Broken Luminescent - Book Two

By Lizzat_G96P

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'The second book following 'When The Day Met Night' follows Julia Vargas; a teenage girl and her older Brothe... More

Broken Luminescent
Two: Haunting Past
Three: Crashed and Open
Four: Black and Fire
Five: Caged To Wire
Six: Fire Entrapped Moon
Eight: Hearts Broken Upon Full Moon
Nine: Blood of Luminescent Night

Seven: Knives Upon A Dirt Path

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By Lizzat_G96P

Julia: I was standing on a hill; the grass was high and went to my knee. A warm breeze blew through here. The sky was blue and the clouds were just small patches. In the distance all you could see were more pastures of grass; blowing like the ocean.

Though the scenery was so beautiful and dreamy; I felt cold and unnerving. As if something was wrong with this picture.

“Hello.” A velvety voice said; I almost thought it was just the wind.

I turned; half expecting it to be Jonathan or Loup, but as soon as I saw the face I knew that was an impossible idea. A girl who looked to be my age stood in front of me.

Her hair was long; thick and curly; twisting around her face like a lion's mane and the color of carmine. It was dark and shined like a halo of splattered blood around her. The girl's skin was a pale golden tone; an odd contrast to her hair that stopped a little past her narrow shoulders. She had curves; a slightly big bust and an hour glass figure.

The girl was gorgeous; looked as if she belonged on a cover of some fashion magazine. She had high demanding cheekbones; the type that insinuates the structure of her small face. Her lips were a dark red; plump. She had a small nose; like a button. Her eyes were large and almond shaped; and they were the exact color of honeydew; so bright and yellow, yet had a creamy gold mixture to it. She wore a white flowing dress that went all the way to her ankles and looked of thin fabric with it's long draping sleeves.

“Hi.” I said; not sure of myself. Why would I be dreaming about a pretty girl? This isn't my subconscious telling me something, is it?

She smiled; it made her look younger and perhaps even prettier. “You're Julia, aren't you?” Her voice was so tranquil.

I nodded, “Yeah, and you are?” I asked; a bit leery.

“Oh, my name is Tatiana.” She bowed; kneeling and lifting both sides of her dress like some kind of royalty.

I laughed, “Okay...Tatiana, who are you?” My subconscious is getting weird.

She sighed with a small grin, “That is a hard question to answer.” Her eyes went to mine.

“What is even more curious is who are you?” Her eyes looked at me from my head to my toes; examining me.

Tatiana walked closer to me; as if I were some sort of model or unusual experiment. Then she suddenly grabbed my burnt arm; her fingers lightly grazing my Mark.

She giggled, “So, you are the one.” She let go of my hand and stood in front of me with her head cocked to the side.

“The one?” I looked at my arm. “Are you talking about that whole I'll bring the werewolves and Guardians together thing?”

Her thin eyebrow raised, “Is that what they told you?” She laughed. “You are such a naive little girl.”

Her shoulders shrugged. “I suppose this fight will be easier then I thought.”

“What are you talking about?”

Tatiana smiled gently at me; as if I were a child. “There are always two sides to everything; a flip side of a coin....evil and good.” She put her slender finger on her chin. “What is it they call it?...Ah, Yin and Yang.”

I backed away, “What do you mean?”

“Julia, you are the polar opposite of me; my flip side.” She said simply.

“I don't understand.” I mumbled.

Tatiana nodded, “As suspected.” Her lips pouted a bit. “It won't be tough killing you; I thought it would be a challenge killing such a powerful Guardian; especially when you have so much divine power.”

I raised my fist in a protective stance. “Whoever the hell you are; leave me alone.” I said through my teeth.

She shook her head; her curls flaying about, “It's impossible for me to do that. You and I are destined to meet and bring an end to these mutts and Guardian business.” She shrugged her shoulders and sighed; as if she could careless about what this actually meant.

“Bring an end?” My hands lowered and I felt so unbelievably gloomy.

She laughed, “Yes. It's our destinies to meet and cause unmounted destruction.”

I glared, “You're twisted, lady. That won't happen. This is a dream anyway.” I scoffed.

Tatiana curiously grinned, “A dream? Of course, then perhaps it's time to wake up.”

Someone was shaking me. I moaned and pushed them away.


I jumped and looked at Rosa staring at me by my bed. She looked frightened, but I really didn't feel like being sympathetic right now.

“It's two o'clock in the morning, Rosa!” I complained.

“I know, but Jonathan and Loup found a wolf hiding by here and I think they might be in trouble!” She squirmed.

I sat up and bounced off my bed. “Where are they?” I asked.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me with her as we ran downstairs; me wearing my heart pajamas with really heavy eyes.

“They ran after it, but I'm worried.” She was frantic.

When we reach the bottom floor I pulled on her arm so I could look at her, “Rosa, calm down. I'm sure they are fine.”

She didn't looked convinced.

I sighed, “I'll go check.”

Like I could really do anything.

Kyle was in the kitchen; speaking with the slightly groggy Donny.

“Oh, Julia, you're awake.” Donny said, while Kyle actually looked me in the eye.

“Yes.” I turned to Rosa. “Where did they run off?” I asked.

“Wait.” Kyle said. “You're not going to go after them?” His voice sounded concerned and like his old self; just a bit though. Still, that's major progress.

“I'm not going to run after them, but I'm going to somehow see if I can find them. Now, where are they?”

“They ran to the west of the courtyard to the woods.” By the time she finished I was already out the doors.

I ignored the warnings. I was actually very worried right now and acting very irrationally as well since I had that really strange dream. I mean, it made no sense with the destruction and Yin Yang crap. I had no idea what was going on. I suppose it was just my head messing with me.

I peered at the forest; knowing there was no way I could possibly ever find them, but then I didn't have to.

I knew it was Jonathan the second I saw a bit of his coffee hair and hazel eyes, even though he was half standing behind a tree.

“Jonathan, what are you doing?” I asked; so relieved so see (from what I could see) that he wasn't hurt.

“Can you bring me the clothes a couple feet in front of you?” Jonathan asked; his voice so polite.

I looked at the oddly shape pools and picked each piece of cloth I saw; thinking Loup must need these too. I walked closer and Jonathan inched himself a bit more behind the tree.

I handed him the clothes; looking at the tree on the other side of Jonathan. “Here. Did you guys get that wolf?”

He chuckled. “Not exactly. Can you bring a pair of your clothes.”

“Why?” I asked.

“We don't want to bring a naked girl back here.” He said simply while he put on his clothes.

“Naked...” I chuckled. “So, you caught her. Alright, I'll be back as soon as I can.”

I ran toward the house; ignoring Rosa and them and went upstairs as soon as I could. I grabbed a dress thinking that maybe my pants wouldn't fit or something. I ran back downstairs; while being gawked at and questioned at.

Jonathan was leaning against the tree with his arms crossed; now dressed and barefoot still. I handed him the dress with a grin.

He eyed me suspiciously, “What?”

“You saw a naked girl.” I said. “How hot?” I mimicked a guy's tone.

He rolled his eyes, “Not all guys sound like that, and first of all we don't ask that when we know that the other guy's seen a naked girl.” Jonathan said; sneering almost.

“Then what do they ask?”

He cleared his throat. He put on a mask; an expression that could be compared to a dog.

“You hit that?”

I punched his arm. “That's disgusting.”

He nodded and looked a bit disheartened. “I are such dogs.”

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, “You would do the same thing.”

Jonathan laughed, “Oh yeah; I'd ask you that every time you came back from a date.”

I nodded, “And you would ask yourself when I ignored you.” I pushed him. “Go and get Loup.”

He waggled his eyebrows, “Getting annoyed?”


I watched him leave and started to wonder what Jonathan and I are doing- I mean, what are we? In my dreams....well, there was kissing and love filled words. Are we together? Are we friends? I love him....but, I hold some affections for Loup still. It's like Jonathan and I are stuck. It's good to be in love with someone who've you known since you were kids; to be in love with a best friend. But, it's really hard to step out of it and go into the next stage.

I sighed, “Love.”

Jonathan: I was still thinking about the horrible thing I saw; the disgusting scene that laid before my eyes.

It was so traumatic.

That werewolf chick; Moon kissing Loup. Disgusting! She just leaped onto him and attached herself. She was like a leech on his face. When it happened I just turned the other way; giving them privacy and to get clothes.

Good thing Julia was there; I was just going to grab the clothes in my wolf form and then bust into Julia's room and grab something from her closet (also in wolf form).

I hope she didn't see anything; we're not ready to be naked in front each other. I tried to stop the pounding in my heart at that thought.

I don't even think we're dating....then again I wasn't dating those other girls.

Of course, Julia's different though. I actually talk to her.

I trudged through the forest slowly; buying my time. But, I didn't get enough time. When I got there they were still making out and this time Loup was kissing her back. He never mentioned anyone other girl...or any girl for that matter. I thought he only, you know, with Julia.

The scene was like walking in on your parents. Speaking of, I wonder how my parents are doing. Though, they were really never there and didn't care much about what I did...I still wondered about them.

Anyway, my maker was making out with a naked orange top right now.

I looked away and made a coughing sound; hoping this would break the mood.

Though, she did jump him in front of me.

I heard a grunt.

“Go away, pup.” Wow, I really thought I wouldn't hear that word after Anastasia and Miranda ditched our pack and ran for slutty rich heaven.

“No, Moon.” Loup panted.

I shuddered.

“Come with us back to the house. We need to talk.” Loup said; sounding normal.

I turned, but didn't look at the girl or Loup. I never look at Loup, even though we've changed in front of each other all the time. It would be weird if I did look.

I threw the clothes on the ground between them. “The dress is...yours. Moon, right?”

“Don't speak to me, pup! I don't need clothes.” She said with higher-than-thou voice.

“Put on the clothes, Moon, and treat my pack right.” Loup ordered and she listened; maybe it's because he's older.

When they were dressed I actually looked at them; well Loup. I didn't like Moon.

“Loup, what are we going to do?” I asked; keeping my eyes and body turned to him; ignoring fireball over there.

“Let's get her to the house and we'll figure it out from there.” Loup said; his eyebrows shaped into a worried way.

I nodded, “Alright. Should you handcuff her or should I?” I asked with some spite in my voice.

What will Julia do if she finds out? Well....I suppose that means he's out of the running.

Red head scoffed and rolled her bright eyes, “As if you could, pup.”

I laughed, “I'd watch what you say if I were you.” I looked to Loup before she could say anything. “Julia's waiting at the edge of the forest. I think it's safe to say everyone's up.”

“Julia?” He didn't seem to mind about that fact.

If he didn't mind, then he's more confident then I thought. I sighed and followed behind Moon and Loup. When we reached the edge Julia was leaning against a tree in her heart pajamas;. biting her lip. When she heard us she jumped and looked back; mildly looking at the girl with wryness.

I moved past them; and glanced at the healing wound on her neck and the blood in her hair. I didn't really care.

“Julia!” I waved and she ignored me with an eye roll.

“This is the wolf, huh?” She asked; looking at the thin green summer dress on her.

Loup nodded; grasping Moon by the forearm, “Let's go inside now.”

“Are you answering to humans, Loup?” Moon growled in a possessive way.

Julia looked at her oddly, “Do you know each other?” Her eyes moved to Loup.

He nodded; looking unbalanced. “Yes. We should get inside now. And you,” He glowered down at Moon. “be quiet.”

They walked past Julia; Loup not even looking at her. It wasn't as if he was avoiding her; it just seemed to me he didn't care. Not in a mean way; I suppose in his head he's thinking that compared to the threat Moon opposes his love life can take a back seat.

I strode next to Julia and looked at her puzzled face. The moon shined in her dark hair; making it look silky and soft, which it probably was. I wanted to reach out and put her small frame under my arm; I wanted to do a lot of things, but I'm not sure if I'm permitted.

“What's the deal with them?” Julia asked; almost absentmindedly.

“I know. We were chasing her and then we had her cornered. She shifted and then Loup shifted and all the sudden she jumped him.” I shuddered.

Julia's eyes became huge, “Jumped him?”

I nodded, “You know, kissing him. It was so disgusting.” What did I just say?

Julia looked mildly surprised and a know. The look girls get when someone they like makes out with another girl.

“Oh,” I thought of the first thing that came to my mind in order to cheer her up. “that's right, didn't you make-out with him too? How did your lips not shrivel up and die?”

Maybe that was a bad tactic.

She pushed me; always a good sign.

“You're an ass!” she laughed at the end, but it was short and not very light.

I put my arm over her shoulders; portraying a casual persona. “You okay?” I asked.

Julia shrugged my arm off, “Don't ask.” She muttered and went through the door of the house where Moon and Loup disappeared.

I shut the door behind me and followed everyone into the kitchen, which was now our meeting room.

Kyle was sitting on the counter; wide awake because of the coffee in his hands. Good, he's trying to get that alcohol out of his stream. Donny stood next to him; sweeping his black hair back with a serious gaze.

I wasn't fond of him right now because Julia wasn't; also because he was obviously hiding something. Maybe it's only obvious because I learned what he was hiding.

Rosa was sitting down; biting her nails. The girl was strange, but good hearted in the least. Even if she left me in the middle of the road. If it weren't for a good citizen; I would have been run over. George stood next to her; rubbing his eyes. I liked him.

I stood next to him; maneuvering past Julia and Loup who held red. I patted his scruffy black head, “Did we wake you?” I asked.

“No.” He nudged me away, but he couldn't really move me.

“Is this the wolf?” Donny asked.

Loup nodded and pushed the glaring and twitchy Moon in front of him. She snarled at everyone.

“These humans know of wolves, Loup?” She growled.

“You know her?” Donny asked and from the corner of my eye I swear I saw Rosa nodding with an odd expression of recognition.

“Shut up, you disgusting human!” Moon struggled in Loup's tough grasp. I saw her fangs grow, which was never a good sign.

Loup turned her small body toward him, “They are not human, Moon, they are my pack. You're weak nose can't smell the wolf in them. Now, shut up and treat them with some respect!”

Loup looked to Donny while Moon coward a bit; her fangs retracting. “We share the same maker and we were in the same pack once.”

Moon raised an eyebrow, “Why are you answering to him, Loup?” Her voice was quiet and too everyone else she didn't even speak at all.

Loup ignored her question. “Why were you hiding outside our home?” he asked; grasping her by the shoulders.

He really had no patience when it came to her; he was almost talking to her as if she were a child.

Moon snarled, “Fox sent me to find you after you broke free from the Chief in Spain.”

“Hey,” I said, “how does that...Fox guy know about Loup being in jail?” I demanded.

I was a bit worried because if she found us it meant other's could.

I could tell she really detested answering to me, “Fox is resourceful, plus it's not everyday we get news about a wolf being imprisoned for treason.”

I laughed, “Treason?”

Moon ignored me and looked up at Loup; who looked a bit stunned. “Why did he send you to find me? Is he working with Demetrio to get me back?”

The concept of going back to that hole was a bit frightening. I think it was to Loup as well, maybe that's why he was acting like this.

He was scared too.

Moon laughed, “Like Fox would answer to him. He sent me to get you so he could get you out of this mess.”

She looked at the people around her; eying me with hate. “Though, it seems you are preparing for war. It's stupid, Loup. Come with me so Fox can save you from death.” She begged; her mouth set into a sweet pout.

“How can Fox possibly save me? And why would he when he's the one that disowned me?” Loup growled; an old wound being opened I guess.

This really seemed like a private conversation.

Moon rolled her eyes, “I don't know why or why he does things, but he usually gets things done. Anyway, Fox said that if you refused I was to tell you this.” She looked back at them. “Are you sure your pack is alright? They seem like detestable pups.”

George rolled his eyes, “We can go since we're so detestable.” Then under his breath he said. “I'd like to slam her head into something.”

Moon's eyes narrowed, “And disrespectful. I'd like them to leave, Loup.”

George just left; he really didn't like her, which I completely understand.

“We'll leave, Loup.” Rosa said; her voice oddly understanding and sugary.

I turned to leave with them; looking at Julia who was leaning on the kitchen entrance with a bored look on her face. I was going to talk to her about...well romantic things.

I think it's time to have that dreaded talk like couples do. I've never been apart of a couple before; well, I mean been one-half of a couple.

I've been with girls who were in a relationship before; fun memories.

“Jonathan, you can stay since it concerns you too.”

I hide my disappointment and watched Julia disappear.

“Concerns him?” I turned around just in time to see her snarl at me.

“Oh, you didn't hear?” I smiled. “I was thrown in jail too.”

“No one cares.” She scoffed.

Loup tried to not roll his eyes; he really lost his coolness and suaveness when it came to this chick.

“Tell us Fox's message.” Loup ordered; letting go of Moon's arm.

There was a large hand print bruised in purple on her forearm that disappeared quickly. She cocked her head around and glared up at Loup; her back a bit arched in attack mode.

“Did you see how easily I found you?” Her small pink moved up a bit.

I rolled my eyes, “We want to know what Fox wanted and not to hear about your obvious skills.”

Moon's head snapped toward me; she seemed skiddish and fierce. “It has substance to Fox's message. I found you fairly easy; though it took long and I am an old wolf. If I can find you others can as well. And others are defiantly looking.”

Loup's green eyes narrowed, “What do you mean?”

“Fox learned that every pack leader in our world are receiving orders to hunt down Loup Dagmir and his pack member Phoenix.” Her eyes flashes toward. “A terrible wolf name, by the way.”

“It's better then Moon.” I scoffed.

She snarled, “At least my name pays respect to our kind.”

“Oh yeah, sure. It's also very original.” Sarcasm dripped from my mouth.

“You damn, pup!” Her fangs grew.

“Please,” Loup growled. “should we really be talking about this?”

I nodded, “Your right.”

I spoke seriously “You're name is the weirdest. Is that really your wolf name?” I asked; completely curious.

Moon was curious too.

He looked at us both as if we were complete morons. “That is not -” he sighed. “Yes, it is! Now, can we talk about how packs are hunting us down?”

I turned to Moon, “So, are you saying that every fucking werewolf out there is looking for us?” This time I was truly serious.

Moon nodded, “Yes, pup. Fox received the same notice not too long ago.” She looked to the area where the rest of our 'pack' left. “You realize that they'll find you and they won't give you an offer like me, Loup. They'll kill that idiotic worthless pack of yours and turn you and your mutt into the Head Chief.”

Loup nodded, “I suspected something as this, but to send such a message to every pack leader.” He shook his head looking incredulous.

“I know, it seems a bit excessive. I mean, are we even going to leave the States?” I chuckled without humor.

I'm an idiot sometimes.

Moon sighed, “Anyway, Fox is offering to take you in and hide you.”

Loup crossed his arms, “Why is he so willing to risk his life for me and my fledgling?”

Moon shrugged her nimble shoulders, “Perhaps he still believes in loyalty. He's also offering to perhaps save your necks completely.”

I looked to Loup, “Can we trust him?”

Loup sighed; looking tired yet he met my eyes, “I'm not sure, but should we really stay here knowing what we know?”

I swallowed, and forced myself a nod, “No, we shouldn't.” Damn him and his morality.

“So, you're accepting his offer?” Moon looked pleased.

Loup regained that cool voice of his, “For some time, yes.”

“Let's go th-”

“No, we will leave tomorrow.” He made sure that his face and tone told her he wouldn't compromise.

Moon sighed and looked to the window, “Fine. I'll be back when the moon is high.”

“Where are you going to stay?” I asked; my voice sounded pleased that she was leaving.

“Doesn't matter. I'll keep close in case I catch some other wolves wandering about.” Moon looked annoyed.

Loup gently touched her shoulder, “Thank you, Moon.”

She pushed his hand away, “I'll see you tomorrow.” Then she ran out of the house as if she had never been here in the first place.

I glared at Loup, “We should leave today.”

He raised an eyebrow with a curious inclination. “Do you want to leave today?”

“Of course not!” I yelled; surprised by myself.

He chuckled, “That's what I thought.”

“You're doing this so I can...” I didn't have to finish the sentence he knew about who and what I was talking about.

He patted the top of my head with a gentle smile; like a smile a father would give their son or something. “Don't take this time for granted.”

His hand left my head and he looked to the living room, “We need to explain things to them.”

“Do we just tell them that we're leaving?” I asked; my throat closing in tight.

“The wolves don't know about them, Jonathan, which means that they're safe. The only reason they're not is-”

“Is because we're here.” I rolled my eyes; here we go again.

Loup nodded, “If we explain that; they'll be more than willing to see us go.”

I laughed, “Yeah, some of them maybe.”

I thought about Julia.

We promised her we would work this out together, but sometimes you really can't keep promises.

Loup gave me hard pat on the back, “Come on.”

This is utter bullshit.

“You tell them, I need a breather.” My voice sounded rough.

Loup glanced at me for just a mere second.

Then he turned, “Take as much time as you want.”

I left to the courtyard. I laid down in the soft grass with my hands holding the back of my head; I stared up at the clear starry sky. I chewed on the inside of my cheek. I could hear Loup and them, but I blocked them out.

I sighed and slapped my hand against my forehead. I groaned and felt frustrated.

I didn't want to leave.

My brain was saying this is the right thing to do; in the big picture it was stupid to stay here in the first place. You said your self that this was dangerous for Julia and Kyle; you thought that so many times. You knew this would eventually happen; even Loup told you this wouldn't last.

I'm not a logical person; I'm more of a in the moment kind of guy. Which from my past actions you can totally tell. I'm selfish; I don't honestly give a shit about anyone else beside the people I love, but I use those people to my advantage when I can.

Perhaps, this isn't the time to be sad and depressing.

It's all true though.

Anyway, then there's another side of me; the one I listen to a lot and it's done me some good and it's saying you can't leave Julia. I remember how painful it was to say goodbye to her the first time and how it was during the time I couldn't see her.

The first time when I was just turned into a wolf; it was like a raging animal inside me; that's how bad I wanted to see her. Then when I was locked up; well there were some real depressing times.

I hated being so far away from Julia that it drove me crazy and I don't want to experience ever again to the point I'm willing to stay and let those bastard wolves come after us.

Just as long as I can stay in her presence.

I know what I want; I want to stay with Julia and love her. I want to see her smile and punch me. Not in a sexual way, but in the way when she calls me an idiot.

But, I know what I should do. I need to leave and stay away; if they found out about her.... I remembered what Kyle said. What if the werewolves found out about her family that it brings her prophetic death? I would be responsible for her death.

I heard a door slam; it was Julia. She's probably pissed either that we're leaving or she agrees with Loup and hates that she sees how logical it is. Weird that I know her so well that I know her thought process.

I wanted to get up and go to her; talk to her like I know I should, but I couldn't really get up. The though that I could be the cause of her death; it frightened me too much.

It felt like I was about to gut out my own heart.

I heard some footsteps walking toward my general area. I inhaled the air and knew who it was.

“What are you doing out here, Loup?” I asked with my eyes still strained on the sky.

Loup sat himself beside me; his legs straight in front of him. I looked up at him; eying him suspiciously. He was looking up at the sky too. This felt....I don't know; I don't want to say intimate, but it was sort of like that.

“I wanted to talk, Jonathan.” He sat up and crossed his legs; looking down at me.

“Okay.” I mumbled. I sat up and turned to him; we were three feet apart.

He sighed; his eyes direly earnest. “When I was a fairly young werewolf I met this girl.”

I waved my hand, “You don't have to tell me about your love life.” I laughed.

Loup looked at me as if I were a moron. Twice in one night; a record. I'm kidding; he's done that more than twice in one night before.

“Just listen.” He ordered and I gave a nod. “Anyway, I met this girl; her name was Lacey Mubarak; a Guardian.”

That took a minute to sink in.

“Wait, wait a minute. Isn't that a relative of...Julia?” I whispered. “And you got busy with a Guardian?”

He rolled his eyes, “Yes, Lacey was a relative of Julia's. Back in those days and even now having a relationship with a Guardian is taboo and looked down upon.”

I nodded, “Don't want to mix the species; I got it.”

He ignored me, “I loved her, very much. She was one of those special people that you only meet once in a life time. I knew I loved her the instant I saw her.”

He swallowed. “Uh, anyway, her family was of course against it and then word got to my pack leader; Fox. At the time there was distress between the two races. Fox had just started the rebellion with help by me and many others. I helped start the war in part because no one could bare the thought of a werewolf being with a Guardian.”

I leaned forward, “What do you mean?”

“Lacey's Aunt was the Guardian to my clan. Her Aunt hated Fox because of past digressions and when she found out about Lacey and I; she took it out on me and Fox. Fox fought back and it just upscaled from there.

“Fox took confidence in me during the rebellion even though he knew of my relationship, but he thought that I had broken ties and was committed to freeing the werewolf race.” He said with malice.

“Then Fox said we were to go and steal some important documents from a Guardian's home and I agreed to go.” His voice started to shake and his lip quivered. “When we got there he ordered me and the rest that was there to kill the Guardians in the home. I should have said no, but I thought I had no choice at the time. A woman and her two children died that night and many nights after more children died.”

Loup sighed; taking in a deep quivering breath. “I personally killed many Guardians and dealt my hand in there so-called extinction. But, after I first learned that Fox and the other leaders were planning on killing off all the Guardians I went to Lacey's home in secret.

“I got her family out of there and gave them documents to live a different life. I only wanted to save Lacey; I didn't care about the other Guardians that died; the other families.” He wiped a tear.

“Then Lacey, when we were at the train station with her family she begged me to save others. The only reason I did was because I felt closer to her every time I saved a Guardians life.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I croaked; feeling really depressed after such a story.

“I don't want you to make the same mistake, Jonathan. I was the reason why so many Guardian's died and why Lacey almost was killed. I caused her life such turmoil because I refused to do the right and selfless thing and leave her alone. True the war might have started without my interference, but her life wouldn't have been in so much pain.”

“You trying to tell me that I should leave? I wasn't going to stay.” I said.

He shook his head; his black hair moving in front of his eyes, “That's not the reason. I want you to know that I went through the same thing and that you know that your choice is the right one.”

I nodded, “I know it is. Trust me.” I looked up at him, “Thanks, Loup.”

He nodded, “I just don't want you to go through the guilt like I did.” He whispered.

“Do you regret not going with her?”

He nodded, “Everyday.” He smiled; it seemed warm and genuine. “Until I saw her again. It had been maybe twenty years after the war and I was walking in the city of Boston on business; Miranda was with me then.” He saw my face of disgust and ignored it. “She was walking out of her apartment; I knew it was her. The smell was the same. I saw her smile and speak to her son. I even got to speak to her. After that, I felt at peace in a way.”

“Awkward reunion.” I muttered and flinched when he punched me.

“Do you feel a bit better from what I said?” He asked so casually.


He chuckled and bounded up, “Good, because it wasn't suppose to.” He grabbed my hand and brought me to my feet. “It was suppose to make you think, which is hard to do.”

I mocked laughter, “Haha, let's do dumb jokes; that's mature.”

He knocked his knuckle on my forehead, “Shut up, idiot, and go talk to Julia.” He started to walk away.

“Does that mean you gave up on her?”

He momentarily looked back. “It means that you need to talk to her.”

“You are never clear.” I groaned.

He was far gone, but I swear I heard him laugh; probably with that maniacal evil cartoon laughter.

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