Chapter 2

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The days that followed had become weary for Rose.

The weather poor and cold, the overlying dread of what is to come became an overbearing thought with every second that inched by. Lady Catelyn had been keeping her company by making small talk about what has happened since they last saw one another, but Catelyn knew too much and wanted Rose to know that she was an ally and didn't care about the past that so many made a fuss about. Neither of them had the ability to leave the camp just yet, as the weather prevented any possible travel; So they sat together and did their daily, mundane tasks.

"I remember before Bran was born, 10 name days ago, how Ned and I travelled to Kings Landing for Joffrey Baratheon's name day. King Robert insisted that Ned came, so we went. I can remember the gold decor lining the castle and the people, how happy they all seemed. After feasting one evening, Ned and I were making our way back to our rooms and took a long walk through the gardens."

Catelyn looked over at Rose sheepishly, having never discussed this with anyone. Catelyn never spoke of such intimate moments because she felt it was un-lady like to do so, nevertheless she continued on because it was too big of a scandal to keep secret. Rose had heard so many different stories about her personal life she wasn't sure what was true or not anymore. From the tone of Catelyn's voice Rose knew what she was going to say, but she remembered that day clearly because it was one of the first times she had to face the realization that what she and Jaime had gotten themselves into wasn't something they should have ever done.

"I know what you are going to say... you don't have to tell me." Rose sighed and walked to fill her cup of wine. For some people, memories came and left the mind without a second thought. For Rose, moments were etched with such detail that it was difficult to forget anything.

"I have not said a word yet you've taken to concluding a conversation."

"Must we be so childish regarding the past? I've heard it all before, Catelyn. The whispers do not avoid the weather tents of this camp."

Catelyn pulled her cup to her lips. "I know many who  wish to speak as freely as we. The men whom we know speak the most deplorable things yet when those same sentiments leave our lips, it is unsavory."

"Perhaps for a reason... every person I had ever met or continue to cross paths with whisper the same. They shed their cloaks in the dark to feed on my secrets and all they know is rumors. Rumors that sound malicious and evil and full of scandal—"

"Which it was," Catelyn peered over her cup.

"But it is scandal for people who do not feel. It is scandal for people who are not trapped. But surely you recall. I can still see your face, white as snow. I had never imagined a married woman with children could be so flustered by the sight."

In the gardens, those whispers fell on the lips of the plants that hung like the Gardens of Babylon. Somewhere in the deepest veins those images remained but the whispered nothings of love scratched themselves on the stones of the castle walls.

"Rose... if it means anything at all, Ned and I did not see it like those other people. We saw two people who had passion, love, for one another."

"I was not married nor betrothed to be. We broke vows and I understand that. We committed sin in the eyes of the seven and I understand that as well. I wouldn't change what happened simply because others feel I did something against its moral judgement. It is my life to live."

"I suppose most women wouldn't if they had been sleeping with Jaime Lannister." Another voice stated. Rose and Catelyn turned around to face Petyr Baelish.

Petyr Baelish was a snake of a person. His face reminded Rose of a rat and his figure conveyed nothing other than betrayal and deception. The man was a wretched creature in both morals and glances and it was always a question why the people of Westeros continued to let him live.

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