After The Storm (Sequel)

By Lovergirl723

369K 7.5K 925

Liliana Garcia has always made it through anything life has thrown her way, but after so much loss and hearta... More

Nothing was the same
Unhappy Holidays
Breaking Point
Valentine's Day
How to Save a life
Jaws of Life
Trouble in Paradise
Silver Flood
First day
We hate him
His secret
Memory lane
Believe In Yourself
I have to
Not Ready
I Wish You Were Here
How Can I help
What's Going on
It Was An Accident
This Can't Be Happening
Time For A Change
Best Man
Happy Again
Wedding Bells
Hard Decisions
If you love someone tell them
A Day Back
Quality Time
Back to work
The Unknown
Look Who's In Town
Turn Coat
Are you happy?
Reunited Part 1
Reunited Part 2
Mom's Back
Never Ready
Leave It Behind
Unexpected News
Operation Day
Harper Avery's
Can We Talk?
Date night
Trial and Error
Couples Therapy
Crisis Mode
Good Intentions
Wrong Venue, Right Time

Bigger Person

5.5K 113 18
By Lovergirl723

Liliana's pov

"You seem very cheerful this morning" I say as Owen walks over to the front desk where I was sitting.

"I am. I closed on a house" he smiles.

"What? When?". Owen's been staying in Derek's old trailer for awhile now, so of course  I knew he would eventually want an actual home. I just didn't expect for him to make that decision out of nowhere. I mean he had never mentioned that he was planning to sell the trailer before.

"This morning. Amelia's been constantly talking about me getting a grown up house, so I did it" he chuckles.

"Wow, that's a big step." I knew that things between him and Amelia were going good since they've been back together, but I didn't know that they were going good enough for him to go out and purchase a new house. "Well congratulations, I'm very happy for you" I smile.

"Thank you" he smiles

"So is Amelia going to be moving into the house with you?"

"Not yet, she's still living with Meredith right now, but of course she'll be staying over at the house with me a lot and hopefully she'll actually move in eventually."

"Look at you two growing up and making mature relationship decisions. Before you know it there'll be wedding bells and a little Owen or Amelia running around. I can see it now" I smirk.

"Not yet. I think you and Jackson have the baby department covered" he chuckles.

"That we do" I laugh rubbing my stomach.

"Before you know it your baby will be here."

"I know. Jackson and I are both so ready" I smile before my pager goes off. "Speaking of Jackson that's him paging me now. I'll see you around" I say before walking away to the attendings lounge where Jackson paged me.

"You paged" I say as I walk into the lounge

"Yeah, I got your lunch. You need to eat before your next surgery" he says kissing me before handing me my food. Jackson has gotten more and more watchful the further I've progressed into this pregnancy and he's constantly checking to make sure I'm getting enough rest and making sure to eat.

"Thank you" I smile before we sit down at the table.

"So my mom's going to be back in town next week. Richard was saying he wanted to invite us over for dinner once she gets back" he says.

"Nope. Not happening" I say as I bite into my sandwich


"Jackson, I do not have time to deal with your mother and her rudeness. You know she stresses me out" I frown.

"I know that she can be difficult, but she's been working to get along with you and be less invasive ever since you talked to her. I don't think she'll cross her boundaries again" he says. It is true that Catherine has been extra nice during the occasional times I'm around her after I talked to her and made it clear I'm not going to deal with her disrespectfulness and meddling anymore. But I still would rather not be around her if I don't have to, because she just isn't one of my favorite people after the crap she continuously pulls.

"And we both know that the only reason she's been cordial to me lately is because I put her in her place the last time she was disrespectful to me, not because she really respects me and I don't care to be around anyone that doesn't genuinely respect me" I shrug. I know it may seem that I'm being a little hard on Catherine, but she literally suggested that Jackson and I would eventually get divorced and that I would be evil enough to take our child away if it happened. It still angered me so much to think she had the nerve to suggest that and even have lawyers draw up some custody agreement.

"She does respect you. She actually likes you. It's just that in her head, her meddling is how she protects me. That's how she's always been. I know it's not right, but it's just how she is and she's still my mother and I would really appreciate it if you would try to be cordial with her especially with the baby on the way. I don't want there to be any tension between everyone."

"I guess I can go to this dinner and try to be cordial, but if she is rude at all I'm done Avery."

"Okay" he nods in agreement. "How is the baby doing in there?"

"Active. It's kicking right now" I smile.

"Really" he smiles.

"Yeah, feel right here" I say grabbing his hand and placing it on my stomach making his smile grow.

"I never get tired of feeling the baby kick."

"Yeah, it always gets really active whenever it hears your voice."

"I'm already the favorite" he chuckles.

"In your dreams Avery. This baby is going to be a mamas girl or mamas boy" I smile.

"We'll see" he laughs. We finish our lunch before I leave for my surgery. I got scrubbed in before starting my surgery. It was a simple spine surgery so it didn't take an extremely long time. Once I finished I scrubbed out then I took the patient to recovery. I grabbed a bottle of water before walking to the front desk.

"Hey" Arizona smiles as she joins me at the front desk.

"Hey" I smile.

"I just wanted to thank you for keeping Sophia for me last night. Especially since I asked last minute" she says. After a couple of weeks of going back and forth Arizona and Callie recently finished their custody battle, which ended with Arizona winning custody of Sophia. Of course with the change Arizona has Sophia most of the time now which she's handling very well, but last night she got called in for an emergency surgery. She asked if Jackson and I would keep Sophia for her while she came into the hospital which we had no problem with.

"You don't have to thank me. Jackson and I loved having her over and we need all the practice we can get before the baby gets here" I say.

"Yeah, she really had a good time with you guys." she smiles. "Oh" she frowns as she looks straight ahead causing me to turn around and see what she's looking at and I see Callie walking our way.

"Be nice."

"I know. But, God. She put me through hell" she says as she forces a fake smile.

"I know, but you won so be forgiving."

"Hey guys" Callie smiles as she joins us at the front desk. I offer her a friendly smile before she turns back to Arizona. "Well, I uh, was wondering if, um. I've had a surgery come up later this week, and so I wanted to ask if I could please have Sofia Tuesday night instead of Thursday?"

"Um, so if I allow you to have Sofia on Tuesday, then in exchange I will have her Friday" Arizona asks.

"Yeah, sure if that's what you want" Callie nods.

"Great. Okay, then I will make that work" Arizona smiles.

"Thank you" Callie says before walking away.

"She's gone. You can lose that crazed smile before you start cramping" I tell her causing her to drop her fake smile.

"God, I still don't like her right now" she sighs.

"Understandable, but just try to be the bigger person. You still have to think about Sophia" I remind her.

"I know. You're right" she sighs. I continued to stand there talking to Arizona before leaving for my next surgery. I got scrubbed in before beginning. This surgery ended up lasting for 8 hours so by the time I was finished it was time to go home. Since my surgery lasted longer then it was supposed to Jackson had already finished his surgery and got scrubbed out. I scrubbed out as well before meeting Jackson at the front desk.

"You ready to go" he asks

"Yes, I'm so tired" I yawn

"Come on then sleepy head" he chuckles before we walk to the car. We picked up something to eat on the way home. I ate as soon as I got to the house then I went to take a shower before laying down in bed. As soon as I laid down I wanted to fall asleep, but the baby was moving around a lot so I couldn't fall asleep.

"You okay" Jackson asks as he lays down beside me.

"Yeah, our baby is just being really active. It's moving all around " I chuckle.

"We definitely already have a little busy body" he chuckles as well as he lays his hands on my stomach, feeling the baby's movements. "What are you doing in there? Are you going to keep your mom up all night?" The baby instantly began moving around even more as soon as it heard Jackson talking to it, making me laugh a little.

"No ones keeping anyone up all night, you're about to calm down" I say, but the it only continued moving making Jackson laugh. "The baby's not even out yet and it's already hardheaded." I shake my head

"I wonder where it gets that from" Jackson jokes

"Definitely not me" I smile innocently making him laugh. "Can you get my pack of Oreos out of the pantry?"

"Lily, its to late to eat those."

"Well, it's not like I'm going to sleep anytime soon and I really want Oreos. Are you going to deprive your pregnant wife?"

"Fine, I'll get them" he shakes his head before getting out of bed to get them.

"Thank you" I smile when he returns to the room with them.

"You and your food cravings" he says as he gets back in bed.

"Hey, these cravings are your fault. You impregnated me" I shrug making him chuckle. "I was thinking since we're off tomorrow we could go pick out car seats and some other things for the baby."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. We have to start making sure we have everything, the baby will be here before we know it" he says as he rubs my stomach.

"I know" I sigh. It's still surreal to me that our baby will be here soon and that we'll actually get to take it home and raise it. Jackson and I were both so ready for the baby to get here. After everything we went through last time it was still so surreal that we're finally going to have a healthy baby. It's honestly a dream come true.

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