Summer Love Or More?- A.I (Se...

By smileforjeon

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Will the love story continues? Or it's more of forget and move on to someone new? This is the sequel to Summ... More

Chapter 1- Welcome Back Amy
Chapter 2- He Kissed My Cheek
Chapter 3- They Keep Taking My Apple
Chapter 4- What Happened?
Chapter 5- Welcome Back Sammy
Chapter 6- What's With Taking People's Food?
Chapter 7- Please Don't Leave
Chapter 8- Finally
Chapter 9- Meet Emilia
Chapter 10- On The Next Flight
Chapter 11- Blackmail? Seriously
Chapter 12- 2 Months
Chapter 13- Bye Bye Australia
Chapter 14- Bloody Finger
Chapter 15- Thinking About My Ex Not My Boyfriend
Chapter 16- Remember What We Used To Do?
Chapter 17- Except Sex!
Chapter 18- No Hugging Without My Consent
Chapter 19- He Tried To...
Chapter 20- I'm Done With Your Shit
Chapter 21- Who To Choose?
Chapter 22- This Moments
Chapter 23- Pretend To Be Together?
Chapter 24- That's What I Thought
Chapter 25- He's Just Being A Friend
Chapter 26- Finally Sleeping Beauty Is Awake
Chapter 27- Fixing The Situation
Chapter 28- You're Sleeping On The Couch
Chapter 29- No More Chances
Chapter 30- Time To Have Fun
Chapter 31- Voicemail
Chapter 32- Make Up Sex
Chapter 33- Are We Back Together Yet?
Chapter 34- Outbursts and Returning Relatives
Chapter 36- Cousin Vs Cousin
Chapter 37- Your Fault
Chapter 38- Drunk Words Sober Thoughts
Chapter 39- Big Reveal
Chapter 40- I Still Hate You
Chapter 41- Maylor Returns
Chapter 42- I Always Get What I Want
Chapter 43- Move On Mate
Chapter 44 -Your Family Thinks I Abuse You?
Chapter 45- Next Flight To UK
Chapter 46- Flying To UK Secretly
Chapter 47- What Just Happen?
Chapter 48- Unfixable
Chapter 49- You're Lying
Chapter 50- Blocked Everyone Out
Chapter 51- She's Not Going To War
Chapter 51- Like You Fucked Ashton Over?
Chapter 53- Biebs & Sammy
Chapter 54- I'm Happy To Swap Places
Chapter 55- He's A Fighter
Chapter 56- Rocking Your World
Chapter 57- Next Stop: South Korea
Chapter 59- Letting Go Completely

Chapter 58- Separate Ways

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By smileforjeon

Third Person POV:

Have you ever felt pain?

Have you ever felt like your heart was breaking into two pieces?

Two pieces that separate unevenly, falling apart and falling in two different directions.

Heartbreak the perfect way to describe the feeling one feels when you find out news that changes your life, heartbreak happens to many people all around the world all the time- everyone's heart breaks for many different reasons and by different individuals.

The only problem is you can't stop heartbreak from happening as it's part of life and something everyone goes through at some stage during their lives. However, for Ashton, he was already facing the dreaded heartbreak because the girl he loved moved to South Korea with her family and to get married to a Korean guy called Jeon Jungkook. He wouldn't be alone because someone out there would be going through the same thing as him, someone else would have their heartbreaking into two pieces sooner or later. Ashton only had to remember he wasn't alone and wouldn't face it alone either not when he had his friends by his side to try to cheer him up and put a smile back on his face. 

Amy's POV:

I looked at the text message I had back from Sammy after I stepped outside of Luke's hospital room to send her a quick message to inform her that Luke was now awake especially as she was moving to Korea today because her family wanted to live there and she was having an arranged marriage to a Korean guy called Jeon Jungkook whoever he was. 

Everyone else was outside here while Luke spent time with his family despite his protests of wanting his friends and me in there, his parents and brothers wanted some alone time with Luke which was understandable seeing as he's been unconscious for around six to seven months.

" I still can't get over how she's gone to Korea to marry someone she doesn't even love, who does that? She's really hurt Ashton" Taylor said breaking the silence that fell between us all. I turned to look at her. "funny coming from a girl that hurt him even more many years ago, or have you forgotten what you did to him, huh?" I asked her. She shook her head, "of course I haven't but she's hurt him" She said I rolled my eyes at her and looked back down at my phone as it went off indicating I had a new text message. 

"Everyone makes mistakes and obviously Sammy has a reason for doing what she did. It's happened so all we can do now is be here for Ashton and support him when he needs supporting and we're here for Luke he's just woke up after being unconscious for months. I personally think they're our main priority right now" Michael said trying to take the heat away from his girlfriend's case of foot in mouth disease.

"Is that Sammy, Amz?" Calum asked me, I nodded my head. "Yeah, it is" I reply while reading the message out loud to the others. "That's good despite everything her happiness is the main thing," Hailee said speaking up. I nodded my head in agreement, "yeah it is, everyone deserves to be happy" I say and look at Justin with a smile as he wraps an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. 

"Talking about being happy, when are you going to tell Luke about you two being together?" Calum asked his eyes glazing over the pair of us before looking back towards Luke's room. "He needs to know" Calum then added. A sigh escaped my lips, " I know he does, but he's just awakened after that accident and now he's going to find out one of his best friends has moved to Korea, the other is heartbroken and I'm not single. It's going to blow his mind and he's going to hit the fan" I say knowing Luke so well, he couldn't deal with too many changes or finding out at the same time. He's going to be overloaded with information and I know he won't be able to deal with it properly or calmly. 

" Yeah, I know that Amy but the sooner he knows the better because you know Luke. He'll try to get back together with you and you know yourself you don't see him like that anymore as you're with Justin now. He needs to know and soon as possible to avoid major heartbreak and problems" Calum said, I nodded my head in agreement. " I know, I'll tell him as soon as possible,"  I say. 

"It might hurt him but it's for the best," Calum said. "Yeah, I know that Calum," I say, walking to sit down on one of the chairs outside Luke's hospital room. "That's if Liz, Ben or Jack hasn't told him already" Michael stated. " I don't think she would do that," I say with a shake of my head. 

"Neither I think Liz has some decency to let Amy tell Luke herself and not intervene with her sons love life,"  Hailee said, the others nodded their heads in agreement. "Well, the longer his family is in there the longer it takes for him to find out," Justin said sitting down next to me. " I know, I'll tell him as soon as I can" I lean my head on his shoulder. 

Later on that day:

Third Person POV:

It was around half five in the afternoon when Luke's parents and brothers left Luke's hospital room, Calum, Amy, Hailee, Justin was still there while Michael and Taylor had left after Taylor complained of being hungry for the hundredth time that afternoon.

"Amy, Luke wants to talk to you," Liz said to her, Amy looked up, " does he?" She asked sitting up straight, "Yeah, I did tell him about Sammy leaving because I think it was best to come from me, so you only have to focus about telling him about you and Justin here now,"  Liz said smiling lightly at Amy before walking off with her two sons to get some food. 

"Hey at least it one less thing to tell him, Amy" Hailee said trying to bring a positive to the situation. "Yeah, your right hails. I better go in the sooner I tell him the better" Amy said standing up, "I'll see you all in a little while" She said before walking into Luke's hospital room. Luke looked up and smiled seeing Amy walk into the room, "hey" he said smiling. 

"Hey Luke," She said with a small smile and she sat down in the chair next to his bed. "You okay?" He asked her, "shouldn't I be asking how you are, you've just woken up," She said to him. "I'm awake so I'm all good," He said smiling.

"Yeah that's good, I'm glad you're awake now. " Amy said looking at him, "you scared everyone Luke," She added. Luke nodded his head, " I know, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare anybody especially not you" He said reaching for her hand. She hesitated but let him grab her hand never the less, " I need to talk to you about something" Amy said to him. 

Luke raised a brow, "is this about Sammy because if it is I already know,  my mother told me earlier with Ben and Jack" He said. Amy shook her head, " no but how are you feeling about that seeing as you never got to say goodbye?" She asked him. Luke was quiet for a couple minutes before speaking again.

"I guess I'm upset that I didn't get to say goodbye but then I guess I'm happy for her like sometimes you've got to do what's going to make you happy despite the fact it might upset somebody else you care about," He said. Luke's words had given Amy hope that he would understand what she was about to tell him.

"I'm glad you said that actually," Amy said looking at Luke, Luke continued to look at her. "Why?" He asked. " I just want you to know, what I'm going to say I don't want to hurt you in any way knowing you're already hurting from your accident but I think you need to know," She said, watching as Luke's expression changed to being confused.

"Why would you hurt me by what you've got to say?" He asked, she sighed and pulled her hand slowly out of Luke's grip, however, he grabbed her hand to hold it again. "Luke please," She said pulling her hand away before he could grab it again. Luke only frowned, "but I want to hold your hand" He said, she sighed again knowing she wasn't getting anywhere and with Luke's behaviour she knew it was going to be difficult and takes ages to say what she had planned to say to Luke to ease him into the conversation about her being with Justin.

Amy decided to just rip off the band-aid and tell Luke, " I don't want you holding my Luke because we're not together-" I know but that's what I want to change, the accident made me realise I don't ever want to be without you again. You've been by my side the whole time while I was in here my family told me that."

"Yes I have but not in the way you think, Luke. I don't want to hurt you but I have to tell you. I've been by your side as a friend and nothing else not because I still want to be with you. Luke, I've got a boyfriend now." Amy said and Luke just stared at her. 

Luke laughed, "don't joke around with me Amy it's not funny" "Luke, I'm not joking around, I'm being serious. I'm in a relationship, I have a boyfriend, I've been with him since I went to Ibiza. I'm serious, I don't want to hurt you or your feelings but you needed to know" 

Luke looked at her, shaking his head,"so you moved on just like that, like what we had was completely nothing?" He asked, making eye contact with her. "Did you not care about how I would feel at all?" 

She shook her head at his words, "Of course I cared but if what we had was so great why did you go out every night getting drunk and sleeping around with many girls, huh? " She threw back at him. "I'm pretty sure you did the same and besides I don't need to explain why I did what I did to you because you don't care anyway because you have your boyfriend now" 

"Yeah your right, I do have my boyfriend now," she said. Luke looked at her, "so who is it?" He asked looking at her.  "Does it matter?" She asked him. "Well, if you can get over me so quickly surely he's got to be this awesome and amazing guy," Luke said sarcastically causing Amy to roll her eyes. 

"You know what I'm not going to talk to you when you're like this," She said standing up. "How did you expect me to react Amy, you've just told me you've got a boyfriend? What do you want me to say, that I'm happy for you?"

"Yeah because that means you'd be happy for me," She said looking back at him. Luke chuckled, "why would I be happy that you got over me? I don't want you to get over me" "Well tough, I have. I know you're hurt but I thought at least you would be happy for me but no you're the same old Luke I knew. So fucking selfish" Amy said walking towards the door. 

"I'm selfish? Says the girl who decided to drop the bombshell of a lifetime that she's got a new boyfriend that she's probably been fucking while I've been fighting for my life in here, who's the selfish one now huh?" He shouted back.

Amy stopped walking to turn to look at him, "well my selfish self is going to leave, have a good life Luke"  She said. "Why are you saying that?" He asked her. "Because I don't think I'll see you again Luke"

"Why? You only live in Ibiza, you could come back and visit" He said, she shook her head. "no because I'm not going to be living there anymore, my job has changed I'm going to be a person that shows a tourist around when coming from a different country. I had the opportunity and I took it but I'm moving to LA."

"You can't be serious, LA? Do you even have a job or you just saying this to get away from me and move further away?" Luke raised his voice. "This isn't about you, Luke for heaven sakes! God, I can't wait to leave and get fucking away from you" She opened the door and walked out, shaking her head. She looked at Justin, "let's go" She said as he stood up. 

"Bye guys," Amy said as she walked away with Justin before the others had a chance to say anything or even bye. "How did it go?" Justin asked as they walked away. "The sooner I move to LA the better" She replied, "that bad huh," Justin said afterwards. "Yeah" Amy replied as he held her hand as they walked out of the hospital and towards the hotel. 

" I only wanted to leave on a good note just being friends but I should've known that would never happen with Luke being so stubborn. Oh well, I tried nothing I can do now though. " She looked at Justin as he squeezed her hand. " A fresh new start that's what you need, Sammy's doing the same. It's what you both need and trust me you're going to love it in LA" Justin said smiling at Amy, Amy smiled back at him. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it so much" 


' When you move on with your life,  you're moving on for all the right reasons to leave all the wrong reasons behind you'


Third Person POV:

Time goes by so quickly when you're not looking constantly at the clock, days turn into weeks, weeks into months,  months into years and before you even realise not only have you aged multiple times but the years have gone by so quickly and you've lost contact with the people who you used to spend time with during your teenage years. 

Contact has been lost without anyone realising it and no one wants to be the first person to reach out and make contact in case the other person doesn't communicate back because people change during the years and may no longer be the person they used to be. 

Losing contact is what happened between Sammy, Ashton, Amy, Luke, Calum, Michael, Taylor, Hailee, Justin and Connor because they all went their different ways and started living their lives without having constant contact with friends which then turned into no contact at all. 

Many things had happened during the time period where everyone lost contact with each other. During the five years that had past by,  Sammy had gotten married to Jungkook as she had an arranged marriage and still lived in Korea with him, two years married.

Michael had gotten married to Taylor after Taylor had repeatedly asked him to marry her and he said yes, they had been married around two years and are happy despite the multiple arguments they seem to have. 

Ashton had married the singer Selena Gomez a year ago after moving on from Sammy. 

Amy and Justin had gotten married just under a year ago and we're still living in his house in LA. 

Luke was still living in the apartment he had with Amy and is single. 

And Calum and Hailee? Well, mail was being sent to everyone's address as we speak. 

AN-  Hey guys! 

hope you enjoyed this part and stay tuned for Mary Anne's part, @smileforhemmings as it's the last one! Wow! A new story coming soon though so stay tuned for that.

Bye guys and thanks for reading! :)

love, Amy. @Jet-Black-5SOS. 

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