A LIONS FLOWER // Acknowledgements

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Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for reading this story. I never imagined that something that started so small would have grown to be so big. Game of Thrones has a very special place in my heart and it always will in ways that people on here will never truly know. Writing this for about two years was a lot of work. I completed college, I've been through more than I would have liked, and my life is on a very different path compared to when I began the story.

But the responses I've received from all of you, the likes, comments, private messages, everything, truly has been more than I could have ever imagined and I appreciate it more than you know. I know you probably see authors notes saying this all the time, or you might not take the time to even read this, but I read and respond to as many comments as I can, so that you know I am hearing your voice and opinions of my story.

I left Jaime and Rose's story open ended, with a happy ending, because it's fiction and sometimes we need a happy ending in a brutal world. I imagine they had several more children, they lived out their days at Casterly Rock, being respected and liked by their people and loving each other until their last breath. I hope this ending is satisfactory to you as well—but you are always welcome to share your opinions on what you think their future would entail. I would love to hear your opinions.

If you truly liked this story, I would love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to comment your opinions and if you'd like, favorite the chapters or the ones you enjoyed. It means a lot to me, truly. Your opinions will not be judged or belittled, they matter too.

This story would be nothing without you.

Sending my final regards of this story.


A Lions Flower |J.Lannister|Where stories live. Discover now