Chapter 1

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I remember that trip to London like it was yesterday...someplace dark and gloomy like my soul. Ah the perfect place to shoot a music video--On Purpose & Question vibes. 

The trip was actually a field trip--a really EXPENSIVE fieldtrip, but you know it was worth it. It was sunny afternoon and we were roaming the streets of London..looking at the beautiful sights, people, and transportation. While the chaperone was guiding through the streets, I see my friends, Ava Hester and Tessa Jill, probably searching for Dan and Phil.

"Guys, where're  are you're gonna get lost," I try, running after them.

"Oh, that's our intension," Ava answers.

"Ya, what if we bump into Dan & Phil?!" Tessa squeals.

"Tessa, that's the plan, remember?" Ava reminds.

"Oh yaaa," Tessa remembers.

"Anyways, I'll leave you to it," I shrug nervously, turning around to face the group. Do I really wanna miss this opportunity to find the phone booth that Sabrina got rejected in?! This is could be my chance...and I heard Alex was filming Question close by too...looks like London is a place for opportunities..

After a nice 15 minutes, I finally found might not be the one, but it's one. I open the door and close it behind me, having no idea what to do next. I struggle to take the telephone out of the holder..I know, weak... I then see a middle aged man-very familiar outside of the booth, giving me a look and it looks like he's trying to tell me something. I open the door to see THE ALEX AIONO. He may not be Sabrina Carpenter, but he is my FAVORITE youtuber!

" need something..?"

"Well..It looks like you're having some trouble," Alex examines.

"You know..first time in London..," I say, opening the door for him.

"This is my first time too you know," he says, taking the telephone out of the holder.

"Wait, you're Alex Aiono, right?" I ask him. He hands me the phone.

"Yup, the one and only," he says, proudly.

"I love your covers, they're the best!" I compliment.

"Aw, thanks!" He thanks me, smiling at me.

I dial my mom's number, not expecting her to pick up or anything..please don't pick up.


Yessss, they didn't pick up! This is like On Purpose all over again!

I smile, looking through the glass squares on the door.

He sees the smile on my face, giving me a confused look. "Your happy that your parents didn't pick up?!" He says, crossing his arms.

"It's weird..I know. But this is just like in the On Purpose--one of Sabrina Carpenter's music videos--"

"Oh yeah, Sabrina, she's my homie," Alex sighs.

"Yup, you guys are touring right?" I ask with a curious nod.

"We are, soon," Alex corrects.

"Cool, I might see you guys in Charlotte," I inform him with a smile.

"No VIP for this teen?" He jokes.

"Sadly no," I frown. "And I'm not really a teen, more like young adult."

"Sorry ma'am," Alex tries to pull off Lucas.

"But I guess meeting you here's good," I relaxing nod.

You can't see it, Alex. But I'm screaming think I'm having a conversation with Alex Aiono, the best cover artist of all time!

" was nice meeting you...," he smiles, waiting for me to fill in his gap.

"Sara. Sara Wilson," I admit.

"I guess I'll be seeing you soon, Sara," Alex winks and he walks off.


--2 Months later--(NOW)

So the London trip was one of the best experiences in my Ditchwood life..we all got what we hoped for. Ava and Tessa got to meet Dan and Phil for 2nd time and I got see Alex for the first time..Ah, the good times.

But now it's back to school..and Spanish. Why couldn't I have took it last year. If I'm gonna pass this high school I should learn at least 1 language--like I can 2 languages in a year. 

"So Sara, you wanna study together. You know I'm actually ok with Spanish--I'm surprised that I'm passing Spanish, I suck at everything," Ava offers.

"I don't know..I'm just gonna go to the library after school and just read a textbook," I honestly answer with a shrug.

"Sure, but I'll be here," Ava reminds.

"I'll let you know when I need your services," I say, slamming my locker door, heading off to my first block, Math 1. Thank god I have Diana, Ellie, Abby, and the squad there..

After a couple classes, it's finally science..with Fate Squad. Ah, the flashbacks to 7th grade.. But it's way better..thanks to Danny, we have Ms. White Shades.

"Class, since today's my first day, you can sit where ever," Ms. White Shades announces. "But remember I have the power of moving you guys around."

"Mr. Lance said that same thing," Diana laughs, whispering over to Ellie who was sitting next to her.

"Ya, all he did was yell and give us detention for no reason," Ellie adds.

"Ms. Battleaxe was worse," Ally chimes in.

"'Cocaine all night'," I joke.

"Young lady, do you want detention on the first day..?" Ms. White Shades asks me, leaving me blushing. I shake my head no.

That was so close. I was so close to ending up with detention--causing everyone else detention, even worse. I'm no Ava Hester, Ms. Shady White Van.

So it was finally time to leave for home, and turns out fate did do something..dismissed us all at the same time.

I was about to approach the bus until I felt a tap on my shoulder. Ava.

"Yes, Ava...?" I ask her nervously.

"Sara, can I please tutor you. Tessa--"

"Anime binge fest..too busy..?" I ask. Ava nods her head.

"Fine," I say, agreeing to the tutoring.

We get in the car, and Ava takes a short cut to the library. When we get to the library, we see the top floor packed with bunch of seniors. 

"I think we should get downstairs. Where there are less people," I suggest.

"And where there are less Earls, Hanks, and Susans," Ava adds, grimacing at the people.

The minute we head the downstairs, we target two empty seats in a filled area, walking over there.

"I'm going to find some textbooks, I'll be back in few," Ava informs, heading to the shelves.

Great. Textbooks. Fun.

I then get a glimpse of a familiar looking middle aged guy---he looks like, it can't be. ALEX?!

I run up to him and call out and tap him on the shoulder," Alex?"

He turns around with a surprised face. "Sara...?" He asks.


"Sara..I got the textbooks. Am I interrupting anything..?" Ava asks, looking at me and Alex talking and having a awkward conversation.  

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