Finally Free Dumped & Pregnan...

By khassal

689K 29.2K 5.2K

After going through so much, Isabella Joshua and their baby Elise are finally able to start their new life. W... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 10

16.8K 810 64
By khassal

Hey all, I did try to upload last night but my laptop got a virus and kept shutting down.  After 7 long hours and having to restore my entire laptop i have now managed to upload. I hope you all enjoy

Mel xx

Chapter 10

"Elle, what is she doing? What can I do? I can't stand this!" I asked well pleaded.

"Joshua I don't know. All I know is that we can't leave her like this. Oh, what the hell look at her? She looks as if she's going to collapse at any given second." Her voice cracked as more sobs escaped her.

"I know what we should do! Send hit men out to hunt them down and kill them all! Audrey included." Lisa bellowed out shocking all of us. For the first time I actually really looked at Lisa, really looked and to see so much built up anger and hatred I knew she'd meant every word! Not that she knew that I had secretly been having the same thoughts. If the police weren't going to do anything then maybe we should take it in into our own hands. I thought to myself.

Picturing Bella's face from last night when she told me that Jaxon was dead, it was as if she'd thought for a minute there that I had done it. Believe me, I wish it had been me! Snapping my thoughts back to hiring hit men I began listing off the pros and cons.

We were more than capable to do it. Money wasn't an issue. Finding men to do the job was as easy as pie but the biggest obstacle for me was the promise I had made to Isabella. I swore on our children's lives I would never kill or even hire anyone to rid us of Jaxon. Oh God, how wrong I was to make such a promise. A promise I know I won't be able to keep now, I thought but then as if something had finally come to light I shouted out,

"IM SO BLOODY STUPID!" Startling everyone bar Isabella, who was still walking as if she was on a tightrope. However, her steps weren't proper steps anymore as her legs were starting to give way from beneath her. Thankfully Lisa was right behind her with her hands outstretched ready to catch her at any given moment. It was killing me watching her break bit by bit but there wasn't a damn thing I could do to help her. Earlier when I held her in my arms I nearly died when I saw her face turning all shades of blue where she had stopped herself breathing. Her feet however still motioned forwards but on the spot. It was all too much and right now as much as I wanted to stay right here even though feeling helpless. I knew my heart couldn't take much more. Anger slowly but surely started to fight back especially when I realized how thick I was.

Everyone was still staring as if waiting for me to go on. "Lisa is right! I hadn't done anything because I had made a promise to Isabella but that promise was about Jaxon. JAXON IS DEAD SO I WOULDN'T BE BREAKING ANY PROMISES. WE CAN END THIS NOW" I knew I was starting to shout with the adrenalin pumping throughout my body but knowing I didn't have to hold back any longer somehow excited me. Seeing the same adrenalin/excitement on my best friend's faces excited me all the more.

"What are you all waiting for GO.... GO! Elle yelled while shoving Paul Jack and I towards the gates. Seeing my slight hesitation in leaving Isabella, Elle spoke up.

"Don't worry about Isabella we've got her and the doctor will be here any minute and grandma has all the kids, so GO!" I was just about to run over to Isabella to give her a kiss but was dragged back before I could even get close to her. "Get him the hell out of here and do what needs to be done before he kills her." I was so pumped up I had forgotten for a split second there of what I had nearly done. Cursing under my breath I mentally blew her a kiss whilst asking her to forgive me for what I'm about to do.


I don't know how long I've been walking for or even where I was at this stage but this black tunnel seemed to be never-ending. I needed to see the light, the light at the end of the tunnel. I needed something. Anything! I remembered in the past how I had wished for this. Wished for this deathly silence, even the darkness where nobody could see me but that was a long long time ago and it wasn't what I wanted now. Then again that was something I also needed to question. Did I really want to go back, back to my family where I brought them nothing but Heartache and pain that could destroy our happy home.

The numbness I felt slowly started dissolving but the darkness never changed. The only thing that I could feel was the burning exhaustion in my legs and the millions of thoughts and unanswered questions that tormented me.

The muscles in my legs burnt but for the life of me, I couldn't get them to stop their slow unsteady movement. Luckily the hands that once broke through the darkness had stopped reaching out to me, so I no longer had to fight them off. I could breathe again. I was alone locked in the darkness but at the same time, I felt awake. It was the strangest feeling ever. The severe burning from my legs was all I could be sure of feeling. I didn't know what was happening to me. All I knew is that I had to keep walking. Walking to where I hadn't a clue but I couldn't stop, I had to keep moving.

The fight within me began wearing down. Every step forward felt as if I had walked a mile. The small voice in my head was the only thing that kept me going. 'Must keep walking and never stop until I see the light. My children's life's depended on it, on me.

' Light that's all I kept thinking and focussing on. A light that I had yet to see, a light I was desperate to see. Did this light at the end of the tunnel even exist? I had asked myself this question many of times but I knew there had to be. There had to be something.

Struggling to keep myself upright, proved harder than I ever imagined. My knees throbbed as the red-hot burning sensation constantly ran up down my legs. The weirdest thing was that I couldn't feel the rest of my body. It was as if the top half of my body was detached from my bottom half, only I could see it wasn't. As much as that freaked me out I pushed it aside.

Hope you all enjoyed xx

 Poor Isabella, wouldn't your heart go out for her.

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