The Girl Next Door (Alex/You)

By MackenzieGrace21

40.6K 884 165

Everybody has always known Alex Morgan, the pretty, popular, talented captain of the soccer team at Diamond B... More



3.1K 85 11
By MackenzieGrace21

Monday, I had to miss practice because the final court hearing for Dad's divorce was that day, and they wanted me there because she's been denying hitting me. My dad took pictures of my face for all this, so all they need is me saying she did it, and she'll not only be a divorced woman, they'll also change her with aggravated battery. I think. It'd make sense for them to. Or maybe they'll just put a restraining order. All I know is that after today, if I never see Gina or her son ever again, it'll be too soon.

"You okay?" Dad asks as we get out of the car and I look at him, smiling as I nod.

"Yeah. I'm just ready for us to be free of Gina and her devil spawn." I say and dad chuckles, patting my shoulder.

"Today I get divorced, tomorrow you go off to play a state tournament."


"So, Miss Harris, Miss Trujillo...assaulted you?"

"Slapped me, Yes."


"Because I was standing up for myself."

"What brought you to the point of having to verbally stand your ground?"

"Jason threw water on me for no reason, so I slapped him, call it self defense, and she slapped me for calling her what she is."

"And what's that?"

"Step mother." I say and Gina jumps to her feet.

"I am your mother!" She shouts.

"My mother is dead, you harlot!" I shout in response.

"Order!" The judge commands, slamming his gavel down, I flinch at the sound and relax back into my seat. "Miss Harris, May we continue?"

"Yes, your honor. My apologies."

"I've seen all I need to see, so with the power vested in me by the state of California, on the grounds of irreconcilable issues, I declare that this divorce is official, and Gina Trujillo, and her son, Jason Trujillo, have to stay at least 100 feet away from Y/N and Thomas Harris at all times." The judge says and I sigh. "You're free to go, Miss Y/N." She says and I get up, heading over to my dad, who hugs me tight.

"We need to get you to school." He says and I chuckle.

"Dad. Your divorce was just legalized, let's go get some victory burgers."

"With cheese?" He asks and I chuckle, nodding, so we walk out to his car and I catch the keys he tosses to me. "Also, did you call my ex-wife a harlot?" Dad asks as I pull away from the courthouse and laugh.

"Out of all that, you just remember that I called Gina a harlot?"


"Yes, I did, and it felt damn good." I say and my dad holds his hand up for a high five, so I give him one as we pull up to In-N-Out.


"Finally you're here!" I hear Alex call out as I'm getting some things so I could head to my fifth hour.

"Yeah, I had court today, I told you and the entire team yesterday."


"What's up, blondie?" 

"I need help on my math homework."

"And math is?"

"Sixth hour."

"I have history right now."

"Mr. Rodriguez is giving all his classes free days." Alex says and I sigh.

"I'm gonna go make sure, and if you're right, I'll show up in your class to help you. You have...Armstrong? Right now?" I ask and Alex nods. "Alright." I say, holding out my fist for her to bump. "I'll be right there to help you out."

"Thank you." Alex says before disappearing, and I sigh as I head to Mr. Rodriguez's class, I hand him my hall pass and look at the students just having a free day.

"Free day, Harris, do what you want." He says and I nod.

"So can I go to Mrs. Armstrong's class? I have some work to do for her."

"Do you really?"

"No, but you told me to do what I want, and I'm asking nicely, and I'm like, the best behaved student you've ever encountered, so you'll write me the pass and give me permission, right?" I ask and he sighs, pulling out the little booklet of hall passes, writing me one and handing it to me as I grin. "Thanks, Mr. R! You're the best!" I say before rushing out and to Mrs. Armstrong's classroom, she's like, the coolest science teacher ever, she's actually married to my favorite teacher from middle school, a sixth grade Language Arts teacher, Mrs. Grahm. Yeah, two women married, in America, shocker. They aren't like, legally married, but they've got the rings and have been together long enough to consider themselves married. When I get to Mrs. Armstrong's class, she looks at me with a raised brow.

"Y/N. Hello." She says and I give her a lopsided grin, handing her the hall pass. "You're supposed to be in History right now, kid." She says and I shrug.

"Free day."

"So you came to sit with lil' ol' me?" She asks and I rub the back of my neck.

"I'm actually here to help Alex with some homework." I say, pointing to my teammate, who looks up like a deer in headlights.

"She's not done with her work yet, so until then, you and I can have a chat." She says and I swallow the lump in my throat, she's Jade's aunt, so I take a seat by her desk when she pulls up a spare chair. "So, my little cousin." She's her cousin, sorry, I know another teacher is her aunt. Honest mistake. 

"Little cousin?"


"Oh, yes, Jade, what about her?"

"She hasn't been able to stop talking about you for a while now." She says and I raise a brow.

"Oh, really? Good things, I hope."

"So you are dating her."


"But you have a thing with Alex." She says and I choke on my saliva.

"I what?"

"You've got a thing with Alex."

"Where'd you get that from?"

"You came to her class to help her with homework."

"Yeah, so?"

"Not just anybody does that for their teammate."

"Well, I'm not just anybody." I say and Mrs. Armstrong arches a brow at me. "That and Alex cornered me in the hall begging me for help. Wait, how'd you know I was here to help her with homework?"

"You told me, dipstick."

"Oh, shit, I did."

"Here you go, Mrs. Armstrong." Alex says, handing in her assignment.

"Great work, Alex, you can have your teammate now." She says and I hop up, going back to sit with Alex and helping her with her homework. By the time fifth hour ends, Alex's homework is completely done, and ready to turn in.


The next morning, I woke up early to pack everything and make sure I had everything before heading to school early, when I get there, I go put my bags in the locker room before heading out to meet up with the team, when I'm stopped by the softball team.

"Okay, seriously? Today? Of all days to beat me up. You pick the day I'm supposed to head to state." I say and they shrug. "I don't have time for this right now, guys." I say, going to push past them, but sigh as the captain stops me by the chest.

"Nah, dyke-"

"You're the captain of the softball team! By stereotypical definition, I am straighter than you!" I exclaim and her jaw sets. If she wasn't such a cunt, I'd find that attractive, but there's two problems, one, I'm happily with Jade, and two, this bitch is an absolute cunt.

"Just shut up and fight me." She says and I raise a brow.

"No." I say and she huffs, swinging at me, so I catch her fist and pop her in the mouth before walking away, and to the team.

"What took you so long?" Alexis asks and I sigh.

"Softball team."

"Are you alright?" Alex asks and I nod.

"Yeah, popped her one and walked off."


After first hour, we head to the gym, get our things out of our lockers, and load onto the bus. 

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