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Jack, Kristoff, and Flynn were all at Hiccup's house playing truth or dare. The boys have had to eat ketchup from the bottle, have eggs thrown at them, run around outside screaming 'The end is Nye!' and many more. Embarrassing each other was something they just loved to do.

"Alright, your turn Hic," Jack said, rubbing his hands together, a malicious smile spreading across his face. "You have to Kiss Merida the next to you see her," Jack said. Hiccup flushed and shook his head.

"W-what? Why?" Hiccup said, biting the inside of his cheek. all the boys rolled their eyes at the freckled brunette.

"Oh come on Hic, we aren't dumb," Flynn said.

"Yeah, it's obvious you're into her," Kristoff said and slapped Hic's back. "I'm pretty sure she likes you back, from the way Anna talks, Merida likes you." Hiccup shook his head again in denial.

"Ok, one, I don't like her! Two, it's Anna, if she likes the idea of two people together she won't stop until they end up together." The boys had to nod their agreement at that.

"It doesn't matter, you have to do the dare. My turn now!" Jack said and wiggled in seat excitedly.

"Tru-" Jack cut off Hiccup before he could say 'truth'

"Dare! you should know that by now." The white-haired boy said impatiently. Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I dare you to-" He was once again cut off by the sound of the doorbell. "I'll get it." he groaned and stood up, walking out of the living room and to the front door. He opened it and raised an eyebrow. Before the person could say anything, Hiccup slammed the door shut and grinned widely. He made his way back to the group and tapped Jack's shoulder.

"Who was it?" Flynn asks.

"Hans. Didn't give him a chance to say anything because I got your dare, Jack. Go open the door without your pants, or boxers, on. That should get him to leave us alone." Hiccup smiled. Jack laughed and stood up.

"No problem. My size will scare away for sure." He said in a cocky tone. Hiccup smiled and the other boys walked up to him.

"What are you planning?" Kristoff asks with a raised eyebrow.

'You'll see. Now come on, you aren't gonna wanna miss this." he said and then ran after Jack. The boys watched as Jack stripped his pants and then boxers.

'Might as well go all the way." Jack said and pulled off his shirt. Hiccup nudged Flynn.

"Get your phone out, we need to remember this moment forever." He whispered. Flynn was confused but took out his phone and started recording.

"Here we go!" Jack opened the door and put his hands on his hips, a grin on his face and his eyes closed. "Go away, Hans! Is this scary enough for yo- Ahh!" Jack slammed the door closed and looked at Hiccup, his face heating up to the color of Flynn's shirt. Which was very red. "That... Is not... Hans!" He yelled and put his boxers and pants back on.

Crossing his arms, he turned from the other boys. Hiccup was dying of laughter, but the other boys were still confused. Flynn, with his phone, still recording, walked over and opened up the door.

What he found, was hilarious. A very red, very uncomfortable looking Elsa, stood before him. She was playing with the hem of her shirt and looking down at her feet. She bit her lip slightly.

"Hiccup, you are a genius!" Flynn laughed. Kristoff walked over and started laughing as well when he saw.

"I hate you all!" Jack's voice came from the living room.

"No, you don't! And neither does Elsa. Did you like what you saw?" Hiccups ask with a grin. Elsa's eyes widened.

"N-No! I-i just, I came to, I..." she stumbled over her words and tried to get the image of Jack's... impressive... his junk, from her memory. Nothing was working, however, and the more she thought about it, the redder her face became.

"Jack! get your ass over here and talk to her!" Flynn called out and then disappeared to find him. Jack was sitting on the floor of the living room, curled up in a ball. "Come on, it'll just get more and more awkward the longer you wait to talk about it." He said and dragged Jack to the front door. Once there, he made Jack stand up and pushed him out the door.

"Have fun!" the boys called out and shut the door, locking it. Jack wanted to murder them over and over again at the moment but was too embarrassed to do anything at the moment.

"I uh... I'm really sorry about that. Hic told me it was Hans." Jack said awkwardly and looked through his white hair at Elsa. She cleared her throat and swiped her hair from her face, finally looking up.

"It's fine. I looked away right away, so I didn't really see too much." she lied. To be honest, she could stop looking at it. Not because she was a perv or anything, but just because she was so shocked that she couldn't look away. She couldn't move at all.

"Kiss her!" The boy's voices came from inside the house. Jack frowned and looked down again. Elsa started laughing, making Jack look at her.

"What?' he asked, but couldn't help smiling too. Her smile was just so contagious.

"Its nothing just. I came here to do a dare that the girls gave me." she laughed and fell against the front door for support. Jack raised an eyebrow now very curious.

"What was the dare?" he asked.

"To do this," Elsa said and then lifted up her shirt, exposing her breasts. Jack gasped a little and closed his eyes, but opened one just a little to keep looking. Just from curiosity since she wasn't wearing a bra. Elsa tugged her shirt back down and smiled shyly. Jack opened his eyes fully and stared at her.

"Guess we're even now?" he asked and Elsa nodded.

"Yeah, well I have to go now," Elsa said and walked down the steps that came up to the house. She suddenly felt more confident and couldn't help but tease a little. "By the way, you've got an impressive size!" She called out and then ran away down the sidewalk, her house only being on the other street. Jack stood in shock for a moment before a grin appeared on his face. Maybe he won't kill the boys after all.

"Just beat the shit out of them"


I really hope this works. I've been battling with my laptop all day😒😒

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