Por _ChurchGirl_

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Three kinds of folks with a lot of differences but one enemy in common, the gods or perhaps I should say a go... Más



30 7 1
Por _ChurchGirl_


Sarahl641 - Adelaja Adejumoke thanks a lot for being an avid reader and for pushing me to update.

I scrambled into my room and as i hurriedly went through my closet I was continuously saying within myself 'she is a mind reader, she is a mind reader... '.

All witches could cast spells of various sort but few were born with special gifts like Meg, who I just found out was a mind reader. I wondered what gift Rosa had or if she had any. All my life I had only come across three witches with special talents, at least that was what I thought.

Aunt Lopez had the gift of persuasion which I had only seen her use once. She could make one do anything by just touching them. The boy I met at the lake, Ash, he had foresight or he wouldn't have been able to know that Rosa was going to look for me. The third person was Meg, who had just read my mind.

I pulled up a black trouser and an equally black hooded sleeveless shirt. I tied my hair in a tight hunny bun and I wore a black sneakers before going back downstairs.

" Okay I'm ready"

"No, not yet " She snapped her fingers and as she did my sneakers disappeared and I was suddenly barefooted. She smiled in satisfaction "Now that we are all set come closer " .

I moved four steps forward "is this enough?"

"Close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to"

"Okay " as I closed my eyes I felt the atmosphere around us become cooler and the sweet ripe smell of magic became heavy in the air. Whenever magic was preformed, the air seemed to be tinted with a pleasant smell but this was different, it was like the air was clogged with magic. It was like I could see the magic even though my eyes were close.

"Open your eyes " she said and as I did, It was just as I suspected, we were no longer in the house. Even though I had never come here before I knew where we were, it was the birthplace of magic, we were in Greece, Athens to be precise.

'So there we have it, blondie was a teleporter ' I thought to myself. I surveyed the environment, the atmosphere was a little bit of foggy but it wasn't enough to prevent us from seeing through. The sky was dark and plain has it had no star in display but a full moon which seemed to be gloomy and reminded one of how werewolves reacted to a full moon in movies.

we stood inches away from an abandoned field, it had a farm house in it that also seemed to be abandoned. Fireflies floated in the air as they migrated to the field.

"Wow! It's beautiful but not as I had expected, it's... it's... "

"Deserted " she completed

"Yes, deserted." I twitched my nose as a firefly landed on my nose and watched as it flew past. "What happened? " I asked and watched as she wore a sad look like she was about to cry. Megan on the other hand was busy trying to catch fireflies in the overgrown field not far away from where I stood with Rosa.

"Soon after you were born, Hecate searched for you... "

"yeah, I already know that part, she searched for me but couldn't find me because aunt Lopez took me to North America which was a restricted area for Hecate" I interrupted but her mouth was still opened as she searched for what to say.

"Umm! Ummm! "

"What isn't that it? "

"I'm sorry Morgan but that wasn't the full story. After Lopez took you from your tribe, she went to the northern tribes who contacted all the tribes on the west ,east and south and they prepared for war because of the sacred oath to protect the child of prophecy. However, only the tribes from the south obeyed. But Hecate was persistent, she and her army destroyed and slaughtered not one was left except for Lopez who escaped and fortunately was aided by a more powerful god, Thanatus. he used his power to shield you and Lopez from the sight Hecate "

"I don't understand any of this. Does that mean that Hecate can come for me in north America "

"Sadly, yes. But the good thing is that she will doesn't know where you are and she wouldn't even be able to identify you unless she has an informant in our coven, which I doubt "

"But what has Thanatus got to do with any of this? Why choose to help Lopez? "

"I guess that's an answer only the gods will be able to answer. Now let's begin with training " she clapped her hands twice in order to gain my attention. "we are gonna begin with simple spells like telekinesis "

"Really, that's my specialty " I said with excitement.

"Easier said. Close your eyes "
I heard the sound of something being thrown far away.
"Open your eyes"

"I just misplaced my bracelet and I want you to fetch it for me with your telekinesis skill"

"What? but I just heard you throw the damn thing"

"It doesn't matter whether or not I threw it. You just have to fetch it"

I let out a sigh in frustration "And how do I do that? "

"you just have to close your eyes and feel the environment " she said as she turned to make sure that Meggy was still in sight.

I closed my eyes but all I could feel was nothing. I gave up several times but Rosa made me repeat the process over again until I was finally able to feel the the environment like I was a part of it. Her bracelet was inches away from the farmhouse, I reached for it with my mind and made it come towards me. Just when it was about to hit my forehead, I caught it .

"Now wasn't that interesting?, you seem to possess more than you think. My bracelet please! " she grinned childishly and I laughed before handing her bracelet to her.

She made me fetch a couple of other things too and I even took a look into the farmhouse mentally before we went back home.


I took my jacket and was about leaving the house when Rosa called behind me "sooner or later, you are gonna have to tell me where you go to very early every morning "

I turned and saw a smirk on her face before she went into the Kitchen while raising her cup of coffee to have a sip. I knew she was worried that I may be up to something inimical but she had to reason to.

I ran out of the house with the intentions of getting to the lake before Ash. He and I had been training for a week now and although he claimed that I wasn't a fast learner, I knew it was the exact opposite. As I inched closer to the forest, I heaved my breathe as I prepared for who I expected to ambush me. Surprisingly, no one came out.

"Thank goodness! " I said out of relief . I didn't know how I would react if Damian should bother like he did yesterday, he even had the nerve to call me Natus again. Coming to think of it, I may have enjoyed his company up to some extent , he talked about a lot of things and I on the other hand just gave him a lot of sarcastic response. When he finally said something that caught my attention, something about knowing my father, I turned back to face him but unfortunately he was already gone. He and I still had an unfinished conversation.

I snapped out of my thought as I soon realized that I was at the other end of the forest'damn it! ' I thought, why does he always have to get here before me. He was squatting by the side of the lake but surprisingly there was no sparing mat on the floor. He rose to his feet as soon as he saw me.

"I see that you are finally here. I nearly died in my eternal wait for you " he narrowed his eyes in a ridiculous way that made me laugh.

"oh please, I didn't take that long to get here. You probably just got here also. Anyway what are we doing today?"

"Today we won't be fighting which I guess you already know. We will be doing something different "

" Does that mean you won't be teaching me to fight anymore? but I still suck in hand combat... "

He raised both hands as a way of asking me to calm down. " Calm down! It isn't like that. I just thought that combating every time would make training boring and herculean. How about we do something different for just this week and next week we can switch back to fighting "

"Hmm! I love the sound of that. So what are we to do? "

"Firstly take your place " he raised his right hand to indicate backwards. As I walked back, I felt something coming towards me, something hot and strange but I knew would deliver a fatal blow if it touched me. Just as it was about to hit me, I fell down in a weak attempt to dodge.

I looked up and watched as it hit a tree in the forest. It burnt the tree to ash in just a second.

Still on the floor, I turned back to face him, "what was that? Were you trying to kill me? " I yelled feeling quite hysterical as adrenaline was still pumping in my vein.

He had another ball of icy blue flame suspended on his palm. "oops, sorry! I was just trying to check your reflexes. As a matter of factly, I spelled it not to harm you if it had hit you "

The flame disappeared from his palm and he walked towards me to give me a hand.
"Here, let me help you up". I took his hand and rose to my feet.

My jaw dropped as I was still in awe "is that why you are called Ash? "

He shook his head "no, not at all. My skill has nothing to do with my name. " he probably saw a curious look on my face because he went further on his explanation "Well, fire bending is one of my skill even though I'm not from a fire tribe unlike you "

"Does that mean what I think it does? "

"Yes, I'm an Avatar. I control all four elements "

"But I thought you had foresight or how else could you have known about Rosa? "

He smiled "very funny theory " he raise a had to his head looking quite nervous "Well, Rosa is my older Sister "

*phew * For a moment there it was like Ash was about to kill her.

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