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Elsa danced to the beat of the music, moving her hips back and forth. She was on her 5th drink and was more than a little tipsy, but still in her right state of mind...mostly. When the song was over, she walked back to the bar and was about to order another drink, when she saw a slightly attractive man staring at her.

He walked up to her and slapped her ass. Any thought of even kissing the guy left her mind and she punched him in the jaw. He went flying and landed at the feet of a tall man with white hair and blue eyes. He smiled down at the man on the floor and stepped over him, walking over to Elsa.

"I swear if you try to hit my ass too-" The man laughed and shook his head.

"I wouldn't do that, even if I'm a bit drunk. Hans is a jerk though, glad you could teach him a lesson. I'm Jack." the man said and stuck out his hand, wobbling a little in the process. Elsa took hand cautiously and shook it.

"Elsa. Now, I need another drink." She said and turned back to the bartender. "I'll have a Blue Balls please." She slurred her words slightly and stumbled to the side, hitting the chest of Jack who was laughing at the name.

"Make that two, put it on my tab," Jack said. Elsa smiled at Jack and pat his chest.

"That was nice. I like you. You're a nice guy." Elsa said and giggled, the full effect of her previous drink finally taking full power over her. Jack laughed at her and took a sip of his drink that had just been set down in front of him. The name was still weird, but it tasted good. Elsa had good taste in drinks.

~ ~ ~

Jack and Elsa had been dancing and drinking all night, having a great time and getting to know each other better. Not that they would remember anything they learned about each other in the morning. Jack fumbled with his keys before finally unlocking the door to his apartment. As soon as the door was closed, Jack pinned Elsa to the wall and started kissing her. Elsa started to mess with the zipper on his pants as he did the same with the zipper on her dress.

Jack managed to unzip the back of her dress and it fell down to the floor, leaving her in nothing but her undergarments. Jack smiled at her lips as he felt her still having trouble with his pant. He picked her up bridal style and carried her to his bedroom, kicking the door closed with his foot.

Jack dropped Elsa onto his bed and undid his pants, pulling them down along with his boxers before crawling over Elsa and kissing her again. His hand traveled down, skimming across her stomach lightly and she gasped when they got to her lower area.

"You sure you want this?" Jack asked, knowing they were both drunk. She nodded her head and Jack slipped his hand into her panties. "Then let's have some fun." He whispered into her ear.

~ ~ ~

Elsa woke up with a horrible headache. She looked around the room she was in and saw it was unfamiliar. She turned on the bed and saw a place must muscular chest. She looked up to see fluffy white hair, covering the face of Jack. She didn't remember much of last night, but she knew it was amazing. However, it was just a one-night stand and she needed to get out of here. She didn't want him to freak out when he saw that she was still here.

Elsa sat up and put her bra and panties back on. She looked for her dress but didn't find it in the room she was currently in. She stood up and went to walk away, out of the room, when something tugged on her hand. Elsa looked down and saw that Jack had a hold of her hand, keeping her from walking away.

She was about to apologize for still being here when he said one word. One simple word that melted her heart and made her crawl back into bed and cuddle up next to him.



This is shitty. And I could've sworn I had already posted this story but it wasn't showing that I had. Oh well. Also, I need ideas. I've got a few more, but I'm running out. If you have any suggestions...? I'd love to write them for you...


Jelsa One-ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin