Starting over

By gracelynn_senoj

734 56 36

Completed..but⤵️ *UNDER EXTREME EDITING* Ashlynn O'Conner was in love with Alex's bestfriend, Christian. But... More

Chapter 1 - The Backstory
Chapter 2 - The Backstory
Chapter 3 - The Backstory
Chapter 4 - The Backstory
Chapter 5 - The Backstory
Chapter 6 - The Backstory
Chapter 7 - The Backstory
Chapter 8 - The Backstory
Chapter 9 - Going Home
Chapter 10 - Oh No
Chapter 12 - What Am I Doing
Chapter 13~ Prom
Chapter 14 - Prom pt.2
Chapter 15 ~ The Aftermath
Chapter 16 - Reality
Thank You So Much!!
Chapter 17 ~ The Rehearsal

Chapter 11 - What Is Wrong With Me

29 3 4
By gracelynn_senoj

Anyways hope you enjoy 😁
Ashlynn's P.O.V
I got a text from Kacey saying turn around only to see Alex again getting the same ice cream im eating right now and Kacey waving at me viciously so i wave back. "Ash" i hear Caleb say "Yeah"i say casually. "Who was that guy you were talking to" he asks "A friend from school and stuff" i say awkwardly "Oh could you not find him on Facebook" he asks "Why does it matter wait are you jealous" i ask "That my fiancé is talking to some guy i dont know yes i am" he says "Well he was just a friend i forgot about ok" i say "Ok if you say so" he says while Kacey walks over to me screaming something that sounds like Chinese "Kacey you have to talk slower" i yell "Ok well you remember the guy Hayden i told you about" she asks "Yeah" i say "Well he asked me out and i said yes" she says "Omg really" i say "Yes and its in 3 hours so i need yours and Stella's help NOWWWW" she yells in my ear "Ok i will call her" i say grabbing my phone and calling Stella but she doesn't answer..
(If you dont remember what was happening then go read the last chapter because you need to know)
Stella's P.O.V
I hear my phone go off on the last few seconds of the last ring and look at Angel sleeping peacefully and then remember what happened and go put clothes on while reading all the text from Ash and i text her back telling her i will meat her at her apartment and leave a note on the counter for Angel. While im in the car my song "Wanna Be" comes on and i sing the entire thing. (Shoutout to Lily and Abby they will know why)
When i get to Ash's apartment with Caleb i get pulled into Ash's room and get set to pick out Kacey's outfit i chose:

With Ash doing her makeup:

We did all of that in 2 hours so in the last 30 minutes we tried to get Kacey to be able to walk in the heels and were successful. Them we here a ding dong and Ash runs to the door and opens it to see Hayden standing there with roses 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
(Yes that was necessary) then they were gone..
Kacey's P.O.V
Hayden gives me roses and walks me to the car while opening the door like a gentleman but we aren't talking and its so awkward even though i know my cheeks are red i kinda wish Stella would've come because she would start a conversation. But its ok. I guess. "So was that your sisters" he says interrupting my thoughts "Oh umm no they were my bestfriends like sisters" i say awkwardly "Oh ok well this is really awkward right" he asks "Yeah" i say "Well I got us reservations at Chris' Place" he says (shoutout to chris) "Oh what do they serve there" i ask "Italian food" he says "Sounds good" i say while seeing 'Chris' Place' in big glowing letters. We walk in and get our seats and he asks "So how has your day been" "Way better now" i say confidently
"Thats good to hear" he says
~30 minutes later~
"So i hope you liked dinner" he says while walking me to the car "I did it was very fun i got to know you more" i say...
Ashlynn's P.O.V
After Kacey left Stella went home so i went for a walk since Caleb was asleep leaving a text for him to know i was walking and not dead and i saw Alex walking too so i ran up to him and said "Hey Alex i didnt know you still walked at night" i say "Oh yeah it's relaxing" he says "Whats wrong" i ask "I cant tell you its not a good thing" he says "Oh" i say
Alex's P.O.V
I cant tell Ash that i still love her and how sorry i am for what i did. She keeps on asking so i work up the courage and tell her but not exactly in words i kissed her..
Ashlynn's P.O.V
He kissed me but thats not the bad part the bad part is i kissed him back and i didnt want to let go of him..
A/N: So umm idk what to do with Ember anymore
Again im sorry for not updating
So Kacey and Hayden?????
Ash and Alex just did something is their fling still there or nahh???
Stella and Angel???
Give me some help people i need to know what you wantttt!!!!!!
Lots of love,

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