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Elsa, Anna, and their parents went out to dinner one night. Elsa had moved out 2 years before, but she wanted to catch up with her family. The restaurant they went to had a bar, so after a little bit, they all went to sit at the bar. The bartender was really nice and kept telling jokes, making everyone laugh. Elsas went to the bathroom with Anna and before she could do anything, Anna stopped her.

"He's flirting with you," Anna said. Elsa gave a small laugh.

"Who? The bartender? No way, he's just being nice." Elsa said and rolled her eyes. Anna laughed loudly.

"Are you blind?! He was hardcore flirting with you."

"Whatever, I have to pee." Anna shook her head left the bathroom. Once Elsa was done, she found her family back at their table.

"I'm gonna get us a few more drinks and then I'll be right back," Elsa says as she walks past her family. Elsa walks up to the cute bartender and smiles at him. He smiles back and leans on the counter.

"What can I get you Miss?" he asks.

"Ah, don't call me Miss, I'm not that old." He laughed at her.

"What should I call you then?"

"Elsa," she said with a sweet smile.

"Jack. Now, what can I get you, Elsa." Elsa thought for a moment. What did her family like? Apparently, she wasn't paying attention to what everyone had gotten before. Cheryl temple for Anna obviously since she can't drink yet, but what about her parents. Jack noticed that she wasn't sure what to get. "How about a Blue Hawian for your mom, Bud-Light for your dad, Shirley Temple for you sister, and a chocolate Martine for you?" Elsa gave a small laugh.

"Guess you know my family better then I do." She chuckled and Jack grinned.

"It's my job to know what people want." He winked at Elsa and turned away to make the drinks.

"Keep the flirtation up Else you can do it!" Anna called out. Elsa went red and she turned around to glare dagger at her sister. When she turned back, Jack was smirking at her and put her Martine dow, then going to make the next drink. Elsa mumbled a 'Thank you' to Jack and took a big sip of her drink. Once the drinks were made, Elsa pulled out her wallet to pay but Jack stopped her.

"I got it covered." He said and took out his own wallet.

"What?! No, you can't! I mean uh... you can, but you don't have to!" Elsa stammered out, making Jack laugh.

"Relax, its fine." Elsa stared at him for a moment before looking down at the drinks.

"Thank you, Jack," she said and picked up all of the drinks.

"No problem, Els." Elsa walked back to the table and set the drinks down in front of her family. She plunked down in her seat and took another big sip of her drink.

~ ~ ~

"Elsa come on, write your number down!" Anna yelled at Elsa.

"Why? It's not like he'll use it." Elsa countered. Anna rolled her eyes.

"Trust me, he will." their mother said and walked out of the restaurant with their father.

"See? Even mom ships you two." Elsa groaned and took out a pen, writing her number down on a napkin.

"There, happy?" Elsa went to walk away but was pulled back by her sister. "What now?!"

"You have to give it to him Els, otherwise he'll never see it." She mumbled a few things under her breath and took the napkin, walking over to Jack. As she walked, she folded it into a little square.

"You umm... Dropped this." Elsa said and put the folded up napkin on the counter before quickly walking away. Before she was out the door, Jack called out to her.

"Thank you, this is important to me. I was afraid I would lose it." Elsa smirked slightly, which Jack noticed, and walked out the door. 

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