Elements: Rise of The Destruc...

By Mklng13

533 30 12

High school. Pretty normal. Homework, classes, some class smarty pants, class clowns and even a skateboarding... More

Author's Note
Same Old, Same Old (Chapter 1)
Plot Twist (Chapter 2)
...Sensei? (Chapter 3)
Targets Identified (Chapter 4)
Magic 101 (Chapter 5)
Coach that burns! (Chapter 6)
Scars Don't Heal (Chapter 7)
Bandages can't stop the pain (Chapter 8)
Behind that smile (Chapter 9)
Love and Care the Orphanage (Chapter 10)
Separated at 4 (Chapter 11)
Orphan and adopted (Chapter 12)
Twins of Fire and Water (Chapter 13)
Super Strength (Chapter 14)
Just a replacement to you?(Chapter 15)
A Hole In My Life (Chapter 16)
Forced Passions (Chapter 17)
Family Scars (Chapter 18)
Teddy Bear (Chapter 19)
Skates and Boards (Chapter 21)
Ice and Lightning (Chapter 22)
Not The Orphanage (Chapter 23)
First Battle (Chapter 24)
Staff of Misery (Chapter 25)
Orb of Portals (Chapter 26)
Relic of Reverse (Chapter 27)
As If I Haven't Already Raised Enough Kids (Chapter 28)
Something's Missing, but what? (Chapter 29)
Remember The Good 'Ol Days? (Chapter 30)
What's The Plan? (Chapter 31)
Meeting of Elements and Masters (Chapter 32)
Plans of Both Sides (Chapter 33)
Amy VS Captains and Generals (Chapter 34)
We Trust, You Lie (Chapter 35)
Sibling VS Sibling (Chapter 36)

Mom? Dad? (Chapter 20)

12 0 0
By Mklng13

Standing in front of the teens were none other than Alex's and Owen's mom. Two stunning women standing with a evil grin on their faces. Their hands starting to glow a dark color.

Alex and Owen stand, frozen in place out of fear. Alex felt his scars stinging him, it hurt and he couldn't believe that his mom was standing in front of him. Owen's right hand started to burn, his mom standing in front of him was something he thought he wouldn't have to worry about anymore.

Urana steps in front of them, as do Ava and Brenton, forming a line in front of them. Urana keeps her hand out towards Brenton. Knowing his short temper, Urana didn't want to risk a fight if they could avoid one.

"You! You two are the reason why Alex and Owen are hurt!" Brenton's spikes' tips become fire. His fist burns as he moves it, attempting to move in order to punch them. Only to be stopped by Urana as she grabs his wrist and puts out his fire with her water.

"Brenton, are you trying to kill us?" Urana glares at him.

"In case you didn't know Urana, these are the people who are the reason why Alex and Owen are scarred for life!" Brenton glares back.

A black orb comes towards them as Ava quickly jumps in front of all of them and uses the wind to direct the orb back at the women. "Last time I checked, we're supposed to work together not argue," Ava grumbles, letting her hands fall as the wind dies down.

"I was hoping we'd hit them with that," Alex's mom sighs.

"Don't worry, we'll get them with this!" Owen's mom raises her voice as she says some foreign words. A wave of black heads towards the teens.

Ava raises her hands up and puts up a shield, Brenton and Urana put their hands up as well. A shield mixing into blue, red and silver appears above them as they hold their ground. "Holy shit this is hard!" Brenton growls.

"C'mon! Just keep at it!" Ava thrusts her arms forward, the wave going back a little.

Urana, however, was looking around. As far as she saw, only one of the moms had attacked them. She spots the other one running at them from behind.

"Hold the shield without me!" Urana yells then jumps off one of her feet and puts her hands in front of her as a blue shield quickly appears and blocks the shot. "Damn, this is hard alone," Urana feels sweat forming on her body.

Ava and Brenton quickly run to the side to avoid some of the wave coming from the sudden decrease of protection. "Urana! The hell?!" Brenton yells back, pushing his hands further up to strengthen the shield.

"A pre-warning would be nice!" Ava adds, struggling to strength her shield.

"She was coming from behind us!" Urana yells back. Feeling the pressure of the constant attacks and the thinning of her shield. The three shields combined formed a bubble around them, a very thin one at that.

"We can't keep this up!"

"I can't hold her off on my own!"

"We can't move or they'll be hit!"

All these voices were just spinning inside Owen's head. He just couldn't hear it...he couldn't see anything but his parents attacking him.

"Owen! Owen! Can you hear me?!" Urana yells. That sentence got to Owen. He blinks and sees his friends struggling to keep him and Alex safe.

"Holy crap guys," Owen stares in disbelief.

"Stop cursing and help Urana!" Brenton yells. Nodding, Owen quickly turns around and sees Alex's frozen face. "What about Alex?" Owen turns back around, not knowing what to do.

"Do something about it!" Urana answers, sweating pouring down her face.

Owen waves a hand in front of Alex. He didn't budge. It was as if he's frozen in fear. "C'mon Alex, we need you," Owen says, trying to get him to his senses.

"I-I can't.." Alex's voice trembles.

"You can! We're here with you! You're not alone!" Owen reminds him.

The shields break down. Leaving all of them open to attacks. Taking this opportunity, the two women jump up and go for the most vulnerable target at the moment: Alex.


Seeing the attack, the four teens push Alex down and put up some sort of shield. The dog pile on Alex didn't make the situation any easier.

Alex shakes his head, his heart pounding in his head and his breathing shaky. He couldn't take it anymore. I can't take it being scared! I'm done with it!

The attacks die down and everyone gets off of Alex, keeping their guard up. Alex joins them, getting his hands ready. "I've got a spell that'll work. Once I cast it you guys gotta trust me that it won't affect you," Alex explains.

"Wai-oh hell no Alex. You didn't practice that spell at all!" Brenton protests.

"You wanna fight the two of them head on?" Alex questions.

"He's got a point. Let's just do it," Ava backs him up.

A quick nod from Owen and Urana, as all of them put up a shield to block the new wave of attacks. Alex steps towards the middle, mustering all his strength. "Blinding light!" Alex casts. This spell causes his targets to be blinded temporarily. This temporary blindness lasts from a minute to hours. Depending on how strong the mage is.

The bright light blinds the two women. They mindlessly walk around, yelling at each other. The teens laugh a little before quickly sprinting away from them.

"Pretend it's cross country...pretend it's cross country..." Brenton repeats to himself as he feels his legs getting heavier.

"I can't run this fast after doing all that!" Ava gasps. "You're trying to get a home run," Ava repeats.

"You're trying to catch the ball before it becomes a home run...You're trying to get a win..." Alex repeats to himself.

"Pretend you have the ball and gonna make a goal...just pretend it's soccer," Owen mumbles.

"Pretend it's a fast break, pretend it's a fast break..." Urana repeats.


Ku steps through the portal, sighing deeply after coming from the Magic World. The Magic Council wanted to see more progress with the Elemental Masters ever since they heard about The Eliminators. Ku couldn't rush them into becoming stronger mages, that just takes time.

Ku grips his staff as he feels himself getting mad. I am fed up, just fed up with all these evil mages...I am done with those so called parents of Alex and Owen. I just hope they are all alright...Ku calms down, then gets worried.

I hope those kids are okay....and I sure hope that Amy is not letting the Magic Council get to her...

Ku paces around, then feels five mages coming into his magic space. Blinking, he looks up and sees the five teens running in, out of breath and sweaty.

"Did you lot take a run before coming here?" Ku questions then feels the lingering magic energy of The Eliminators. "They found you?! Are you all of you okay?!" Ku worries, running over to them and checking their arms and head.

"Physically, Just tired but mentally...well, Alex and Owen..." Urana starts.

"That was scary!" Alex hugs himself, trying to calm his quick heartbeat. Knowing the one thing to do, they all give him a hug.

"I can not let you all go out on your own...but I can not control that either. Would your parents be alright with all of you staying here for the night? Considering that they attacked you just now, it would not be wise to have you go home," Ku asks, then rambles a bit. "I am going to call Amy," he adds and reaches for his phone.

After calling Amy, he quickly puts his phone away. "Okay, all of you, take a deep breath. It will calm you down," Ku instructs.

They take a deep breath, then let it out. "Now focus on something that makes you happy and calms you down," Ku adds. "I will be right back."

Ku goes out of the magic space and grabs some cups and water, then comes back and gives each of them a glass of water. "Now sit down and have some water," Ku says, thinking about what to do now.

"I just have to call Carol and Tyler and I should be fine," Brenton says, moving the glass so that the water would move too.

"My parents won't mind..." Urana answers, then ends up playing with the water instead of drinking it.

"Tyler said he's sleeping over at a friend's and mom has some business tonight so it'll be fine," Ava replies, drinking some more water.

Alex and Owen kept quiet, avoiding looking at Sensei and their friends. "If it's not too much trouble...could one of you tell me what happened?" Ku asks softly, eyeing Alex and Owen.

"I'll tell you," Brenton steps up. "We were walking from school to here, talking about Sasha's latest stunt that she pulled off. Alex and Owen froze in place and then when we turned around, we saw their moms-"

"-can I really call her mom?" Owen questions in a shaky voice. Brenton looks over with a grim look. He holds Owen's hand and holds Alex's too.

"They lost that title...they're no longer gonna be known as your moms...we'll call them by their first names," Brenton answers.

"That sounds like a good idea.." Alex's voice trails off.

"Henry...and Susan..." Alex says, a few moments later, tense.

"Jackson and Jackie..." Owen mummers.

"So, Susan and Jackie attacked us and we barely made it out until Owen got Alex to his senses and he casted 'Blinding Light', successfully," Brenton finishes.

"Wow Alex, that is impressive. I am proud that you managed to cast it successfully," Ku smiles at his direction proudly. Alex couldn't help but smile back.

"I am pretty awesome, and this dude over here doubted me," Alex points his finger at Brenton.

"Wha-hey! In my defense, if you did it wrong we'd all be blind!" Brenton cries out. Owen snorts as everyone else laughs.

"Okay he's right about that, but Alex wouldn't let that happen," Ava pats Alex's back.

"Of course! I'd never hurt you guys," Alex nods in agreement.

"Yeah, if anything, I don't trust Brenton with his own magic," Urana brings up.

"Are you serious?!" Brenton looks at her in disbelief.

"Definitely, you always blow everything up on purpose! That is not the point of fire," Urana crosses her arms.

"She's right. I swear sometimes I feel like you'll blow up the entire virtual reality dome," Owen shakes his head.

"I agree with Owen on that, I get worried sometimes," Ku agrees.

Everyone laughs as Brenton pouts. "Then consider all of yourselves un-invited to my competition tomorrow," Brenton crosses his arms and puts his head up.

"Ha, you're gonna lose anyway," Urana waves her hand dismissively.

"Oooohhhhhh," everyone else goes, laughing their heads off even more.

"Look up my record now, I haven't loss anytime so far. Sure, I might lose to my awesome skateboarding friend, Ben, but other than that, I WIN!" Brenton argues.

"You're friends with Ben? He's practically a legend!" Ava stares at him in disbelief.

"I am, me and Ben have been friends ever since middle school, along with Belle," Brenton answers.

"Of course he's friends with people who's names start with a B," Owen rolls his eyes.

"What's wrong with that?" Brenton challenges.

"Dude, he's just joking," Alex laughs. "But it's a pretty funny coincidence."

Ku relaxes at hearing the names Ben and Belle. He felt relived that those two were there with Brenton.

"Do you know them?" Brenton asks. Ku looks at him, confused.

"Are you asking me?" Ku questions to be sure.

"Uh, yeah," Brenton replies.

"Ah sorry, no, I do not know who they are but I have heard of them from neighbors and such," Ku answers. I really hate lying...Ku thinks to himself.

"You're friends with Belle too? She's an amazing ice skater and roller skater," Ava gushes.

"I know I would fall flat on my face if I even tried to do the stuff that she does," Urana chuckles.

"Ha, you'd learn all that in the first few tries Urana, don't underestimate yourself," Owen points out.

"Well it's the same with you," Urana points out as well.

"Of course the prodigies would learn it, no problem for you two," Alex grins.

"What is taking Amy so long?" Ku glances at his phone.

"There's no way she'd be in trouble right?" Ava worried.

"Yeah, she's crazy strong," Alex adds.

"I am sure it is nothing.." Ku starts as his phone dings. He looks at it and sees a message from Amy.

Amy: Magic Council, another check

Ku sighs and texts back, feeling a bit annoyed.

Ku: do not let the stereotypes get to you

He puts his phone away. "Everything okay?" Urana asks.

"Yes, she just has an errand to run. She might not be able to come today," Ku answers.

"Aw! We were gonna have a hit-off," Ava pouts.

"You know you're gonna lose either way right?" Brenton brings up.

"Party pooper...I know but I like to play against Coach. There's never a dull moment," Ava grins.

"Of course...it's till you realize just how much you suck..." her voice trails off with a annoyed look.

"Haha, you and me both Ava," Owen agrees. "But it does help in making me a better player."

"Definitely," Urana agrees.

"It's just fun in my opinion," Alex shrugs with a smile.

"I agree, I agree," Brenton says, looking serious for a moment. Then bursting in laughter because he couldn't keep the serious expression.

"All Elemental Master have a connection...magic chooses those who will have that connection"...it sure is true, Ku smiles.


"Good luck today Brenton!" Brenton waves at the people wishing him good luck. He goes to his locker and starts to pack his things. Today is the schedule in which all the teens were on different sides of the school.

"Heh, you winning against Ben is your dream," Sasha says, coming up from behind Brenton then leaning against the locker next to him.

"And? Are you saying I can't beat him?" Brenton shuts his locker and raises an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, you've lost against him all the past times," Sasha replies, "I'm just saying."

"So? I've gotten better since last time!" Brenton glares.

"Hahaha! You're totally going to lose," Sasha grins evilly back.

"You're so mean!" Brenton pouts, mumbling annoyingly.

"I'm just joking you hothead," Sasha laughs, punching his shoulder playfully. "But seriously, good luck today," she adds with a smile.

"Thanks dude, I've gotta go. The event is in an hour," Brenton swings his bag over his shoulders, waves, then runs out. Sasha waves back, then leaves to go to her locker.

Brenton heads out, backpack over his shoulder when he hears the familiar taunting voices. Shaking his head, he ignores the voices until he hears a more submissive one.

"I don't like the rumors you spread about me!" A shy voice cries out.

"You can't do anything about it you weakling," Leader chuckles, pinning the boy against the wall. "You do something to me, I spread rumors and talk shit, that's what you get for doing-"

"-are you serious right now?" Brenton sighs, knowing he's going to get into trouble.

"Don't play hero you mistake," leader turns on her heel. "This isn't any of your business."

"Sure, but you're clearly being mean to him, can't you stop?" Brenton frowns.

Leader doesn't waste another second and punches Brenton's stomach. He bites his lip and looks up. He quickly grabs the second fist and pushes her back.

The two of them go at each other again, him getting a punch to his face because of his hesitation, but a teacher yells out and Brenton bites his lip again. Leader suddenly starts acting like she's hurt, grabbing onto her arm and putting on an innocent look.

Brenton frowns as the principle comes out and they all start yelling at him for starting the fight.


Brenton straps on his knee-pads and elbow-pads. He double-checks then before putting on his helmet. Brenton looks over himself, looking at his red t-shirt, gray shorts and gray high-tops that have red highlights. Putting his phone into his bag, he grabs his skateboard, it's a bit old. A solid black with fire coming from one end with his name on the bottom side. Brenton took the liberty of adding all the names of his family from the orphanage on that side.

A while ago, Brenton had added a symbol relating to each of his friend's element. These symbols were placed on the edges of the skateboard on the bottom side.

He puts his stuff into the locker and then skates out slowly. Other competitors high five him as he rolls out, with Brenton smiling and congratulated those who won and wishing luck to those who were going to go.

Way better than having to deal with those guys, Brenton recalls his punishment, helping around the school, making him almost miss the competition.

Brenton reaches the place, when he gets bombarded by screaming. He turns his head to see his friends and Coach and Sensei. Ku is already taking pictures with a whole poster with his name on it.

"...wow..." Brenton stares at them in shock, then gives a wave to them before going to the starting area. Brenton then finds them worrying about the bandage on his cheek.

He finds Ben, the dirty blond, electric-blue eyed teen with his messy hair and sorta brown skin. Ben wearing a blue muscle shirt, black sweat pants with black high tops with blue mixed in.

"Yo, Ben! You and Belle have been out of town for like forever now!" Brenton smiles, as they do their handshake. Which is just them fist bumping then a start of thumb wars.

"Yeah I know! It feels like it's been forever," Ben laughs. Belle walks up to them, her platinum blonde hair tied into a side ponytail that is popping out of the hole of a blue cap worn sideways, ice-blue eyes and pale skin. She has her over the shoulder light blue tank top with a dark blue shirt underneath and jean shorts with gray and light blue high tops.

"Jeez, why do you guys have to go up against each other? It makes it hard to root for either of you," Belle shakes her head in annoyance.

"Good to see you too Belle," Brenton rolls his eyes as Ben laughs.

"Good to see you Brenton but seriously! Who do I even cheer for? I can't do both?" Belle states as a question.

"Sure you can!" Ben says, keeping his foot on his skateboard with electric patterns.

"Or you can just not cheer, it's just an option," Brenton shrugs with a smile.

"Are you saying my cheering is bad? I'm offended!" Belle pretends to be insulted.

"Oh totally, it's terrible," Brenton jokes, nudging her playfully.

"I think I lose concentration when you cheer," Ben joins in, chuckling.

"Wow, you two are so kind," Belle rolls her eyes with a smile. "By the way, that's quite the crowd you got there Brenton," Belle points over to his friends.

"Huh? Carol and Tyler aren't here." Brenton turns around, "oh! You mean them!" He realizes.

"You're terrible Brenton, how could you forget about your friends?" Belle laughs.

"Not only do you always text to us about them, you even talk about them a lot," Ben reminds him.

"Okay okay, stop making me feel terrible," Brenton groans, sighing.

They both laugh. "You gotta introduce them to us," Ben reminds him.

"Yeah, you've got some good-looking friends there," Belle comments.

"Are you saying I'm not good looking?" Brenton glares playfully at them.

"Ha, we only have to tell you the truth two times. One, if you're going on a date, and two, if we have to tell the truth," Ben states.

"True, True," Belle agrees.

"Unbelievable," Brenton rolls his eyes.

"But to be honest, I like it when your hair is in its natural state," Belle states.

"Never. It's weird," Brenton shakes his head.

"I've gotta agree with Belle," Ben offers.

"Competitors! One minute to start!"

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