By Temiashmar

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Daniella Smith a 17years old high school students is in her final year in "Middle high school"she meets Max a... More

3-Missing my Twin Brother.
4-New faces.
5-Bro is back.
9-The person.
10-The party.
11-The show.
12-True life.
13-Morning show.
17-First time.
18-Thoughts and party.
19-New year party and Love.
20-James lesson.
21-A new story
22-Amelia's back
25-Why do I have to miss you?
27-Hang out.
28-2days to Prom.
29-The day.
33-That night.
34-Its good you know...
35-Who could it be,What could have happened?
36-We both
38-Game time
Author's Note
40.Travel back.
42.Bro talk.
43.Confession and new plan.
44.Cindy's plan.
45.Succesful plan.
46.Confession time.
Author's note
49.Sam's closeness
50.Sam and Austin


28 8 0
By Temiashmar

"It all started like this...."

Flash forward..

"During the time that Mrs Smith was pregnant,there was this woman named Deborah,she was also pregnant at the same time with you.Do you remember when you two came for a check up and I told you that you were pregnant with more than a child that it's not yet confirmed?Yes it was true that you were pregnant with more than a child but I kept it a secret by lying to you that it's not yet confirmed whether it was two or more,so that I could plan with Mrs Deborah.When Mrs Deborah found out that she's carrying a baby girl and she knew her husband won't accept a baby girl but a baby boy,she decided that Mrs Smith pregnancy was her only help when I told her that I just attended to you and that you were carrying more than a child,she bribed me to continue lying to you or I should even say that you were carrying twins but not triplets and that was what I was doing,I lied that you had twins.

Hmmm...during the deliverance time,it happened that the both of you were delivering at the same time.As for me I was lucky that day because it was at the same time you were delivering.When Deborah delivered her baby girl,within three minutes on earth the child gave up the ghost,but she didn't care since I was planning to exchange your third baby boy to make him her son, you were only aware of having twins and not triplets,so you didn't have a slight idea of what was happening.

After a week of the incident,Mrs Deborah died and the child was left abandoned so I decided to adopt him as my son since I felt guilty of everything.I was the one that named him,took care of him and hid the secret all this while.

"So as we are all sitted I would like to tell you the truth of who James is....."

Mr and Mrs Smith,James is your son,The third child you bore.James is
your biological son,Mr Smith.He was illegally taken from you.And to be honest,it was I,I Mr George Cyrus​,who illegally made the deal with Deborah.Im really sorry."he closed his palms together and plead."So-sorry for attempting to do the job,I was just so desperate for the money that's why I agreed on the illegal plan of taking one of your child.I-I'm really disappointed in my self."Mr George said while he bowed his head and made himself look humble.

Everyone's mouth were wide open,they all looked astonished including James,but I wasn't,I knew there was something fishy,I had the feeling......okay okay now back to reality.

I looked at everyone and then I felt a huge load on my back as I speak."So tell me Mr George."I looked up at him and cleared my throat."after the incident of the death of Deborah,Why didn't you care to tell my parents about this?"I asked in respect.

"Well......I felt that if I had come to your parents and give them a week child and told them it was theirs,how will they have felt or reacted?..........I'm sure they would have consider me mad,you know?I mean totally insane,I coming to dump a child at their entrance just like that,and you expect anyone to accept and say;ohh thank you sir,you did a great job by bringing an unknown child for us to take care of.......that's not making sense."he said with an innocent and regretful look.

"Hmmm,I really don't get why you kept this secret for over 17years now,and besides you would have reduced your burden a little by making his parents know that his least his a teen now,he knows how to think and make certain decisions in his life.........So tell me do you have any child?Are you a single Man?And ar....."

"Actually I have a 7years old boy,and I have a wife which I have been married to for the past 6years now....and now it's in the past,I know I made a mistake but I hope it's not to late to correct it.You can go for a DNA test if you are not yet convinced that he is your son."He said not making me to finish asking my complete questions.

" Mom and Dad....what do you have to say about this?"I asked my parents.

My mom started crying,(I think it was a cry of joy)she came closer to James and hugged him with a motherly hug then my Dad came closer and hugged the both of them completely.I was about crying when Daniel came to my side and hugged me with an huge heart.I can't believe that James is my brother,this world is small that nothing is hidden.I just can't believe this is happening.

"James,your true name is James Smith but not Cyrus,nevertheless you can still bear the surname Cyrus,that's if you don't mind,your still my son, and you will forever be,okay.....and please don't be angry at your biological parents,for they did not know anything about having a third child,so please my son."he touched James shoulder,"please accept them,and respect them as a true son that I have brought up."

"Hmmm"James let out a loud breath and cleared his little tears"Thanks Mr Cyrus.....Mr and Mrs Smith,I'm really glad that you easily accepted me and you didn't deny me.You don't know how you make me the happiest person on earth by knowing my biological parents.Mr Cyrus I'm supposed to be really angry at you now,but because you confessed to us,then I'll have to forgive you."he said while wiping his tears.

"My son,James I love you......"my mom said to James.

"Ahnn!"Pheobe gave out a cute expression.

"I love you more Mom and Dad."he said with a warm smile.

"Okay son,you need to park your belongings and start staying with us as from today on."My Dad said to James.

"No Dad, I'll still prefer to stay with my friends,but I'll still come for visit and sometimes sleep over,but today count me in for a sleep over,I'll like to spend the remaining day with all of you....."he said with a smile.

"Okay son,or should I say sons and daughter,your mother and I will have to go and sort out something..."Dad said.

"Yes I'll have to leave too."Mr George said checking the time on his wrist watch.

"Stay a little Doc,this house is yours as yours is mine."I said to Mr George.

"Sorry dear,I have work tomorrow,so I need to go rest for tomorrow."Mr George explained.

"Oh okay it's alright Dad.Go have some rest."James understood and I nodded my head in agreement.


"Bye."Everyone said.

"Okay Ella,We are going."Dad reminded me of what he said earlier.

"B-bbut Dad it's past 7 o'clock,isn't it late?"I asked with a low tone.

"No darling,we won't be late,we will soon be back."he said while using style to push my mom towards the door.

I was still standing beside Dan,when the room was just occupied with the four of us."Emmmm....."my eyes met James.Now what's next?

"Hhmmm!"Phoebe cleared her throat.So she was around all the time."I need to leave now,it's getting too late and my Dad is outside to take me home so...."Phoebe pecked me and kissed Dan then hugged James"so I'll need to leave,but by the way congrats for the good news,I hope we celebrate soon,take care can't wait to see your friends reaction."Phoebe winked at James while James gave her an high five.She kissed Dan."Bye Phoebe."I said then our eyes met again.

"Hey bro,welcome to the Smith family,you are highly welcomed."Dan distracted James.

"Yeah bro,can't believe I am actually a part of you guys now."they both laughed it out and gave a brotherly hug.

"Yeah bro,you have no idea how I wished I had a brother since and now luckily God blessed me with a twin brother,a brother that will have the same character as I have,guy guy!"Daniel spank's James flat stomach,while I giggled silently,it was funny on how James reacted,his eyebrows were just out of place."you need to see my room bro!.......don't worry we have an extra room that will be just for you,trust me it will be dope!you will enjoy us no worries."he assured James.

"Okay bro!Can't wait."James assured Dan."So Ella,tell me what do you have to say?"Dan asked while I still stand there looking like a dumbass.

"What do you mean?"I asked without moving.

"I mean aren't you happy you have two brothers now?How dou you feel Ella?"he poke me jokingly.

"Hey!stop."I said shyly.I couldn't resist laughing.

"Ella!"Oh my God James called me.

"Ella!"he came closer."thanks for making me know my true parents.I hope you accept me as your brother?"he asked touching my shoulders."And don't tell me this was the reason you stopped coming to my house to teach me?"he gave me a furious look while Dan was just there looking.

"I-I'm emmm I'm happy,but I'm a little bit shy,and yes that was the reason."I said while touching my throat trying to swallow my saliva.

James and Dan looked at each other and then at me again,and they started laughing,it was actually funny,I also laughed as well making the atmosphere cool.

"You guys are fun."James said in between the laughter."I can't believe I didn't noticed that for the start."

"Sure we are!Mr Jas."I said still laughing.

"Hey hey....wait wait."we all stopped laughing and Dan and I  looked for why James stopped us."Dan did you hear what Ella said?"Dan nodded"what?"Dan asked.

"Ella,you just gave me a nickname...."

"I did!?"I asked confused.

"Yeah,yeah you called me Jas!"

"Ohh Really?it's nothing!"I said while creating a laughing atmosphere and we started laughing again.


"Hey!we are back!"My Dad said,his hands were occupied with packs of pizza and my mom with a pack of cake and a bag of drinks.

"Party time!"My Mom yelled out.

"Yeah bros,it's party time."I said while winning my waist and heading to the television side switching on the TV and inserting a CD in the DVD player.

"Increase the volume Ella!"James said while eating with Dan.It was kinda late but we still didn't bother reducing the volume.

"Okay!"They really had the same character."Hey wait,wait I'm coming!don't finish the pizza guys!"I ran towards them.

"You better be quick babe."Jas said.

Hey!How did you see this chapter?was it surprising?yeah yeah I know what you are thinking.But that's how it goes,James is really a member of the Smith family.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask,I'll always be there to answer.Dont forget to vote and I'll continue to say Temi still loves you and will forever love you.

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