• Chapter 39 •

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What did they expect? That Jaime wasn't going to be interrogated for all his past crimes? Even if Rose was an advisor of Daenerys, it didn't matter to the one true Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

Jaime stood in the large, dark, gloomy hall, standing straight as he faced his past with Daenerys staring him down like she would have him murdered right there. Rose was nervous, she knew Dany could if she truly wanted to but she stood quietly next to Tyrion near the front. She had received no warm greeting from the Queen after she realized who arrived with her.

Sansa Stark was also giving Jaime a deadly look, and she did have a right to be angry, Jaime did attack Ned Stark many years ago. But he didn't execute him, he didn't hate Ned Stark that much.

"When I was a child, my brother would tell me a bedtime story about the man who murdered our father. Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. Who sat down on the Iron Throne and watched as his blood poured onto the floor. He told me other stories as well. About all the things we would do to that man once we took back the Seven Kingdoms and had him in our grasp. Your sister pledged to send her army north?" Daenerys wasn't playing any games, she was there for justice and answers. She kept her eyes trained on Jaime and it made many who knew him uncomfortable.

Tyrion looked up at Rose and gave her a weary glance.

"She did." Jaime responded to the Queen.

"I don't see an army. I see one man, with one hand." She commented and Jaime looked down at himself, partly ashamed of what had happened many years ago but he has learned to accept it. It still didn't mean her words didn't sting.

"It appears your sister lied to me."

"She lied to me as well. She never had any intention of sending her army north. She has Euron Greyjoy's fleet and 20,000 fresh troops. The Golden Company from Essos, bought and paid for. Even if we defeat the dead, she'll have more than enough to destroy the survivors." Jaime told her and everyone looked a bit defeated. They needed that army.

"We?" Daenerys asked him and he rose his head high.

"I promised to fight for the living. I intend to keep that promise." That he did. He glanced at Tyrion and Rose, who tried to give him sympathetic smiles to try to encourage him to keep doing what he's doing. Tyrion took the lull in the room to speak on Jaime's behalf.

"Your Grace, I know my brother" Tyrion began but was quickly cut off by Dany, whose eyes were ablaze with anger that her hand would protect the traitor instead of her own interests.

"Like you knew your sister?"

"He came here alone, knowing full well how he'd be received. Why would he do that if he weren't telling the truth?" Tyrion presented a valid point which some seemed to agree with but just liked trying to accept the Queen, the northerners had a hard time trusting a man like Jaime.

"Perhaps he trusts his little brother to defend him, right up to the moment he slits my throat. And Rose, you brought him here why? Are you part of this plan too? Does lust cloud your judgement?"

"You're Grace, I came here to help the north and Jaime did also. We are pledging ourselves to fight on behalf of Westeros for the greater good." Rose told her and Daenerys shook her head at her.

"You won't be fighting. Anyone with eyes can see that you would be an easy casualty, not to mention two. We can't trust the opinions of you both, they've been infiltrated with reasoning that isn't good enough reasoning to keep him alive." Daenerys bickered and Sansa agreed.

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