A Lions Flower |J.Lannister|

By HappyHogan

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Nearly a decade before the Game of Thrones, Rose Tyrell engaged an affair that sent ripples through the riche... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
• Chapter 4 •
• Chapter 5 •
• Chapter 6 •
• Chapter 7 •
• Chapter 8 •
• Chapter 9 •
• Chapter 10 •
• Chapter 11 •
• Chapter 12 •
• Chapter 13 •
• Chapter 14 •
• Chapter 15 •
• Chapter 16 •
• Chapter 17 •
• Chapter 18 •
• Chapter 19 •
• Chapter 20 •
• Chapter 21 •
• Chapter 22 •
• Chapter 23 •
• Chapter 24 •
• Chapter 25 •
• Chapter 26 •
• Chapter 27 •
• Chapter 28 •
• Chapter 29 •
• Chapter 30 •
• Chapter 31 •
• Chapter 32 •
• Chapter 33 •
• Chapter 34 •
• Chapter 36 •
• Chapter 37 •
Winter is Here // Final Chapters
• Chapter 38 •
• Chapter 39 •
• Chapter 40 •
• Chapter 41 •
• Chapter 42 •
• Chapter 43 •
• Epilogue •
Epilogue II
A LIONS FLOWER // Acknowledgements

• Chapter 35 •

7.5K 226 14
By HappyHogan

"Do you think Cersei will budge?" Brienne asked Rose, leaning against the post next to Rose who was still sitting in the same spot.
"No. I think I'd drop dead of pure shock if she does. I don't know if Tyrion is going to have a convincing enough reason for her to help us."
"Well she wants to protect herself, I think she made that clear."
"If she wants to protect herself she should have left with Euron and went to the Iron Islands. If she doesn't commit her armies there's no chance." Rose told her and stood up to stretch out for awhile. Tyrion hadn't been gone for long, he probably didn't even reach the Red Keep yet, but everyone was still anxious.
"After seeing Daenerys' dragon, I think they are more than capable of taking out the army." Brienne commented and Rose turned around with a look that could only tell Brienne one thing, that the dragons were not enough.
"A Dragon was killed fighting the night king. I didn't see it happen but when Dany came back with just two, I knew it wasn't enough. It will never be eno-"
Rose stopped when she saw a white rolled up piece of paper underneath her chair. She walked over swiftly to get it and held it out to Brienne.
"Did you drop this?" Rose held the scroll up and Brienne shook her head. Rose opened it and noticed right away that it was in the terrible handwriting of Jaime.

You know where to go

Brienne snatched the letter from and looked back at Rose.
"Is this?" Brienne gave Rose a look.
"Shh!" Rose frantically waved her hands in front of her and moved close to Brienne so she could speak in a lower volume.
"It's his handwriting. He's probably waiting for me."
"Go then."
"Jaime saved me and I trust him enough to know he won't harm you. Especially you."
"What about Daenerys? I can't sneak out of here without her knowing."
"I've got an idea." Brienne smiled lightly, showing her more passionate side to her friend, the one she kept hidden from everyone else.

Brienne walked towards Daenerys and began speaking to her. Rose sat anxiously in chair, watching the lady knights every move.
"Your Grace, May I propose another plan?"
Daenerys looked at Brienne, interested but cautiously.
"You may."
"You see, I'm not completely convinced that Lord Tyrion will be able to convince Cersei."
"And what is that?"
"Cersei has too much hatred for him, and he'll go in there and plead with his life and all she will think about is how much wrong he's done to her. She needs to be told by someone she truly trust the council of, someone she knows will not break their promises."
"And who would that be?"
"Ser Jaime."
"Ser Jaime?" Daenerys rose her brows at Brienne.
"I think we will stick with Tyrion as our best bet. Thank you for your suggestion."
Daenerys turned back around to talk to Jon and Missandei but Brienne wasn't backing down.
"Your Grace, please. If we convince Jaime that helping us is the best reason, he will be able to convince Cersei. He's the only way. She will only listen to him."
"And how are we suppose to convince him? As if he would want to help us while he serves another Queen."
"Rose could talk to him."
Daenerys looked past Brienne and looked at Rose sitting in her chair, fiddling with her hands.
"Come here." She demanded Rose and she quickly hurried over.
"Yes?" Rose asked her queen.
"How do you think you can convince Ser Jaime? He's loyal to another house, to another Queen, he won't just switch sides."
"Unless you give him a reason to."
"And what reason would that be?"
Rose looked at Brienne, signaling that she was going to tell Daenerys. Brienne nodded her head at her for support.
"Because I'm pregnant."
There was a silent lull between the group and those few words seemed to grab the attention of everyone around them.
"What did you say?" Daenerys asked Rose again.
"I said I'm pregnant. Jaime's the father, it couldn't be anyone else."
"Are you sure of this?"
"Of course."
"And you think if you speak with him and tell him that you're carrying his unborn child he will be able to convince Cersei?"
"It's worth a shot. We don't know if Tyrion is going to succeed or even come back, this would be another opportunity to get the troops." Rose explained to Daenerys.
"She's right. It's worth a shot." Jon told Daenerys and she nodded her head at Jon.
"Alright. Go. Not too long though, I need my advisors to come back in one piece."

     Rose nodded in thanks and began walking out of the arena. Once she got outside of the pit, she started to jog towards the gardens, the one place she knew Jaime was waiting for her. When she got there, she began noticing the wilted flowers and graying bushes as the garden she once remembered was slowly withering away. She walked past points she had fond memories of. Where she would see Margaery and Sansa walk arm and arm, smiling and laughing on their way to tea with Olenna, the fountains where Oberyn would write about everything and the wall of white roses Tyrion secretly loved. But now, most of the gardens seemed to be filled with the same things Rose was filled with, dread and hopelessness. As soon as she arrived at the nook near the edge of the gardens near the sea shore, the butterflies were fluttering in her stomach and she didn't know if she could truly turn the corner. Rose hesitated, knowing that whatever happens in there will change the course of both of their original intentions coming into this meeting. But she turned the corner and Jaime was sitting on the bench in front of her. He looked up with a surprised look on his face.

"I was starting to think you weren't going to show up."

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