Jelsa One-Shots

By Casey1416

8.6K 296 11

These are just short stories that I write sometimes. I won't have a regular schedule for updating, I just wil... More

Maybe Later
Paper Air Planes
Bad Pickup Lines
Best Pickup Line
Teacher's Ship Too
Didn't Think You'd Say Yes
Unexpected Date
Whoops: I Love You
Build- ❤️- Bear
Steal The Bra
Worth It
Meeting With The Boss
Ice Cream Education
'Pop'ing The Question
Meeting Jack Frost
Sorry You Deserved It
First Impressions
Rolls Have Been Swapped

Drunken confession

305 10 0
By Casey1416

Elsa was binge watching her favorite show, 'Gotham' and eating ice cream while snuggled up under a big fuzzy blanket. It was nights like these that she was glad she moved out to live on her own. However, she did still miss her sister, and always would. Season 2 had just started when loud banging on the door disturbed her. She grumbled in irritation, not like to be interrupted while watching her show. Who would even be here at this time of night?

Elsa groaned and stood up from her comfy couch, pausing the show. She walked over to the front door and with a yawn, opened it. She blinked a few times at the sight before her. Jack Frost, her biggest enemy, and bully in both high school and college was standing on her porch looking like shit. She had always hated him for the things he did to her but was forced to see him every once in a while, as he was friends with Hiccup, her best friend.

"Jack, what are you doing here?" She asked and placed her hands on her hips. He smiled at her and took a sip from the bottle in his hand. She gasped and snatched the bottle from him.

"Hey! G-hic!- Give twat back!" he slurred his words and stumbled to the side slightly. She may not like him, but she wasn't going to let him kill himself.

"Jack, this is Everclear! How are you not dead?!" She asks and closes the less than halfway gone bottle. He smirks a little and pushes past her, stumbling into her house. "Jack what are you doing?" She asks in irritation and closes the door, knowing she cant let him wander around drunk as shit.

"Walllking into yyour house, and shitting on your couch. Was does it look like?" Elsa ran over to the couch, make sure he isn't actually shitting on her couch and that he just messed up the word 'sitting'. Thankfully, he was just flopped over on it. With a long sigh, Elsa walked to the downstairs closet to get a blanket and pillow. She shuffled back over to the couch and threw them at Jack's face. Looking back and forth between the t.v with her paused show and Jack making himself comfy on her couch, she decided to finish the episode and then go to bed.

"Move your drunk lazy ass I want to finish my show," she said and shoved Jack to the side, squishing his face as she pushed on it. Reluctantly, she sat next to him and started her show. The more she watched, the more she forgot about Jack, and the more oblivious she was to the fact he was moving closer and closer to her.

Soon enough, he was right next to her. Still totally clueless about how close he was, Elsa leaned forward in her seat as the action was starting in the show. Of course, when does 'Gotham' not have action? Jack slowly moved his arm around Elsa's wait.

"What are you doing?!" She yelled out and tried to stand but he kept her down. He yanked on her waist and flipped them so she was now laying on the couch and he was hovering over her. "Jack get the fuck off of me!" she squirmed in an attempt to get away from him. Was he going to rape her?

"Calm the fuck down Els," he said in a low, slightly sexy tone. He pinned her arms above her and she could smell the alcohol on his breath and clothes. He smelled of vodka, smoke, and sweat. Gross. She continued to wiggle underneath him but he kept a tight grip on her hands. "Elsa. Calm do-Hic!-down," he said and cleared his throat. She finally stopped squirming and looked up into his bright blue eyes. His lips curled into a smile as he leaned down.

"Jack, please. Why are you doing this? We hate each other!" She said and twisted her head away from him, causing his cool lips to touch her cheek. He pulled back and she looked back at him.

"I'm an asshole to you, because..." he looked into her eyes, his undrunken self-was screaming in his head to stop now but he didn't listen. Jack didn't normally listen to anything he was told but drunk him... Well, that's another story entirely. Ignoring the little voice in his head to shut the fuck, he continued to speak.
"I really realllyyyy like you Elsa. And I don't know how to express my feelings. They scare me, so I'm a jerk to you instead. I-I felt bad but you were a bitch right back, so I kept it up." He said, still slurring his words but was doing a lot better than when he had first gotten there.

Elsa stared up at him in shock. This, she did not expect. Not at all. When that guy she hated, who hated her back, showed up on her doorstep at almost 3 in the moring she did not think he would confess that he has a huge crush on her, or that she would realize her feelings for him. Not that she has... yet.  She blinked a few times, snapping out of her daze. She looked away from Jack, not sure what to do.

"Get off of me." She whispered. Jack bit his lip and fell back on the couch, allowing Elsa to sit up. She moved away form him and brought her knees to her face, resting her face on them. Slowly, she rocked back and forth, trying to process this new information. Jack sat quietly, nervously playing with his fingers, shirt, pants, anything to keep him from looking like he was freaking out. Even being this drunk, he now knew that this was a horrible idea and that he needed to leave. He hoped that she would just think it was the alcohol talking and not him.

Jack sighed loudly and stood up, wobbling to the side a little. He cleared his throat and ran a hand through his fluffy white hair. Leaning down, he placed a small kiss on Elsa's head, not even thinking about what would happen, or the fact that it was an idiotic move. Elsa looked up, rather startled at what he had just done. He smiled slightly but tried to make it look like a smirk. Maybe if he acted like a total dick before he left, she would think he was just messing with her. That didn't seem like the wisest choice either.

"I should get going." He said and stuck his hands in his pockets. "Thanks for letting me stay here for a little bit." And with that, he stumbled over to the front door and fell against it. A small voice came from the living room and it brought a small smirk to his face.

"You can't leave Jack," Elsa said and walked over to him. Her face was red and her arms were crossed. She was never a shy girl. More loud and crazy, also a bitch on occasion. But never without good reason, that reason usually being Jack.  He turned to face Elsa and with a grin, he replied.

"And why not? Would you mis-" He was a little shocked when Elsa cut him off. Yes, this was normal, but just a few seconds ago, she was being all quiet and shy. Now she was being loud and bossy again out of nowhere.

"Shut up Jackson. I don't have time for this stupid bullshit. I'm not asking you to stay, I'm telling you. And I'm not doing it because I give a shit, I'm doing it because you will die if you live right now! And I don't want that guild on my conscious. So stop your stupid shit and go get on the couch." she was fuming and neither of them really knew why. The answer to that question became clear to only one of them as she continued her yelling. "I don't know if what you just said was true, or if you were just being a drunk asshole. But either way, you cant just say something like that, and then leave!" Her breath hitched a little at her own words. Why did she care? She shouldn't care. She hates him, so why would it matter if he was just joking about liking her?

"I'll be fine, no need to worry honey," he said in a mocking tone. Ignoring the hurt feeling he felt at her outburst, he turned back to the door and opened it. Once again, he was startled when Elsa slammed her hand on the door, shutting it. He gave an irritated look at her actions and crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. "Let me leave Elsa. I'll be fine, this isn't my first time being drunk. Besides, why do YOU care so much about my well being?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. Now he was just pissed, she couldn't just hold him hostage like this.

"No, you can't leave. Yes, trust me I know it isn't your first time being drunk. And I don't care! Don't you listen to anything? I just don't want you to die, that's not caring about your well being." She said, knowing that yes, that was considered caring. He rolled his eyes at her and sighed. "Look, just go sleep on the couch, you can leave as soon as I go to bed but if you die, it's not my fault." She said and stormed away to the kitchen. She needed chocolate, and she needed it now.

Jack sighed, pushing off of the wall, he followed Elsa to the kitchen. He saw her violently eating a giant bar of milk cholate. He couldn't help but smile at the sight. But he also felt a little guilty. He knew that she only did this when she was stressed and upset. Uh... he doesn't know that for any reason in particular if you were wondering. He sat down in front of her and she turned away from him.

"I'm sorry?" he says. Elsa rolls her eyes and sets down the chocolate, looking Jack right in the eyes. He shifted a little unconformably and tried to stare right back. He flinched a little when she spoke. He could tell that she was even more upset then before if that was even possible.

"Was that a question? Or an actual apology? Because of it was an apology, shit do you suck at them." she said with a raised eyebrow. She licked her teeth and bit her tongue lightly, an unconscious thing she does when she's mad, Jack noticed. Tapping her fingers on the table impatiently, Elsa was only getting more upset. But whether or not she was mad at Jack for being an idiot, or the fact she wasn't sure if he was serious about liking her, she still didn't know. And didn't want to know the answer. Jack sighed.

"I'm sorry," he said more firmly. Elsa looked away from him and let out a small sigh. She was trying hard to calm down, but looking at him was doing the opposite.

"Do you actually like me? Or was that you just messing with me?" She asked quietly, still not looking at him. Jack thought for a moment before he answered. On one hand, if he told her the truth, his secret would be out, but she wouldn't;t be upset anymore. Maybe, that is. On the other, if he lied, she would possibly be even madder, but his secret would be safe. He groaned at the impossible mission he was facing.

"I actually like you, Elsa," he said quickly before he could stop himself. Heat rushed to his face as Elsa finally looked at him again. He knew she didn't feel the same way-who would with the way he treats her?- But it still hurt when she was silent. It also felt good to get that off of his chest. Damn! This whole liking someone business is rough!

"Jack..." she said softly. He hummed his response and rested his head in his cold hands. Elsa swallowed and sat up straighter than before, pushing her chocolate aside. "You can leave if you want, I'm going to bed." She said and stood up. Jack's head shot from his hands and he looked at her.

"Look, I know you don't feel the same way, but the least you could do is consider it instead of walking away!" he yelled as she walked away to the steps. Jack stood from his seat and ran after her. She was halfway up the steps and he ran up a few to grab her arm. "Elsa please!" He yelled and yanked on her arm. She turned around and had tears in her eyes. "Elsa, if you won't give me a chance, then say it. Just come out and say that you hate me. It will be hard, but I'll understand." he said.

"I cant tell you that." she croaked out. Jack looked at her in confusion and walked further up the steps, now on step two down from the one she was on. His eyes almost level with hers because of his height.

"Why not?" He finally asked. Elsa wiped her eyes with a hand, getting rid of the tears before they could fall. "Why not Elsa?" Jack asked again.

"Because I love you dammit!"

How is it? I like this one, I just thought of it the other day and had fun writing it. Over 2,000 words, sooo... yeah alright. Love you guys!


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