Chapter 7

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"This is Alex's last day here, right?" I asks, slamming my locker door shut.

Sara just gives me  a death stare.

"Aw, are you gonna miss your boyfriend?" I tease.

She just give her a glassy look, carrying her books to Spanish.

"Wait, you're still gonna be performing with them tonight, right?" I asks.

She nods, still showing the glassy look. "It's sad knowing that this is the last time we're gonna see each other," she sighs, holding the door for her.

"You never know, Fate might be nice," I say, setting her books down on the second desk in the front row.  I set my books down on the next desk, and let out a yawn.

"You ok there, Sara?" Alex chuckles.

"Ya, I'm fine, Mr. Aiono," she assures him.

"You were really tempted to call Mr. Spanish, I bet," I coo.

"Shut up," She roll her eyes.

"Ooh, tell me more," Ellie says, as I turn around to see her sitting in the desk behind me, followed by the squad next to her.

"I have nicknames for him you see," Sara starts. "Mr. YouTube, Spanish, 5million, 5.1million, 10million. YouTube, Martin."

"Aw, does he call you anything back?" Ally smirks.

Sara nods with a light laugh. "Um, Sarbear, Sari, Sar." I laugh to myself," Willy."

"Aww," Ally and Ellie chorus.

"I don't care how far apart you guys are, I ship it," I chime in.

"I still don't get the age difference," Diana asks, while everyone coos. "But isn't this Alex's last day in Charlotte..?"

I frown, turning around to face the board. Alex frowns at the sight of Sara.

"Ok, Class. As you know, today's my last day here," he frowns, and then nervously laughs," I noticed some of you enjoyed my company." The class nods along. "So let me tell you..It's a pleasure being able to teach you guys."

We smile. "So I'm sorry for this..but Ms. Smith wants to see how y'all are I have no choice," Alex trails off. "but to give you a..pop quiz," Alex says, throwing out test papers.

The class groans.

"But don't worry, it's not long," Alex informs.

Wow, you sure tried for your girlfriend, Mr. Aiono. This is so easy!

*Sara's POV*

I take a look at my sheet. 5 questions. You sure tried, Martin. All of this is so easy..ok, then it gets harder. Guess I should've actually studied.. Detective Ava, you win.

*Alex's POV*

Tonight's the show, and I can't wait for my surprise not just for Sara, but for the audience. And then there's the Why duet with Sari. Boy, tonight's gonna be a blast..but then I have to drop the Maryland bomb on Sari...


"Set your tests, and have a nice weekend, everyone!" I say, greeting everyone out the door.

I see Sara and her group out the door after everyone else. Probably wants to talk about the big show.

"Hey.." I start the conversation, looking at her.

"Hey," Sara smiles, as her group looks us at us weirdly.

"Let's leave these love birds before things get awkward," Ava says, dragging the group out of the room. Great, Ava. Now more awkward then ever.

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