My love ❤️ (Completed)

By Aseeyaaleeyu

70.1K 8.1K 239

Deedat placed a wet kiss on her forehead and smiled helplessly at her. Amatullah even if I die take care of y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
New book

Chapter 9

1.9K 211 9
By Aseeyaaleeyu

This chapter is dedicated to my one and only teemaamusa ❤️❤️❤️

It's been 2 good hours since the doctors took deedat to the emergency room and there's no sign of him or the doctors.

Mammy, daddy, ya afreen and her husband, bilal, ya jamal and his wife, Mukhtar, and reena all sat staring at the emergency room muttering duas to deedat while Abba and mama kept moving up and down in front of the emergency room.

Alhaji Bulama Buratai? The doctor called out Abba's name and Abba nearly jumped..

Yes yes yes doctor? Abba answered panicking and everyone rose to their feet heading to where Abba and the doctor were standing.

The doctor's face looks wrecked, his head facing down which made all of them panicked but they didn't utter anything...

Please follow me to my office...the doctor said to Abba and they walked to the office..

How could you be so careless Alhaji? I see you are not an illiterate, how could you not set your eyes on the health of your children?the doctor scolded and shook his head.
Abba swallowed the lump in his throat...what happened doctor? He asked...

Even though you're not a doctor you must have heard of this, firs of all is your son suffering from bones and joint pains? The doctor asked

Yes...Abba answered shortly.

Dizziness? He asked again
Yes..Abba answered

Fatigue, weakness? He asked
Yes....Abba answered

Fever and loss of appetite?

And finally bleeding? The doctor asked
Yes....Abba answered with tears in his eye.

Alhaji Bulama your son Deedat has LEUKEMIA....,finally the doctor broke the bad an unpleasant news.

What!!!! Abba shouted not believing his ears.

Incase you don't know what leukemia is then let me say blood cancer, he freaking has blood cancer....the doctor said through gritted teeth..

Innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun...Abba said and a sob escaped from his mouth, even when his parent died all at ones he didn't cry but he had to cry for this, its blood cancer we are talking about..
How could I be so careless..he whispered in between tears...

At first it wasn't chronic, but the disease is spreading at a rapid rate, and another bad news is.....innalillahi wainnailaihirajiun...the doctor paused and murmured...

Abba shoot his eyes close, his heart was beating like 100000per second as he awaits the second bad news, he couldn't utter anything.

It's that deedat can only be alive from today 24th of November 2017 to 24th of November 2018 or maybe he could even die before 24th November 2018 but he couldn't pass that date if not Allah's will, Allah is the best planner, I can't be sure of what I've said but that is what the result has shown us.....the doctor finished with a sigh...

Just then Abba's heart stopped beating and he couldn't breathe normally. The doctor realized that he's asthmatic and quickly called on the nurse to bring inhaler and some drugs for him.

They tried and calm Abba down, Abba thanked the doctor and walked out of the office limping...

They all rushed to him and mama held him in her arms....
Alhaji what happened to my son? He's dead right? Mama asked Abba with a teary eyes while all of them stood immobile listening to what Abba is going to say.

He's not dead yet but he'll be dead in the next 12 month or before 12 months...Abba said in a raspy voice.

Mama almost chocked...wh..wha..what? She stammered and joined her brows..

What do you mean Abba? This time bilal asked.
There eyes were like saucer waiting for the answer.

Deedat has leukemia hafsa(mama)...Abba said and lets out a shaky breath followed by a sob.

Innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun...they all chorused and started crying..well except mama because she had already fainted on Abba's arms.

Make sure nobody tells Amatullah about this...Abba said in a low voice and everybody nodded.
They heard mama calling deedat's name and they all rushed to the bed where she was laying down.
Abba held her hands and muttered duas in her ear.

Hafsa don't you have faith? Don't forget you're a Muslim, this thing that happened to our son is Qadr, nobody can change it except Allah if he wills,please stop being a weak mother to your son,we have to be strong to deedat hafsa, we have to be strong for our son..Abba finished and kissed mama's forehead as hot tears rolled down on her cheeks.

Bilal heard his phone ringing and he quickly brought it out of his pocket..

Don't pick the call if its amatullah, just text her and tell her you're busy you'll call later...Daddy quickly said to bilal.

Daddy it's zuby...bilal said with a shaky voice.

Pick it and tell her to come meet us in the hospital...this time around it was Abba speaking.

Hello bilal where are you? Why is everyone not at home? Zuby blurted from the other end...

Look zuby, calm down, come and meet us at Abuja standard hospital now..bilal said in a low tone.

What happened? Who is si...before she could finish talking, he hung up...

Deedat was still unconscious,they didn't allow anyone to go inside his room, not even his parent.they were all inside the room where mama was admitted.

What are we going to tell amatullah?mamy spoke for the first time.

Just tell her that he's having malaria fever that is if she gets to know that he's sick..

Mamy sighed and muttered an ok...

Minutes letter, zuby stormed into the hospital room panicking...
What happened? She said without greeting anyone.

They started looking at one another...
Tell me please is everyone ok? Why is Mama on the hospital bed? Are you sick? She asked yelling.

What the f**..she started yelling but she remembered her parents were there..
Could someone explain, please? She asked but this time around in a soft tone..

Deedat has leukemia and he can only survive for 12 months...bilal managed to whisper but loud enough for her to hear.

What are you talking about bilal? Are you in your right senses? She yelled throwing her hands up.

I said Deedat has blood cancer or do you want me to explain what blood cancer is? He yelled at her too

Will you two shut your mouth up.....Abba yelled making zuby to jump a little.

Abba tell me bilal is laying to me please...zuby Said with tears in her eyes.

Zuby bilal is not laying to you, Deedat has leukemia...he whispered.

She stormed out of the room crying her eyes out..she moved back to her car and got in only to see 5 missed calls from Amatullah. She breathed in and out and dialed Amatullah's number...


Hajiya inna was busy doing her magic on Amatullah's skin when they heard Amatullah's ring tone.
It was zuby.
Amatullah picked up the call...zuby how far? Is everything okay? Where are you? Amatullah blurted out.

Everything is fucking not ok Amatullah I'm at Abuja standard hospital...Zuby yelled at her

Amatullah jerked her leg from hajiya inna and stood up.
What do you mean zuby?Amatullah asked already panicking.

These people are telling me a fucking bad news that my ears couldn't take...zuby said in between tears.

Zuby just tell me,deedat is dead right? Amatullah asked softly but couldn't swallow the lump in her throat her heart breaking into pieces.

They said he has freaking blood cancer and he's going to die in not less than 12 months...she stated

Amatullah's hand went limp and the phone clattered to the ground.
Amatullah wake up, you are dreaming, please amatullah wake up....a voice in her head kept telling her.

She felt the world spinning and her legs went limp...
You have to be strong for deedat amatullah go to your love, go and see deedat, amatullah walk, go, go... a voice in her head said.

She reached out her car key on the side drawer and walked out of her room,she heard hajiya inna calling her but she ignored her and ran out of the house.
She wasn't wearing a veil nor hijab, she was only wearing a black gown and black cap. She slipped in a different pairs of slippers, one is blue while the other is pink, she didn't care of what she was wearing.

She stormed out of the front door, she heard people calling her name and running after her but she ignored all of them, she heard someone like Anty Aisha saying someone should pick a car and follow her, by then, She had already zoomed out of the house and made her way to the hospital.

Deedat has blood cancer, he's only going to live for just 12 months, deedat is going to die, no it can't happen, he's not going to die..she kept thinking about him and seeing his picture in her head while speeding so she could reach the hospital..

The next thing she heard was a raspy sound and her car turning and making 360 hitting every part of her body and glasses entering every part of her body then the car finally stopped rotating.

She heard a familiar voice saying help me bring her out of the car please, she's my cousin, we need to take her to the hospital soon...

Ya Allah make deedat the most happiest man ever, make him forget about me and move on with his life, innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun....
She muttered under her breath.

She tried hard to move even an inch but she couldn't, she tried hard not to close her eyes but it was too heavy for her, so she finally gave up and muttered another innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun, lailaha illallah muhammadan rasulillah sallallahu alaihu wa sallam... then the darkness took her away....

Shikenan...Allah ya jikan Amatullah😭😭😭😭😭sub hanallah......

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