretty sure rich is in the description.”

“Right! This top celeb just wanted to kill her then.”

“You’re the worst detective ever, Niall. When I want to kill someone I’m never calling you.”

“Oh c’mon Zayn, we’re Ziall, crime buddies for life.”

“Hey guys!”

Zayn and Niall turn around to see Gemma, Harry’s sister, with several bags of luggage near her, the last one being dropped by Liam and seconds later, Ziall’s eyes move to behind both of them to Elounor walking through the door, Louis finally free from jail. Weird enough, Nick and Perrie come along too, their arms linked, like girlfriends.

“Well this is going to be fun,” Zayn whispers to Niall.

“I have good news,” Gemma gushes happily.

“So do I,” Eleanor says, holding tightly to Louis’ arm.

“So do we,” Nick says, dropping several large bags of hours of shopping no doubt.

“Well, uh, so do we,” Niall says, unsure of himself, elbowing Zayn.

Liam furrows his brows. “Really?”

Niall looks down. “No. What great news do you have?” Gemma, Grimmy, Eleanor and Perrie begin talking all at once, Ziall darting their eyes between all of them.

Zayn raises his hands at them, shutting them at once. “One at a time guys, Gemma first.”

“Caroline Flack has been arrested for rap!ng Harry. Finally!”

“I have a feeling that that’s not going to last,” Louis speaks for the first time since the fight.

“Why not?”

“When I was in jail, I was reading Harry’s diary, trying to understand him and all. So technically, Caroline won’t probably be arrested for rape because Harry didn’t say it was rape. And for it to be rape, you need to say ‘No’.”

“She will go to jail,” Gemma says strongly. “And I’ll be staying at Harry’s place now that Louis’ back.”

“Next,” Zayn says, pointing to Eleanor.

“Louis is out of jail!”

“No sh!t Sherlock,” Liam says nonchalantly.

“We’re not going there!” Zayn says before Liam and Eleanor went at each other again.

“Our turn,” Perrie jumps on her spot cheerfully. “King is out of the hospital and tonight we’re going to his party,” – few cheers from the room – “and by a unanimous vote, Louis is not coming!”

“Don’t care,” Louis shrugs.

Eleanor cuddles his bicep. “To spend time with me instead.”

“Well then, in the end, there is no good news; Caroline might not stay in jail, King is out of hospital and at the same time, Louis is out of jail,” Nick shrugs. The awkward tension becomes so thick you couldn’t even cut it with a Samurai’s sword. He says, “I’m going to the kitchen.” and walks out.

“So, watcha guys do without me?” Louis asks after they awkwardly stood for 30 seconds in silence. Nick was busy in Niall’s kitchen, fixing up something. Perrie pulled Eleanor away from Louis and walked into the kitchen, leaving the 4/5 boys alone in the room. “Sorry about your arm,” Louis said, pointing to Zayn. And to Niall, “Sorry I knocked you out.” And to Liam, “I deserved the punch.”

“We missed you to be honest,” Zayn says, walking up to Louis and hugging him tightly. He pulls away from the hug, Louis looking at Niall on one side, Liam on one side, none of them moving to hug Louis. “Uh guys,” Zayn utters, “Hug Louis because he’s back…”

“Not speaking on behalf of Liam but I’m not going to hug him until Harry talks to us,” Niall says.

“I agree with Niall.”

“Okay,” Louis says, his face looking crestfallen. “Understandable.” To be honest, he thought the boys would be ecstatic that he was back, that they would rush to hug him when he walked in… but he doesn’t blame them, he almost killed two people that day. Or three, counting Zayn’s wrist.

“If only Harry was here, things wouldn’t be awkward,” Liam says and truthfully he’s right.

“How would he make it less awkward?”

Liam responds. “We used talk about everything he’s doing wrong and if not that then saving him from an overdose if not then complaining about his wacky guitar skills.”

“Or dating Emily Ostilly,” Niall laughs. “That was a huge mistake.”

“I don’t even know what that was,” Zayn shakes his head. “Or the Kendall Jenner phase.”

“She’s a Kardashian,” Liam says, remembering what Harry used to tell them whenever they questioned his choice of agreeing to date Kendall – ‘She’s a Kardashian, guys, Kardashian’.

“What did that even mean?” Zayn laughs.

Louis slumps on the couch, his face crestfallen. “Or until he fell in love with me.”

“Not to burst the moment but I’m not in the particular mood to make you feel better-”

Zayn hisses at Liam. “Liam!”

“-so I won’t and I’ll let you slump there in feeling bad for yourself and while we’re being honest right now-”

“You’re on your own Liam,” Zayn says, sitting beside Lou. For the first time in his life, Louis never thought he could feel his heart sink fast, like really fast, but he’s feeling it. He’s been feeling it ever since Harry walked away from him after he, the Tommo, passionately made out with him… and he walked away? Of course he did walk away, Louis mentally slaps his head. He walked away because kisses don’t keep people… okay, some people get kissed passionately at an airport and remain but no, with Harry you have to more than kiss him to keep him from walking away at an airport. But what is what Louis couldn’t figure it out. He couldn’t figure out how to bring Harry back.

Before Liam continues, Louis asks, “Is Harry still in Sicily?”

“No,” Niall shakes his head. “He’s in Santo Domingo.”

“And now he’s in Galapagos Island,” Liam says. “Arrived there yesterday night, spotted by some fan, and I have a feeling that he’ll be moving again.”


Liam shrugs and looks to Niall who makes a fart noise. “What?” Liam questions. He looks to Zayn, as usual, to come up with a cool, calm and collected answer.

“He, uh, to be honest I don’t know why he’s travelling around the world which to be honest doesn’t sound that bad and Perrie and I should probably do it sometime together.”

Niall suggests, “Like a long romantic vacation?”


“You’re diverting Zayn,” Louis points out.

“Oh right, sorry. Harry is basically running away from his problems and fear in my opinion. He’s scared about people judging him now that he’s openly gay and also the drinking, drugs, women [or is it men now?], this band… none of it makes him happy and yes, I was looking through his laptop and he was always on tumblr, searching for happiness, death, creepy stuff that sent shivers down my spine.”

“Of course, tumblr,” Louis sighs. “We had an account together and this whole time I thought he forgot about it but he was always on it. If only I had known.”

“What-what are you doing?” Niall questions, as Louis quickly snatches out his iPhone from his back pocket and types furiously, motivation deep in his eyes. “What are you doing?”

“I’m tweeting Harry,” Louis says, biting his bottom lip. “It has to work!”

“Uh…” Niall interrupts Louis but Liam elbowed him. “What?”

Liam whispers, “Let’s see if Harry will reply.”

Harry Styles @Harry_Styles 21 hours ago
Or Galapagos Island, what a lovely name .xx H


Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson 44 min ago
@Harry_Styles Heard you were on a world trip…


Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson 43 min ago
@Harry_Styles Are you coming back Harry?

Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson 42 min ago
@Harry_Styles Where is Galapagos?


Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson 41 min ago
@Harry_Styles Are you partying it up like you always do?


We <3 1D @1DLiveTHEMupdates 40 min ago
@Harry_Styles @Louis_Tomlinson it’s an island off South America & it’s very beautiful


Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson 37 min ago
@1DLiveTHEMupdates I wasn’t talking to you!


Harry Styles @Harry_Styles 35 min ago
@1DLiveTHEMupdates It is a lovely place. Can’t seem to get off the beach ever .xx


We <3 1D @1DLiveTHEMupdates 35 min ago


Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson 32 min ago
@Harry_Styles are you seriously ignoring me??


Niall Horan @NiallOfficial 32 min ago
@Harry_Styles @Louis_Tomlinson I think he is! Sorry!


Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson 31 min ago
@Harry_Styles @NiallOfficial why is he ignoring me?


Liam Payne @Real_Liam_Payne 31 min ago
He’s ignoring all of uss @Louis_Tomlinson !! #dontignoreusharryyy


We <3 1D @1DLiveTHEMupdates 30 min ago
@Harry_Styles @Louis_Tomlinson @NiallOfficial give him time lads :) #dontignoretheboysharry


Niall Horan @NiallOfficial 29 min ago
@1DLiveTHEMupdates we will! Thanks pal! #don’tignoretheboyshazza


Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson 21 min ago
@Harry_Styles I miss you! Why won’t you come back??


We <3 1D @1DLiveTHEMupdates 20 min ago


Harry Styles @Harry_Styles 18 min ago
Good afternoon Galapagos, off to the beach .xx


Zayn Malik 1D @zaynmalik 17 min ago
@Harry_Styles have a good one mate! Z


Liam Payne @Real_Liam_Payne 17 min ago
@Harry_Styles Get an awesome tan tooooo!!

We <3 1D
@1DLiveTHEMupdates 17 min ago
@Harry_Styles @zaynmalik DON’T GET BURNT STYLES!!


Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson 16 min ago
@Harry_Styles Wish I was there with you ;D


Harry Styles @Harry_Styles 11 min ago
@1DLiveTHEMupdates Haha I have my new, Spanish sunscreen with me ;), I’ll be safe http://instagram.com/p/nF733umxeM/#

Lana Del Styles’ @LanaDelRay 8 min ago
@Harry_Styles I miss you! Have fun without me ;)


Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson 7 min ago
@LanaDelRay He will!!!!

Harry Del Ray @Harry_Styles 4 min ago
@LanaDelRay I’ll think of you when I lie down on the beach babe, haha xoxo Harry Del Ray :D


Lana Del Styles @LanaDelRay 2 min ago
@Harry_Styles I like Harry Del Ray xoxo


Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson 2 min ago
@Harry_Styles I know you’re ignoring me but please say something to me, anything! Anything to know you’re safe and sound and you’re probably not mad at me…


Liam Payne @Real_Liam_Payne 2 min ago
@Louis_Tomlinson Let him enjoy the beach Looooooouis!!


Harry Del Ray @Harry_Styles 20 sec ago
@Louis_Tomlinson anything?


Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson 15 sec ago
@Harry_Styles Yes :D! And have you seen the top worldwide trend? It’s #LarryStylinson!!


Harry Del Ray @Harry_Styles 1 sec ago
@Louis_Tomlinson Stop clogging my mentions with incessantly commenting on everything I tweet to people .xx H #SPAMISRUDE !

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