Falling for a Star (Completed)

By Soshi_baby05

133K 2.9K 121

This is a gender bender SNSD Fanfic Mainly YulSic!! Story of two different people who fell in love in an unex... More

Chapter 1: The CEO
Chapter 2: The Superstar
Chapter 3: Happy Trip
Chapter 4: Taeny Fever
Chapter 5: Random
Chapter 6: Angry Sica
Chapter 7: Is it Real? (M)
Chapter 8: Fight Again
Chapter 9: Back Again (M)
Chapter 10: Missing the Ice Princess
Chapter 11: Hello Paris
Chapter 12: Lovers in Paris (M)
Chapter 13: Too Much Sugar (M)
Chapter 14: Meeting His Parents
Chapter 15: Surprise Announcement!!
Chapter 16: Clingy Tiffany, Sneaky YulSic (M)
Chapter 17: Chaos
Chapter 18: Meeting Her Family
Chapter 19: Is It Taeny No more?
Chapter 20: YulSic Unite!
Chapter 21: Finally!!
Chapter 22: Baby Reveal (M)
Chapter 23: YulSic Is Love
Chapter 24: Baby Krystal No More
Chapter 25: YulSic vs. Krystal?
Chapter 26: Time to Heal
Chapter 27: A Scandal (M)
Chapter 28: Denying and Confirming
Chapter 29: Getting Worse
Chapter 30: What really Happened..
Chapter 31: Together Again
Chapter 32: Competition & Petty Fights..
Chapter 33: Hana, Dul, Set... Let's Go!!
Chapter 34: YulKrys Moments
Chapter 35: Welcoming Baby Taeny!!
Chapter 36: YulSicKrys..
Chapter 37: Getting Some Excercise!! (M)
Chapter 38: What will Happen??
Chapter 39: Tears, Tears, and More Tears!!
Chapter 40: The Aftermath
Chapter 41: Another Randomness!!
Chapter 42: Triplet's Birthday + SuStal Moment!
Chapter 43: YulSic Nuptials!
Chapter 44: Their Honeymoon Gone Wrong!
Chapter 45: Their Honeymoon for real part 1 (M)
Chapter 46: Their Honeymoon for real part 2 (M)
Chapter 47: Kwon Family's New Home + Sad Krystal
Chapter 48: The Kwon's Life!!
Chapter 49: Jessica's Visceral Feelings
Chapter 50: Krystal's Back with the Kwon's
Chapter 51: Finding it out
Chapter 52: Separation
Chapter 53: Finding Them
Chapter 54: Because Tears are overflowing
Chapter 55: My Lovely J
Chapter 57: Punishment or Reward? (M)
Chapter 58: Punishment or Reward? Pt. 2 (M)
Chapter 59: Sailing Again
Chapter 60: Going Back to San Francisco
Chapter 61: All the Love in San Francisco (M)
Chapter 62: Loving it in San Francisco
Chapter 63: Another Day in San Francisco
Chapter 64: Last Day in San Francisco
Chapter 65: Last Night in San Francisco (M)
Chapter 66: Home Finally!
Chapter 67: Back to Work
Chapter 68: Another Day in the Office (M)
Chapter 69: Another Day in the Office pt. 2
Chapter 70: YulSic's Day off
Chapter 71: Reunited Once Again
Chapter 72: Reunion in San Francisco
Chapter 73: Bring the Boys Out!
Chapter 74: Party All Night!
Chapter 75: Run Devil Run
Chapter 76: Show Show Show!
Chapter 77: Show Show Show pt. 2 (M)
Chapter 78: Hyonic's Wedding
Chapter 79: YulSic Moments
Chapter 80: Yulsic Moments pt. 2
Chapter 81: Celebrate
Chapter 82: Indestructible
Chapter 83: Yulsic Family is Life!
Chapter 84: Yulsic Anniversary
Chapter 85: Yulsic Anniversary pt. 2 (M)
Chapter 86: Kwon on ROS
Chapter 87: Going Home
Chapter 88: Team K2 in ROS
Chapter 89: Team K2 in ROS pt. 2
Chapter 90: Happiness for All!!
Chapter 91: Everyday Love
My Message for You!

Chapter 56: Helter-Skelter

1.3K 31 1
By Soshi_baby05

Chapter 56:

Jessica's side story (on the day of the romantic scene)

Jessica was spacing out, she was worried and longing, worried about her husband, she knew what he told him was below the belt and she's bemoaning everything she said.

And after that Yuri didn't go to their suite the next day, she's sad and longing about his presence. Though she don't look at him and talk to him that much she cares for him so much.

Everything Yuri did to her were all appreciated in a silent way. Every flowers he gives, plus those written messages and everything. She captured everything in silent.

She likes it when Yuri plans trips with her, she remembered the time when Yuri asked her out to have dinner with their family in a yacht. She didn't knew Yuri bought it until Tiffany told her that made her surprised.

Tiffany said it was Yuri's gift for her. Then the time Yuri rented the whole restaurant and made all romantic set up with 'i'm sorry' banner, she was melted by it but she held it in.

She scanned through the photos, she captured and transferred everything to her laptop, she took a picture of all the flowers Yuri gave from the very beginning until today.

She also secretly capturing Yuri's moments with the kids, when Yuri's feeding the babies, Sleeping, everything.

She sighed, it's been a few days since his last visit and she's missing him terribly. She would always stare at Yuri's phone waiting for him to call and when he calls, she wanted to talk to him but Yuri would only look for the kids.

The voice of the Radio DJ broke her train of thoughts.

"Hello listeners! We are back in our program.. just last week someone came here and ask if he could sing here live for his wife. He told us that his wife loves our radio station and we are privileged to give him the time to share what he feels for his Queen." She heard the DJ said, she smiled the guy is so sweet to even go there for his wife. "It's time for you to introduce yourself to everyone. Please!"

"Hello to all the listeners of the program!! My name is Yuri Kwon." He introduced. Jessica suddenly felt nervous.

"Unnie.. The voice is Yuri Oppa?" Krystal asked as she play with her nephews.

"Hi! I did some research to you since i am the resident People Stalker!" The DJ laughed. "Based on my research, you are a famous actor in Korea! What a privilege i have. Sitting down next to Korea's famous actor."

It is indeed Her Husband. She put her hand on her mouth to cover her shock.

"I am a former Actor." She heard him say. Yuri's voice brings happiness in her.

"Former? What happened?"

Jessica put all her attention at the radio. She wanted to hear his voice.

"You know In life we have choices we need to make between something you dreamed of and something you want to be with. And I made the smartest choice of choosing the person I want to be with for the rest of my life." He said.

She couldn't help but cry at what Yuri was saying, Yuri was talking about her. The kids saw her cry and started crying too.

The DJ was awed by this. "That's so romantic! If I'm a girl I would have fell in love with you right away! Your wife is so lucky to have you!"

"I am lucky to have my wife." He said. She shake her head.

"I'm so lucky to have you Yul." She mumbled.

"Before you start singing.. can you please give a message to your lovely wife? The moment is all yours."

She heaved a deep breath and wait for Yuri to speak. "Hello To the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. My wife, My Queen, the Mother of my children, the Woman who makes my heart flutters, to the girl who made me a better version of myself and lastly to my life. Sica.. Our marriage is not perfect and I know i'm not the perfect guy for you, i made mistakes and I'm really really regretful for everything. And I want you to know that I love you so much baby, only you." Jessica was hugging her knees while listening. She buried her face on her knees and cried even more.

"No one can be better than you because you are already the best and the most perfect woman for me. If there's anything I am really proud of, it's not being an Actor nor being a Businessman, but it's me being your husband and the father of your kids. No one can make me feel the way you do baby. Please forgive me. I'm So Sorry." He said.

Yuri is definitely sorry of what happened, after everything she did to him, all rejections, Yuri never gave up.

"This song is for you My Lovely J." He said and started to play his guitar.

She couldn't stop her tears from falling hearing Yuri sing for her. Yuri never sing for her, this is the first and by just hearing his husky voice makes her shiver.

"Wooh!! An Actor, A businessman, have good looks, a very husky and sexy voice, plus a romantic guy! What else could you ever ask for? Your wife must be really lucky and beautiful too."

"Yes. She's gorgeous, really beautiful." He answered.

"If you are a fan of Yuri Kwon! You are lucky because his song dedication is not yet done! He still have one more song to sing and i'm really really excited for it. Please let us hear your voice again!"

"This last song is still for my wife. Sica, Please Baby Come Back." He said and started to sing with all His heart and Jessica felt it.

"I love you Yuri. I love you so much." She mumbled.

After the program, Jessica wiped her tears and went to shush the kids.

"I'm sorry babies. Mommy cried because i'm happy." She said.

She then took Yuri's phone and call him.

"S-Sica?" He answered.

"Kwon Yuri, where are you?" She asked in a tone which Yuri wouldn't distinguish if she mad or not. She wanted to surprise him.

"I'm on my way h-home baby." She wanted go laugh hearing him stutter. Yuri is definitely nervous in talking to her.

"Come. Here. Now!" She said with loudly.

"Y-yes Baby." He said. "I'll drive there now."

"Do it fast Kwon Yuri!" Jessica said in authority.

"Yes." He said and Jessica hang up.

She smiled and prepared, she wants to see him now and she can't wait to go home with him and be with each other again.

There's a knock on the door, she immediately opened it and saw a hotel employee with her flowers, everyday Yuri never forgets giving her flowers even when he don't come regularly.

"Mrs. Kwon, flowers for you again."

She smiled and let him in, but was surprised to see three more boys with flowers.

"Are these all mine?" She asked.

"Yes Ma'am. From Mr. Kwon." The hotel staff said and went out.

Jessica automatically look for the card and smiled as she found it.

My Love,

"All I want to see is your precious smile that could bring light and happiness to our beautiful family. I love you Sica!"


Kwon Seobang

She smiled and keep the letter in her bag. She picked up the kids and shower them, they will be home today.


"Oh gosh why am I so nervous?" Yuri asked himself. A phone call was heard and he answered it immediately.

"Hello Mr. Kwon! The flowers were delivered already."

"Thank you very much." He smiled.

After they talked, Yuri focused on driving again, he was driving fast to get to his wife when the car in front of him made a sudden stop.

"F*ck!" He hissed and tried to step on the brake but it's too late.

'Bang!' Yuri hit the bumper of the car as he bumped his head on the stirring wheel and passed out.


Taeyeon and Tiffany were on their way to the Hotel where Jessica and kids stays. Jessica called them for a dinner.

"What do you think happened why Jessi's invited us for dinner?" Tiffany asked as she cling to his husband while going in the lift.

"I don't know. Maybe she's in the good mood." Taeyeon said as he was carrying Irene on his other arm.

They arrived in the suite and found her dressing the kids.

"Hey!" They greeted. "What's the occasion?" Taeyeon asked.

"Let's wait for Yuri first." Jessica said smiling.

The couple look at each other. This is their first time hearing Jessica talk about Yuri.

"Where is he now?" Tiffany asked.

"Not sure. But I called him up few hours ago. He told me he'll go."

Taeyeon then took his phone and let his daughter play on the floor while Tiffany was still clinging to him.

He called Yuri but the latter is not picking up.

"Why isn't he picking up?" Taeyeon asked.

"He's driving." Jessica answered.

He kept on calling him and after how many calls someone answered.

"Yul! Where are you?" He asked.

"Excuse me, this is Doctor Garner.. " the line is not clear, so Taeyeon put the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" Taeyeon said.

"Car Accident. Kwon.." They heard then the line went dead. Taeyeon was shocked and look at Jessica.

"What?" Jessica shouted. "Where is it Taeng?" She asked now crying.

"I-I don't know.." He answered and tried to call Yuri again but he can't reach him anymore.

Jessica immediately took her back and walked to the door. "Please look after the kids. I'll find Yuri." She said crying then went out.

Tiffany tapped her husband's shoulder. "Boo, go with her i'll take care of the kids. Call me soon."

"Are you sure?" Tiffany nodded, Taeyeon ran to follow Jessica.

Jessica was sobbing, she don't know what will happen if Something really bad happens to her husband.

"Jess!" Taeyeon held her by her arm. "I'll drive." He said.

Taeyeon drive to the nearest hospital, Jessica ran to the Information Booth.

"Is there someone involve in car accident here?" Jessica asked.

"Yes Ma'am, some of them were still in emergency and operating room." Jessica nodded and quickly went inside followed by Taeyeon.

Jessica was looking everywhere to find Yuri, she was so worried about him that she's starting to cry again.

"This is my fault." She mumbled.

She then saw a doctor going out of a room. "Excuse me Doc! May I just ask if there's someone involve in car accident name Yuri Kwon here?" She asked.

"Yuri Kwon? Please ask the Nurse in Information desk."

Jessica nodded and was about to go back when Taeyeon pulled her. "He's in 212. You should ask first, not going here then ask whoever people you see." He lectured her.

"I'm sorry, i was just so worried." She said.

They arrived in front of the room, Jessica was clutching on Taeyeon's arm, She's nervous to see Yuri.

Taeyeon breathe out loud as he hold on the door knob but even before he opened the door the doctor went out of the room.

"Good Afternoon, We are Yuri's family." Taeyeon said.

"Oh! Mr. Kwon's inside, He's still sleeping because of the hard impact but He's fine now." The Doctor smile.

Taeyeon thanked Him and the two of Them entered the room.

Jessica cried as He sees Yuri on the hospital bed with bandages on his head and face. She ran to his side and hugged him.

"Yul.." She whispered. "I'm here." She kissed his other cheek and held his hand.

Taeyeon then called Tiffany and told her about Yuri.

Jessica sat on the chair next to his bed and watch him, she was caressing his hand, kissing it from time to time.

"Jess, i'll just get us some clothes, i'll be back." Taeyeon said. She just nodded without looking at her friend.

She stood up and caressed his hair. "Yul, how did you involve in an accident? Is it because I told you to hurry?" She asked. "I'm sorry."

The nurse then came in with Yuri's stuffs. "Good Afternoon."

"Hello, I'm Yuri's wife." She introduced.

"This is Mr. Kwon's things." The nurse said.

Jessica took it and take a look at it, Her Cellphone is there and an unfamiliar CD with Yuri's hand written message.

"For the Love of My Life."

She cried and hugged Yuri, though the doctor told them that what Yuri got wasn't that Serious, She's still worried about Him.

Taeyeon went back that night to bring some foods. Tiffany and the kids went home with Tiffany's Parents and Jessica's Parents, He called them to look after the kids and his wife.

"Jess, how's Yuri?" He asked putting the bags on the couch.

"Still sleeping." Jessica said stroking Her husband's hair.

"You should eat." Taeyeon told her, Jessica just nodded but didn't bother to move. "Jess.. Yuri won't go anywhere."

Jessica sighed, she knew it but she wanted to be with Yuri. "Come on Jess." Taeyeon said.

Jessica reluctantly went to the table and eat. "Where are the kids?" Jessica asked while eating.

"Your Parents and Fany-ah's parents went to take care of them." He said.

Jessica sighed. "I feel sorry for the kids. I'm such a terrible Mom and Sister. I just left them without a word." She said guiltily.

"You shouldn't blame yourself, Jess. You're just worried about Yuri."

After They eat Jessica went to the bathroom to clean up.

Taeyeon was sitting on the chair beside Yuri while holding his phone. He look up as Yuri made movements.

"Yul." He called standing up.

The tanned guy slowly opened His eyes and turned to Taeyeon. "Taeng.." He called.

"What happened to You?" His friend asked.

Yuri tried to remember what happened as He noticed where He is. "Hospital." He mumbled.

He remembered His wife waiting for him. He abruptly sat up and was about to get off the bed when his friend stop him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Sica! I need to go to Sica! She'll get mad at Me." He said worriedly.

Taeyeon then thought of something wicked. "Yul, She was really mad but She was also worried seeing You this way, She's in the bathroom right now." He said. "But.. if she finds out that you're awake now, she will go home and leave you here."

"Really? What should I do then?" Yuri asked. "I can't pretend that i'm asleep the whole night. I'm hungry and I need to eat."

"Pretend to have amnesia." He suggested. "That way, she will feed you and never leave you again."

"What? No! Sica will get mad at me even more! I don't want another fight." He said completely turning it down.

"Come on! If the Doctor finds out that you are fine now, They will send you home and Jessica will go back to the suite. Don't You wanna get pampered by Your wife for just a little time?" He asked.

Yuri was thinking it through, but then the Bathroom Door slowly opens.

"Come on Dude! Pretend to be sleeping now." Taeyeon hurriedly said.

Yuri did as he was told and sleep. Taeyeon went back on His phone as if nothing happened.

"Taeng, How's Yul?" Jessica asked.

Taeyeon look at Yuri who was pretending to sleep. "Uh.. He's not yet waking up. Yeah! That's it."

Jessica went to Yuri, She sighed and caressed his face. "Wake up soon." She whispered and kissed his cheek.

Yuri liked how Jessica treats Him, He slowly opened His eyes and look at Her.

"Yul!" Jessica exclaimed and hugged Him.

"Where am I?" He asked. Taeyeon opened his eyes wide as Yuri was now in acting mode.

"You're in the hospital, Yul. You were in Car Accident." She said.

Yuri creased His eyebrows. "Who are You?" He asked looking at His wife.

Taeyeon wanted to laugh seeing Jessica looks like She have seen a ghost.

"W-what did Y-You say?" She asked.

"Who are You?" Yuri asked once again, blinking His eyes innocently.

Jessica burst into tears at what she heard. Yuri felt guilty and look at Taeyeon.

The shorter guy signaled Him to go on.

"I'm Jessica.. Jessica Kwon." She said.


"Yes.. I am your wife, Yul. I'm Your wife." She answered crying.

"Wife? I am married?" He asked once again. Taeyeon was laughing at Jessica's back.

"Yes.. We have three kids.. three boys.." Jessica sobbed and held His hand. "Don't You really remember me, Yul?" She asked.

Yuri shake His head and didn't bother to look at Her. "I don't remember anything.. the last thing I remember was I'm having a photoshoot."

Taeyeon bit his nails. "You're so good Kwon, really good." He thought.

"It's okay.. I will take good care of you." She said and hugged him.

Taeyeon went out and bought a food while Jessica was taking care of Yuri.

"I love You, Yul. And You told Me You love Me too. We have three cuties. Daehan, Minguk and Manse. You're the one who named Them all." She smiled while lying down next to Him.

Yuri was stroking Her hair, cherishing the moment He have with Jessica. They were laying side by side.

Jessica stopped crying and was now hugging him tight. "I'm so sorry for what I did too You." She told Him.

Yuri seems enjoying what's happening. He can freely ask Her what she feels. "Why Jessica? What did You do?" He asked.

"Sica.. You always call Me Sica.. something happened and We separated for a little while." She look at Him. "You did everything for Me, to melt My heart and bring Us back together but after everything you did I always rejected you and you never gave up until today. You did something really amazing, i called you up and told you to go to the hotel i'm staying with the kids, to make up with you but this happened."

"I should've just told you even before that I want us back again but I didn't.. i'm really sorry."

Yuri sighed and kissed her forehead. "I just want you to know, even if you don't remember anything, i love everything you did for me. Buying yacht, renting the whole restaurant, planning the trips and now going in a radio station and sing for me. Everything you did was really amazing babe. I love you so much."

Yuri just stroke her back in return. He's happy that Jessica came back to him.

Taeyeon then came in with food for Yuri, Jessica started feeding Him.

"Sica, I can do it." Yuri told her.

Jessica smiled. "No, I want to do it." She said.

Yuri just kept quiet as he's feeling guilty. Jessica will definitely be in hell mode when she finds it out.

Just after He eat The two of them settled in the hospital bed again to sleep. Taeyeon was on the couch talking to his wife.

"I'll talk to the Doctor tomorrow and ask about your condition, i want you to rest tonight." Jessica told Him. She's hoping that when tomorrow comes Yuri will be back again.

He nodded His head, He wanted to come clean but he also don't want this to end.


The next morning, Yuri woke up and watch his wife sleeping soundly next to him.

"You're so beautiful Sica." He smiled and peck her lips. "I love you. I will come clean today." He said.

After awhile Jessica woke up. "Good Morning Seobang." She greeted.

"Good Morning.. Let's go eat some breakfast." Yuri pulled her to the table where Taeyeon is.

While they were having Breakfast, the Doctor and two nurses came in to check him up.

"Mr. Kwon, how are you feeling?" The Doctor asked.

"Um.. I'm good." He answered.

"We can send you home then."

Yuri and Taeyeon nodded. "But Doctor, Yuri doesn't remember anything." Jessica said.

The Doctor looked at Her. "Are you sure?" He asked, Jessica nodded.

"He can't remember me. I think he's having some kind of amnesia." She said. "Please check him."

"But we have checked him yesterday and he passed every tests." The Doctor said.

Jessica creased her eyebrows and look at Yuri who's now nervously looking down.

Taeyeon stood up. "We'll go home today, Doctor. Thank You very much." The Doctor and Nurses nodded and went out.

Jessica is now glaring at Yuri. "What's happening?" She asked.

Yuri look up. "Baby.. I can explain.." He started.

Jessica stood up. "Baby? Yuri, did you lie to me?" She asked.

Yuri held her hand but Jessica shoo him away. "Sica.." He called.

"It's my fault, Jess. It was my idea." Taeyeon butted in.

"You? Taeng? Why?"


"This is.. Oh God." Jessica slumped down to her seat.

Yuri and Taeyeon teamed up in fooling her. Yuri sat next to her and hugged her from the side.

"I'm sorry, baby.. I know what I did was completely wrong but.. I'm sorry.. I won't say an excuse anymore because it was all my fault." Yuri said.

"I need to be alone." Jessica untangled his arms around her and went out and went inside the car.

"I'm sorry, Yul. I will talk to her." Taeyeon said.

"No. It was my fault too. I'll coax her again."

Taeyeon nodded and went out to arrange Yuri's bill.

Jessica called Tiffany and talk to her. "Tiff.. Yuri and Taeyeon fooled me." Jessica started.

Tiffany didn't say anything. Of course she knew it, Taeyeon couldn't lie to her. "You're mad now?" She asked.

"Of course Tiff. How could they do that to me? Fooling me about Yuri having amnesia?! That almost made me crazy thinking of my husband not remembering anything about me and the kids!" She shouted, good thing that she is inside the car.

"Jess.. think about this, what do you prefer? Yuri is all well and was able to prank you or Yuri has Amnesia for real?" Tiffany asked. "I'm not siding them, they have invalid reasons but think about the good thing babe. At least he's alive and kicking!"

Jessica sighed. "Forgive him, aren't you tired of nonstop fights? Don't you miss Yuri?" Tiffany asked.

"Alright! But I will get back on him." She said.

Taeyeon and Yuri then went to the Parking where Jessica is. Yuri sat next to Jessica in the passenger seat while Taeyeon drive.

"Baby.. i'm so sorry."

Jessica look away and focus on the road. "Taeyeon, where are the kids?" She asked.

"They are in your house." Taeyeon said.

"Bring me back to the hotel, i will stay there." She said. Yuri shake his head, Jessica will ignore him again.

After a few minutes they arrived, Jessica hop off the car, Yuri and Taeyeon followed.

Taeyeon ride in his car. "I'll go home now, Yul. Bring your wife home!" Yuri nodded and waved goodbye.

The blonde girl checked in a suite in the third floor, she knew Yuri is following her and she smirked.

"What are you still doing here?" Jessica asked going inside the suite.

"Baby, let's go home now! The kids will look for you." Yuri said as he close the door and walk to the bed where his wife is.

"I won't go home Yuri." She said and face him.

"I know you're mad at me. Don't worry, I will stay with the Taeny's. I won't come near you." He assured.

Jessica ushered Him to come closer. "More closer Yul." She said. Yuri come closer until their faces are only inches away.

"Do you think you're coming home today?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I will punish You." She said and kissed him aggressively.

Yuri was surprised but still responded and carried her to straddle his lap, kissing her even more passionately.

"We'll go home tomorrow Yul. After i'm done punishing you." Jessica said and kissed him again.


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