By ValeNelson69

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Prince's inspiration to write songs and compose music has fizzled, leaving him concerned where the rest of hi... More

Chapter 1 - This Man
Chapter 2 - More Than Tickled
Chapter 3 - The Lie
Chapter 4 - Too Special
Chapter 5 - The Meet
Chapter 6 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 7 - Jealous vs Territorial
Chapter 8 - The Devil in Horn-rimmed Glasses
Chapter 9 - Rome
Chapter 10 - Orvieto
Chapter 11 - Marissa Arrives
Chapter 12 - A Million Days
Chapter 13 - Overachiever
Chapter 14 - The Sweet Sting
Chapter 15 - Flatlined
Chapter 16 - Publisher Knows
Chapter 17 - Bernadine
Chapter 18 - Confessed
Chapter 19 - Memories
Chapter 21 - A Piece Of Paper
Chapter 22 - The Sick
Chapter 23 - ๐Ÿ‘€Fuck Forever๐Ÿ‘€
Chapter 24 - "Prin..."
Chapter 25 - The Aftermath
Chapter 26 - In Agreement
Chapter 27 - An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 28 - Never Sew A Patch of Regret
Chapter 29 - Rock Her World
Chapter 30 - Your Heart Is Too Too Big
Chapter 31 - Reconciliation
Chapter 32 - Word Association
Chapter 33 - Juliette Dubois
Chapter 34 - Just a Few More Minutes
Chapter 35 - 1+1+1 is 3
Chapter 36 - You're My Moon
Chapter 37 - Bloom

Chapter 20 - Breakfast With The Girls

871 45 303
By ValeNelson69

Noelle's body clock reverted back to work time as soon as they arrived from Rome, which means she was awake early, even after being up more than half the night.

In typical fashion Mr. Rockstar, who is accustomed to staying up all night, was still sleeping...hard. Between Noelle's body feeling like she had experienced a bull stampede and Prince's light snore it was impossible for her to fall back to sleep.

The king size bed afforded them space to roam and recover from one another's 'bury the bone.' Thankful to go unnoticed, Noelle was able to slip out of bed and quietly enter the bathroom.

Sighing heavily, "Chill damnit." She whispered having to coach herself to relax enough to just pee. Messy nerves were causing her legs to shake, hands too, as she tried to examine the more private breadcrumb trail of love bites he conferred on her figure.

He loved sucking her skin and she loved the constant claims he made on her body.

With a lift of the lock lever on the soaker tub, Noelle started to draw a hot bath.

After brushing her teeth, she slowly eased herself into the hot water recalling all of the beautiful favors Prince and she performed on one another. "Oh my god...how many times did we play feed the kitty, lick the kitty?"

Finally settling into the steamy water, she leaned her head back onto the rim of the bathtub to suddenly wince and gasp at the sore bump she sustained from his slam against the wall. Rolling a nearby hand towel, she placed it behind her head ease the battle wound.

As much as she despised him snooping through her things, in some ways it was a relief because it was finally over.

She knew it was difficult to let go of the love she once felt, the betrayal that was permanently etched in her brain and in her heart. It ended up turning into her personal psychosis that would rear the dragon's head whenever life got a little low. Utilizing those props to punish herself, she knew it wasn't healthy but she kept them as a reminder of how she never wanted to be that blind again.

Essentially, they both had what they now wanted...freedom to focus on one another.

But Noelle is an independent woman and an analytical thinker which had her wondering how Prince would roll in the future, and rightly so considering what transpired.

As sexy as it was, would he resort to invading her privacy and strong hold her...sexually? And what strong hold would she have on him? Could she be, or would he allow her to be as bold?

Taking a break from her cerebral analysis, the water was starting to cool off, so she lathered her hair and body, rinsed and dried off.

Selecting her clothes for the day, she continued to ponder. Weren't there any women loitering around in his life? Past loves? Old proteges? Will there be new ones?

A conversation needed to be had.

Not to sound skeptical, but didn't he have any baggage that needed tending?

Grabbing a glass from the kitchen cupboard, Noelle filled it with water and snapped open the ibuprofen bottle gently shaking out three tablets. With a generous swig, she prayed that between the bath and the ibuprofen her body would do some serious repairing. The sleep perhaps with a nap later in the day.

A hand firmly rounded her hip causing her to draw in a an uneven breath. With his deep morning voice, "Tell the truth now. Was I too beastly last night?" He questioned while rattling the ibuprofen bottle at her side.

Noelle couldn't help but smile at his tender morning touch, but she couldn't lie, she also loved the animality of last night except for maybe the bump on her head from him slamming her up against the wall.

"I don't think I did a good enough job last night." His humid breath sultry in her ear.

"Why would you say that?" She smiled nervous and giddily.

"Because I see you remember how to walk." He shared with the same sultriness.

"Guess you'll have to do better next time. Practice makes perfect." She poked his belly.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked.

"Saturday morning is my girl breakfast with Marissa and Chantal."

"Were you just gonna leave me?"

"If you weren't up, I would have left you a note here in the kitchen."

"A note? Aw hell no. Please wake me, I'd want to give you a kiss goodbye. Does this girl breakfast permit men who are deeply in touch with their feminine side?"

"Should we call you Camille?"

"If you'd like." He chuckled.

"I know Chantal would be happy to meet you."

"Do I have time for a quick shower?"

"I'm to meet them in..." Noelle took a quick look at the coffee maker's clock, "...seven minutes, but the diner is just on the corner by the row of boutiques. Why don't I leave you the address and you can shower and come when you're ready?"

"Perfect." He declared planting a big kiss and snarling in her ear. "Although I'd rather have you for breakfast."

Pinning her up against the center island and pressing his pelvis up against hers, "You feel'in more free now that I got rid of all your Jack-ass crap last night? Do I get a special prize?"

Her temperature was rising just feeling his massive bulge on her thigh. Smoothing his hands up the inside of Noelle's thighs he grumbly teased, "I could have sold you out, made a spectacle of you. Put you on Oprah with what you were hoarding. She would have asked you...Gurl how is that serv'in you? But you know she could have been giving cars away that day soooo."

They both were laughing so much. That's something that was really missing with Jack, he thought Her to be so immature at times. That was the high brow academic in him she assumed, but sometimes he would play.

Admittedly, other guys she dated were either not astute enough to catch her wit or simply not into talking...it was more of a sexual relationship.

With Prince she laughed so much her cheeks and belly hurt; he was just as playful as she was. He 'got' her almost in every way it seemed.

"But seriously..." He tipped her chin to his lips giving her tiny pecks making her realize she was gonna be late. "Are you mad at me for ditching everything."

"Can we talk about this later?"

"So you mad then?"

"I'm not mad I just think we should talk about it. I gotta get to the diner. I don't like to be late." Handing him a key to her apartment, "Be sure to lock up. That's yours by the way."

"You just gave me a key to your apartment?"

"Yeah...you ok with that?"

"Does this mean you're keeping me?" He asked jovially.

"Mmmmm." She moaned, cupping and stroking his bulge tenderly and kissing him on the cheek. "I'll see you soon. Go wash all my sex off you."

"But I love your sex." He groaned.

After locking the door for her, he headed into the shower.


Saturday morning breakfast was a tradition for Chantal, Marissa and Noelle. They met at the same place, sat at the same table, served by the same waitress, ordered and shared the same menu items and caught up on their lives. Saturday morning breakfast was their Sunday, it was their sacred time together.

This particular Saturday was special for two reasons. Number one, Noelle was back from her book tour so they had missed their time together. Number two, Prince would make a fourth in attendance because he agreed to join the girls late for breakfast.

After much hugging and kissing hello, they settled in their booth and were excited to catch up with one another.

"Let's get down to it. I cannot keep my mouth shut any longer so we need to have a conference call with Shelby and Polly or I'm going to explode. They both saw that pic of the three of us at dinner in Rome and I had to lie and say Prince was just walking by and sat at our table briefly." Marissa admitted while sipping her coffee.

"I've had to let all their calls go to voicemail and only communicated via text. They know something it up." Marissa added. "Hun you know how I'm a vault but I cannot keep quiet anymore, not with Polly and Shelby."

"Why haven't they just called me?" Noelle chuckled.

"I told them to not disturb you on your book tour. Besides, the last thing you want is those two calling you while you're getting the dicking of your life." Marissa joked.

"Oh lawd I can hear it now. Shelby be like ride that purple pony. Does he sing Alphabet Street while playing Lickety Slit?!" Marissa put her fingers in a V on her lips just like Prince did in his early concerts.

Chantal yanked Marissa's hand away embarrassed. "Act ya age not your damn shoe size Sissa."

Marissa continued in her tangent, "Then there's Polly...oh my god Polly will be asking you if you're washing yourself tenderly and thoroughly down there and not wearing a thong so you don't chafe yourself raw from all the activity."

The three ladies howled knowing how different Shelby and Polly are.

"I see my lil helper got you started with some coffee. Am I putting your usual order in?" The girls giggled at how their favorite waitress Alice knew them so well.

"Wait I see another menu. Let me see if I can remember your other girlfriends that visit..." Alice tried to test herself.

"Prudence and Shelby?" The girls laughed loudly at the Prudence reference.

Marissa couldn't help herself. "Polly can be such a prude so that's why...we're laughing so hard."

"Polly...oh gosh that's right. I'm so sorry, but I'm glad I made you girls laugh this morning. You are expecting someone, correct? Would you like for me to wait on her to arrive?"

"Yezzzzz...we need to wait on HIM." Chantal boasted.

"Oh a fella this morning huh? Well that is different for you three. Marissa is your hubby joining?" Alice was very inquisitive.

"No...no...I mean growing up he was to be my husband...but Noelle here caught his eye...and cute little heinie." Marissa bragged.

Patting her pen on her pad a few times, Alice wrapped up, "Well I will keep an eye out for your fella and stop back."

As soon as Alice walked away, Noelle had a few business items for Chantal.

"Did you want me to place the ad for a new therapist in the LMFT Association newsletter or did you have somewhere else that you'd like to post it?

I was also thinking that since they're having me facilitate a couple of the book club nights at The Shakespeare and Company we will probably acquire a few more clients..."

"Whoa whoa whoa we are not talking shop while the proverbial new elephant is in the room." Marissa interjected. "Now you two have your board meeting another time. I wanna know about that necklace that's adorning that neck of yours."

"Ooooooh good catch Sissa you know that is beautiful Noelle. Did uh you buy that in London or Rome?" Chantal asked with wide eyes hoping it was a gift from Prince.

Blushing profusely, "He gave this to me last night."

"Mmmhhhmmm...what else did he give you?" Marissa's tone was suggestive. "I bet he whipped out that tongue..."

"SISSA!" Chantal scolded.

"Well he also gave me this beautiful framed picture of us in Orvieto under the Christmas lights."

"What did you two do last night?" Chantal asked in a normal tone.

Marissa flashed Chantal a disgruntled look because she was normalizing their relationship and Marissa, as always, wanted the dirty details.

"We just hung out at my place. He ordered dinner from the bistro on the corner and..."

Marissa interrupted, "Wait...wait...they don't do take out service."

Chantal was getting irritated with Marissa this morning. She just wanted to give Noelle the opportunity to talk and not have pressure to disclose any details she wasn't comfortable sharing.

"Sissa...would you just shut it, shut it, shut it. Now you already know waaaay more about them than I do. Just let her talk." Chantal chided.

"You don't need to be nasty about it." Marissa's vocalized in a high pitched tone as her feelings were hurt.

As the girls continued to bicker, Prince slid into the booth still sporting his sunglasses. He placed his arm around Noelle, pulling her close and kissing her cheek. When Noelle turned to look at him, he placed the sweetest kiss on her lips causing the alley cats to simmer down.

"Awwwww you two are so sweet together." Chantal exclaimed. "I'm Chantal, Noelle's practice partner and friend." Extending her hand to shake his.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Chantal. I've heard lovely things about you and all of Noelle's friends." Prince shook her hand gently.

"Honey did you order?" Prince asked never removing his arm from behind her or his other one that held her hand.

"No we waited for you, I..."

Prince nearly flew out of his seat and tried to flag a waitress.

"What is up with him?" Chantal thought he was so overprotective of Noelle.

When Prince sat back down Marissa giggled.

"Take out my ass. You two didn't eat last night did you?" Laughing a little louder, "At least you didn't eat the bistro food." Marissa's uncontrollable laughter was now pissing Chantal off.

"What is wrong with you? Marissa...he is a guest at our table." Chantal scolded.

"I'm just saying very politely that they did not partake of the bistro meal that was delivered last evening." Marissa said flatly.

"Stop." Prince ordered while placing a flat hand in front of emphatically.

Alice came back. "Hey OOOHHH still wearing sunglasses huh? Well that means it was a late night. Can I interest you in some coffee?"

"That would be great, thank you." Prince replied turning his cup over so she could pour.

"Do you all know what you want to order? The usual for you three ladies?" Alice confirmed and the girls agreed. "And what will you have sunshine."

Prince smiled at her nickname, he assumed she had given him because of his shades still being donned. "I'll have the tall stack of pancakes, no breakfast meat please."

"Uh I'll take his meat." Marissa interjected and giggled at the same time knowing it sounded sexual.

"Oh my...I feel like I'm back in high school Marissa. Go home and climb up Donovan's leg for god's sake. I love you but there's no reason to show off your dirty mind." Noelle snided at her friend's constant roll of immaturity.

"I'll be good. Although that is one of my favorite albums." Marissa was apologetic while Chantal kicked her under the table.

Prince rubbed Noelle's neck, "So Chantal I understand you and Noelle are going to look for another therapist. I think that's wise because from what I understand you have more clients than what the two of you can handle."

"Ugh...understand I can't complain because the practice is flourishing, but we both need personal lives." Chantal explained. "I couldn't tell you the last time I went out for any kind of nightlife, let alone had a date."

"I'm gonna need Noelle to be free to visit me in Minnesota and when I come here." Prince admitted, kissing Noelle's hand.

"Speaking of..." Chantal jumped on his words. "Are you wanting her to visit anytime soon? Should we get something on the books so we can plan?"

Noelle spoke up, getting a little nervous. "We haven't talked about that so I'm not sure. Plus I agreed to moderate The Shakespeare and Company's book club for two of their four week meetings and that starts this coming week."

"I'm just fine hanging here for a while." Prince cooed. "As long as you don't mind me staying. You did just give me a key, I might as well use it." Kissing the back of Noelle's hand.


Goodbyes were doled out to the girls and Prince and Noelle made their way up the street.

There was a beauty about these two. A couple who had voraciously had one another every which way, still maintained a bit of shyness with each other.

Noelle wanted to hold his hand, but she thought he maybe didn't want to risk getting caught by the press. She should know better however...since his very public kiss at the bookstore in Rome.

Prince however, was brave enough slipping her gloved hand into his and hoping she didn't perceive him as being too clingy. He was trying to keep his impulsiveness in check. He was ready to ask her to marry him...Noelle Nelson. It had a nice ring to it, and she needed a lovely ring to match it.

"What do you say we walk off our breakfast?" Prince asked. "You game for a little shopping?"

"Sure...but you're not..."

"Oh come now, hush. You need to let me have a little fun with you outside of the bedroom." He coyly muttered by her ear.

"You already gave me some gifts last night. Besides I'm not with you for your money and what you can buy me."

"Is that so? Why are you with me?" He asked almost serious.

"Because I love you silly. I told you that just last night."

"I needed to see and hear you say that during the light of day."

It was still chilly, but it felt good to be out in the cold air together. Prince made a point of stopping in a few boutiques looking at clothes, accessories, cosmetics just to get more of a feel for Noelle and her likes and dislikes. He disguised it well that he was looking for himself, and sometimes he was, but mostly he was watching her.

Tiring her out, they came upon Cartier, Prince tried to steer her inside but she opposed with a big no.

"I'm exhausted. We should head back to my place, it's quite a walk."

"I just want to see what you like."

"I like you." She whispered. "I can't do this." She insisted, fidgety while he loved to see her squirm a bit.

"Can't do what? We've shopped all afternoon what is one more store?"

She huffed her breath and Prince took her forearm and scurried her to a nearby alley with an inordinate amount of steps. Snowflakes gently drifted from the grey sky, he thought she was a most beautiful sight.

"Noelle...I...You cannot pretend that you don't know my intentions."

"And you...you cannot pretend that I just said I love you last night. Prince please...slow down. Don't break into a run when we're just starting to enjoy the stroll."

"I love you Noelle."

"I love you too. Can't you just bask in that for a while. With my track record, I'm not made for speed."

"You have to know, I would never make you run just to fall.

There in the alleyway, his soft lips brushed hers as he tried to cajole her into Cartier's.

Happy Sunday my purple lovelies! 💜😍💋

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