The Jon Solo Chronicles Book...

By RaideroftheLostVader

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The third book of Jon Solo's adventures. Now fourteen-years-old, Jon is still haunted by loosing his father... More

Cast List
Chapter 1: A 14-Year-Old Boy and Two Droids Plodding Through an Endless Desert
Chapter 2: Jabba the Hutt
Chapter 3: Han Solo Returns
Chapter 4: The Dungeon
Chapter 5: Sentencing
Chapter 6: Sarlacc Pit Showdown
Chapter 7: Back to the Falcon
Chapter 8: Regrouping with the Rebels
Chapter 9: Complications
Chapter 10: Goodbye, Dad
Chapter 11: The Miracle
Chapter 13: Flying Casual
Chapter 14: Arrival on Endor
Chapter 15: Speeder Bike Chase
Chapter 16: Ewok Ambush and the Golden God
Chapter 17: The Ewok Village
Chapter 18: Story Time
Chapter 19: A Dream Meeting
Chapter 20: Rebel Recon
Chapter 21: Into the Trap
Chapter 22: Bringing Down the Shield
Chapter 23: Death Star Down and Leia's News
Chapter 24: Funeral for a Jedi

Chapter 12: Rebel Briefing

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By RaideroftheLostVader

Upon waking the next morning, Jon went to use the 'fresher before going into the Falcon's dining area. Leia was preparing breakfast, and Chewie was setting the table. Jon waited until he was done before taking a seat.

"Morning, Uncle Chewie," said Jon. "Good morning, Mom."

*Hello, Jon,* woofed Chewie.

"Good morning, Jon," said Leia as she served her son his breakfast. "How are you?"

"I'm good," said Jon. "How was Dad last night? Was he ok? He didn't have any problems, did he?"

"Oh, no," Leia answered. "He was fine last night. And also this morning when he woke up."

"Well, that's good," said Jon. "But where is Dad, anyway?"

"He got called into a meeting with General Madine while you were still sleeping," said Leia. "Doctor Edoc also wanted to see him for a quick checkup. I'm hoping he'll be back soon."

"Dad has to meet with Madine?" questioned Jon. "Even after everything we've told him about that jerk? Why?"

"Duty calls, Jon," Leia said simply. After that, she, Jon and Chewie quickly ate their breakfast in silence. Jon then helped his mother clear the table and wash the dishes.

"Go brush your teeth and get dressed, Jon," Leia told him when they'd finished. "Then we'll do your lessons until Dad gets back."

"Ok. Sure, Mom," said Jon. He headed off to his 'fresher to brush his teeth. Then he got dressed. He put on a white shirt, grey pants and his blue jacket. When he went out into the lounge, he found that Leia had gotten dressed, too. She was wearing an olive-green shirt, and sky-blue pants with yellow stripes, which reminded Jon of the blood stripes on some of Han's pants. Leia's hair was also styled into braids.

"You look good, Mom," said Jon.

"Thank you, Sweetheart," said Leia.

"So, what are my lessons for today?" asked Jon.

"Same as always," answered Leia. That meant Jon did reading, math, history and science. Then Leia would quiz him. He was in the middle of a math test when he heard the sound of footsteps walking up the Falcon's ramp.

"Jon?! Leia?! Chewie!" came the sound of Han's voice. "I'm back! Where are you guys?!"

"It's Dad!" Jon exclaimed. "Can I go say hi to him?"

"Of course," said Leia. "But don't take too long. Because you still have this test to finish."

"Ok," said Jon. Han showed up in the lounge at that moment. "Dad!" Jon cried as he ran up to hug his father.

"Hey, Jon," said Han. "How are you?"

"I'm doing good, Dad," answered Jon. "I heard you had a meeting with General Madine. So, did you kick his ass for me?"

"Jon! That's not very nice!" Leia scolded.

"We got to know each other," said Han. "I told him that I didn't appreciate the way he bullies you. Because I don't like bullies-no matter where they're from. And actually, I don't think I'm too fond of Madine myself."

"Welcome to the club," said Jon. "Hey, have you seen Lando around today?"

"Yes," said Han. "Because after I finished with Madine, Lando went into meet with him, too."

"Why?" asked Jon.

"Beats me," said Han. "And Leia, I just know you wanna know about my follow-up appointment with Doctor Edoc." Leia nodded.

"Well, he was still amazed at how I was able to recover," Han explained. "And I'm continuing to do well. I was cleared for combat, should the need arise. That includes flight. However, and I know neither of you wanna hear this, because I don't even like it. But Doctor Edoc told me that I should hold off on flying the Falcon for the time being."

"WHAT?!" Jon and Leia asked at the same time. "Wait. Will you ever be able to fly the Falcon again?" the boy questioned further. "Yes, I can fly her. And so can Chewie and Lando. But she'll always truly belong to you. I know you, Dad. You wanna keep flying the Falcon for as long as you can."

"And I will continue to do that," said Han. "Hopefully I'll be back controlling the Falcon before long."

"Jon, I think you should go back and finish your math test," said Leia.

"Ok, Mom," said Jon. He turned to go back to his work.

"And Han, there's some leftover breakfast still left in the dining area if you want," Leia told him.

"Thanks, Sweetheart," said Han. He gave Leia a small kiss on the cheek before going into the dining area to get breakfast for himself. Leia joined him at the table. He began eating, and did so by ravenously stuffing his face.

"Take it easy, Han," Leia chided with a cautious edge to her voice. "Slow down. You don't want to make yourself sick...again, do you?"

"Lay off me, Leia," Han joked when he'd washed his food down with some caff. "After being in Carbonite for a year, I have a lot of meals to catch up on."

"Good point," said Leia. "I know what you told Jon earlier was so he wouldn't be worried. But are you worried that you may never fly the Falcon again?"

"Well, here's the thing," answered Han. "There will come a day where I can no longer fly any ship, let alone the Falcon. It's something I've known even before I got frozen in Carbonite. But when I can get back in the Falcon's cockpit, and believe me, I will, I'm gonna keep going until I can't. And that's when Jon will get the Falcon. Someday, he'll pass it on down to his own children, and so on and so forth. I guess you could say the Falcon will become the Solo family heirloom. Yeah, Jon wants to be a dad when he gets older. Did he ever tell you that?"

"No, but it doesn't surprise me," said Leia.

"Yeah, well it'll be a long time before that happens," said Han. "I told Jon that I'm not ready to be a grandpa yet. And I know you're too young to be a grandma, Leia."

"Jon doesn't even have a girlfriend yet," Leia pointed out.

"Yeah,  I know. He told me," said Han. "But he is interested in girls. As a matter of fact, Jon told me that...well, his...manhood...awakened back in Jabba's palace."

"I hope it wasn't caused by Jon seeing me in that gold bikini," Leia mused.

"Oh, no, of course not," Han said hastily. "Jon told me it had happened before I was even rescued. In Jabba's throne room, he had another slave before you-a female Twi'lek named Oola. According to Jon, she had been dancing, and, like I said...his manhood awoke. I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable, Leia. And I can imagine how hard it was for Jon to tell me that himself. Then again, I'm glad he did. Because it's one of those things that a boy really needs to talk to his father about."

"I get it," said Leia. "On a related note, there are certain things that girls can only tell their mothers. Like, when I was growing up, my mother and I had so many conversations I never would have even dreamed of holding with my father." Leia suddenly got a far-off look in her eyes.

"You're thinking of them, aren't you?" asked Han.

"Yes," Leia answered quietly. "After four years, I've accepted that my parents are gone. But I'll always continue to miss them. Sorry if that doesn't make a lot of sense to you."

"Don't apologize," said Han. "You never need to say sorry for missing your parents. Same thing goes for Luke whenever he talks about missing his aunt and uncle, or Obi-Wan. Because the two of you grew up being raised by people who loved and cared for you. Then they died. It's only natural that you'd miss them. I've never allowed myself to have that luxury. After all, I basically raised myself with no family to speak of...Unless you count Lady Proxima's gang of Scrumrats, the White Worms, which I fell into when I was ten, then left behind when I got off Corellia to enlist in the Imperial Academy. And I really never considered them to be a family."

"So, you don't even miss your parents at all?" asked Leia.

"Well, I miss never getting a chance to ever meet them," Han replied. "If I'd known my parents, would I have still gone to the Imperial Academy? Would I have met Chewie or become a smuggler? Would I still have been Jon's father? I wonder what they'd think of me having a son of my own. I have no memory of my father. I never knew him. I don't even know what his, or my mother's, names were. But my approach to fatherhood is to be the type of dad to Jon that I'd always imagined my dad might have been to me."

"If they could see you now, both your parents would be very proud of you," said Leia. "And they'd love Jon."

"Yeah, that's what I hope," said Han.

"Mistress Leia, Captain Solo, did I hear you discussing the Twi'lek woman named Oola?" 3-PO asked, appearing behind Han and Leia. "It's dreadful what happened to her, being eaten by the Rancor. Luckily, master Luke later arrived and slayed that awful beast."

"Let me guess, Luke still isn't back yet?" asked Han.

"That is correct, Captain Solo," said 3-PO. Then he left Han and Leia.

"You know, I'm starting to wonder if Luke ran off to some remote planet without telling us," said Han.

"Don't be ridiculous, Han," said Leia. "Luke would never do something like that."

"Mom! I'm done with my math test!" Jon called from the lounge.

"Very good, Jon!" Leia called back. "I'll be right there! Excuse me, Han."

"Take your time," Han said as Leia stood up from the table to go into the lounge. She found Jon sitting at the computer.

"Here you go, Mom," Jon said, letting Leia look over the test.

"You did well, Jon. I'm so proud of you," she told him.

"Thanks, Mom," said Jon. That's when Leia's comlink went off.

"Hello?" Leia asked into it. "I'll be right there, Mon. Thank you." Then she put the comlink away.

"That was Mon Mothma?" asked Jon. "What did she want?"

"I've been summoned to a briefing," said Leia. "Han! Get in here!"

"Yeah, Leia?" Han asked as he came into the lounge. "What is it?"

"Mon Mothma just commed me," said Leia. "I have to go to a briefing."

"I got a similar comm from General Madine," said Han.

"Wait, you're both going?" asked Jon. "It must be pretty serious then."

"I think everyone's going," said Han.

"And we of course have to go," said Leia. "But who's going to watch over Jon?"

"He's a big boy," said Han. "He can take care of himself."

"Actually, I've got a better idea," said Jon. "Why don't I just come with you? After all, I am a big boy now."

"Uh, I don't know," Han said skeptically. "I might get pretty boring for you, son."

"I think I can handle it," Jon insisted. "I mean, I made it through the briefing on Yavin IV before Luke blew up the Death Star. And I was only ten at the time."

"Ok, I suppose you can come, Jon," said Leia. "But Mon Mothma will be there. And maybe General Madine, too. Please behave yourself around them, Jon."

"I will, Mom," said Jon. "I promise."

"Good," said Leia. "And perhaps Chewie and 3-PO should also come with us." As if on cue, the Wookiee and the protocol droid came up behind Jon, Han and Leia.

"I'd be happy to provide assistance, Princess," said 3-PO.

*Count me in, too,* growled Chewie.

"Well, come on! Let's go!" said Jon. He, his parents, Chewie and 3-PO exited the Falcon, left the hangar and walked through the corridors of the cruiser on their way to the briefing room. Several people had already arrived. Jon spotted Kes sitting on one of the rows of benches around the room. A circular display table sat in the center of everything. On one of the decks, Admiral Gial Ackbar, a Mon Calamari, was quietly conversing with other members of his species. Jon, Leia and Chewie sat next to Kes. Shara, Norra and Wedge were standing among fellow pilots, including the Sullestan Nien Nunb. Han walked over to Lando, who was dressed in a light brown shirt and pants, with a grayish-blue cape.

"Well, look at you," Han appraised. "A general, huh?"

"That's awesome, Uncle Lando!" said Jon. "Congratulations on your promotion, General."

"Thanks, kid," said Lando. "Well, someone must have told them about my little maneuver at the Battle of Tannab." That name sounded familiar to Jon, but he couldn't recall any specific details, and that made him frown. Lando couldn't blame the boy for not remembering. He, Han and Chewie hadn't been there. It was something that had happened between Han winning the Falcon from Lando, and when Lando had become baron-administrator of Cloud City. Tannab was an agrarian planet raided seasonally by bandits from Norulac. Lando had wiped out the bandits against all odds, using legendary flying and unheard-of-strategies. And he'd done it on a bet. After that battle, he was able to contact Han, Jon and Chewie to tell them. Jon, as befitted a young boy, reacted to tales of the battle with exited awe. But several years had passed since then, and it seemed only natural for Jon to have forgotten about it. After all, he barely remembered Lando before their reunion on Cloud City a year ago.

"Well, don't look at me, pal," said Han. "I just said you were a fair pilot. I didn't know they were looking for somebody to lead this crazy attack."

Attack? What does that mean? Jon asked himself. Does Dad know something about this briefing that I don't?

"I'm surprised they didn't ask you to do it," Lando told Han.

"Well, who says they didn't?" Han asked. "But I ain't crazy." He sat down on the bench next to Chewie. "You're the respectable one, remember?" That made Lando grin. A chime sounded throughout the room, and Mon Mothma stood in front of the assembled crowed. She was dressed in the same simple white dress Jon had seen her in the first time they'd met, last year.

"The Emperor's made a critical error, and the time for our attack has come," she said.

Again, what attack is this? Jon silently wondered. A holo-projector rose from the table.

"The data brought to us by the Bothan spies pinpoints the exact location of the Emperor's new battle station," Mon Mothma continued. A hologram of a large green orb appeared. A smaller red one was projected right next to it.

"Is that red thing what I think it is?" asked Jon. The shape of the red orb looked very familiar to him.

"We also know that the weapons systems of this new Death Star are not yet operational," Mon Mothma went on. 

"A second Death Star?!" Jon suddenly exclaimed, standing up. "Are you kidding me?!"

"Shut up, Jon!" Han ordered. "And sit down!" Mon Mothma shot him a stern look, warning him to keep his son's behavior under control. Sighing loudly, Jon sat back down again.

"As I was saying, with the Imperial fleet spread throughout the Galaxy in a vain effort to engage us, it is relatively unprotected," said Mon Mothma. "But most important of all, we've learned that the Emperor himself is personally overseeing the final stages of the completion of this Death  Star." Jon didn't like the sound of that. However bad Darth Vader had been in the times they'd met, Jon remembered hearing countless stories of how Emperor Palpatine was much, much worse. The boy never wanted to meet him.

"Many Bothans died to bring us this information," Mon Mothma added grimly. Jon gasped in horror. "Admiral Ackbar, please." Mon Mothma stepped back to allow Admiral Ackbar to address the crowd.

"You can see here the Death Star, orbiting the forest moon of Endor," the Mon Calamari began. It occurred to Jon that Endor was the green orb. "Although the weapons systems on this Death Star are not yet operational, the Death Star does have a strong defense mechanism. It is protected by an energy shield, which is generated by the nearby forest moon of Endor." A simulation shield enveloped the Death Star. "The shield must be deactivated if any attack is to be attempted." The Death Star holo expanded. Even in hologram form, with the thing only partially completed, Jon got a sense that this second Death Star Was even larger than its predecessor.

"Once the shield is down, our cruisers will create a perimeter while the fighter fly into the super-structure and attempt to knock out the main reactor," Admiral Ackbar further explained. To illustrate his point, the holo showed a simulated fighter flying into the Death Star. Jon was able to see it blow up before Ackbar turned it off. "General Calrissian has volunteered to lead the fighter attack."

"Good luck," Jon and Han said at the same time. But while the son was enthusiastic, his father sounded a bit cynical. "You're gonna need it," Han added.

"General Madine," said Admiral Ackbar. He stepped back. Madine stepped forward. Seeing his bully up there, Jon had to resist every urge to loose his temper.

"We have stolen a small Imperial shuttle," said Madine. Jon knew he was referring to the shuttle that Leia and Nien Nunb had procured before the quest to rescue Han. "Disguised as a cargo ship and using an secret Imperial code, a strike team will land on the moon, and deactivate the shield generator."

"Sounds dangerous," said C-3PO. Jon turned his head to look at him. Up until then, the golden droid has been unusually quiet.

"I wonder who they found to pull that off," Leia muttered to Han. She, Jon and Chewie were about to get a huge surprise.

"General Solo, is your strike team assembled?" asked Madine. Jon and Leia both stared at Han in wonder. Jon couldn't believe it. His father was a General. Once he got over the initial shock, he felt pretty proud.

"Uh, my team's ready," Han said in answer to Madine's question. "I don't have a command crew for the shuttle."

*I'll come!* Chewie volunteered enthusiastically.

"It's gonna be pretty rough, pal," Han cautioned. "I didn't wanna speak for you."

*I'm serious, Cub!* Chewie countered. *I wanna come!*

"That's one," Han informed Madine.

"General...count me in," Leia said with a smile.

"Wherever you go, I go, too, Dad," said Jon.

"I'm with you, too." Jon, Han, Leia, Chewie, Lando and everyone else looked up to see Luke Skywalker walking into the briefing room. Jon was so happy to see that his best friend had finally returned. And R2-D2 was with him. Leia stood up and went over to hug Luke. There was a huge smile on her face. But when the hug ended, she frowned. Because Luke suddenly seemed different somehow.

"What is it?" Leia asked. And Jon could hear the concern in her voice.

"Ask me again sometime," said Luke. Jon, Han and Chewie had joined them.

"Luke," Han said simply.

"Hi, Han," Luke greeted. "Chewie."

*Welcome back, Luke!* Chewie barked.

"And, hello, Jon," said Luke.

"Hey, Luke," said Jon. "I've missed you." Then he hugged his friend.

"I missed you, too, Jon," Luke said quietly. They broke apart at the sound of R2 whistling something to 3-PO.

"'Exciting' is hardly the word I would use," 3-PO replied mildly.

The briefing was adjourned after that. Everyone was told to go to the hangar to prepare their ships. As people filed out the briefing room, Jon stuck close to Han.

"So, General Solo, huh?" Jon asked casually. "That's pretty cool."

"Yeah, I guess so," said Han.

"Do I have to start calling you "General" now?" asked Jon. "Or can I still call you 'Dad?'" Han stopped and turned to look at his son.

"You can keep calling me 'Dad,'" he said. "I can be a smuggler, a scoundrel, a captain, a general or even an admiral. But I'll always be your father, first and foremost. It's the title I'm most proud of."

"Ok, Dad," said Jon as they resumed walking. "Now, this strike team of yours, who's in it? Just wondering."

"Your buddy Kes Dameron," Han answered. "And a few other guys."

"I'm here, General Solo," Kes said, coming up to Han and Jon. "And I'm honored to be a part of this mission."

"Well, I'm glad you're here, Kes," said Jon. "But what about Shara and Norra?"

"They'll be flying against the second Death Star," Kes replied. "And Wedge is going with them. So, they'll be well taken care of."

"And the three of them are all really good pilots," said Jon.

"Yeah, there's that," Kes agreed.

"Speaking of the attack on the Death Star," Lando began, appearing at Han's side, "Han, I need a favor. Since you, Jon, Chewie, Luke and Leia will be taking that Imperial shuttle, I wanna use the Falcon."

"Sure," said Han. The ease and quickness with which he'd said this made Jon do a double-take. Han grabbed a camouflage trench coat off a rack, and slung it over his shoulder. He also took hold of three camouflage ponchos and helmets. He held one pair out to Jon.

"Put these on, son," said Han. "Then pass the other two pairs to Luke and Leia."

"Sure, Dad," Jon said as he pulled the poncho over him and put the helmet on his head. He then passed the other two pairs to Luke and Leia, who did the same. "But why do we have to do this?"

"We're going to the forest moon of Endor," Han answered. "There will be a lot of trees there. And we all wanna be as camouflaged as possible. What do you think I have this for?" He indicated his trench coat.

"Good point, Dad," said Jon. After a few more minutes of walking, they all go to the hangar. Kes ran off for a miute to say goodbye to Shara. Then he returned to board the shuttle. Han and Lando came to a stop between the shuttle and the Falcon.

"Look, I want you to take her," Han told the other man. "I mean it-take her. You'll need all the help you can get. She's the fastest ship in the fleet." He pointed a hand out towards the Falcon. Jon stepped aboard, but he could still hear his father and Lando talking.

"All right, old buddy," Lando said, raising his hands in a conciliatory gesture. "Though I know what she means to you, and Jon. I'll take good care of her. She-she won't get a scratch. All right?"

"Right," Han agreed, albeit reluctantly. He began to head up the ramp of the shuttle, as Jon had done. But then he stopped and turned back to Lando. "I got your promise, now? Not a scratch?"

"Would you get going, you pirate?" Lando asked with a laugh. Han saluted Lando.

"Good luck," Lando said, saluting back.

"You, too," said Han. Then he went up the ramp. Inside the shuttle's cockpit, Jon felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to face Luke.

"I need to talk to you for a moment, Jon," said Luke.

"Sure, Luke," said Jon. "What's up?"

"Something happened to your father while I was gone," said Luke. He didn't phrase this a question. But Jon misinterpreted it that way. And as such, he got defensive.

"I don't know what you're talking about , Luke," said Jon.

"Oh, Jonathan Jacen Solo," Luke said, shaking his head. Though they had known each other for four years, this was now the very first time Jon had ever heard Luke call him by his full name. "You're one of my best friends. I love you like a little brother. But you are a terrible liar."

"Ok!" Jon exclaimed. "You're right! Something happened! Luke, while you were gone, Dad had to spend the night in the med-center. Because of his hibernation sickness and all. Things were going fine, until Dad ran into some...complications. He died! I'd lost him! But then...a miracle happened. And Dad was ALIVE! Hey, how did you even know anything about that, anyway, Luke?"

"I felt as though Han had disappeared," said Luke.

"Like, through the Force, you mean?" Jon asked curiously.

"Yes," said Luke. "But then I also felt your father come back to life. It was the strangest thing. Jon, you've been given a second chance with your father."

"Yeah, I guess it wasn't his time to go just yet," said Jon. "But Dad and I both know that day will come eventually. And when it does, I just hope I'll be able to handle it."

"I know you're about to ask me where I've been since Tattooine," said Luke. Jon nodded in silent confusion. How had Luke figured that out? "Well, I returned to the Dagobah System, because I'd promised Yoda I'd come back to complete my Jedi training."

"And did you?" asked Jon. "Like, are you really a full-fledged Jedi now, Luke?"

"When I arrived on Dagobah, I discovered that Yoda had grown sick," said Luke. "And he was dying. I was there for his final moments."

"How old was Yoda, anyway?" asked Jon.

"Nine hundred," Luke replied, as if that were the most normal thing in the universe.

"Damn!" Jon marveled. Luke was amused by his young friend's surprise. But he frowned as he thought about the final things Yoda had told him, which were later confirmed by Obi-Wan Kenobi's ghost. The secret Luke had kept-and feared-since Bespin was true. His father actually was Darth Vader, the former Anakin Skywalker. And what's more, Leia was Luke's twin sister. He thought about telling all this to Jon. But he worried that doing so might damage his relationship with the boy, who held nothing but contempt for Vader. There was also the matter of how Han, and Leia, herself, would react. Luke knew he would have to tell his sister eventually. But he also knew that right now wasn't the best time.

"Hey, where's my mom?" asked Jon.

"Talking to Mon Mothma," said Luke. The voices of the two women drifted into the shuttle. Jon stood up to go crouch near the ramp, so he could hear them better.

"Leia, I know you want to be part of this great adventure with your friends, but the danger is too great," said Mon Mothma.

"You said the same thing about our plans on Tattooine!" Leia exclaimed.

"Yes, and I've since heard how close we came to loosing you," Mon countered. Jon winced. "Swinging from one ship to another over some sort of pit?" Jon wondered if Mon knew anything about the bikini Leia had been forced to wear, or that she had killed Jabba the Hutt.

"Really, Leia?" asked Mon. "Don't you realize how important you are to the Republic we will rebuild someday?"

"But that's exactly what I'm fighting for!" Leia practically shouted. "I want to defeat the Empire so that Jon and countless other children like him can live in a world without war."

"Oh, yes. That boy," said Mon.

"He is my son," Leia said through gritted teeth. "You've known I was adopted from the moment you met me. I expected you to be much more accepting of me taking Jon in as my son."

"I don't mind that," said Mon. "I'm happy of the way you've raised Jon. He adores you as his mother. If Bail and Breha could see you now, they'd be so proud of you for repaying their kindness and adopting a child of your own. And despite what he might think, I really do care about Jon." Inside the shuttle, Jon's mouth dropped open in surprise. That was the nicest thing the redheaded woman had ever said about him. "But he's so young to be going on these missions."

"He's fourteen," said Leia. "How is that any different from when I started doing missions for you at the age of sixteen? And remember Ezra Bridger? He was pretty young himself." The name "Ezra Bridger" didn't ring any bells for Jon Who was Leia talking about?

"Furthermore, Jon had to come with us to Tattooine," said Leia. "Because we were going there to save his father."

"I heard about what happened to General Solo," said Mon. "How is it that he's alive now?"

"The universe works in mysterious ways," said Leia. "Now, excuse me, Mon. I have to get going." She turned away from the other woman, then walked onto the shuttle.

"JON!" she exclaimed when she saw him crouched near the entrance.

"Hi, Mom!" he said as he quickly stood up.

"Where you eavesdropping?" asked Leia.

"Yes," Jon answered truthfully. "I couldn't help it. Sorry. But, um, who's Ezra Bridger?"

"He was a boy I met on Lothal when I was a teenager," Leia replied. "At the time, he and I were a little older than you are now. He was very brave, loyal, funny and kind, just like you. He was also training to be a Jedi."

"How?" asked Jon. "Apart from a few like Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi were basically wiped out. And now that Luke's other master, Yoda has died, Luke's the last Jedi. Sure,  Vader can use the Force. But he's evil!"

"In Ezra Bridger's case, he had a mentor named Kanan Jarrus, who survived Order 66, also known as the Jedi Purges," Leia explained.

"Oh, that's interesting," said Jon. Han finally came into the cockpit at that moment.

"Got her warmed?" he asked, sitting in the pilot's chair.

"Well, that took you long enough, Dad," said Jon.

"Yeah, she's coming up," said Luke, answering Han's question.

*This seat is too small for me, Cub!* Chewie complained to Han.

"Yeah, well, I don't think the Empire had Wookiees in mind when they designed her, Chewie," Han told his copilot.

"The first Death Star not withstanding, is this the first Imperial ship you've been on since you were in the Navy, Dad?" asked Jon.

"Yeah, pretty much," Han answered. Then he got quiet, and longingly looked across the hangar at the Falcon.

"Hey, you awake?" Leia asked, putting a hand on Han's shoulder.

"Yeah, I just got a funny I'm not gonna see her again," said Han.

"Don't be such a Gloomy Gus, Dad," said Jon. "Of course we'll see the Falcon again. And she's in good hands with Lando. But I have to wonder who Lando chose as a copilot. Because as you and I both know, the Falcon generally flies better with two people."

"He picked that Sullestan fella, Nien Nunb," said Han.

"Oh, that's good," said Jon.

"Come on, General. Let's move," Leia said, patting Han's shoulder.

"Right," said Han. "Chewie, lets see what this piece of junk can do." There had been countless times throughout Jon's life where Han would get offended if someone called the Falcon a "Piece of junk." Hearing Han now use that phrase to describe another ship made his son smile at the irony.

"Ready, everybody?" asked Han.

"All set," said Luke.

"Let's do this, Dad," said Jon. R2-D2 whistled.

"Here we go again," said C-3PO, sounding as nervous as ever. Han flew the shuttle out of the hangar. They passed under the hull of the cruiser.

"All right, hang on," said Han. He gunned a lever, and the shuttle entered hyperspace. The journey to the forest moon of Endor had officially begun.

End of Chapter 12.

Author's Notes:

1.) It's always been my opinion that the reason Han let Lando take the Falcon against the second Death Star while he went with Luke, Leia, Chewie R2 and 3-PO was that he was prevented from doing so himself. Yeah, the thing where he "died" a few chapters ago was of course my own invention. But the Hibernation Sickness really could have been serious enough to prevent Han from flying his beloved ship. Think to earlier in Return of the Jedi, where the Falcon and Luke's X-wing escape from Tattooine. We only see the Falcon from the outside. And while we hear Han's voice, there's no indication that he's the one actually flying the Falcon. Of course, if you've read Chapter 7, you'll see that I believe he wasn't.

2.) Han and Leia joked about Luke running off to a remote planet in the middle of nowhere without telling them. Call it a bit of ironic foreshadowing, since, in Sequel Trilogy, that's exactly what he does. Furthermore, you will have noticed that Jon calls Luke "The last Jedi." As far as our teenage protagonist is concerned at this point, that is true.

3.) Luke very nearly told Jon that Darth Vader is his father, which also almost happened in The Empire Strikes Back, and that Leia is his twin sister. But he was able to refrain. As I keep saying, though, Jon will find out about all this before ROTJ is over.

4.) I'm in the third book of this series, closing out the Original Trilogy, but this chapter was first and therefore only time so far that Luke has referred to Jon by his  full name: Jonathan Jacen Solo. But in doing so, I've officially had each member of the Original Trio do that at least once. As for  whether this will carry over in the Sequel Trilogy, only time will tell. Keep in mind that Jon will be in his 40's by the time I get to The Force Awakens. However embarrassing it is for a kid to hear someone use their full name, I think it would be even worse for a grown man. Secondly, the only characters who'd know Jon's full name by that point are Han, Leia, Luke, Chewie, R2 and 3-PO, (obviously) Kylo/Ben (because they're brothers), and possibly Poe Dameron, Snap Wexley and BB-8.

5.) As soon as Han got promoted to the rank of General, I knew I had to write a scene where Jon asks his father if he has to start calling him "General" now, or can still call him "Dad." I really think Han is the kind of person who would want his children to continue calling him "Dad." Of all the titles Han Solo has ever held in his life, "Dad" is his favorite, and the one he's most proud of. You guys wanna know something funny, though? Jon will find himself in a similar situation with Leia in TFA, TLJ and maybe even TROS. (That will all depend on what they decide to do with the character of Leia, since Carrie Fisher is no longer with us IRL.) I'm trying to find a balance between scenes when Jon calls Leia "General" and when he calls her "Mom." Also, and obviously nothing is concretely set in stone yet, but I'm entertaining the idea that Jon, himself, would become a General at some point during the Sequel Trilogy.

6.) I forget where, specifically, I read it, but Admiral Ackbar's first name really is "Gial."

7.) When Han said "I don't like bullies-no matter where they're from", it is indeed a Captain America reference.

8.) Leia's conversation with Mon Mothma was partly based on a scene in the Star Wars book Beware the Power of the Dark Side!, by Tom Angleberger.

9.) This chapter is the last we'll see of Lando (and the Falcon) until the end of the book. Because I'm skipping the aerial battle against the second Death Star, as well as Luke's scenes with Vader and the Emperor, in favor of focusing on Jon, Han, Leia, Chewie, the droids and the Ewoks on Endor.

10.) Chapter 13 will feature the iconic "Fly causally" scene.

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