By SHINeeFlaMinGirl

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Its a cute romantic comedy musical love story of famous Kpop band SHINee and their ICE CREAMY GIRLZ !! How th... More

SHINee confessions
SHINee Dorm
SHINee OUTING !!( part 2 )
LoVe Competition (round 1 )
LoVe Competition( round 2 )
LoVe Competition ( final round )
Jealousy in Air
There Is Always a Happy Ending If It's not Happy It's not the End :)
10% extra story !
Babies And Memories !! <3

SHINee OUTING (part 1 )

264 14 0
By SHINeeFlaMinGirl

Minho's phone rang he looked at the screen of the phone and was about to throw his phone away he answered Now wat happened ?? ParkHyu u have already called me more than 25 times ...I told u that u cud wear anything ...ur hairs are tied or not it doesn't matter ...u can wear any shoes they will still allow u to get in .

ParkHyu said well I just wanted to ask can I bring some snacks like popcorn , drinks etc minho sighed and said we r not going to watch a movie ...fine whatever u want just bring it. ParkHyu said thank u I was wondering to ....Minho sighed plz bring whatever u want and do whatever u want to do I really dnt mind then minho hang up the phone thinking that how will he handle all this tomorrow ??

No no this cnt b possible ...ParkHyu ?? noway I am going with her to the match she will make me crazy by her nonstop chatting . Minho sadly sat down and was trying to think wat should he do ?? when suddenly key who was bxy with his mobile  came from somewhere and sat down in front of minho . Minho.saw him and a crook, evil smile came on his face.

Minho said Hey key !! wanna go to see tomorrow's match with me ?? I guess u dnt have any schedule at that time right ??

Key said ummmm well I dnt have any schedule thou bt ....minho interrupted so u r coming right ?? Key replied hmmm fine !! and key again got bxy with his phone while minho was a lot relieved that two are better than one atleast he cud share the burden of ParkHyu chatting and shouting bt minho was  also upset as originally he wanted to see the match with Hannah .

At ice creamy girls dorm as soon as minho said  I won't mind u can bring whatever u want ParkHyu cheered and said I will bring Hannah Oenni and she ran to Hannah told her that she want her to go and watch the soccor match her and she has  already made arrangement for the ticket .

Hannah smiled a bit as soccor remind her of someone and  asked y suddenly soccor ? ParkHyu replied dnt u know I like to watch soccor .Hannah laughed and asked since when ?? do u even know anything about the game ?? I remember last time u were just confuse about red and yellow cards the whole time .ParkHyu said stop laughing and u r going with me that's it.

ParkHyu  actually wanted Hannah to go bcuz Parkhyu doesn't knew a single thing about the game although she loved it and only Hannah knows a little bit about the game so she wanted her to go with her otherwise she wud'nt understand anything wat going on in the match .

The next day ...

Taemin opened his eyes and felt a lot of headache. He examined the room for few second before jumping up from the bed . He shouted where am I ?? and ...he walked a few steps and saw himself in the mirror. The freaked out taemin thought am I a girl ?? and is this my room ?? no I am boy ...he sighed and said WHO DID THIS ?? and ....just then JaeRim who was still sleeping by the bed woke up to see taemin and murmured aaaahhh how can I sleep ??? he will kill me ...wat am I gonna do if he asked why and who did this ??

JaeRim hesitantly asked did u sleep well ?? Taemin turned and saw JaeRim confusingly he asked JaeRim ??? is this ur room ?? Omo !! did I slept here last night ?? plz dnt get me wrong I don't even remember why and how I came here in ur dorm and ....taemin was really red as he continued and how I came in ur room ??

JaeRim was trying her level best to control her laughter as she saw sleeping beauty taemin's makeup and hairstyle that she made was totally messed up while he was sleepy .She told Taemin to go and wash up then she will explain him everything .

While taemin was washing up JaeRim looked for others in the dorm and was surprised to find that everyone has already left and only she and taemin were in the that time . JaeRim opened her phone to call Minnah bt Minnah has already send her a msg saying dnt worry I have told the manager that u r not feeling well so u r taking a day off as today we just have some individual schedules and u r most probably free so enjoy !! and plz make taemin something to eat and make him  look like a boy again . we all saw wat u did to poor taemin. I have talked to shinee members they have also told their manager that taemin is taking a day off.

JaeRim then explained everything to taemin that how he got drunk ??how the girls went to their dorm and boys had to come in girls dorm . She told him that they both have a free day  today. And she apologized for wat she did to him

Taemin frowned and said how can hyungs forget me here ?? I really going to be angry with them . JaeRim said no its not like that they really care for u and wanted to save u from ur manager's scold . They just left in such a situation that in a hurry they forgot u r not following them . Taemin thoughtfully said u r right ...well tell me that do I really look like a girl ? JaeRim smiled and said u r just a beautiful boy and  taemin blushed a little .

Then Taemin ate the breakfast JaeRim prepared and then they both were sitting awkwardly as they both don't know wat to do ?

Finally Taemin asked ummmm ...we both are free so wud u like to go on a walk ?? JaeRim nodded and they both disguised themselves and went out .

They were walking along the street when a cute little girl came handed taemin a paper and ran away. On that paper it was writte


   Any one can come

It was held at a nearby park . Taemin looked at JaeRim who was already heading towards the park.

They both entered and saw so many cute children dancing and singing on the stage .

JaeRim and Taemin happily joint all the other ppl who came to watch this cute little concert . Most of them were parents of the children .

They enjoyed the concert very much. JaeRim cheered wooow !! lovely kids !! While taemin shouted so cute !!

Finally in the end of the concert JaeRim and Taemin cudn't stop themselves from going on the stage.

Both the dancers did an awesome dance together not knowing that cameras were now flashing all over the place as everyone knew that Shinee taemin and Ice creamy girls JaeRim are dancing together .

Afterwards when they got out of that place hiding from the cameras and people JaeRim shyly whispered to taemin I like ...Taemin who cudn't believe on  his ears said wat ?? u like ???? JaeRim grinned and said I like to dance with u . Taemin said Ohh dance ?? thank u . U are also a very good dancer JaeRim shyly said not comparable to u atleast .

Minho reached the stadium with key and was looking for Parkhyun bt after looking for a while he sighed and thought she is not going to come ...I am thankful .

Minho turned and told key we shud go and be seated the match is going to start . key replied let's go . They both were just about to walk away when they heard a loud voice shouting HEYYY MINHO !!! I AM HERE !!! minho before turning back murmured Y ??? Y are u here ??

When both key and minho turned their faces brightened up . Key shockingly asked minho Y didn't u told me that ParkHyu is also coming??I wud have dressed better while minho cudn't hear a word key was saying  he was just lost in his happiness as he saw Hannah ' s face .

As Hannah saw the boys she grabbed Parkhyu as she was about to fell down out of shocks. She asked ParkHyu why did u bring me here ??

why didnt u told me about the boys?

Parkhyu just ignored Hannah as she was also really surprised to see key there. The girls walked towards the boys . Minho said we shud go in now the match is about start .

They entered the stadium key and Parkhyu sat on their seats bt as Hannah was about to go to her seat minho suddenly grabbed her hand and asked can u run ?? Hannah said wat ??? And minho began to run out of the stadium grabbing Hannah's hand making her ran with him .

Hannah who was totally shocked and confused just ran with minho. They both ran and ran till Hannah said minho wait ..stop !! I cnt run anymore ...I will die . Minho stopped and  apologized for making her run like that .  He shyly said he wanted to spend time with her bt ParkHyu ruined his plan so he had no other choice .

Hannah said u will miss the match .

Minho replied its better than missing u while watching the match. Hannah blushed and they both began to walk and they saw a playground .

Hannah ran into the playground leaving minho behind then she turned and shouted MR . CHOI MINHO I CHALLENGE U FOR A MATCH . Minho laughed at the bestest challenge he has ever received and shouted back U WISH !! 

They both began to play , minho became the goal keeper and Hannah the striker . Minho was loosing deliberately bcuz Hannah looked so happy when she was winning that minho didn't mind loosing .

They enjoyed in there playing laughing running .

Finally they lied on the ground as they were tired of playing . Hannah jokingly asked so wat r u giving me now as I won the match ? Minho smiled and said wat do u want ?? Hannah replied I.was just kidding .

Minho said I will give u ur prize dnt worry as he grabbed her hand and Hannah cud feel butterflies in her stomach .

In the stadium key and ParkHyu were going mad that where did minho and Hannah go ?? key opened his phone to call minho and saw minho's msg saying that Hannah is with him dnt worry and enjoy the match . Key rolled his eyes and said Yaaaahhh if u were not going to watch the match then why did u asked me ?? then key told ParkHyu that dnt worry Hannah is with minho.

Parkhyu and key were watching the match bt neither of them were interested and just wanted to go out. ParkHyu said I am hungry so I am going out to eat something . Key said wait wait can I also join u ?? I am hungry too .

They took a sigh of relief as they came out. Then key said I know a really good  restaurant nearby its on a walking distance from here so let's go there .  Parkhyu agreed and they both began to walk .

While walking ParkHyu said the list u saw ..its I mean uptill now every person that I liked and cud be my Mr. Perfect I written their names on the list bt its nothing serious I mean all those 266 are my opinions so dnt take them seriously .

key smirked and asked wat about 267th the last one ?? wasn't that just ur opinion ?? or anything else ??

ParkHyu blushed bt before she cud reply the reataurant came . They entered the restaurant took the table and now they had to order. Key said i can order for both us i always order for all of my members whenever we go out . ParkHyu said no she want to order for both of them as she also orders for her members when they go out . Key said he is ordering while Park Hyu said aaahhh i have never seen such a stuburn guy .....i am  ordering key and thats it . 

The waiter standing their to stop the quarel said Y dnt u both order for urself ?? Key replied thats right so i am going to order dish number 43 make it quick plz . Parkhyu who was annoyed by key as he ruined her mood without even looking at the menu said i want the opposite of wat he want so i am going to order 34 . key interrupted and said ParkHyu atleast see which dish it is ?? i won't let u share mine . Parkhyu ignored and said to the waiter that she want dish number 34 .

The dishes came ... key ordered a nice yummy roasted chicken dish while the dish number 34 was nothing bt a glass of fresh grape fruit juice. ParkHyu's eyes popped out as she saw the glass of juice bcuz  She was so hungry and she cudnt even order another dish otherwise she wud look like a fool infront of key so she just pretended that she wanted the juice only . Key laughed alot and said thats y i was saying u shud atleast look at the menu and now here u go enjoy ur juice while i will enjoy delicious dish . ParkHyu kept staring at key while he was busy enjoying the roasted chicken and making comments like this is sooo yummy its the best ! he was teasing ParkHyu who was just gupling her saliva and licking her lips as she saw key eating . Finally after awaile key said enough ! u can share my dish and Parkhyu jumped and took a huge bite from the dish saying OMO !! CHINCHA IT SO DELICIOUS !! while key kept laughing and then said i really like to be with u . U make me enjoy every single moment with u . ParkHyu blushed while eating .



wait for the next part of this chap ...

there is a lot more coming ....Onew and Minnah's outing

jonghyun and HyeRa's outing

Shinee and ice creamy girls photoshoot

so plz keep reading !!

plz vote and cmnt !!

thank u

FlaMinGirl <3


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