The Transfer Student

By XxElviraxX

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Elvira May just transferred into Konoha High with her best friend, Elize Chiffon. The pair of them are from A... More

Chapter 1: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Chapter 2: A Heated Dodgeball Game
Chapter 3: The Not-So-Warm Welcoming
Chapter 4: Washroom Escapees
Chapter 5: Daughter of a Cop
Chapter 6: You're Wrong, Uchiha
Chapter 7: You Stupid Moron
Chapter 8: Humble Home
Chapter 9: I Don't Need You
Chapter 10: A Drug Called Lust
Chapter 11: The Cute Idiot
Chapter 12: Deal
Chapter 13: Uchiha Sasuke Is Freaking Hot
Chapter 14: The Last Ride
Chapter 15: A Harsh Rejection and a New Friend
Chapter 16: The Competition
Chapter 17: Feelings That Matter
Chapter 18: Vacation Victims
Chapter 19: Gambling Problems
Chapter 20: The Doom Bringer
Chapter 21: Secret Secret Santa
Chapter 22: Enemy Territory
Chapter 23: Facing My Fears
Chapter 24: First Day, First Night
Chapter 26: All Things Unpleasant
Chapter 27: A Little Adventure
Chapter 28: Scorching Hot Gossip
Chapter 29: A Clench
Chapter 30: Disses for Dinner
Chapter 31: Bring the Heat
Chapter 32: Definitely Not the Hiccups
Chapter 33: Diapers Only
Chapter 34: War
Chapter 35: Just Like Yesterday
Chapter 36: His Origins
Chapter 37: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 38: A Good Deed For Two
Chapter 39: The Butterfly
Chapter 40: Falling For the Truth
Chapter 41: A Change of Heart
Chapter 42: House Sitting
Chapter 43: The Chrysanthemum
Chapter 44: The Orchid
Chapter 45: The Rose
Chapter 46: Revenge
Chapter 47: A Passed Test

Chapter 25: Little Red Riding Hood

2.4K 63 14
By XxElviraxX

There was a light vibration under my cheek, jolting me awake. I quickly shook away my drowsiness and turned off the alarm on my cellphone that was literally stuck to my cheek. I checked the time, it read two thirty in the morning, a prime time to strike. I hopped off of the bed silently, already fully dressed and grabbed both my key and Sasuke's stolen room key. I tiptoed as quietly as I could to the door before slowly turning the handle to let myself out into the hallway. As the door opened wide enough to let my head and shoulders through, I peeked both ways to make sure that I was alone before dragging the rest of my body out and closing the door quietly.

No one gets away with making a fool out of me, I snickered to myself as I crept up to Sasuke's door.

I put my ear to the door and held my breath, listening for any noise. Nothing. I took out Sasuke's room key and slid it gently into the key slot. I winced as there was a light clicking sound of the lock sliding out of place. I worked the handle and gently pushed the door open on oiled hinges. I slipped inside and let the door click shut behind me. I was enveloped in total darkness now. I took a few seconds to steady my breathing before taking out my cellphone and unlocking it to provide me with a bit of light. I silently padded to his dresser and quietly replaced Sasuke's key before turning to check if Sasuke was still in deep sleep. Sleepy Sasuke, check. I turned back to the dresser and pulled open the first drawer out of three. It had to be his underwear drawer, didn't it? I hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and diving in, rummaging through the drawer for my key.

"Damn it" I cursed under my breath and closed the drawer to start on the next one.

I was getting antsier by the second. Each second I spent in his room brought me that much closer to being busted. I flipped through his pant pockets, sweaters and even his shoes but my key was no where to be seen. I swallowed hard as I turned back towards the bed and the lump under the covers that was Sasuke. There was a small bedside table to the right side of the bed, bingo. I literally crawled up to it, terrified of the possibility that Sasuke might just decide to wake up for a washroom trip at that moment. But despite my wild heartbeat, Sasuke stayed where he was, sound asleep. I slowly pulled open the first compartment to the bedside table after checking the top of the drawer and making sure my key wasn't there. I found only his phone and charger along with his iPod. Nothing worth stealing to me anyways. I opened the second drawer to find absolutely nothing.

"Great" I hissed, pouting.

I just wanted to reach up and punch him in the face for making this so hard for me. I stood up, thinking hard. Where else would he put my key? I scanned the room, panning my cellphone light across it too. Nothing. I was getting desperate...maybe I should just leave and try back some other time? No, not after all the trouble I went to. My eyes then landed on Sasuke's sleeping face that I could barely make out in the gloom without the light from my cellphone. He looked so innocent and peaceful, sleeping there, unlike the evil, perverted guy I knew he was. An idea burst into my mind.

Where would we put something that we wanted to hide just like any other child?, I laughed inwardly, That's right, under the pillow.

I crouched down and took a deep breath, "Here goes" I whispered to myself.

I reached up and slid my hand under his pillow, slowly venturing further and further. I groped around beneath the pillow, expecting to feel the cold kiss of metal each time but there was nothing. My whole forearm was under his pillow, struggling to find my key. I was pressed right up to the bed, my face just inches from his. I was surprised that he hadn't woken up yet even though my hand was searching up a storm under his pillow. I guess I spoke to soon. He suddenly stirred, his head turning on the pillow. My other hand snapped up to my mouth, covering it as my eyes screamed for me. He fumbled around for a minute before finally turning on his other side, his back to me. There was a faint clinking noise as he settled down. I swallowed and gently took my hand out from beneath his pillow.

"Holy mother of god" I breathed, trying to swallow my heart back into my chest.

I saw the gold chain on the back of his neck though, glinting at me just beneath his jet black hair. I smiled widely, there it was. I crept around to the other side of the bed and gently tugged back the edge of the covers, revealing the top of Sasuke's bare chest. God, he sleeps half naked, what a surprise. I saw a circular pendant that looked like a fan and sitting right beside it on the same chain was my house key.

"You cunning little..." I ground my teeth together.

I was determined to get the key back now. There was no way I was going to go home empty handed. I slid my cellphone into my back pocket and gently put one knee on the edge of the bed to balance myself as I reached for the necklace. I used the other hand to push the covers down a little more so that I could get a better view of the clasp to the necklace. I lifted it off of his skin with shaky fingers and tried to steady myself enough to pull down the lever and open the clasp.

"Want some help with that?" the voice made me jump a mile in the air.

If it were possible for me to even jump that high, I would've burst through the ceiling.

"Crap" I bit my lip, unsure of what else to do as Sasuke stared up at me smugly.

There was a second or two of frozen silence before I dropped the necklace and bolted. Well, I tried to anyways. Sasuke grabbed my wrist before I even had the chance to get my knee off the bed and yanked me back towards him.

"Woah, where do you think you're going?" he smirked at me as he grabbed my other flailing hand and pinned both my hands down with only one of his own.

"Where do you think?! Back to my room of course!" I hissed, "Now, let go!".

The covers had fallen off as he had sat up to grab me and now his entire torso was bared.

"You really think that I'm going to let you go just like that?" he chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, you better, before I kick your-" he swung me onto the bed before I could finish my sentence.

I was on my back, my hands trapped his his vice like grip and on top of all that, he was kneeling over me, his knees straddling my thighs.

"Before you what?" he urged, raising my arms above my head and leaning his face closer to me.

"Back off now, or you'll have hell to pay" I threatened, bucking beneath him.

He didn't even budge.

"Seriously!" I cried, desperation creeping into my voice, "I'll scream!" I took a deep breath, ready to attempt to wake the entire resort.

Sasuke clamped his free hand down on my mouth, muffling any noise I made, "And what if you did scream? Do you really want Liz, Gaara, Karin and who knows who else coming in to see you and I in this position?" he sneered.

I glared at him, defiant.

"Who would believe you if you said that I was the one who assaulted you? You're the one who sneaked into my room. What kind of an impression would you have on everyone else I wonder..." he teased.

I grudgingly zipped my lips but my gaze remained smoldering with loathing, though I couldn't help but be slightly distracted by his chiseled abdomen. Sasuke took his hand away from my mouth moved to brush my hair out of my face.

"That's better" he smirked, his confidence growing with every passing minute.

"How long were you awake for?" I asked, my eyes narrowed.

He shrugged, "Long enough. I have to say, the funniest part was when you started rummaging through my underwear drawer" he laughed, "Find anything you like?".

"Ugh, gross" I stuck my tongue out and pretended to gag.

He smiled, "I'm going to have a lot of fun tonight" he said mischievously.

I stiffened, "What the hell are you thinking?! If you try anything funny, I'll seriously call the cops!" I writhed in his grip again, panicked now.

"With what?" he asked, dangling my cellphone in my face.

"What the? How the hell did you..." shock stole the words from my lips.

He grinned and put my cellphone in the drawer of his bedside table.

"I guess Little Red Riding Hood wasn't able to escape from the Big Bad Wolf in this version of the story" Sasuke said smugly.

He started to lean in, his hands maintaining their strong hold around my wrists all the while.

"W-what are you doing?! Stop! Stop!" I cried, kicking and struggling beneath him.

His head came to a rest on my chest, using it almost like a pillow. I could already feel my face burn at a million degrees.

He sighed and I stopped breathing altogether, terrified, "You're just on the verge of having tachycardia" he chuckled and I realized only then that he was just listening to my heartbeat...hopefully not doing anything else.

"N-no duh! I'm being sexually assaulted by some guy! Who wouldn't be just about ready to have a heart attack!" I snarled at him.

Sasuke lifted his head from my chest and I took in a much needed breath, "Hey, I'm not just some guy, you know" he let his fingers ghost over my neck, "I've left my mark on you before. I think I deserve to be called the guy who got you first".

I swallowed hard as the back of his hand brushed my cheek softly, a curiously gentle gesture from someone so rough. I was incredibly scared and uncomfortable but it wasn't as if I could fight him off anyways.

He laughed, "It's so incredibly satisfying to watch you be so submissive" he mused, playing with a lock of my hair.

"I'm not being submissive. Unfortunately, you're just a tad stronger than me, genius" I growled at him.

Sasuke shrugged, "Still fun".

I let out an involuntary squeak as he again closed in but this time, he was heading for my neck. Unable to move or even struggle, I bit down on my lip as I felt his lips make contact with my throat. A wave of nostalgia hit me. Why me, god? Why me?

"Wha? Hey! No! Stop that!" I cried, my voice an octave higher as I felt his tongue against my neck.

He smiled and lifted his head to stare right into mine, "Something wrong?" he asked, clearly enjoying himself.

"Yes, something is wrong!" I cried, almost hysterical, "Just what was that?!" I demanded.

He laughed, "You have a nice, salty taste, you know that?".

I adopted a charming smile, "Aw, shucks! Really? 'Cause I don't have guys coming up to me and telling me that everyday. You know why?" I asked almost politely, "Because it's called sexual assault and you're a retarded, perverted, wrong-minded jerk!" I spat angrily.

He tilted his head, unperturbed, "Your choice of insult could've been a lot more creative" he noted dully.

"Oh, I'll give you creative, you little-".

His other hand closed over my mouth and his lips were at my neck again. I cried out but it was muffled by his hand. He was doing completely as he pleased and there was nothing I could do about it. When he finally lifted his head up for a slight break, his breathing was ragged. He took his hand away from my mouth and I realized that I was breathing heavily as well, but I was sure that my cheeks must've looked like someone painted on them with red paint. For once, I gazed at him with fear, he had me completely to himself now and I wasn't sure what else he was planning to do to me. His free hand came down heavily on the pillow next to my head so that he was directly above me.

"I'm in charge tonight, understand?" he stated, seemingly serious.

I stayed silent but returned his gaze steadily, never once wavering.

"You know what I'm capable of and you should really consider how much of a miracle it is that you're still in one piece right now" he whispered in my ear, making me shiver.

I clenched my teeth tightly and closed my eyes, my brows furrowed deeply. I hoped that against all odds that this was just some crazy dream and I would wake up back in my own room, safe and sound. There was some rustling and I felt my hands being guided down so that they were level with my head and I was flipped onto my side. An arm snaked around my waist and I was suddenly pressed up against an incredibly warm body. I opened my eyes again and saw nothing but chest.

"It's three thirty AM. I'll wake you at five so that you can get back to your room before the others wake up" Sasuke said.

I raised my eyebrows, confused, "Wait, what?".

"Just go to sleep" he growled and I felt his chin on the top of my head and his steady breaths.

His hand was still clenched tightly around my two hands though and not to mention his other arm around my waist and his leg folding over my legs. All the cold sweat that had collected on my body was cooling only now, once I knew that I was nearly in the safe zone. I shivered involuntarily but Sasuke reacted to that fast enough. He removed his arm from my waist, grabbed the covers and threw them over both of us before replacing his arm across my back, pressing me, still closer, to him.

"Hmph" I grunted, "I was beginning to think that I'd have to call my lawyer in the morning and press charges against you for rape" I grumbled.

Sasuke sighed with a hint of exasperation, "I can arrange that if you don't shut up and go to sleep right now".

"Okay, okay" I rolled my eyes as he held me tighter still.

My face was pressed against his firm chest and his body heat warmed me up right away. I felt guilty even though I was the victim. I shouldn't be feeling this comfortable in his arms...but I did, not to mention safe. It felt as if I had an invincible fortress all around me. My head spun as I tried to process everything that had happen in the past hour. I started out with the plan of stealing my key back and returning to my room before Sasuke could notice but things had taken a complete twist and I was now in Sasuke's arms, in his bed, in his room and stuck there until five.

I should probably work on my planning skills, I deducted to myself.

But nonetheless, I honestly couldn't shake that fact that there was some part of me that didn't regret everything that just happened a single bit. And that fact disturbed the other part of me. Now, I only had to figure out which part was the bigger of the two. I truthfully didn't know what to expect in the end.

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