My 10 over protective brother...

By rosesareblue01

407K 8.6K 3.1K

16 year old Amelia lives on her own with 10 over protective brothers. Her parents died, she never met her mot... More

Chapter 1: the nightmare
Chapter 2: Greg and Jamison
Chapter 3: Lia's crush
Chapter 4: the new kid
Chapter 5: The project
Chapter 6: keeping secrets
Chapter 7: little sister
Chapter 8: New friend
Chapter 9: quotes
Chapter 10: Mason
Chapter 11: cafeteria
Chapter 12: the park
Chapter 13: police
Chapter 14: missing
Chapter 15: car ride
Chapter 16: Jacob
Chapter 17: one of them
Chapter 18: hospital
Chapter 19: airport
Not an update:(
Chapter 20: Miss you
Chapter 21: Steve's father
Chapter 22: Old friends
Chapter 23: Jason's secret
Once in a lifetime
The sequel
Ask me anything
Watch the video above
The video
My new book
Social media
A quick shoutout!
The stories
Bad news
Good newss
Jacob's little sister

Chapter 24: secrets

4.9K 148 12
By rosesareblue01

*important AUTHOR'S NOTE*



Jason's p.o.v

"I was a bully."

The pancake that was on the fork fell, as well as the fork, her mouth was wide open, the same goes to her eyes.


"I was the popular bad boy in the school, I was a player- I played girls. I loved breaking their hearts, making sure they don't break mine. Isaac was hurt by many girls through his life, and I didn't want to feel the same as him, so I just sleep with them, and leave them the next day.  I knew Talia since I was 4 years old, and that's when I met Isaac, and we became the best of friends. My reputation was so so bad, that he warned me to stay away from her, but before I moved here, i dated her, we dated in secret for 6 months, but then Isaac found out, he never talked to me nor looked at me, if he did, he'd just glare at me. My name spread around the school, they said that I slept with my best friend's sister; but I promise you, I didn't sleep with her, I was scared and she was a Virgin. I don't sleep with virgins, because they're innocents." I took a breath, then continued, "we stayed without each other for 2 months at least, and I really loved her. She talked to Isaac, and I don't know how she convinced him, but he gave me a permission to be with her, and I made a promise that I'll never hurt her in any way. 3 or 4 months later, I was in Isaac's room, we were playing call of duty, I wanted a glass of water, when I left Isaac's room, I heard noises coming out of Talia's room, not normal noises, but there was moaning-"

"You found out that Talia was cheating on you." Lia whispered.

I nodded. "I was broken, I was right my whole life, girls are going to break my heart, so I broke up with her the next day, Isaac never knew why, until he kept punching me asking me why did I break up with her, and I answered him with all honesty, but he didn't believe me. I continued my own way, I slept with girls, I broke their heart. I was in my room, sleeping, and I was home alone... someone was knocking on the door, and I had no choice but to open the door for him or her- so I got up, and I opened the door, Talia's brothers were standing right in front of me, they had angry expressions on their faces, and had guns in their hands. I was afraid to say the least, they almost shot me if my mom didn't arrive, one of them looked me right in the eyes and said 'this isn't over' and they left. I never did anything, I ignored them for days, until one day, I was walking to the park with Tom, and I saw them, they were walking towards us, I ran as fast as I could to the park, to be around people.. Tom was playing, and they came to me, they dragged me to a place where nobody was, and threatened me, they kept punching me, and one of them cut me with the knife, I still have the scars from that day-" I removed my shirt, then showed Lia. "They left me alone, and I walked back to Tom breathless, he started crying, and we got help from a lady, we called our mother. We moved here, then I met you, and when I saw you, I was like... this girl is going to be my first toy, but then I got to know you more, and everything, and I liked you since then and I still do. And when I found out that you had 10 brothers, I was like I should stay away from her, but you just kept attracting me."

"You thought of me as a toy?" Lia bit her lip, obviously holding back the tears.

"I did, but I changed."

"If my brothers were not there, then you'd play me? You would break my heart?! Let me remind you, not all girls are the same, and the fact that I trusted you was crazy! And how can you play with girls?! You think of us as toys to you? Aren't we all humans?! You know what? With all the smiles you brought me, I never NEVER thought you could cause me so many tears." She shook her head, standing up.

"Lia, it was in the past!" I stood up.

"So? It was in the past but- you know what? I need space, space from you! I need a break from your mistakes." She cried, she gave me her back. Do I go after her or give her the space she needs?

Lia's p.o.v

I wanted him to chase after me, to tell me that he is sorry, to tell me that it was all a mistake, but no, he did not. Now, I just have to learn to let go and learn how to be alone.

Because I don't need him to hurt me when I got a whole shit to deal with.


Walking inside the house, I saw Owen on the coach, wearing the police uniform, should I tell him or not? No. He's go crazy, and go to Jason and kill him. But Jason already went through a lot, and I don't want to give him more siblings pressure.

I walked to my room slowly, "you're early." I turned around to see Chase. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I shook my head.

"I'm feeling down a little, can we talk about it?"

"Sure. In my room though." We walked inside the room.

"If I told you a secret, can you tell me what's bothering you?" He raised a brow, sitting on my bed.

"What if your secret wasn't big?" I sat next to him.

"Believe me, it's huge, and a change for me."

"Well, you go first," I pointed at him.

"Why me?"

"Because you're the one who said that if-" He cut me off.

"Fine. Well, I don't know how to tell you this or how you're going to take this news- I'm gay," he blurred out.

My eyes widened, "OMG!" I hugged him. "Im with you no matter what."

"So you're ok with it?" His eyes widened.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" I raised my eyebrows.

"That's why I love you!"

"So does Owen know? Or any of our brothers?"

"No, only you. I do not know how would they react," he shrugged.

"They're going to accept you the way you are, Chase!" I grinned.

"I hope so. Umm I want you to meet somebody," he blushed.

"Oh my god, Chase!" My eyes lit up.

"He's my boyfriend."


"It's been two months, and I really want you to meet him. Now you, tell me!"

"Fine. Jason and I are on a break," I looked down.


I told him the whole story, and he just listened.

"Never thought of Jason that way," Chase sighed. "But still, that boy sacrificed his life for you, and helped you through everything, so I think you should stay with him."

"I just need some time to think about it."


"So when am I going to meet your boyfriend?" I jumped.

"Soon, when I tell the boys that we call our brothers," he answered.

"Tell them now! I'll help you!"

"I'll think about it."


Wow the last chapter. I'll update the epilogue soon. Umm I can't keep it to myself.

But there's a sequel for this book!!!:)

It'll be up once this book is completed! It is called 'once in a lifetime' and it talks about Lia's and Jason's relationship, and someone else is going to join!!:)

So hopefully you'll like it!!


Ok, so... this isn't the official goodbye but I really just wanted to say thank you. I won't be here without you beautiful readers. We reached 100K! And I'm so happy for all of us! We did it! We hit a milestone! But can we make more?

Anyhoo, I just wanted to thank every single one of you, and just let you know that I'm thanking you at six in the morning when I'm supposed to be asleep because I have a class at 1:30!

Thank you for making me happy, I really enjoyed writing this book.


I will see you guys tomorrow because

It's not everyday bro!

Peace ✌️

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