Reckless Play | ✓

By Netflix-and-cry

488K 12.3K 1.7K

"This thing between us." He said, gesturing to the space between our bodies. "It's bound to happen. You know... More

Reckless Play
Story & Characters Aesthetics
2. A Home Away From Home
3. Crashing Into Hotness Personified
4. Second Crash
5. Mondays Ain't My Lucky Day
6. Player
7. Rules of Attraction
8. Troublemaker
9. Mine
10. Taking Risks
11. The Party
12. Bewitched
13. Parties Ain't My Thing
14. You're safe with me
15. Whiplash
16. Car Ride
17. The Other Side
18. Jealousy Is a Bitch
19. Silent Treatment
20. Movies & Fries
21. Carpool Arrangements
22. Talks & Confessions
23. Unfamiliar Cravings
24. The 'Almost' Question
25. To Go or Not To Go
26. The Game
27. Invitations
28. Dark and Dangerous
29. Reckless Play
30. Meet The Parents
31. Sisters & Secrets
32. Ego Boost
33. Gone South
34. Truth or Lie
35. Answers
36. Retribution
37. Never Let Go
38. The Message
39. The Space Between Us
40. Mending Hearts
41. Taking a stand
42. Growing Up
43. Honesty Wave

1. Welcome Back

25.5K 512 129
By Netflix-and-cry

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  I stared down at the small dark dot printed on the crumpled yellowish map I held in my hand, wondering how such an abstract thing as distance could be measured and then drawn in a paper I could so easily hold.

Between the coloured lines signaling the rutes and rivers, the dots looked like an art composition. In some places they seemed to have been grouped together by a gifted hand, making small irregular forms, while in others they were dispersed like the artist forgot about them and they got lost in the middle of the vast space.

But I knew better, even when they seemed to be struck to each other, there were hundreds of kilometres pulling them appart.

Absently, I let my index finger trace the short line from my hometown in Marietta, Ohio to Danville, Kentucky where I'm living now or I might say, the place I'm leaving behind.

I'd always hated the distance that separated them. The distance that separated me from my mother. The distance that seven years ago separated my parents and changed my life for worse.

Now I wondered if crossing that distance would turn my life upside down again.

I hoped it did.

Letting out a long hopeful sigh, I set the map on my bedside table and stood up from my comfy possition on the bed, walking towards the window that overlooked the front yard. I looked out at the neighbourhood that had me trapped since I was a seven year old.

I hated it.

It hasn't always been like this though, but since my father remarried five years ago, it had been insuferable. Olivia, my stepmother hated my guts, she didn't need to tell it to me, it was written all over her face when I came back from school, in the glances she threw my way as my father kissed me goodnight and every time I succeeded on something at school.

And don't forget her daily remarks about my apearance. I always thought that me being half Asian didn't help matters. Yeah, I was part Philippine. So what? I'd die before being ashamed of that. I always thought that if she had problems with that she should get over it. She never did.

I never told this to dad. Even though I loved him and he never stopped showing me love, our relationship wasn't the same. Olivia made sure that he never had time for me, taking him to expensive dinners and all those fancy things that I never got an invitation to. I tried to confront him several times about it but I didn't want to ruin their relationship and he sure was a grown up man to figure out that she was using him by himself.

My mother had no idea of this either or I believed she would have taken me away with her sooner.

So the last time I talked to my mother on the phone and she told me to come back home, I didn't even mull it over. I wanted to escape this. I didn't want to be this invisible girl anymore. I wanted to have friends and for people at school to notice me. I wanted to be cared for, I wanted to feel beautiful once again.

Olivia's watchful eyes were always on me, and I've been hiding and withholding myself from living like a teen for so long that I almost didn't recognize whom I was. The loose clothes and the tight bun were a nice way to get rid of my stepmother's jealousy, but they costed the few friends I'd made during the first years in town.

Resting my head on the widowsill, my gaze swept through the street in a last goodbye.

"Kalley, honey, are you ready? the bus isn't going to be waiting for you." I heard my dad shout from the door.

"I'm on my way!" I shouted back as I turned arround to pick my backpack from the floor and run down the stairs, not missing the disgusting look Olivia threw my way as I crossed the livingroom.

I didn't know why she did though, she finally had what she wanted, to have my dad all by herself. Right?

I made my way to the street where my father was already in the driver's seat waiting for me with the engine on. Throwing my backpack on the backseat, I followed suit.

Turning away from the curb, my father speed towards the coach station."Have you got eveything you need in there?" He said glancing sideways at my bag.

Yeah, I admit it wasn't much, but I didn't have much, not that he ever noticed anyway. I didn't want to take my old loose clothes with me, those belonged to another girl. The girl I was leaving behind.

"Yeah" I said bitting my lip nervously. I hoped mum gave me money to buy some clothes or I'd be busted.

Five minutes later, dad pulled to a stop at the coach station. The bus was already there and the staff was running the lattest paperwork.

I stepped out with my backpack and watched as my father made his way towards me with a small box in his hands. I arched a brow at it,"What's that?"

He looked me in the eyes and fidgetted a bit. Was he nervous?

"Ehm...well," He paused, lifting a hand to scratch his stubble. For a few seconds an uncomfortable silence descended upon us. "I bought you something." He finally said.

I stood still, letting the words sink in.

He bought me something? my dad?

The air caught in my throat and I felt a prickle in my eyes.

"You didn't have to, dad." I said as he placed the box in my hands.

"Yeah, yeah, I did. You are my daughter Kalley."

The lump on my throat intensified to the point I wasn't able to talk."Thanks." I croacked out.

He shook his head to the sides, "No need to thank me. I noticed that your phone is getting a bit old..." he said refering to my beatten up motorola. Hey! that phone was a brick and had seven lives like a cat. You could hardly get one of those nowadays.

I let out a chuckle,"You bought me a phone?"

He nodded,"Yeah, I expect you to call me every day."

I gave him my best smile,"Thanks dad, I love you." Stepping forward I gave him a hug.

"I love you too kiddo." He said as he ruffled the hairs at the back of my head.

 Stepping away from him, I made my way towards the waiting bus. As I took my seat, I gave him a last wave and then the bus took off. Leaving everything behind in a blur.

Letting out a contented sigh, I slumped on the seat and put on my headphones. It was a four hour ride and I intended to enjoy every bit of it.

When I stepped out of the bus in Marietta, I made a beeline towards the bathroom. I needed to change. I wouldn't stay another minute in this town looking like old me and I would never let my mother look at me like this. Talk about first impressions.

Closing the door behind me, I stripped of those ugly loose clothes, unzipped my backpack and took out a pair of leggins and a tank top. I had bought them back home with my savings and managed to hide from Olivia. The old rumped clothes were sprawled on the floor. They looked like rags and I'd have loved to leave them there, but I reminded myself that I was in a public bathroom. Shame.

Stuffing the old clothes back in the bag, I stepped out and faced the small rectangular mirror. I couldn't help the smile that sliped from my lips as my heart beat against my chest.

Goodbye old Kalley.

With my right hand, I undid the bun and my long chocolate hair flowed down in soft waves arround my tanned face. Staring at my reflection I realized that my dark chocolate eyes seemed bigger and brighter, full of expectation.

I definitely looked pretty, even without a drop of make up on, the new clothes made my face and body stood out.

"Welcome back Kalley Jackson." I wishpered at my reflection.

When I left the bathroom, I caught sight of my mother leaned against her white Honda. She looked younger than the last time I saw her, nine months ago.

Her long dark hair was up on a ponytail and a few loose strands fluttered arround her face with the warm breeze. She had a casual look in white denim shorts a navy T-shirt and silver flip flops. A pair of dark sunglasses complemented her outfit.

She seemed to be searching for me on the crowd and a huge smile broke out on her face when she finally spotted me. Pushing her glasses up, she made her way towards me and I squeezed myself through the people gathered there muttering a few 'Excuse me' and 'Sorry' as I met her half away.

Immediately, a pair of long and slender arms wrapped arround me engulfing me in a warm hug.

"Honey! I missed you so much!" She chirped in my ear making me grin even wider.

"I missed you too!"

I loved that about mum. Her joy was so contagious that you could be in a ten mile radius from her and still be affected by it. She was like a fire, bright and full of life.

"I'm so happy you're here to stay." she said as she pulled away.

"Me too." I smiled back at her.

"I can't believe this is your last year of school. Time passes by so quickly." She shook her face and let out a sigh."Anyway, I prepared your room. You know, the room. The one you've loved since you were little, with the great view to the yard."

I clapped entusiastically while jumping up and down, "Yes!" I loved that room. It had floor to cailing windows that overlooked the front and back yard and it was always full of light.

"Great! Let's go. I need to finish cooking lunch."

Curiosity pricked me, "What are we having?"

"Lasagna, your favourite." She said casually while dropping my bag in the trunk and walking towards the driver side offering me a wink before getting in.

What the hell had I been thinking living with dad and Cruela De Vil all this time?

Without wasting a second I opened the passanger door and slid in with her.

a/n: So the journey started. Let me know what you think!

Q: Do you think this sudden change is good for Kalley?

Stay tuned for more!

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