When We Met (Alex Aiono fanfi...

By musiclover700

9K 276 99

A music-obsessed girl meets her hero in London when going on a field trip with her class. Then during senior... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Visual Guide #1
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Best Day Today, Part 1
Chapter 31: Best Day Today, Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Sara's Birthday Surprise, Part 1
Chapter 35: Sara's Birthday Surprise, Part 2
Chapter 36: Sara's Birthday Party, Part 3
Visual Guide #2: Sara's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: The Salex Reunion
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: More Complicated Feelings, Part 1
Chapter 51: Complicated Feelings, Part 2
Visual Guide #3
Chapter 52: Complicated Feelings, Part 3
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Visual Guide #4
Chapter 59: Maya's Christmas Birthday ft. more feelings, Part 1
Chapter 60: Maya's Christmas Birthday ft. more feelings, part 2
Chapter 61
Chapter 62: New Years
Chapter 63
Chapter 64: Alex's Birthday ;)
Chapter 65: Almost At The End
Chapter 66: The End
Epilogue 1: Summer Surprise

Epilogue 2: One Big Change

88 1 2
By musiclover700

College wasn't really that bad..really. I mean Maya and I saw each other lot, Menry was still endgame, and I saw Alex over the weekends--and ofc we still texted. We've all came such a long way from just being in Charlotte...

--7 YEARS LATER-- (A/N: sorry for all these time jumps;)but it'll be worth it in the end;)

"Sis, guess what?!" Maya jumps in excitement.

"Ooh what?" I jump up and down with her.

"..Henry proposed," Maya shows me the diamond ring on her finger.

"Aww," I coo.

"You never know..maybe Alex will propose soon," Maya smirks.

"Eh maybe," I shrug. "I mean everyone's getting married..Ava and Tessa got married. And..Ava got pregnant..."

"They must really love each other," Maya smirks.

"Omg, you're so dirty," I giggle.

"Did they have a double wedding?" She asks.

I shake my head, sarcastically," No, they're best friends, but they refused."

Maya giggles," Just like us..if he does propose.."

I just shrug,"...we have been dating for a while now.."

"If you call 7 1/2 years awhile sure.." Maya playfully rolls her eyes.

"Fine, more than awhile," I chuckle.

"Anyways,  are you ready for the show tonight--oh right you're performing too!" Maya reminds me.

"No not this time. Aiono wanted to go solo," I try not to giggle.

"I GET IT!" Maya giggles.


"Where's Alex--isn't he suppose to be on the stage?" Maya asks.

"He's probably backstage, lemme check," I tell her.

"Maybe he's waiting for you," Henry suggests.

I laugh, as I get up to find Alex.


"I knew you were back here--why aren't you up there?" I ask Alex, who was standing there with his guitar.

"Relax, Sari. I'm going right now," he relaxingly says. "But I can see that you're almost about to die of happiness..what happened this time?" He asks, jokingly.

"MAYA's GETTING MARRIED!" I exclaim, giggling.

"Ooh that gives me an idea," Alex smirks. "Aand I better get going.."

"Good luck," I tell him.

"I won't need luck as long as your here.."

*flashback to Charlotte De-Tour Concert*

I run back to my seat, next to Maya, as Alex starts the show.

"Aww, I feel my Salex Hart filled with giggles," Maya jokes.

"Did something happen that you'd like to fill us in about?" Henry adds.

I shake my head and laugh," Nothing happened guys..Alex just has something last minute planned.."

"What if it's for Salex?" Menry choruses.

"I mean every show I come to, he does something special for me, so this can't be any different," I shrug with a smile.

"Maybe tonight's gonna be different.." Maya murmurs.



"So guys I was thinking of ending tonight with One Dance, like I always do. I was thinking of ending it with a different song..is that ok with y'all?" Alex asks the audience. Of course, the audience approves with cheering.

"I'mma warn you, it's a pretty old song...here's a special performance for my Sari," he introduces, as he signals me to come up onstage. I come up onstage and sit sit next to him.

(A/N: jk this isn't the real version..but it's so cute, so I included in this chapter;) the real song is down below;)

Please don't tell me you caught me staring glances, not like I didn't notice you looking back, Alex.

The audience's applause and cheering get my attention.

"Sarbear, I need to ask you something..and--you can answer anytime, I just gotta ask," he says, putting down his guitar and gets on his knees, getting out a diamond ring from his pocket. "Sara Wilson, will you marry me..?" 

I look around to see the audience crying, cheering, and shouting," Salex." Then I look straight forward to see Menry so happy.

I look back at Alex, who was smiling and looking into my eyes. 

"Alex, can I tell you after the show..I just don't wanna.." I shrug, looking at him.

"Of course," he says, getting up and puts the ring into his pocket, walking over to the mic. "Well Santa Ana, it was nice to perform for you..and looks like I'll be getting the answer in private..I promise I'll be back soon..goodnight and stay awesome--I love you!" He gets off stage, as everyone leaves.

I get off stage and find Menry still seating in their seats. 

"Aww, you wanted your alone proposal scene with Alex," Maya giggles.

"Speaking of," Henry signals to look behind me. 

I turn around to see Alex walking up to me.

I smile, as he takes out his diamond ring again. 

"Will you marry me, Sara Wilson?" He asks, as Menry walks out the exit.

Finally I can answer his question without any people around..

He looks into my eyes, as I look into his.

"We've been through so much. And over the past 7 1/2 years, my love for only grows," he adds. "Sara, I love you.."

I help him up, as his diamond ring falls into the palms of his hand. Our eyes met. 

"..yes," I finally answer.

"What?" He asks.

"Yes, Alex. I'll marry you," I repeat.

He giggles, as he picks up and starts spinning me in circles.

I can see Menry already creating wedding invites and planning the outfits and decor.

He finally puts me down, and we exchange smiles.



Me: i knew u guys never left

Maya: we couldnt help ourselves

Me: haha ik sis ik

Maya: good news is we can hv a double wedding 

Me: yass

"Double wedding means more food..I'm in!" Alex laughs.

"Oh don't worry. We'll make an extra huge cake just for Salex and Henry," I giggle.

"You're no fun, Sarica," he playfully crosses his arms.

"HA-HURR!" I yell in his face.

"And I thought you'd change after college," Alex murmurs.

"You were wrong..." I tell him.


"We are gathered here today to see not one but two unions unite," the clergy starts.

As the clergy goes on, Menry and Alex and I all exchange smiles.

"Now which union would kindly like to go first?" The clergy asks us.


"Take your vows," the clergy advises us.

"I'll go first," Henry offers. "Well I don't know where'd we be if it wasn't for you falling in my lap on the subway that day..I do know I'd miss out on the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful person in the world--also the best friend in the world. In other words, you got my hart, and I don't want it back, Maya Troutman." Henry states.

"I guess it's my turn now," Maya shrugs. "I know we've been through alot these past 7ish years, and it's my been a crazy ride. From the subway ride to that love triangle with Claire. But I'm glad we got through it..together," Maya finishes.

"Now for the moments of truth," the clergy chimes in. "Henry Phillips, do you take Ms. Troutman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

He nods," I do.."

"And do you, Maya Troutman take Mr. Phillips to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asks her.

She nods," I do.."

"You may kiss the bride.." He says, as Menry kiss.


"Well I'll start," Alex offers. "Well we've gone a long way, passed through many obstacles, but it was worth it. I remember that day in London up till today..and I know things wouldn't be the same without you in my life. You brighten up my day everyday, thank you," he finishes. (A/N: i know it's not very good)

Sara sighs," Ok..well. I agree, we've been through alot..but if I met anyone in London, then I'm glad it was you..you made high school less complex than it should be and my 4 years in college more enjoyable..thank you for that, Martinikins," Sara sighs.

The Clergy sighs, as he signals each of us to answer his question.

Alex nods," I do."

Then Sara nods," I do."

Alex and Sara exchange smiles.

"You may kiss the bride.." The clergy says, Sara and Alex kiss.


"I told you Salex was endgame," Maya tells me.

"And so is Menry," I remind her.

Alex smiles at me, while Henry's busy smiling at Maya.

"Did I mention I love you?" Alex asks, as Henry sits next to Maya, smirking.

"Yes, honey. From the day when we met," I giggle, as he kisses my cheek.


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