Off Limits

By Thesweetvillainess

532K 14.2K 736

"Get away from me."I took her soft hands from my chest and pinned them on the wall.I closed the gap between u... More

1.The consequences of drinking
A word from the author
2.A moonlight stroll
3.The date
4.The park
5.Coming clean
6.Trey Williams?
7.Damon Stark
8.You will be mine
9.His new office
10.Watching her
12.Resisting him
14.Dinner and a movie
15.Unwanted attention
17.Dreaming about him
18.A flight and a stormy night
20.The beach
22.Back in town
23.Jonathan Stark
24.Save me beautiful
25.The yatch
26.I love you
27.Private Number
28.Secret admirer from hell
29.No longer a secret
30.Let's talk about this like businessmen
31.The Stalker's Identity
32.Crazy person
33.Candles,rose petals and a ring
Bonus Chapter 1
Jayden's Book is Out

16.The bodyguard

12.4K 373 42
By Thesweetvillainess


Lance just stood there making no movements at all .It really weirded me out.He was like a robot,standing completely still.Could he even breath?Was he even breathing?

I hated having bodyguards.I don't understand why Lance had to stand there while I worked.Who could get past the tight security downstairs,get into the elevator,get past the receptionist on this floor,come into my office and attack me?It doesn't make sense.

I looked up from my laptop and asked ,"you know you can sit,right ?"I pointed to my chaise lounge on the other corner of the room that was next to stool with a grey lamp.

"I prefer not to,miss "

"Please don't call me miss "

"Yes madam "I then began begging that someone would just go ahead and put a bullet through my head.The window were sealed shut so I could jump out and end my misery.

"Call me Andrea please "

"Your father-"

"He's not here,is he now ?"I interrupted him.Many people were afraid of my father.Even I was afraid of him earlier that day.I still don't fully understand how a man in his late fifties could make such an intimidatingnman like Lance afraid.It wasn't about physical strength but the authority one held in the society.

I figured sooner or later those tree trunks he had for legs would get fatigued and he would take a seat.Sure enough a three quarters of an hour later he took a seat.

An hour later there was a light knock on the door.The handle moved and the door swung open.Before I could even see who it was Lance was in front of me.His colossal body eclipsed mine as he block me from any danger.I took a big step to the left to see who it was.Luca was there looking confused holding a bag of chinese food.I recognised the resturants logo on the bag.

Lance noticed my movement and he too moved to the left to block me again."Lance it's ok.I know him."I said calmly.The bodyguard went back to standing next to the door after closing it.Luca was still standing."Luca this is Lance,Lance this is Luca one of my best friends in the whole world."

The spanish man took a seat and began speaking,"new bodyguard huh "


"As an apology for the incident with the tabloids ,you know they followed me here.Actually they are outside.I brought you lunch to make up for it."I now understood all the things Damon had done to avoid getting the attention of the news.Like when we went to the park and he insisted we wear sun glasses and hats.

"Thank for the lunch and it's not your fault"

"I just wish those lowlifes would leave you alone"

"They aren't low lives,they just want to make money to feed their families."He smiled broadly his eyes on me.

"You're so good Andrea "I smiled at his complement.We ate lunch while talking.I avoided talking about last night,now it was just me and my friend talking.The night before was me and my date talking which made it awkward for me.

"I hope you liked the date last night,we should fo it again sometime.When I am in town again" I froze on the spot.I love a friend any girl would be lucky yo be his girlfriend but the night before made me realize we had little to no chemistry.I couldn't break his heart,he really liked the me I knew it but I was in love with Damon not him.

"Y-Yeah we should"

I threw the empty packets of food in the trash and thanked him.He left saying he had to go back to work to help out his father.Luca said he would be leaving for Madrid in a few days but his father said that inna few weeks he would come back to take over their branch in Seattle.

Since we were to go to Miami the following day I had more work than usual.People like to complain about work saying how much they hate it,I on the other hand liked to keep busy particularly in the office.If I didn't these days my thoughts would go to Damon.He wasn't there that day,sometimes he would do his work in his actual office back at his own company.


Kai and Danny helped me pack for the trip when I got home.If we were still there by the weekend I planned to go to the beach and go sight seeing.I love to travel and explore.When I was younger my dad would bting me to some of his business trips and I would always watch him as he worked.I really admire him.This time when I went with him I would do work.I was beside myself with excitement.

"Kai what's that red thing you're putting in my bag ?"

"Nothing important "I moved closer as Danny was clearly holding in a laugh.Kai was trying to put a piece of red lingerie in my bag.I yanked the article of clothing way from him and stared at it in repugnance.I looked inside to find a bunch of thongs ,G-strings and four packs of condoms.

"We won't be needing any of these"I said pouring the contents of the bag on comforter.

"At least take the condoms these ones are ribbed,these ones are mango flavoured,these are bubble gum flavoured..."

"I will take none...why do they even have flavours....."my brain began thinking and I got my answer "eww that's gross!"

"It's more fun than you think "Danny whispered underneath his breath but we heard it.

"With these you wont say 'eww' you'll be saying 'yum' "

"Danny!Control your woman please !"Danny burst into laughter.

"You did say you are in love with Damon and now you're going to Miami with him "

"It's just for business "

"Yeah the business of getting laid"I smacked him on the nape of the neck.

We went on packing as I made sure Kai didn't put anything...bad on the any of the suit cases.


I was looking at the details for the new S table the company was making when I got a call from the reception of the hotel.

"Mr.Sollano there is someone here to see you "I told the lasy to let the person come.I assumed it was one of my workers they were supposed to bring me my files.I closed the laptop and went to open the door when there was a knock.The knock was loud and urgent.

I was in for a surprised when I opened up.My collar was grabbed swiftly and my face recieved a hard punch that sent me flying to the floor.Through my slightly blurry vision I say a wrathful Damon Stark standing in front of me with his fist still clenched.

I touched my nose to see the crimson liquid on my hand.I stood up from the cold floor and faced the enraged man.He spoke firmly ,"you will stay away from her!"Poor me was still processing his statement.

"What!?From whom?"My countenance met his fist yet again.

"Andrea.She is MINE "She never mentioned anything about being with him.He loved her,you could see it in his.I thought about it and concluded that the feelings I had for her wasn't even close to the love this man felt for her.

"Calm down Damon"he took a step back from me "would you like a drink?"I had learned a long time ago to talk things out instead of using my fists to do the the talking.A few years ago I had serious anger issues.

He told me that they used to go out then he made a big mistake and that he's been trying go win her back since.You could see the glimmer in his eyes as he describe.I adore Andrea but he idolizes her,he worships her,her is infatuated with her.

Anyone could see those two were in love.The time in the office when I first came to her office and he rushed in after she screamed I saw the way they looked at each other.

Who was I to stop this?

He could have her.It saddened me to let her go but this man in front of me would love her more than I could ever understand.Still if he hurt then I would hurt him.

Maybe someday I would find someone to love they way he loved her.


P/S :This has not been proof read.

Just so you know I am not done with Mr.Sollano yet.

The following people will get their own book characters in the near or distant future:
-Jayden Alexander Stark(Damon's brother,he will show up in the book soon)
-Luca Sollano(yay!!!)

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