Brothers (Jai Brooks and Luke...

By Love_is_easy_Mcfly

81.8K 1.8K 301

Jai Brooks has been constantly bullied throughout his life, by one person in particular; his twin brother Luk... More

Brothers (Jai Brooks and Luke Brooks - Janoskians)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

3.7K 127 16
By Love_is_easy_Mcfly

Last Chapter (I know, it’s very emotional)

Luke’s POV

“Jai, it’s time for school” I heard Mum say as I woke up.

Jai stirred next to me and I could feel Mum shaking him as the bed was slightly moving.

“Morning Jai, breakfast’s on the table, okay?” Mum asked

“Mm” Jai groaned.

I wasn’t resting my legs on anything so Beau had obviously gone. A few minutes later Jai got up and left, then I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in the same position as last night, except all the takeout had gone.

I opened my eyes but Mum had already left, so I slowly sat up and swung my legs around the side of the bed.

 I slowly got up minding my ribs and slowly shuffled to the kitchen. I slowly sat down in my usual seat as Mum had put a pillow against the hard wooden back of the chair. I relaxed back into the pillow and reached for some toast that was in the middle of the table.

“Morning hun” Mum said as she rushed around clearing up after Jai and Beau

“Morning” I said quietly as I was really tired still.

Jai poured some milk but slightly moved his hand and the edge of the cartoon moved causing it to spill down the side of the glass.

“Oops” Jai said

Mum sighed and came over with a cloth and cleared it all up.

“Stop, I’ve just cleaned, Uncle Paul’s coming round later” Mum half shouted putting a plate under me to stop my toast crumbs going everywhere.

“Sorry” Jai said sipping his milk

“Just go to school” Mum said taking his plate off him.

I got up as well but mum gently pushed my shoulder down.

“No Luke, not you” Mum said “Just sit still, I’ll sort you out on the sofa in a minute”

“I’m fine Mum”

“No, I remember how much pain Beau was in when he cracked 9 of his ribs; you’ve broken all of them.”

“Beau’s a wuss” I mumbled quietly

Mum sighed and turned around to face me.

“You don’t have to pretend with me Luke” She said softly

“What?” I asked

“You don’t need to act all tough Luke, not around me. I know what you’re like inside. Beau’s no more of a wuss than you are, you just don’t show it”

“I’m not a wuss” I objected

“I’m not saying you are I’m just saying you need to let me in, and say when you’re hurt. I’m not going to think any less of you for having an occasional cry, it’s healthy.”

“I’m not going to cry Mum” I said

Mum didn’t say .anything; she simply took my plate and put it in the sink, then left the room. I heard her getting the sofa bed out and walking around the house, then she came in to get me. She helped me up and took me into the living room where she’d set up a bed. She helped me in then turned the TV on. She then came and sat down next to me on the sofa.

“Do you understand the definition of ‘broke’ Luke?” She asked

“What? Of course I do, I’m not retarded” I said

“Luke you broke all your ribs Luke, that’s 24. Beau cracked 9 and wouldn’t leave his bed for a week”

“I know” I said waiting for her to get to a point with this.

“Just let me help you Luke, you’re not fine. Please stop saying you are when you’re clearly not. Just let me in Luke” My Mum said sounding desperate, I could see tears forming in her eyes.

“Okay then, Mum I’m telling you honestly, I am fine” I said slowly, it was a total lie, everywhere hurt when I so much as breathed but I was beginning to get used to it and the pain had definitely gotten better.

“I know you’re lying” She said then left, closing the door behind her.

She spent the rest of the day tidying the house because Uncle Paul was visiting all the way from the gold coast. I was dreading it, he hated me.

Beau came back from work before Jai came back from school. He came into the living room but didn’t say anything.

Jai came back but then went for a shower. I was dreading Uncle Paul coming.

Eventually the dreaded noise of a car pulling up came at half past eight. I tried to get out of it by telling mum I was tired, I felt sick, I was in pain and could I please go to bed but she just said “wait until Uncle Paul gets here” over and over again.

Beau and Jai left the room and I heard talking in the hallway, then the door opened and everyone walked in. Uncle Paul sat on the other sofa and Beau sat next to him, then Mum sat on the sofa opposite, I was sat on the sofa in-between them directly facing the TV, and Jai came and sat next to me. I groaned slightly as Jai sat down causing the sofa to change level moving my ribs.

“You okay Luke?” Mum asked quickly

“Yeah” I said quietly.

Mum left to get make some coffee’s so Uncle Paul talked to Beau and Jai. Mum finally came back in and handed everyone a coffee. I kept my eyes on the mug so I didn’t have to talk. Mum started asking things about Uncle Paul and then he, it turn asked about Mum. He talked to Beau about his acting and asked Jai how he was getting on with his football, and then he came to me.

“And Luke, what is it exactly you’ve been getting up to?” He asked with that tone in his voice.

I didn’t answer so Mum answered for me.

“Luke’s been doing really well at school with media” Mum said, just trying to not make me sound like a waste of space.

“Oh, that’s good then” He said.

“Oh I still need to set your bed up, Beau you’re moving in with Luke and Jai tonight, come and help move your things.” Mum said

“No let me” Uncle Paul said getting up.

“No, no, I bet you’re tired from the drive up” Mum said leaving with Beau.

“JAI COME AND PICK YOUR UNIFORM UP” Mum shouted from our room. Jai got up and left leaving me alone with Paul.

“Well Luke, looks like the tables have turned doesn’t it” He said looking at me, I refused to make eye contact with him and continued to look at my mug.

“It’s not your Mum who’s the poor defenceless one, now it’s you. Not so tough now are you kid. Stopped beating your brother up? Stopped being such a shit to your Mum? She hasn’t rung me in tears about your behaviour in a while.” He snarled

“Not even going to look at me? Is the tough little guy stuck all helpless in bed?” He said coming closer to me.

“LOOK AT ME WHILE I’M TALKING TO YOU” He growled, I refused to look up from my mug.

All of a sudden he grabbed me to get him to talk to me, but grabbed my ribs. I pulled away in pain and whacked his arm against my ribs.

I couldn’t help but shout out in pain, he jumped back as soon as I did. It hurt so bad I couldn’t hold back the tears as much as I wanted to, I didn’t want him to see me cry.

“Jesus Luke I didn’t hurt you that much” He said sounding scared.

I curled up in a ball and sobbed because it was so bad, I felt him re-break at least 9 of my ribs.

“Luke stop, your Mum’ll hear” He begged

“Okay, you win, just stop” He said but I couldn’t

“GINA” He shouted, my Mum walked in but as soon as she saw me she ran over.

“Luke? What’s wrong” She asked worriedly as she gently placed her hand on my back. I said nothing so she turned to my Uncle,

“Paul?” She asked

“I don’t know, one minute we were talking, and the next he was like this” He lied

“Yeah I laughed too hard” I managed to get out through the pain.

Mum wiped away my tears with a tissue and helped me sit up.

“See, don’t you feel better now” She said gesturing to the tissue she was holding damp with my tears.

“No” I replied

 She didn’t reply she simply took me through to my room and put me into Jai’s bed. There was a small camp bed set up on the floor for Beau.

“Sleep here tonight, you’re not going up that ladder.” Mum said.

Jai walked in behind her and climbed up the ladder.

Mum said night to both of us then left, turning the light off and closing the door behind her.

I lay there a while watching the TV that Mum had left on. It wasn’t long before I heard Jai’s snores from above me.

The door opened and Beau came in and got into the little camp bed. He didn’t react to the TV; he simply turned away from it and went to sleep.

I watched TV all night as I couldn’t really sleep.


In the morning Jai was the first one to get up as he had school.

 He got up and left and was shortly followed by Beau leaving for work.

Uncle Paul went to go and visit Nonna and Nonno after breakfast so it was just Mum and I on the sofa.

Mum got up because there was a knock on the door. I heard raised voices so I turned around and the next thing I saw was two policemen walk into the living room. One put handcuffs on me and then pulled me up.

“Luke Brooks you are under arrest for the murder of William Benson, you do not have to say anything, but anything you say can be used in court as evidence against you”

“Mum?” What’s going on?” I asked, I was really scared. I hadn’t done anything.

“He hasn’t left the house for ages, he just came out of hospital” Mum said desperately, tear were flowing down her face. As I was taken outside I saw my uncle stood there, he had just gotten out of the car but was stood there looking surprised.

They opened the car and shoved me in the back.


I’d never felt so scared in my life. I was currently sat in a prison cell by myself. There was a small bed that I was sat on and a toilet and sink in the corner. The big window had bars on so I couldn’t look out, and the big metal door’s window was also closed.

I’d been there a couple of hours when someone opened the door. They put handcuffs on me and said they were taking me to a young offenders unit, until I could be put on trial.

I was put in the back of a police van and they drove me away.  I knew Jake had done this; he’d probably got angry at Will then decided to frame me as he probably knew I wanted to leave the gang.



“Luke, its time” One of the officers who was supervising me said. I slowly got up and followed them into the courtroom. As I walked I checked my suit and tie but it was hard to do this as I was handcuffed. I walked into the court room and everyone stared. I was put into a little stall in the corner with bars around and the door was locked after I went in, my handcuffs were left on.

Everyone took their places, but my Mum, Jai and Beau weren’t here.

I watched nervously as the evidence against me was presented then my lawyer tried to argue my defence. I was scared as hell, if I go down for this I’ll be in prison for at least 20 years for something I hadn’t done.

Apparently the knife Will had been fatally stabbed with had my DNA on and my fingerprints were also around the body.

The defence was mainly doctor’s notes saying I wasn’t fit to leave the house, let alone get in a fight. There were a few witnesses saying they hadn’t seen me around the crime scene on the night.

Once all the evidence had been heard the judge made a decision.

“NOT GUILTY” He boomed and slammed his mallet down.

I sighed in relief. I got let out of the court room and was taken to the centre to get my things.  I collected my things and walked outside, where I was told Mum would be there, but she wasn’t. I waited and waited but she never showed up.

I walked off when it started to get dark. I had no clue where I was. I eventually found a train station. There was a train going from here to Glenroy.

I was about to get a ticket but I had my uncle’s words echoing in my head the whole time.

What if he was right?

My Mum didn’t even show up to a visit.

She didn’t come today either.

What was the point in going home? My uncle was right; I’d made Mum and Jai’s lives hell.

No, I’m not going back. If my Mum really wanted me back she would have showed up.

She probably only looked after me because she felt sorry for me and couldn’t wait to get rid of me.

I didn’t know where to go.

I had $500 as compensation for being wrongly accused, so I could use that.

I went up to the ticket desk and asked them what the next train was. It went to the other side of Australia so I bought a ticket.

I got on that train and I never looked back.

There’s a really long epilogue coming up so I’m not really sure if it’s an epilogue or a really long chapter, I might do it in two parts though.

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